solo moto trip to Romania by Honda Transalp 600

solo moto trip to Romania by Honda Transalp 600

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hello everyone in my chanal Navkolo Svity when i done with Transalpina, i tiik the derection to the west to Romania-Serbian border in rented by Booking an appartment in Kragujevac for the night so i went there to spend the night and travel more you can see a nice places with woods, rivers, mountains i was riding and enjoyed this appartmet in renting all my stuff inside bedroom, one berdoom appartment balkony with view ....Serbia i wiil eat this shi/t and ride! i have to do 450km tooday because i rented an appartment in Budva for 3 nights OMG theu stiil use electric plugs, its stone era look, you say that the roads in Ukraine are bad highways are good, but in cities you often see this i havent see a lot in Serbia because i ride though for 24 hours but i noticed that there are not bad roads, nise mountains and low prices i rented an appartment for 10 and dinner in restaurant same 10$ time for lunch look at this view im going straight, thouhg that mountains again a new border, a new country i crossed this border quickly im came in Montenegro, pass a some kilometers and my motocycle off the enging itself i tried to start it, but it didnt want to then i saw that the hose was falling off the vacuum valve of the gas tank i put on the hose, bike started and we drove on it was only ones for all trip in Montenegro, heppened the most interesting with me i stopped out of the road for put on me some extra termo because it was evening i took of from me bag , wear closet and start moving! i passed about 200 meters and remembered that i forgot to put on my bag!!! i made a U-turn, came back but the bag was gone... in this bag was ALL my documents. my passport, moto passpots, driver licens, some money, photo cam, insurance... i serched for this bag, but could not find it so then i will go without documents hello my kittens ))) I decided to cald down and stay in Budva, Montenegro for some days so lets go to try water! raining... thits it... my chill end. i have to come back home tomorrow I start come back home.

my way wiil be though Serbia, Romania and then Ukrane look at this view. Amazing! very cool Im in process. Almost ready.... brougth all my stuf. sorting and packing things so, im in bad situation. i have no any documents but i neet to pass 4 countries!!!

so, what i did. I applied to the consulate(ambasada) in the capital of Montenegro there Ukrainian consul, a very good guy , a real professional made me a temporary passport also gave me a paper like a request for assistace, and that papers i showed on all borders there were no problems with Serbia, but Romania didnt want to let me in because i have not visa with me...crazy, because my lost passport was biometric with this passport i dont need visa, but it lost! they thought some time. checked me motorcycle in Interpol and then let me IN )))) on Ukrainian border was only chek in interpol an im also at home where i have renew all my documents with this feeling i lived all week in Montenegro i planned to travel a lot, but did not go anywhere without documents. was at see, chill all days

but as always, no matter how everything bad- will always finds a good people who will hepl I met there a good guys From Ukraine. They helped me as best they could. I am very grateful to them for that. I hope we meet some day i pass about 130 km. To make stop for the rest to make a stop for little rest stone mountains, a lot of greenery i passed a veri hight mountains, there was very amazing view i have a funny haircut on my head its all my helmet- powerful ventilation air comig though... in this hous i slept as always my things are scattered nice view village stile in this restaurant i had breakfast in this house they are (owner) living that houses for customers (guests) in that house i slept very good place but difficult to find it because googl maps dont showed it time for riding. my plan to done with this mountains and come in Romania i hope i will be there in the evening ohh its only trying to connect with charging....ok let me show for you my room i get some free food. so i am ready to sleep

one of the plus solo trips- you can take all pillows ))) 28 september. 22 pm . so for 2 days i done with 2 countries and a half third tomorrow i will done with Romania (3) tomorrow i wiil start go home i need to pass 1000 km. maybe i wiil stop in Khmelnytsky, it wiil be half way hotels 15$ . im thinking thea are chipper

look at my hotel room. bunker style in the basemend its Lviv baby )) its morning. 9 a.m. Oktober 02 . i wiil try to ride 700 km for one day im not sure but i will try

2021-02-25 12:25

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