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Hello! Hello! Everyone is saying hi to the camera. Hi! Gajab. Yes. Are you saying something? No. No? There are two phones, I will subscribe the two channels.

No? No. Okay. I am in Bangladesh land right now. The first thing is that the population is very high.

I will put this video in the next video as a first impression. I don't feel like going to the airport. I feel like going to the railway station. You can see the view of the airport from outside. In front of me, they have put the plates of the airport. People are selling chips here.

This is the view of the airport from outside. Now I am searching for a way to reach the hotel. This is the scene right now. Welcome to Bangladesh. Tomorrow I will make a proper vlog from the beginning. I will put a part in it in a minute.

I am shocked to see the view of the airport from outside. I am excited to take out a camera from me. So that's it.

Everything else is good. Hello, Namaste. Sat Sri Akal.

Welcome to our new video. If you are the first time on my channel, then welcome to our YouTube channel. Thank you very much for all of you. For the 5 lakh subscribers who have subscribed. Thank you very much.

Finally, we reached 500k subscribers Thank you so much again. I haven't made good videos in the last 2-3 months. I think my YouTube channel went on a break for the last 3 months. Almost since December. The 6-7 videos that I made were very random. Anyways, welcome back.

Now I am coming from India to Bangladesh. I am filming this video in Bangladesh right now. Actually, I am trying to film it. I haven't seen the camera since so many days. So I am not used to it.

And it is a bit weird to make a video. But anyways, we are in Dhaka now. This is my room.

This is from India. It is almost 1800. The scene was like this. Yesterday, I was looking for a hotel in old Dhaka.

And half of the hotel refused to let me stay. If you are single woman, we can't give you a room. And the people who were paying, I mean, the international ones were a bit expensive. They were saying that our room is full.

So, I didn't get a room there. So, I got a room almost 1-2 km away from old Dhaka. And from outside, you can see some scenes like this in Dhaka.

And it is a very crowded city in Bangladesh. In general, Bangladesh is very crowded if you don't know. And let's talk a little about history. If some foreigner is watching, I think most Indians know about it. During 1947, India and Pakistan got separated. They got independence in both countries.

And in the same way, Bangladesh was also divided. And Bangladesh became East Pakistan. And Pakistan was like West Pakistan. Bangladesh was part of Pakistan.

And in 1971, Bangladesh gained its independence from Pakistan. So, the border between both countries is 1500 km away from West Pakistan and East Pakistan. But both of them had the same country at some point. But now, Bangladesh is a separate country which gained its independence in 1971.

So, anyways, welcome to our new video. Let's go out on the streets of Bangladesh and try to film a video. And see how it will be experienced. And this is my first trip after Malaria. So, everything is still very good in Bangladesh.

Let's see what's ahead. So, this is the hotel where I am staying. And I will write the name of this hotel on the screen.

The name is written there. You can see it. So, this hotel is called Ornate. And in Dhaka, 24 hours of rush is left. It's so crowded. You can see that it's only 3 p.m. on a normal day.

And it's a heavy rush. That's the name. And I usually eat at this hotel.

But I can see the crowd at this time. I didn't even eat here at night. But the crowd is still there. So, I don't understand what to do. I feel like I'm going to get hungry.

Let's go somewhere else. I have killed India. Because the population of this area is more than the population of Bangladesh. But we can't do anything. And we have to go to Old Dhaka. Bazaar.

My friend, go to Bazaar. Bazaar. Old Dhaka. Bazaar.

Old Dhaka Bazaar. Bazaar. How much? 100 rupees.

100 rupees. Let's go. And this is Hotel 71. It's a big building.

So, this is the landmark of this place. This is the view of Bangladesh. It's very difficult to make a video.

Because I haven't made a video for 3 months. And the second thing is that I'm trying to make a long video. And I have to buy a laptop.

So, we will do that next month in April. So, there are a lot of work to be done. That is on a break from December till now. My life has become so slow. I can't tell you all. But this is the road of Bangladesh.

In Dhaka. And this is almost near Old Dhaka. This is the whole area of Old Dhaka. Everyone is busy with their work. And as you can see.

So, I'm here for sugarcane juice. And vibes in India is also like this. On the road side, you will find snacks to eat and drink.

And here, they have put some Ayurvedic herbs. I saw this thing. They call it Sirota.

And I asked them what it is. I thought it's something of intoxication. But they said it is to clean the blood. They have told me this. But if anyone knows about this. Then write in the comments what it is.

But it's very interesting. They have put some herbs here. And one thing is that I don't understand anything in English. Because everything is written in Bengali.

What's the problem? What happens with this? Blood is clean. Blood is clean. I don't read Bengali. So, this is for this. For this, I have soaked this in water.

If you throw it, you drink water. You drink water. You drink water. Thank you.

Where are you from? From India and Punjab. From India and Punjab. Thank you. I'm from India. No, I'm from India. What's your name? Your name? What's your name? Garima.

Garima. Thank you. So, gentlemen, came here.

Everything is good here. This is Harbol, right? It says, In Bangladesh or Dhaka, you can make a video on the road. And you get a great content. Yes.

This is the best about Bangladesh. Extreme Traffic. You can see it. So, gentlemen, I'm at Kaptan Bazaar.

Yesterday, what happened? Last night, there is an international hotel here. So, I was crossing this road. And here, I saw a temple. So, you can see it.

As soon as you go inside, Kaptan Bazaar and the interior area will come. So, I will show you that in a while. Of course. First, I will go to the temple. Brother, this is so hard work. Brother, this is so hard work.

Such a heavy luggage. Such a heavy luggage. Oh, my God. People here are doing a lot of hard work. I don't understand what happened. Anyways.

So, brother, this is the entrance to the temple. You can see it. You can see it. And the main main is here.

It is closed. It will open in the evening. Around 5-6 pm.

And here is the statue of Goddess Kali. The main is like the main goddess of the Bengalis. Goddess Kali. So, Goddess Kali has many temples.

On the side of Bangladesh. On the side of Bangladesh. And at the end of the market, this temple is built. There will be more temples like this. But I can see this.

So, make it right. We have entered from here. And now we are going to the market side. I am trying not to end. and make video a bit long. 25 minutes.

So, this is how it looks. And on this side, they are selling the lamp and other things. Are you from Bangladesh? Yes. Are you from India or Bangladesh? I am from Bangladesh. Are you a Hindu or Muslim? Yes, I am a Hindu. All the people working in the temple are from Bangladesh.

Now, we are going to the market side. And one thing I have noticed a difference. Bengali people wear the main costume. But after Muslim influence most of the people are wearing suits.

with headscarfs. Or Arabic abaya So, these people have changed their costume. And the saree is very less.

I mean, very less. And the old Bengali sarees were a bit exposing. People didn't wear blouse. So, they don't wear sarees now much.

And the girls have shifted to the suit. But the men are wearing traditional lungi. You can see aunty in front of you. She is wearing a abaya. So, one important thing is this now, we are going to the market side.

And the wholesale business here goes at a very high level. I mean, almost all the things go to India, even China. Yesterday, I met a Chinese couple who came here for business. And they were also looking for a hotel.

So, this whole wholesale market is here. And there is a very nice market here. And you can see the whole old Dhaka vibe.

And from Calcutta there are many Indians who come here for business. So, this is the main area of the business. So, but there are a lot of rush and very crowded streets. They are not at all wide. So, this is such a crazy situation. Let's try some sweets.

Nothing is inside. Thank you. Welcome.

So, look at this. These are the sweets. So, let's try some.

There is also Halwa. There is also the Halwa of Punjab. So, in the shop, there was dal and roti.

And after two days, our daily festival of ramadan begins. We don't eat anything in the day. Oh, the Ramadan begins. Yes, the Ramadan begins. We don't eat anything in the day. That is why, when we go , we eat our food.

At home, we have a one-time meal. You are my number 4. Hello. Hello. What? Hello.

What is your name? What is your name? Mohammad. Hello. Who is it? He is joking. Hello. Hello. Everyone is saying hi to the camera.

Everyone is saying hi to the camera. Kajam. Kajam. Are you drinking so much? Yes. Do you want to say something? No. I will subscribe the channel.

No? No, okay. If you want to subscribe the channel, then don't forget to press the bell icon. This market market diner Say hi. What is asking here? What is asking here? Look. Look this is the pan shop here Amazing.

This is the phone It's in India It's in India Isn't it internet? Yes I got you a screenshot here Subscribe to the channel Thank you He specially brought his phone Thank you This is the market Thank you Wow There are a lot of ponds in Bangladesh There are a lot of pan shops in Bangladesh In Myanmar girls also eat at an extreme level This is Amruth What is the name of the channel? I have a phone Let me tell you Let's go back I will show you one more aunt Finally she is in the saree Let's go to the hotel This is the market This is mainly a wholesale market The clothes market must be different There is no clothes market here Let's go to the hotel Let's see the night view This market is so crowded It is a different scene The area where I am staying is called Vijayanagar They have made a photo of a hotel 71 If the people say Vijayanagar They will understand Let's see the train ticket Thank you

2024-03-16 11:25

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