Solo Bushcraft Backcountry Camping Cooking on Twig Stove - Day 2

Solo Bushcraft Backcountry Camping Cooking on Twig Stove - Day 2

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There's the fire pit from last night. There's the. Kayak. The hammock, i set up, by the water's edge. It was beautiful. A little windy last night but that didn't bother i had my sleeping bag in there. There's my other. Camera. So. Getting. Hot. So. So. Oh she's hot. Oh. Yeah. Like a chili in the. Morning. Just a beautiful, beautiful. Morning. Now normally, coming here. Nowadays. I bring my ball. But there are occasions, like this when i bring the kayak. I so enjoy that thing. I really get up close and personal, with stuff. The boat's okay but, you kind of keep it away from the shorelines. And. Avoid the shoals, and avoid the rocks, what not. You know you don't get close so you don't get a chance to get close. Now with the kayak. You quietly, follow the shoreline, you come up on all kinds of wildlife. People making, out sometimes. I didn't look. But yeah. You miss out on so much. When you take the ball. You can go a lot further. But you'll miss out. That's exactly what i needed. Music to the taste buds. Tommy's, happy again. Check this place out. Pretty. Pretty rocky on this side. I can see bass swimming down. There. Yeah that's a small mouth. There's another one. There's a whole bunch of them. Wow. So you might ask yourself. Why does somebody like me who spends so much time talking about widowmakers. Would camp right next to something like that. Well there's a simple, reason for it. It's actually angled, away, from me. So if this thing does end up breaking. Maybe we'll take out the kayak. But as you can tell. This tree here. Is pointing away from me. Now there's another widowmaker. Over there. Which is uh, pointing this way. That's the one, right. There. And i want it to be as far as possible, from. That. Just surrounded, by water it was such a gentle breeze at night it's just a beautiful, beautiful, sleep. Amazing. Later we'll go to the beach. I think maybe that one right there, it's a nice little beach there that i know of. You know i don't think anybody's, there. We'll do some swimming huh. But yeah, this is how you find a camp spot in algonquin. Look for these, large, orange, signs. Parks. Ontario. I was not disappointed. In that sleep, that was awesome. There's only one thing i gotta figure out because that what kept on waking me up. The tarp, kept on rubbing, on my uh, ridgeline. Or maybe uh, it was this act. That right there. This. This is what kept on waking me up last night. So. I need to come up a way. Come up with a way. To stop that from happening. And maybe just by tying off one of the corners. One more of the corners. I'd be able to do that. Maybe. Such a beautiful. Spot. That'll be the tummy. The chili's, processing. One of my favorite, things about kayaking. Is that a, kayak. Is essentially, a storage, unit.

And Provided, you cover up all the holes orifices. You should have a bug free environment, as well, which is usually, a, thing. So either way you see how all the compartments, are closed. Keeping the bugs out. All right. Here's one. This one's technically. Not that close. But why don't we do a, gear loadout. So, front compartment. This is where i put all the camera gear and i mean it's just loose. This is a waterproof, compartment. Um. Horse comes doors. You know. I'll have a problem. But uh. It's never failed me yet this is a really good kayak, i love it, and i don't even bother putting it in dry bags, essentially, this covers it beautifully. It's a neoprene, gasket, plus this on top. Voila. So anyway, front compartment. Goes from the front of the boat. To about, here. And. Yeah it's all camera gear. Next. Is the back, compartment. In the back compartment, of my prion, c520. Hv. Beautiful, boat. There's all the. Clothes. All the tents. This is the tent i'm not currently using. Some, extra. Um. D3, products. I've gone for deet last night it was pretty horrendous. First aid. Some extra dry clothes. Spatula, spoon. Um. Yes and just some dry clothes. Sleeping, mat, it's not too loaded, i currently, have a lot of stuff out but, you know my gear doesn't really take that much room to begin with it's uh. It's as much of a minimalist, setup, as possible. Some extra, pegs. You never know when you're gonna run out of those, but you know the necessities. Are take care of. Food and stuff like that food is not in a boat anymore food is away from here food does not smell, first of all. Um. And that's as such is not going to be a problem. This is my uh under quilt here. That turned out to be a little bit of a. Too warm situation. So i have opted to take it off. Some rain gear. Some more, swimming, gear. Dry. Clothes, here. Yeah i mean just extra stuff that was in the back compartment, that i kind of transferred. And i'm thinking of using but not really. It's just easily available. And once again. Once i'm done with. It. Those are up. So. If it gets really windy none of my precious gear. Lightweight, stuff, goes away on me, this is my daytime compartment. In there. More deet. Oh sunscreen. Yeah. Foggy situations. I always have one of these. I know this lake very well so i don't tend not to use it but if it was ever so foggy that i needed it there it is. And sunscreen. Deet. I have johnson, a family. Off, by deep woods. And, i also have. Watkins. Both, really good products. This one works better. Yet i've used only this one last night because it was quicker. Uh yeah i didn't want the cream on me i just wanted this so. Hence i have both. Close that. Up. Yeah sunscreen's, definitely required, already. I can feel that. Maybe just go swimming here huh. So. So. Ugh. Uh. Do you see that well-defined. Line across the lake. It goes from light, on the top there, which is in the back and to dark. In the front in the foreground. Well in the foreground, what you have is a lot of wind so the, lake is choppy. In the background, the wind is calming. And, it's, uh. The water is becoming, flat so you see it, you see how it's, darker, and lighter. The light water is usually, calm water. And dark water is usually the turbulent, water. So just. One little thing for you to. Know. So. Very beautiful. Spot. This side's a little. Steep. So. This looks like a pretty good spot to be jumping, off rocks, but. I'm not doing that on my own. Right about there. Bam. Looks like somebody did have that idea. Before. Awesome spot. Awesome. So. Yeah jumping, off of here would be suicide, unless somebody would really run but. That's. Suicide. Let's go exploring, a little bit. There seems to be a. Path. So. So. I wonder if this goes to the other camp. Spot. Blueberries. Everywhere. Here. Some of them are already. Good. Yum. Okay, this. Patch. Now. Two weeks from now. It's gonna be. Amazing. Something, in the. Shoe. Ah this just keeps going. Must go somewhere this is a very well defined. Path. Just keep getting these pine needles in my crocs. I didn't bring any other shoes. Before most of my travel is going to be on water. Ah looks like there's a clearing. There. It's a boat coming around the. Corner. Yeah this is more traveled, here. Definitely, at a camp. Spot. Oh. Well here you, go. Bam. No camping. Reason, being. There's usually a good reason. Rehabilitation. Maybe. Dangerous. Other than this, weirdly, looking tree here. Upon an angle like that but alive, and holding, strong.

Nothing Really wrong here. Too many bears in the area. Anyway, let's go back, seems to be more flies here it's not as windy. The squirrels. Agree. Literally, everywhere you look everything is alive. Something is crawling, everywhere. It's like walking through a jungle. It's just canadian, jungle. On the edge of the. Jungle. This place is very much, like a jungle, actually. You venture, off and uh. It gets thick. It's real thick real fast. If i can scope out any more of those blueberries, there. Just coming across some patches. Again. This whole thing is going to be blue here eventually. All of this. Just a, beautiful, sandy. Side and that's what they like they like to grow in the sand i suppose. I think this is the spot. Yeah. It seems like they're coming in a little bit faster, on this one. More. Shade. There's a good. One. Oh, another couple of weeks let me tell you. You could spend hours, here and you'll never pick. It. Yeah. It just continues. It's all around me. Blueberry, patch upon blueberry. Patch. So. So. She's a hot one. Today. Everything is supposed to be as small as possible, so you can fit as much gear as possible, right. It's that front compartment. I want nothing but electronics, there. And then the back is, pretty much everything else. This here. Is my fresh water. Today, i'm running out quickly, so. I'm going to put this. In my daytime, compartment, for the time being. I'm sure i'll be pumping along the way today. I'm. Sure. Oh. I've had this helen ox for. Nine years now. I've used it all over. And this thing. Looks as if it was brand new. Of course i take care of it but i do use it everywhere. Everywhere i go. Wherever, space is an issue. So. Hi very good review for this product here. Lightweight. A little flimsy, if you're not on even ground i have to say, rock is a better solution, for, this. But i, am very happy with the size and the weight overall, so. Helinox. Or helinox. We've got good things to. Say. Sleeping, not never used last night. The pants came in handy. Got a little sweaty, in this but. Let me tell you i'd rather be sweaty than be, bitten up everywhere. Right. Bottle of. Water. Um. Just for this occasion, i bought a. New mosquito, net. I figured the last one that i had. I had nothing but bad reviews. And i've seen somebody. On youtube, i forget their name unfortunately. But. A bunch of people use this obviously.

This Is a very, uh commonly, used jacket nowadays, but. This is the new, acquisition. Canadian, tire. 49, bucks. I've got the extra, large. Pull it all. Closed. Pull these close so that the bugs cannot, travel up your. Sleeves. And let me tell you. Not only does this not require, a hat. Underneath. Even though i assume, the hat would have made this better. And it probably will. Just test that really quickly. I have to say. That this is fairly, good. And i mean this is crappy, tire right. Good old crappy, tire. Let's see how it does. With. This. It definitely, definitely, keeps the mesh off the face. Is it better. No. I think the hoodie is enough. Provided that the bugs cannot bite through it obviously. And that still remains to be seen. Not only does this hoodie give me shade. Which is very nice. It's light, colored, it reflects, the sun it does not heat up. It breeds, underneath, here, oh wow. Good purchase. Yeah. So what is this thing. 49, bucks, bushline, outdoor. Crappy, tire people. Awesome, 49, bucks. Hopefully you can see that there. Yeah. Okay. Not, bad indeed. Not bad. I mean i'm breathing, in this thing you know. This is becoming part of the kid now. This will become part of the kit now. 100. No joke. This thing is, nothing short of awesome. Great. Purchase. All right before i forget, i wanted to do a. First-time. Shout out i've never done a shout out before. Uh this is uh going out to clearly canadian, you can find the channel up here. Clearly canadian, has sent me this uh he's one of my subscribers. He sent me this knife. Um. And i couldn't be happier. I'm gonna bring this thing with me everywhere now it's gonna become part of the kit i always wanted something to look more bushcrafty. I had a really military-like. Blade. I'll still bring that with me for batoning, and stuff i'll take care of this a little bit better but i find that. Shavings. And just doing the carving is so much easier with this knife so. From now on this is part of the kit, thank you very much. Um, definitely, check out clearly canadian channel it's a small channel. Out of new england usa. And, uh yeah let's hope. It grows fast and let's help him up. Crap did i just screw that up you know. Hmm. What was that. Eight. So. So. Graceful. Oh. Oh. Bye bye campsite. You were very nice to. Me. So. Covering lots of mileage today. So i'm right at the entrance, to uh, north arm here. That's it right there. Not opening. Um, at the very, tip. Of the south. Arm. Those clouds look pretty good up there. Huh. So. Um. Uh. So. So. So. Hmm. So. So. So. So. Check this place out. Though. So. So. So. And here comes another. Boat. Amazing, weather. I just had a conversation. With home. I called back they're saying there's uh major thunderstorms. In the area. But. They're south of me, and they're north of me so. It looks like the, the whole storm is just gonna miss us all together here. I'm not a thunderstorm. In sight. That was not the case last night i uh, i must have seen three or four roll through the area.

Nowhere Close. But. I've seen them. It must have been at least 100, miles away. You don't hear them, they're not that close. But they put on quite a light show though. Hopefully that footage works. Out. Ugh. So. So. So. You.

2020-07-28 07:41

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