Snow Prepares for Major Surgery in another Country - Van Life Colombia

Snow Prepares for Major Surgery in another Country - Van Life Colombia

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we're getting settled in at our camp and curt has  found a toy i do not know if this is good or bad   but he has found a slack line actually  it might be a good place to learn because   you're not far off the ground  right there at the beginning   and as you get better it goes down the hill  and you get a little more off the ground so this place we're staying is not only a great  spot for overlanders it's it's overlander friendly   but it's a hostel and they also have glamping  so out here they have these nice tents that   are set up and they have glamping so  you can see here somebody has set it up   for a birthday yeah can i can i look can i see  okay so they have it set up here for the birthday   it is beautiful for a masashi yeah oh  nice nice queen bed smells great in here it's very good very nice we got into this  camp you know we had just drove the van   through a giant city we were a little wore out  but we've gotten some rest getting the kitties   out for a walk always makes us happy especially in  a cool place like this and nana is enjoying this if there is a leap of faith a step away from the  comfort zone and be a little afraid   to take a look around you how far can  you see how far do you think you can run   standing on your knees it's a beautiful  world out there just don't pass on the dare it can be a bit frightening something you  don't know you need a little enlightenment   it'll make you grow it's a  beautiful world out there so we figured out what the horses are  here for there's a tour all these folks   are staying here and there looks like  they're going out on a sunset ride all right yes he wants to put it in  kurt the little guy wants to put it in he wants to do it oh no okay gracias yeah all right look at this contraption guys  kurt struggled last night with just a   normal lighter but that's  not how you do a fire here another campfire dinner more vegetables  and chicken just tossed on the grill   curd's shaking it up a little  bit with an apple up there   i'll have to see how that turns out  on the grill but i think it'll be good what do you think kirti oh yeah so  you're the fire you're the flare   you're the song inside my head and i will   what do you think so we got two of these things kurt's eating one  now we'll have one for later what'd they cost   kurt there was 5 000 pesos which is a little less  than two dollars guys walking around with a big   box of mangoes these and and avocados and avocados  selling them there you go so the real stream so i   have all these little strands of my teeth that's  tasty good all right snow's going to give it a try she's a little more cautious than i was it is good but it tastes uh  it is kind of pumpkiny tasting   i would say more like butternut squash tasting  in texture but sweeter like a fruit it's good nana want to smell it i am excited today i get to go out in the  nature and it's been a while since we've   taken a walk it's actually been too long  and you know it's been a stressful month   and uh it's been mounting up you know we  didn't have the van all the shipping stuff   but additionally we weren't able to really kind of  effectively travel and so it's been just kind of   a stressful time and i'm pretty pumped that i get  to get out here in the nature hi how are you doing   good so one of the things that makes this forest  walk really cool it's these big huge pine trees   or i think they look more like cypress  trees i'm not sure exactly what they are but   they're just kind of almost haunted they're tall   and they have all this moss growing  on them and they look really cool and we're up at about 7 200 feet elevation the  weather here has really been kind of in the 50s   and 60s for the most part like on a sunny  time like right now maybe up to the mid 70s   but it rains a lot and i was fortunate today that  it cleared up long enough for me to get out here   on this hike well i think  that's going to stop my hike   looks like the shoe is coming unglued not  only did the sole just completely come unglued   but it's coming unglued up here so i got  to start heading back with a floppy foot   so the weather is nice today we're getting some  laundry done there goes our friend summer who   is amazing and been very friendly and giving  us tons of advice oh another overlander from   florida yeah and um they've been here since the  pandemia but hopefully we see them again she has   recommended a really cool restaurant where  we're gonna go have some lunch let's go eat   so we just rode our bikes up the road and had a  yummy lunch at what is the name of this place kurt   artesian artisanal artisanal really really yummy  but looks like rain we got to get back to the   hostel and get our clothes off the line because  we washed them this morning and they're drying it's calling me blue so this morning we got a special treat so the  girls have been telling me about this awesome   drink so it's hot chocolate con queso so this is  like a mozzarella cheese it's kind of like a and   so the cheese is a little bit spongy and absorbs  the hot chocolate and so delicious and yummy   but it's one of their favorites so they made it  for us i thought that was really that's very nice so we have been parked up at this little  hostel maybe 45 minutes outside of medellin   up in the mountains very peaceful very quiet  very comfortable the people that work here   and the people that own and run this place have  been very nice and i don't think i realized just   how anxious i was to start this knee replacement  replacement process um as we got closer and closer   to medellin i could just kind of feel my shoulder  muscles tightening up and i was distracted and   yeah and i guess this is a pretty big deal  guys i'm finally going to get my knee fixed   it's something we've been working on for a  long time uh and we're headed down to medellin   today for my doctor's appointment to see  how we feel about the doctor here and um   so step one and then step two we will head towards  cali a city about eight hours from here where we   meet with another doctor and then i'll be able to  pick and then we'll start to schedule this surgery   guys so i think this hostel has been exactly what  i needed we had some really nice campfires just   surrounded by these pretty little flowers we were  able to walk the kitties ride the bikes not very   far on a nice little road up for a nice lunch it's  just been exactly what i needed to get my head in   the game and get ready to get this knee replaced  so now it's time to leave this little place   and head down to the big city we were gonna drive  our van down there and try to find somewhere we   can park it and then get to the hospital where  i meet with an international liaison lady first   at four o'clock and my doctor's appointment is  at five o'clock so let's head down to medellin   so we've left the hostel and we've left the  little area of santa elena that's the little   neighborhood we were up there in and we're  going down the curvy mountain road headed   down into the valley to medellin and the first  thing we're going to do when we get down there   is we're going to ride by the hospital because  we're in this big van and it's not just going   and finding a typical parking place so we're  gonna ride by the hospital and see if there   is a parking option and we have left ourselves  plenty of time that if there's not we can find a   paid parking lot somewhere and still get a taxi  to the hospital and then we also have to ride   around a little bit and check out a few places of  where we can sleep tonight in the van in the city   so that is the plan and don't forget i have to get  shoes yes and we need to get groceries yup we need   groceries and kurt has blown out both pairs of his  teddy shoes all right we have found the hospital   and kurt is doing a little investigating  to see if we have parked close to where   we will need to go and i think we've  found decent parking we will have to see   what he comes back with but this nice lady seems  to be helping him so it's 3 000 pesos an hour to   park here so we go run our errands we come  back and she thought these spots would still   be empty and we're right by the entrance so we  have found a spot that looks safe and secure to   sleep tonight in the city probably 20 minutes from  the hospital so it ought to work out pretty good   and we have plenty of time to spare so we're gonna  go and try to find kurt some new tennis shoes this is a legit mall i even saw  a few american stores not many   but i saw american eagle but we're  headed to a store called decathlon   which is a sports store see if  we can find kurt some new shoes they have my size that's awesome   this is a size 46 or 12 which is hard generally  to find in latin america these are long enough   but they're not wide enough so but it's good they  have my size all right we'll see all right we're   grabbing lunch in the mall at the food court  kurt found him a new pair of shoes with you uh   they're colombian shoes and they're about  35 everything else i could find was like   60 to 100 and then you have my size it's all  right we've got shoes next up finish eating go   to the grocery store so the kitties have been  so good that they're getting new toys today   we finished up at the grocery  store traffic was a little tough   walking from the grocery store to the car  was a long walk but we have made it to the   hospital we found the parking spot that we  picked out this morning now we're headed in all right so we got there about 3 45 15  minutes early went to the international office   met with our helper girl um still not quite  sure what her role is but she walked us over   to another building she checked us in where  we were waiting for the doctor and then she   came out and told us the doctor had to leave  so they needed to reschedule our appointment   so um yeah we're tired disappointed  it's been a long day frustrating day   and they just showed little compassion so yeah  not a good start no but uh my first instinct   was no we'll just leave and head  on to cali and forget it but kurt   brought us back down the ground and said we're  here we do need to meet with that doctor so   and we see them at one o'clock tomorrow and we'll  see how it goes so with that we will see y'all in   the morning because we're gonna find our camp spot  and have some dinner and call it a night it's been   a long day good morning guys all right we ended  up street parking last night uh that campsite   we thought we had scoped out when we got there  we kind of got ran off by a security guard so   it was getting dark we saw a nice level street in  a safe looking neighborhood parked on the side of   the road worked out just fine uh nobody bothered  us felt safe all night got a good night's rest   feeling a little better y'all probably picked up  on the fact that we were pretty bummed and and   down and stressed out about the doctor's  appointment getting cancelled yesterday   but we're going again today we'll be there at  one o'clock and we're taking you guys with us so so kurt took the kitties out for a walk  this morning right here next to the van   it's a nice neighborhood we ended up in  couldn't tell when we got here last night   but when he came back in he had picked us up to  tamales for breakfast he's frying a little egg   to go on top of his what kind of tamales are these  kirty do you know uh i think they're mixed though   i think they've got some carne and he said a bunch  of stuff but i didn't understand everything so   i guess it's going to be a bit of a surprise  let's see what it looks like right here oh   yeah there's some carne maybe some not sweet  potatoes what do they call them down here   maybe it's got some plantains or do you think  that's carrots carrots probably there we go   you can see the big bananas these giant banana  leaves these came in but look at this thing guys   huge tamale it was 4 000 pesos the guy was  bringing around one dollar basically and   look at that giant tamale look at that so  we're gonna put a couple fried eggs on that   and that'll be a delicious breakfast curt is a happy guy this morning   deliciousness so i want to share with you  guys a bit of a funny story so we use these   one liter bottles in the refrigerator here and  we reuse them and we mix orange drinks in them   but we'll get water from the tap and then put it  in the fridge they fit nicely in the fridge we can   get four across the top right here and so that's  where we keep our water cold and we just got two bottles of vinegar now vinegar we use  in our tank in our gray water tank it kind   of helps clean it and keep it fresh or whatever  so we got groceries yesterday and accidentally   snow put the vinegar in the fridge like it was  water so last night in the middle of the night   snow tell them what you did all right i got up  in the middle of the night opened the fridge   reached in grabbed a water bottle  took the lid off and guzzled vinegar   it was horrible i was out here eating anything i  could brushing my teeth like 10 times and probably   took an hour for the heartburning feeling to go  away a little bit of vinegar i think's okay but   not a big guzzle i do not recommend it the only  unfortunate part is that i missed it which also   means we didn't get to film it so you guys  missed it but i bet it was something to see it's been a somewhat relaxing morning we  were able to stay right here on our nice   little street parking campsite for the night  well into the morning but now it is time   to go try this whole doctor's appointment thing  again so time to get into the hectic city traffic   driving you ready kurt fun fun fun so hopefully  the doctor's appointment goes well and then we   will head out of the city we got a good parking  spot today right outside of the building and   stephanie is waiting for us inside so  today goes better than you hopefully so so snow stepped up there she's paying for her  appointment i can tell you guys she is super super   duper nervous about uh about this appointment and  what the doctors are gonna say and what what the   outcome may be but i guess the time has come where  we're fixing to find out now this will be the   third doctor visit she's had so the third opinion  and then as you guys know we have one more coming   up in medellin i'm sorry cali she's signing on  the dotted this time that i understand the risks   thank you very much wow kurt is navigating this  extreme crazy traffic i'm gonna wind this video   down doctor's appointment number one is done and  the report is it went pretty good me and kurt   both agree we like the doctor the lady that helps  translate that comes from the international office   was very helpful we expect a full quote for what  it would cost to have knee replacement surgery   because that is what this doctor recommends in  a couple of days all right so we're pleased with   doctor number one we're off to see doctor number  two we'll see you guys in a few days cheers   if you like this video be sure to  subscribe to our channel and hit   that notification bell so you guys know when  we put out new videos and don't forget you   can always follow us over on instagram to see  what's going on in between videos cheers guys

2021-11-05 06:20

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