Smug CNN Reporter Keeps Yelling Questions At Trump, Then POTUS Silences Him With One Word

Smug CNN Reporter Keeps Yelling Questions At Trump, Then POTUS Silences Him With One Word

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Dear. Patriots, please, subscribe, to our patriotic, channel like, and share this video so your friends, can see it thank. You. Smug. CNN, reporter, keeps yelling questions at Trump then, POTUS, silences, him with one word. CNN's. Jim Acosta has apparently never heard the phrase you catch more flies with honey he. Continues, to be a smug jerk attacking. The President, of the United States thinking. That's the way to go about respectable. Journalism, too, bad for Costa he decided to Ignacio, yell a few questions at president Donald Trump and that's, about the time he was silenced, by Trump who added just one brutal word, smug. CNN, reporter, kept yelling questions, at Trump then he silenced, him with one word, Jim. Acosta left, and right President. Donald Trump, Center. Photo, credits, screenshot, YouTube. CNN. Has been a leading purveyors of fake news and it doesn't look like things are going to improve anytime, soon in fact they. Even seem, to be trying to make their own news these days in yet another desperate, attempt, to make President Trump look bad too. Bad for them the only thing, CNN, is doing is dirtying, their own reputation in fact. Infamous. Trump aiding reporter, Gemma Costa, demonstrated, just that during an obnoxious, series of events that he kicked off at the White House recently. President. Nursultan, Nazarbayev. Of Kazakhstan. Was recently welcomed, in Washington. DC prompting. President Trump, to hold a brief press conference. Initially. Allowing, Americans, to see that our leader is friends with other leaders across the globe the event soon turned into so much more as the. Conference, was winding to a close, cameras, could be heard clicking, away capturing. Images of the two presidents together but no one was talking until. Acosta decided, to open his fat trap yelling, out at the president after hearing. President, Trump's many successes, being outlined, a Costa, sought to muddy the waters by bringing up every controversial, topic, he could think of when.

He Didn't get the response he wanted he, continued, to yell louder and louder like, a toddler, after. The comments, Trump, thanked the press for being there as staffers. Asked the press to leave the Oval Office a barrage, of questions were, shouted at the president. Many were shouted, by CNN, White House correspondent. Jim Acosta a coastal. Oddly asked about Norway and Steve Benin causing, the White House staff to reprimand him with a quick Jim thank, you please. Exit. Thanks. Everyone. Source, the Daily Caller too. Bad for him things were about to blow up in his face as President, Donald Trump grew fed up with his antics even. Better yet the president was about to let a Costa, know just that by silencing, him with one single word as can. Be heard during the exchange Trump. Simply looked in the direction of the members of the press who weren't listening to directives, to leave by White House aides and uttered, the word out while pointing to the door specifically. Talking to Acosta Trump, decided, to let everyone know who was in charge of the room here. It is again from a different angle pay, attention to a costa's, face after being treated like a child it's. Priceless of course. A Costa, immediately, took to Twitter in order to complain but, not too many people have any sympathy, for him after, all what, else can you expect when you treat someone like trash every single day does, this idiot actually, think president Trump is going to continue to take that kind of assault if so, it just, goes to prove how deluded the liberal media really is when it comes to their opinions, of themselves as I, attempted. To ask questions, in Roosevelt, Room of Trump WH, press aides shouted, in my face to drown out my questions. I have, never encountered that before, Jim. Acosta Aero Costa, January. 16. 2018. What. Occurred reminded, me of something I would see in a different country certainly. Not at the wh, certainly. Not in the US Tico. Weblink. Jim. Acosta Aero Costa, January. 16. 2018. When. I tried to follow up on this in the Oval Office Trump, told me to get out we. Then went to the Roosevelt Room where WH, aids obstructed, us from asking questions t, taco weblink. Jim Acosta Etta Costa, January. 16. 2018. If Jim. Acosta really, wants to stop being treated like a child then. There's a simple, solution stop, acting like one, however, when, you want to be allowed yell, and disrupt, the teacher you, don't have anyone else to blame but yourself when, you get kicked out of the class the, fact that we have to tow adults, to act like adults is beyond ridiculous, and the fact that these idiots, have people who support them out of nothing more than an allegiance, of like-minded bias. Makes it even worse, dear. Patriots please, subscribe, to our patriotic, channel like, and share this video so your friends, can see it thank. You employees. Get $1,000. Bonus check, shocked, when they look down and see what's below amount an, unexpected. Series of events took place within, the walls of a Florida company after the CEO decided to, hand out $1000. Bonus checks, to employees, on account, of President, Donald Trump's, tax cut however. Things, took an even bigger turn as those who were handed the checks looked down and they were shocked to see what was just below the dollar amount on each of the checks. Employees. Get $1,000. Bonus check, shocked, when they look down and see what's below amount, image. Of aspects bonus, check left, President, Donald Trump write photo, credits, Twitter, Nicolas. Cam / AFP. / Getty Images, although. The left wants you to think that President Trump's tax cuts are merely meant for the filthy rich big, companies, continue, to prove them wrong doing. Just as was intended companies. All across the country are reinvesting, in their business, and perhaps, most importantly, their, employees. So. Far well, over 100, American, companies, have promised, substantial, bonuses, to their employees, and that, number only keeps on growing in fact. Spec's corporation. Located, in Tampa Florida proved. Just set by jumping, on the bandwagon and dishing out a whopping $1,000. Bonus to each of their employees, on account of the additional, money they're allowed to keep because of Trump.

Sadly. Liberal. Morons like. Congresswoman Nancy, Pelosi have, come forward to say that this is bread crumbs hoping. To convince people that it's not a lot of money sure. That, may be the case for her millionaire, backside after she has ripped off the American, people in order to make herself rich, but, I don't know any average person who wouldn't be happy if someone handed, them one thousand dollars right now after what, is happening, at specks that's, more than proven to be the case however. It, seems, that the checks handed out to employees, at the company had a little something extra and employees. Were left downright, shocked when they look down to see what was just below the written dollar amount, according. To ID review, specs corporation. Located, in Tampa Florida, gave, its employees, a $1,000. Bonus for the check memo saying Trump tax cut and Jobs Act in short. It seems, that this company, wants to make sure employees know, exactly, who to think when it comes to the extra, money they're getting Trump. Bonus. $1,000. At specks employee bonus, checks credit Trump, tax cut and Jobs Act updated. Bonus lists from a tax reformers, at John Carter T Co web link via at seminar, pick Weblink. Paul. Bedard, at secrets, Bedard January. 15. 2018. I'm the. Founder of specks corporation. Located, in Tampa Florida, spec's, CEO, Sheldon, Wolff said in a statement we're. A software, development, company which, I founded, in 1988. This, is the first time I've done anything like this I'm hoping. There are thousands, of companies like mine who give their employees $1,000. Bonuses, to show our support for the new tax plan which, will ultimately help the middle class, although. This is truly incredible in and of itself it's, made even better by the fact that so many other corporations. Are doing the same exact, thing when, you consider how much employers, are giving to employees, one, can only imagine how much more they're investing, in their company, as well, according. To taxpayer, watchdog americans. For tax reform, over. 170. Companies, have given bonuses to employees since, the tax, was passed late last year John. Karch vice, president, of communications for, Americans, for Tax Reform wrote. In my conversations. With bosses and employees across. The country the, big thing I am hearing is appreciation. And excitement, people. Are ready to build expand. Hire, and get things done the. Left can try to make President, Donald Trump's, tax cut out to be a bad or insignificant thing, all they want but, Americans, earning more money and being able to keep more of what they earn speaks, for itself, people, are going to see that Democrats, are nothing more than a bunch of phonies, as the money keeps coming in a word, to the politicians.

Who Actually want, to keep their jobs, don't, argue against, Americans, making, money that, says more about you than you could ever say about President Donald Trump, dear, Patriots, please, subscribe, to our patriotic, channel, like, and share this video so your friends can see it thank. You after. Levar Ball blasts, Trump and sends sons to play overseas, karma. Strikes in pro debut when. Lee angelo ball was caught shoplifting during. A trip to china in november, president donald trump was kind enough to place a call to chinese president side Jinping to secure the release of the UCLA, basketball player. So that he could be dealt with stateside. However. Lee Angelo's, ungrateful. Father loved our ball blasted, president Trump instead of thanking him as he, should have done and subsequently. Pulled both of his sons out of school to play basketball, overseas before. Long, though, karma, struck during the boy's professional. Debut, Lavar. Ball left, president, Donald, Trump right, photo, credit screen-capture, Sports. Illustrated. Twitter, chips, Amarula Getty, Images, news Getty, Images, you. Would think that Lavar ball would have been on his knees thanking the president for, saving his son from spending the next decade in a decrepit Chinese, prison, but that's not what he did instead. Lavar, embarked, on a full-blown, Trump bashing, tour ultimately. Sending, both of his sons to play basketball. Overseas, well. This, has since proven to be a very bad move. Because karma struck the family of disrespectful. Self-entitled. Athletes, during their professional debut, in Lithuania. If you're. Not an avid basketball fan. You, probably weren't familiar with the ball family before li angelo was caught shoplifting during. A trip to china in november the, balls began, making headlines soon, thereafter because, of the response li Angelo's, father, levar had, after President Donald Trump implore Chinese, President Xi Jinping, to release Li Angelo, and the other UCLA. Basketball players. Who committed, the same offense, Lavar. Ball the father of Li Angelo Bal who, had been arrested and later absolved, of shoplifting, charges last week in China made, sight of President Donald Trump's involvement, regarding, the release of his son and the two other UCLA. Players, who. Lavar. Ball told ESPN on Friday regarding. Trump's influence, on the shoplifting, case what. Was he over there for don't. Tell me nothing everybody. Wants to make it seem like he helped me out in. Response, to levar ball Trump's, social media director dance Gavino, took to Twitter Saturday, afternoon, and said that Lee Angelo, and his teammates, would be in China for a long long, long, time if Trump hadn't intervened, source. International. Business Times, now. No, one will likely remember the names of the three other UCLA. Students, who shoplifted along, with Lee Angelou in China in the, grand scheme of things their, crime will amount to little more than a stupid decision made, by a few entitled, young college, athletes, they, will probably go on to continue, playing basketball and. Stand every chance of enjoying lucrative, careers, that's. Because, they didn't turn their crime into an opportunity to trash president Donald, Trump the. Balls on the other hand showed, no gratitude after President, Trump secured, Lee Angelo's, release, instead, of allowing him to rot in a foreign prison and like others who are unfortunate enough to find themselves on the wrong side, of the law while overseas, then. Levar, pulled early Angelo, and his brother out of school all together packed. The family up and moved, them to Lithuania, to try their hand at playing professional. Ball. Well, that hasn't exactly worked out the way they hoped it would. UCLA. Ended up suspending, Li Angelou for the rest of the season as a result of the shoplifting incident. Lavar, reacted, to the news by pulling his son out of college as well as his younger brother la, Melo from high school and brought them overseas to, play for a professional, team in Lithuania. However. Things, aren't turning out as lovara would have hoped in their pro debut in, Lithuania, against the lie Akira's payoffs, neither, brother scored, a single point the, to win a combined, 0 for 7 from the floor and their, team BC, pre and I lost. 95. To 86, source. IJ, are the. One time that Li Angelo, did score, his foot was out of bounds, li.

Angelo Nails this dre but. His foot was out of bounds, via. At overtime, picked, wit ur dot-com, weblink. Sports. Illustrated. At snow, January. 13. 2018. In, similarly. Disappointing. Fashion, the only time la Melo was able to score was after the buzzer went, off bla. Melo flushes, this in style but. It wasn't fast enough via. Act overtime pick Weblink. Sports. Illustrated. At snow, January. 13. 2018. Levar. Tried to blame his son's embarrassing. Professional, debut on their coaches, saying, after the game that they need to play my boys together, more but, it was already clear that despite all of the media hype surrounding the, ball family lately they're, sorely, lacking any, kind of real talent. Levar. And some, fans sound, off on me Angelo, and la Melo balls, scoreless pro debut in, Lithuania. Via. At overtime, picked, whitter dot-com, weblink. Sports. Illustrated. At snow, January. 13th. 2018. It. Would appear that things aren't going much better for the balls in Lithuania. Than they did in the US or in China, for, that matter the, common, denominator, in this equation, seems to be the people involved, not, locale, perhaps. It's time for levar ball and his sons to gain some perspective and, gratitude, otherwise. The, balls can kiss there already but that it careers goodbye and then, what, will they have no. Education and, no real life experience, save, for the time one of them tried to rip off a high-end, store during an international, trip somebody. Needs to tell these idiots that they're going to need more than a rap sheet if they want to get anywhere in life dear, Patriots, please, subscribe, to our patriotic, channel, like, and share this video so your friends can see it thank. You after. Chuckie Schumer calls. Trump racist, on TV Sarah, makes him cry with brutal surprise. Senator. Chuck Schumer decided. To pander to the Democrat, voter base by going on a Stephen, Colbert, show his. Mission, was to smear President Donald Trump's name and make him out to be a racist, hoping, to push POTUS, to sign the docket deal with no funding for the southern border wall Trump. Told them all no, wall no Daka and Chuckie kept lying White. House press secretary Sarah. Huckabee, Sanders was so fed up she, just made Chuckie, cry with a real brutal surprise. Senator. Chuck Schumer left. White House press secretary Sarah. Sanders, middle, President, Donald Trump right, photo, credit, YouTube. Screengrab, YouTube. Screengrab, YouTube. Screen, grab the. Democrats, are playing games this. Is nothing, new but, all Americans should know what is at stake the Democrats are focused, on the midterm elections, that are coming up in nine months their, strategy is to thwart the president, from getting anything done that way they can vilify, him and tell their constituents that, President, Donald Trump was a big mistake they. Care nothing about the American, people as this, is clearly a strategy, for their own self gain so, Democrats, can win elections, Chucky's, and his dirty Democrat, allies, want to take back the House and the Senate and make Trump lame duck in the White House, Colbert.

As Chucky many, people, look at this and what the president, has said and just say okay, well, Donald. Trump is a racist. You think that Donald Trump is a racist. Chucky, answered, look, his, comments, over and over and over again can be described, as nothing but racist, and obnoxious he. Says he's not a racist, Schumer. Said before Colbert interrupted, to clarify the Trump, says he's the least racist person. Schumer. Then issued a challenge to Trump actions, speak louder than words if, you want to just begin the long road back, to proving, you're not racist, or bigoted support. The bipartisan, compromise three. Democrats, and three Republicans put. On the floor everyone. Gave and get, the dreamers, safety, here in America, that's, what he should do what. A piece of crap Schumer, truly is Chucky. Is lying about this daca dreamers, Act he. Knows Trump's not a racist, but Schumer, is such a liar he, can't stop himself from. Day, one of these negotiations, Trump. Made it clear no, wall no daca, Schumer. Isn't representing, the spirit of the negotiations. As he, knows darn well Trump, will never approve daca without, the wall that. Brings us to White House press secretary Sarah. Sanders, who, was chomping at the bit to attack, Schumer, and make him cry twitchy. Reports, and in, one fantastic singer, Sarah Huckabee, Sanders, reminds, Democrats, and NBC. Chuck Schumer that they used to love Donald Trump until he became President, of the United States. Responding. To their racist charge against, Trump Sarah, asked them why, didn't BC give him Donald, Trump a show, for a decade, on TV why, did Chuck Schumer and all of his colleagues come, in beg Donald Trump for money all. Of her comments, were recorded, by the press during. Remarks, to reporters, just now at press, sex ed NBC's, relationship. With Trump and the fact he donated two dims as evidence, he isn't racist, why. Didn't BC give him a share for a decade on t v-- why. Did Chuck Schumer, and all of his colleagues come in begged Donald Trump for money picked Weblink. Aaron. Roopa at a true power January. 16. 2018. Schumer. Lied on Colbert's, show when he said if, bill doesn't become law there, will only be one thing standing, in its way and that's, Donald, Trump and his intransigence, no. Chucky, and his corrupt Democrats, are what stands in the way those. Who elected Trump presidents, want the wall we, don't care about daca yet. Schumer. Acts like he is in the majority and as if he is president and holds, all the cards, if Chuckie, was so concerned, with his daca kids he'd, vote to fund the wall it's, that simple, but, he, won't and neither, will the other liar tricky, dicky Durbin, who keeps droning, on about Trump, allegedly, calling, third world countries, shitholes. Trump. Is doing exactly what we elected him to do these, swamp creatures, like crybaby, Schumer, don't serve the people he, never has he, only serves Chucky thank. God for Sarah Sanders, who speaks her mind and makes them look like fools the. American, people are behind President Donald Trump and the building of the southern wall and in, the end the, president and the people will outsmart all these reps, Democrats. And their ilk will find themselves losing, this battle because Trump gave us his word he, will build then wall dear.

Patriots, Please, subscribe, to our patriotic, channel like, and share this video so your friends, can see it thank. You Trump. Aiding senator tries to jump on, Hill dog pile one, word has Democrats, cringing, Trump. Aiding senator patrick leahy DVD. Recently. Tried to jump on the shithole dog pile with a snarky comment aimed at Department, of Homeland Security Secretary Kirsten, Nielsen now, his, fellow liberals are cringing after one word he said made it obvious that he needs to retire, Patrick. Lee he left, President. Donald Trump right, photo, credits, YouTube. Highlight. Media, it's. Amusing when politicians, stick their foot in their own mouth or in Leahy's case both, feet maybe, the public would be a little more forgiving, if the political elites were in such hypocrites, but when a guy like Lee he forgets basic, geography in front of our nation's leaders it's, just downright embarrassing. According. To Daily Caller Lee, he's attempt, to his buddy line Dicky Durbin deal ended. In cringe-worthy embarrassment. After the senator from Illinois chided. DHS. Secretary, cursed Jim Nielsen for President Donald Trump's, alleged comments, that Haiti El Salvador. And some, African, countries are, holes Lee. He apparently, let his excitement over the opportunity, to be a jerk get the best of him during, his egotistical. Criticism. Of Trump he forgot that Africa, is a continent, and not a country, you, implied the president, was articulating. Support, for merit-based emigration. Systems, like those in Australia, or Canada Lee. He said but, when he'd integrated, Haiti and El Salvador, in Africa. A country, where we are trying to have some ability to match China and others in influence, he, said he wanted more people from Norway, after. Screwing up his big chance to look brilliant in front of the committee Lee, he made another attempt, to say something, profound being. From Norway is not a skill Lee he said it's, true Norwegians. Don't possess some magical, skill just because of their place of birth I wonder. How long Lee he contemplated. That deep truth before sharing it with his colleagues. Since. The shithole I was started by senator dick durbin multiple. Politicians. Have come out in support of President Trump saying that the accusation. Isn't true, according. To Breitbart, Senator, Tom cotton RR, appeared, on CBS's, Face the Nation recently. To dispel Durbin's claim about Trump's, comments, about Haiti, El Salvador. And African. Nations, cotton. Said I didn't, hear that word either I certainly. Didn't, hear what Senator Durbin has said repeatedly, Senator. Durbin has a history of misrepresenting, what, happens in White House meetings, though, so, perhaps we shouldn't be surprised, by that cotton. Really put the nail in the coffin for, Durbin after being pressed further on the show when he said I didn't, hear it and I, was sitting no farther away from Donald Trump than dick Durbin was and I, know what dick Durbin has said about the president's, repeated statements, is incorrect, the. Fact of the matter is that Democrats see, Trump keeping his promises, to his voting base and will stop at nothing to make him look a racist, and a failure Durbin. And Lee he should be ashamed of themselves for lying to the American, people for a political agenda I won't, hold my breath waiting for, an apology from either of the Democrat, senators, I think. Their behavior, is a direct result of their desperation. Liberals. Couldn't beat Donald Trump in the presidential, election, even with the help of several government agencies, and Barack Obama so. Many details regarding corruption. On the part of former FBI director, James Comey and his assistant, FBI director Andrew. McCabe have come to light that there can't be any question about their attempts to help liberals, undermine, Trump, however. They, still haven't, been able to bring him down with, the Russia collusion, probe being headed up by Special, Counsel Robert, Mueller yet. They, won't keep trying even if they have to use falsehoods. And exaggerations. To feign outrage it's. Only a matter of time until their, lies backfire. On them and people start going to jail for their illegal behavior, until. Then guys, like Lee, he and Durbin will continue, to spew garbage dear. Patriots, please, subscribe, to our patriotic, channel like, and share this video so your friends, can see it thank. You communists. See a declares, itself sanctuary.

State Trump's, DHS, has brilliant counteroffer. California. Might as well be its own communist. Country, after declaring, itself a sanctuary, state however. They've, got another thing coming if they think President Donald Trump is going to let them get away with such lawlessness, the. Department, of Homeland Security has, issued a brilliant counter offer to California's, new sanctuary policy. And you're, going to love it Homeland. Security, Secretary curst, John Nielsen left. Jose, Ortega 19. Aval, Salvador, his handcuffed. And removed from a house in Alexandria Virginia. Center. President, Donald Trump left, photo, credits, screen capture, YouTube. Sarah, L voice and the Washington, Post Getty. Images, Nicholas, Kemp / AFP. / Getty Images. President. Donald, Trump made a lot of promises to the American people, on the campaign trail as all, candidates, do when they're running for office however, the, thing which sets Trump apart from politicians, who pander to their voter base in a shameless attempt, to secure their support, is the fact that Trump has actually, followed through with the majority of the vows he made to Americans, one. Of the key promises, then candidate, Donald Trump made was to clean up the streets of America deporting. Illegal aliens, is essential, to making America, safe again but a new report suggests, that the Trump administration is, willing to go even further in their quest to get a handle on the rampant illegal immigration, which is plaguing our country, according. To Steven diamond of The Washington Times, homeland, security head curst Jim Nielson told the Senate Judiciary Committee. On Tuesday that her department is preparing, to arrest leaders of sanctuary, cities. Homeland. Security, Secretary curst, Jim Nielson confirmed, Tuesday that her department has asked federal prosecutors. To see if they can lodge criminal, charges against, sanctuary, cities and refuse to cooperate with, federal deportation. Efforts, the. Department, of Justice is reviewing, what avenues may be available Ms, Nielsen told the Senate Judiciary Committee. Her. Confirmation, came, after, California's, new sanctuary law, went into effect January, 1st, severely. Restricting, cooperation. The state or any of its localities. Could offer source. Washington. Times this. Would not be the first time an official, has called for the arrest of leaders of sanctuary, cities, previously. Bristol. County Sheriff, Thomas Hodgson, told the House Subcommittee. On illegal, immigration, that sanctuary, cities, have become magnets, for illegal aliens some, of which had violent, criminal, records, if these. Sanctuary, cities, are going to harbor and conceal criminal, illegal aliens, from ice which, is in direct violation of, title 8 of the u.s. code federal. Arrest warrants should be issued for their elected, officials said. Hodgson. Our citizens. Would be safer, if we never stopped enforcing immigration, law. And if we never formed, or turned a blind eye towards sanctuary, cities. According. To the gateway pundit, in October. The Department, of Justice gave a final, warning to force sanctuary, cities in one County after they failed to comply with federal immigration laws. Saying, in a statement the. Justice, Department, today responded. To seven jurisdictions. Following, a preliminary assessment, of the jurisdictions. Compliance. With 8 USC. 1373. These. Jurisdictions. Were identified, in a May 2016. Report, by the Department of Justice's, Inspector, General as having laws that potentially, violate 8 USC. 1373. The. Following, jurisdictions. Have preliminary been. Found to have loss policies. Or practices, that may violate 8 USC. 1373. Cook. County Illinois. Chicago. Illinois, New. Orleans Louisiana, New. York New, York and. Philadelphia. Pennsylvania. Attorney. General. Jeff Sessions, said at the time, jurisdictions. That adopt so-called, sanctuary policies. Also adopt the view that the protection, of criminal, aliens is more important, than the protection of law-abiding citizens, and of the role of law, I commend. The Milwaukee, County Sheriff's, Office and the state of Connecticut, on their commitment, to complying, with section. 1370. 3, and I urge all jurisdictions found. To be out of compliance in this preliminary review to reconsider, their policies, that undermine the safety of their residents, added, sessions we, urge jurisdictions. To not only comply, with section. 1370. 3, but to establish sensible. And effective, partnerships, to properly process criminal.

Aliens, Homeland, Security Head cursed Jimmy Olsen's testimony, on Tuesday, appears, to be a follow up to this warning by sessions, a few months ago since. Then California, became the first sanctuary. State after Governor, Jerry Brown signed legislation which, essentially. Puts law enforcement. Agencies, statewide in violation, of federal immigration, laws. That. Legislation. Took effect on January, 1st and it appears that the Trump administration is, wasting, no time and, doling out repercussions. To those local leaders who buck federal immigration law. Thereby, putting the American people, at risk in order to accommodate individuals. Who broke the law by coming here in the first place. You.

2018-01-23 10:54

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Smug CNN Reporter Keeps Yelling Questions At Trump, Then POTUS Silences Him With One Word Subscribe HERE For More News: Read Original Article Here: Follow Us On INSTAGRAM: @WeThePatriots CNN’s Jim Acosta has apparently never heard the phrase “you catch more flies with honey.” He continues to be a smug jerk, attacking the President of the United States, thinking that’s the way to go about respectable journalism. Too bad for Acosta, he decided to obnoxiously yell a few questions at President Donald Trump — and that’s about the time he was silenced by Trump who uttered just one brutal word. Smug CNN Reporter Kept Yelling Questions At Trump, Then He Silenced Him With One Word Jim Acosta (left & right), President Donald Trump (center) (Photo Credit: Screenshot/YouTube) CNN has been the leading purveyors of fake news, and it doesn’t look like things are going to improve anytime soon. In fact, they even seem to be trying to make their own news these days in yet another desperate attempt to make President Trump look bad. Too bad for them, the only thing CNN is doing is dirtying their own reputation. In fact, infamous Trump-hating reporter Jim Acosta demonstrated just that during an obnoxious series of events that he kicked off at the White House recently. President Nursultan Nazarbayev of Kazakhstan was recently welcomed in Washington, D.C., prompting President Trump to hold a brief press conference. Initially allowing Americans to see that our leader is friends with other leaders across the globe, the event soon turned into so much more. As the conference was winding to a close, cameras could be heard clicking away, capturing images of the two presidents together, but no one was talking — until Acosta decided to open his fat trap, yelling out at the president. After hearing President Trump’s many successes being outlined, Acosta sought to muddy the waters by bringing up every controversial topic he could think of. When he didn’t get the response he wanted, he continued to yell louder and louder, like a toddler. After the comments, Trump thanked the press for being there. As staffers asked the press to leave the Oval Office, a barrage of questions were shouted at the president. Many were shouted by CNN White House correspondent Jim Acosta. Acosta loudly asked about Norway and Steve Bannon, causing the White House staff to reprimand him with a quick “Jim, thank you. Please exit. Thanks, everyone.” [Source: The Daily Caller] Too bad for him, things were about to blow up in his face as President Donald Trump grew fed-up with his antics. Even better yet, the president was about to let Acosta know just that by silencing him with one single word. As can be heard during the exchange, Trump simply looked in the direction of the members of the press, who weren’t listening to directives to leave by White House aides, and uttered the word “out” while pointing to the door. Specifically talking to Acosta, Trump decided to let everyone know who was in charge of the room. Here it is again from a different angle. Pay attention to Acosta’s face after being treated like a child. It’s priceless: Of course, Acosta immediately took to Twitter in order to complain, but not too many people have any sympathy for him. After all, what else can you expect when you treat someone like trash every single day? Does this idiot actually think President Trump is going to continue to take that kind of assault? If so, it just goes to prove how deluded the liberal media really is when it comes to their opinions of themselves. As I attempted to ask questions in Roosevelt Room of Trump, WH press aides shouted in my face to drown out my questions. I have never encountered that before. — Jim Acosta (@Acosta) January 16, 2018 What occurred reminded me of something I would see in a different country. Certainly not at the WH. Certainly not in the U.S. — Jim Acosta (@Acosta) January 16, 2018 When I tried to follow up on this in the Oval Office, Trump told me to get "out." We then went to the Roosevelt Room where WH aides obstructed us from asking questions. — Jim Acosta (@Acosta) January 16, 2018 If Jim Acosta really wants to stop being treated like a child, then there’s a simple solution: Stop acting like one. However, when you want to be loud, yell, and disrupt the teacher, you don’t have anyone else to blame but yourself when you get kicked out of the class. The fact that we have to tell adults to act like adults is beyond ridiculous — and the fact that these idiots have people who support them out of nothing more than an allegiance of like-minded bias makes it even worse.

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