Smorgasburg NYC, Governor's Island, IKEA & Wedding Vlog| Shelly Coco

Smorgasburg NYC, Governor's Island, IKEA & Wedding Vlog| Shelly Coco

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Good. Morning I just got back from the, post office. Outside. And I'm kind of rushing they need to be I had an order that I did online and this is the first time I have ordered from this place it's called okay. Some people only shine from, the booklet sheet in I think if she did, order. The function, I. Had. Seen them on Instagram, they have 17 sponsored posts on Instagram and. I, asked, around from, other people that ordered from that and they were like yeah it's really achieved but it comes from China but it's actually, really good so, I have this whole order from the Chien which is fun gonna cool it I really wanna go through it right now I really, have to leave to go meet Bree Bree and I are going to smorgasbord. Today which, is the huge Food Festival it has all these crazy. Food, ideas like the, ramen, burger, and I, think one is called cronut, I think cronuts, with that and it's, one of the top things to do in New York so obviously Bree wants to do before she leaves, breno has two week class that is inch which. Is crazy. Yeah. So I'll go through all of this stuff when, I get back because. I do not have time. But. Also about my second. Dress for the, wedding human, and I think I'm gonna go with that one I'll show you that when I get back as well I just really need to go I. Need to take my hair down I just, put it in a bun when they get hot they just turn the AC off. It's. So, loud. They. Look. Great. So I want to take a bow or not I mean I guess maybe. I'll take my backpack because, I want to be hands-free. Right. What am I actually made, I don't know I'm taking my camera obviously. This. Is my backpack, I got it from Primark ages ago and the corners, aren't ripped because I put my laptop in here and my, laptop's just too big for it like just a teeny bit big for it so it pokes out but I love, having a backpack so much it. Just means like hands-free. And I can do whatever I want, instead. Of having like the, bird nila bag on my shoulder and, I hate having a bag on my shoulder and it keeps falling off and I'm just like very aware of it whereas, a backpack, you just put it on and, you're. Good to go right. Let's get going you have to go in back now. -, out, we already uh you know I thought it was smooth as board I've, heard. But. In a belt burn like, the. Yeah, so. On. This, stuff must be good, the. Huge line. Different. Styles. Bree, what is a spaghetti doughnut. I'm sure. Yay. Like, really good. Maybe, the original with 30, tuples or Eva's. And, bulky. It. Is very funny. I. Got. The shaved. Ice with fruity. Pebble pokey. And Oreos, it's, Pocky the, sticks. What. A nice view we have I would love to be on that boat I sure. Would love to swim right now. Whoever's. Always talking about oh really yes open, okay.

So Bree and I decided to walk to Dumbo it's super hot so I don't know why we decided to do that but it, took like just as all when the subway visit, to walk and. Walking by the water isn't that max it's nice and breezy and. We just found this new park. Speaker, 2 a nice car and play sirens. This. Is Domino, Park apparently, its new. Brand. New play park. And. There's just this old factory, building. Right. In the middle. Okay, I am home now from a day out with Bree I actually, just got home and I sat on, the sofa and just watch catfish, for, like, the last 20 minutes just cuz I was so, hot, it, was really hot today I never actually checked the temperature but I'm sure it was like mid, thirties um yeah, some home so, I thought that I would do machine well now mostly, because I want to see all the stuff I bought because it takes a little while to get here I think I would've this, two, or three weeks ago I mean, I know, that it comes from China so. Got. A long way to Bowl, so. Here, is my package. What's. The first thing on that so, I ordered a few things from Xie and basically she in and, now the lighting is so different basically. She in is a really cheap online shop that comes from China which is Pablo so cheap and other people have bought some stuff and said that it was actually good so I decided to try it last. Thing I got was this. White. T-shirt. And. So. It's just a white, t-shirt, and then it has this Thai bit at. The bottom which I thought was pretty cool I just need more plain. Tops, because I have a lot of patterned, or college. Liked. Pants, that I love to wear and, I. Don't really have any plain, tops so I need more of those I would love these in more colors but now I'm feeling it it. Feels a little bit like like. It's definitely not caught in let's say that and. Then did. I get what is this I. Think. This might be the jumpsuit. I ordered. And. Now I'm seeing em fast and I'm not sure I love it bad, I gasps oh no. I feel like I have a jumpsuit, in this kind of house and already it have the blue you bet. I. Mean. He's, nice I guess I'll. See I'll try it on later I'm just far too hot to be trying on clothes right now this, was my like last-minute, purchase, it was in the suggested, section at the bottom I was checking out, so. This. Is oh. No, I don't like it no. No no no I think it might be fine I just hate this. New trend of like 3/4. Length trousers. Or jumpsuits, I just, don't think it suits me I don't want something that cuts off halfway, up my car, that's not flattering, at all and I thought this was all the way down but I guess it's not. Yeah. I don't know I need to try it on but, again it's definitely not all the way down I think if I was like breathe height it, would be normal, but. I'm not breathe height. No. No I, think it's like it, doesn't cut off halfway up my car it's like what. Do you call it and like an ankle greater length it's. All about but, um I just love a good jumpsuit in summer I, hate this lighting, situation. I'm gonna change all the light bulbs to white light bulbs, so, I don't have this issue although I still will have this issue because I wall. Lights. How, do apartments. I'm sure that. Apartments. Now are built to be, aesthetically.

Pleasing Writing. But right now this. Is not like, I'm sure when, zoella and Alfie, bought, or, built their house I'm sure they were thinking about lighting when they were doing it cuz, their house has great lighting, um, this, is a it's, like a cord, such so. These aren't legging and they have this beige maroon, stripe, down this is definitely more of an autumn look this. Is a liking part and, then, it comes with oh. Is, this a crop top although I think those are high waisted so, no, midriff will be on show but then this is the top part and it has a stripe here I just thought that that looked kind. Of cool. All, right now I'm sure a jury would approve if Andrew, approves then. It's okay oh this. Is my favorite oh, my god I'm so excited, okay so this is how I got on tushy, in and I'm not sure if anyone else has seen this what, is this pit hair doing do you want to be on that side okay great it's where you belong and I'm, not sure if anyone else saw this on the internet but this is how I found she it's, just they have this as a sponsor poster, nice I can't wrinkle they need it and then, I got on the site and I was like wow from here I, might. As well order. A lot. How. Does this work, is this the front or the back this. Is the front duh, why, does it look so short. Oh no, oh. Wait. So the boob part goes that low this, has to be on other people's instagrams, this is like their pride, piece, because, the first time I went by I was sold out so, this is a swimsuit with, tassels so, obviously, it's meant for, instagramming. And, this. Is the service as wise confused, can you see look. At how short. The. Body part is like the top part okay. I hope this stretches, so yeah that was everything that I got from she in I mean I definitely have to try the leggings. And jumpsuits. On just. To see if they fit and see how the leg part is but. I'm pretty pleased with everything I got actually I'm quite surprised okay, so this, is the, a sauce dress I am so. Excited so, I returned for Lulu's dress I think I said that earlier I, didn't. Love it and boob section was weird okay, I just ran out of memory and I just had to restart the camera so I'm not sure what, I was saying I do. Have, to edit some parts of it so this, is the dress this is the top part it has a nice, arm, bit, because honestly, my, arms, are I, think. The most self-conscious, part of my body and I hate summer when, everybody. Was like strappy, tops so. Has these on beds which I love and, then. This. Is. So hard to show this, is like, it's a I don't, know what you called this design this, is the skirt part and then there's also a slit, I mean so it's a full formal, dress I am obsessed. With it I love the color it, looks great. Yeah so I'm really happy with this dress I'm so glad. That I liked this one because I really, really. Didn't know what she with the Lulu's one and I, got. To send back the Luzon which was like a hundred dollar dress and this was on a sauce UK and it was 38 pounds which is like 50, ish dollars, which. Was so much cheaper than most formal dresses formal, dresses in America, are a. Hundred. Minimum. So. I was really lucky that I found the, Lulu's one for so cheap yeah. So, that's. All my online clothing purchases, and. I. Knew to buy the shoes actually, for that dress I was waiting, to buy them to see which dress I was gonna wear I'm, gonna order them from a source UK they're 16 pounds, which again is nothing a sauce UK has got it going on a stilts, USA not so much just so.

You Know so if you live in the US and you want to order on a sauce just go on the UK site and then just get it delivered to the US because it's cheaper, and I. Prefer, the styles I don't know if Americans, would I think maybe it's because I'm British, I just, prefer all the British things I don't know um, yeah. Okay so Justin is gonna be home from work soon. I need. To finish tidying, and cleaning, because it didn't earlier I just was getting ready in lost track of time and didn't. Clean and tidy also it took a while on the post office cuz someone, was making a scene about someone stealing her package but yeah. Okay. I'm, gonna try. And do this as. Dignified. As I can, I just thought I would update or. Gord you can see my boobs. This. Oh, god, I got a little bit burnt today and this. Swimsuit is not meant, for tall people I. Okay. So I would usually get like a large in, British, size or like an extra-large, but. In this, website because I know it's China and No know that their sizes are smaller I got, an extra extra, large in this swimsuit it is just not meant, for tall, people I, don't even think I can show this on camera because maybe. Boobs are like fully out so, this is, where. My my. Nipple should, be this is where the boob pad is but. My. Boobs are up here because I am tall I mean I think the other clothes are going to be fine this is the first thing that I tried on but. I mean this is, not, meant, for tall people at, all like. How how, is my boob the boob pads supposed, to be like. Where, my stomach, is I'm. So annoyed this, was the thing I was most excited. About. Okay. I'm in the office this morning it is Friday Mandy. Is not here because she already left because, Ali's her hospital dinner for her wedding is tonight, so she's already in Baltimore, Justin and I are leaving tomorrow. But, today I'm in the office by myself which is one. Of my favorite things so I have my favorites, so I should drink which if you're wondering, is a, iced. White, chocolate mocha and no whipped cream and then I'm actually leaving early today too because, I still need to get shoes because the shoes I ordered did not fit and they were so uncomfortable so, I have to go find shoes to. Go with my, dress for the wedding, I'm brie and I are going to Governors Island tonight to you for a picnic. Yeah, you're welcome have a wonderful, weekend and I will see you on Monday. Great. You're welcome bye Julie. Bree, and I just got to Governors, Island to take the ferry over. Incredible. I can't believe that we haven't been here before we. Found a really nice picnic bench in, the shade for a. Little bit hot right, by the water this, is amazing. It's. So, nice for a picnic Bree and I have a very artisanal meal of Mo's you're. Just having chips of Acadia. Look. At this mansion. The, lights are on. You're, not. Sure. Look. Like. Shooting. Anyone.

I. Guess. It's been like holiday, home, they're. Probably not dying nice to be here. This. Is very interesting. With. The same word and like some sort of horror movie. This. Would actually be a great set for a horror movie happy, what-what is. This giant building. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. That looks a little bit creepy this, looks like a mental, asylum. Deadbolt. I'm like this. Looks like a. This. Is. Like a derelict, senator, at the synagogue. Yeah. The blinds are, creepy. This. Is creepy, this building. Well. Now I see a castle, do you see that upper. Bri-bri. This is like a real adventure. I have no idea. Where we are. What. Is this up here. This. Doesn't help the like my new favorite podcast, is my favorite matter. Well. I think about as matter now. What. Is this. Good. They were not here at night I did. Like. What is this. This. Is so weird. Baby. It's, like a lot and there's not one of those names. Died. Here shut. Up. We. Need to research, this and now the. Island, can mess up all the playground as well looks like now I mean, I knew about the mental asylum on, Staten, Island and there's a machete there. Is a machete and, our machete. Boy. Wow. No. But. Why the names that's, creepy. Destroy. What. The Huq. All. Right then what is this a church I. Mean. I guess this would be kind of a fun playground. There's. A tunnel you. Can, climb on that thing over there. There's. Like a play kitchen, area. Very. Interesting. This. Is the strangest place we've ever been to it is a cruise ship I think. The. Queen Mary. Yeah. These. People, she. Was like that's guy the hearing ago but other vowels like no no, no way. So. I'm creepy. Like. Even. Though it's like a really nice summer day. BYE. MOM oh my. God. And. Now we're just here, in a. Soccer field. Leadeth, bells. Wait. Bri we can't go in. You. Know I think it's actually hid. The. Painting is, creepy. Bri. Do you see this painting but, just look at that it's a man tied up and the child is like huh. We're. Not gonna die we'll be fine, we just can't miss the last ferry. Mwah. Fine. He'll. The. Farm Oh hammock. Groves that's where the hammocks are this. Is huge I didn't realize it we're in Nolan, Park. Right. Isn't that where we walk towards I think Cornelius traveling yet oh yeah whatever. You are here then. So. This is just an old theater, that's not creepy. Well. I mean what are they going to do with all these buildings. Really. Bree. I'm really scared someone's going to come to the window. What. Oh, that's. Creepy is. Uh yeah. Where are the restrooms oh no. I'm not going in a porta potti, mmm. Brietta no Baba I'll. Take a peek but I hate porta-potties. All. This is abandoned. Like. What the hell. There's. Bri I would, love to spend the whole day I think this would be a really great place to take people yeah. It's really hot in the Sun Wow, and there's no breeze anymore now what. Happened to our nice sea breeze this has to be the song yeah. I'm. Fonts. Son. I. Like, all the plants here. Quite. Lovely, there's. The Statue of Liberty and. There's. A hill over there that you can climb to the top to look out. Oh how. Fun. Breathe. As whatever that.

White. Soap swing I'm gonna get it lit up. And. You get. This. Is my new favorite place. Do. A flip. Oh. Yeah. There's a higher. Thank. You. Rainbow. Sprinkles, without, with primo cherry I. Look. Like such a tourist with my camera my ice cream and they just don't care. What, are these houses there's, more strange houses. Behind. Me. Get. Inside of it but that's kind of cool, and then. Manhattan. Is behind me. Bree. And I missed, the, 6. O'clock ferry so issues of the neck blood where a psycho, Barbie water. That's. Why we were. Like here. Like. Here. Do. We need a stool for anything. I actually. Do know what I am. I. Really. Don't know what I think, it's a kind of hat I think, it's some kind of thing that you put on top of hot plates, no. What. Is it. Don't. Even say. Listen. At all right. You. Laughing about. Because. It's new I didn't buy it yeah I don't. Work at all. No. I'm, buying this, this. Is my hat. I. Mean. It watch you might be it is. Still. Cool. I. Like, that one like some Hawaiian shirt or cool cool ah. This. Okay. Justin I have been home for Mike here for a little bit I had. Some emails to do and, Justin, is actually having a nap I think, naps on Sunday always great I think I'm gonna clean and tidy for a little bit, but. I thought I'd just show you why I got an idea so we got a trash can the trash, cans that we have right now Joey have lids so, you go over the lid and we only have two trash cans right now one for, normal, trash and one for recycling, so, we need two for Recycling's, we can have one for paper one of the plastic so, this is, now going to be our trash trash it. Was not the most exciting, idea trip I mean we had fun but it's not like we got super, exciting, things we don't really need any furniture, besides. Another, bookshelf, but I'm gonna get that back in hand from someone you need to find one of those bookshelves that's close to us but we also got, a, just. A normal, do they cover this, is just for the duvet that's a gas so, kitty, my, brain keeps you from England is coming to visit so I just want a duvet cover the, duvet it goes, on the sofa bed and. We also got curtains, for, the living room I have no idea why we just didn't, get cartoons for the living room we haven't got, around to doing it and I, feel like a kitty is gonna be staying in the living room she. Will care about patents, in the living room my brother obviously, didn't but, I think is she will she also has scared of home invasion like me so I think windows, were probably freaked her out we got a, new other niche because, the, one that we have right now I, don't know how this happens if you leave it on top of the oven it, burns, it so this is the one that we have look, how messed. Up that's gotten. That's. Gross and that's just from leaving it on top of the oven so that can go out and we have a nice. Bright. Colored new one I'm excited about that that was exciting, well yeah. Just embrace to hit the cotton on, and. We. Got some IKEA, biscuit, to which we ate on the bus home so that was really it I really, wanted, to get a plant, I love the plant section but. Now I can't, decide whether I want a fake plant or a real plan I think real is probably back to her because. FAFSA, supposed to be really good in terms of oxygen. And, just, making an environment, feel really nice I also didn't like any of the throw pillows that they had so, didn't, get any of those. I still. Want nice. Pillows, in the living room and I want to brag but, I am being, very picky and I, also don't want to spend that much money on it because I, know we probably won't be here forever I, really, don't want to move and redecorate so, that was everything that we got an idea not too too exciting, but I hear it's always so fun to go to a, freakin, mile bike here okay I am, about to start vlogging for, the next week and I, thought I would just introduce these, clips my boss, Ally got, married so we.

Went Our wedding I obviously didn't vlog it as in like flog it properly, because it's. A wedding or a ton of people I don't know but. I wanted to get some of it too first Jewish wedding I've been to and Jewish weddings, are amazing. I loved. It so crazy and then like the dances, and the songs like, the ceremony has so much symbolism I, sure didn't film any of the ceremony, I didn't think oh yeah I just wanted to introduce that Justin, and I have got the bus to Baltimore, on that Saturday the wedding was in the evening I, loved. My dress it's, my ASA UK, dress and doesn't. Justin, look amazing, in a tux so, here are some clips from Ali's, wedding. What. I realize. Down. Everybody, sing it. My, name, was so much fun and we had the best time and Justin, danced. All night before, we went to the wedding he had said to me I think I'm gonna dance you can dance for our set and then, Ali. Had a live band at her wedding which they were incredible, and Justin. Danced all night long, and it was the best night and loved, every second, when they loved that he danced all night so I'm just gonna clean and tidy the apartment, for the week and do. The rest of my emails maybe do some editing, not. Very exciting, but like getting, stuff done kind, of day yeah, that is it for this weekly vlog if you like stuff love please give it a thumbs up and leave. A comment let me know what the best wedding you have been to is and make. Sure you guys are subscribe to my channel if you're watching my videos just make sure you're subscribed because, it means a lot in terms numbers, and what I'm able to do with the channel I hope you are having a great week and I will see you in my next weekly vlog.

2018-08-18 01:04

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