Singapore's Chinatown: Places You Didn't Know Existed! - Challenge Accepted Ep. 2

Singapore's Chinatown: Places You Didn't Know Existed! - Challenge Accepted Ep. 2

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Hello everyone, i am xenia, welcome, back to another episode, of challenge, accepted. Where we prove to you that rediscovering. Singapore. Is just as exciting, as traveling, overseas. In this episode, we will be exploring. Chinatown. We have planned an epic 2d one night adventure, here in our very own little red dot, you can expect, a lot of food recommendations. Interesting, activities, that even locals, might not know and yolo, challenges. And my challenge for today, is. I trust adriela. No i'm close to her she knows my fashion sense and also, not that i want a trash talk but my highest, record. Is taking 327. Photos in five minutes. This is a talent that should be included in my resume, okay, never mind you'll witness it today let's get the ball rolling. First stop, breakfast. We all know the best place to get cheap and good food is a hawker, center but this one's different. Here at maxwell food centre you can find a bowl of ugee rickshaw, noodle. Edges. So breakfast, is served, we have the one dollar og rickshaw, noodle, and, oyster, cake 1.2. And also, traditional, binker. So, i'm going to try this i'm so excited. Now i understand, why there are so many regular, customers. Always coming back for the same. Bowl of noodles. And next i'm gonna try the oyster, cake. You want another, asmr. The best part about being a tourist, in your own country is you have own time on target, and that is why we are hopping on a self-guided, tour, called the pioneers, trail where we will be exploring. Ansion, hill and turlock i agree. It's like a history, lesson, but outdoors. And fun, with me. Besides, learning, all the historical, facts. Of sports, you might have walked past before, there are also beautiful, places where you can take your next ig, photo, you can up your ig game. You ready, because i am. Let's. Wow. Oh. One of the places, in chinatown, that i used to think was super basic because i would come here and take basic otds. Is ansian. Hill. Because, it is uniquely. Vintage, and modern, at the same time. But recently. I had a mind-blowing. Moment, okay, you see this sheltered corridor, which extends, outwards from the shop house that we singaporeans. Walk past every other day, is actually called gauka, ki in hokkien, which translates, to five foot way in english, reason being. Sia. One. Two, three, four, five, this design, was originally, drawn up by sir stanford rebels to protect, pedestrians, from singapore's, pms, weather. But, my ama don't care she set up her nasi lemak business here at such a small space. Along with many of her friends can you imagine, how chaotic, messy. It is, and that's the reason why, many, hawkers, here, were resettled. To. Chinatown. Food complex. We are here to have lunch and honestly, as a singaporean. I always, go for. Food that i've tried before and i like it so today we are going to be adventurous. Okay we're gonna try some stalls, that we've never tried before let's go. I'm so excited, to introduce, all the dishes, to you today, the first one is. This is established. Since, 1947. And the reason why we bought it from this store.

Is Because, they started from a simple push cut along jalan salton, and here they are, resettled. In hawker center. Oh my god it's so nice i don't know whether it's peanut, jamie anymore. Next we have yong taofu, and this is the traditional, kind where, you don't get to pick your ingredients they pick for you. And it's so fresh, so simple so good, next. We have hakka, laycha. And what it has is rice. With a bunch of chopped up vegetables. And what's really special about this dish is, the soup, it's a blend of herbs. Peanuts, and green teas. It is. Salty. Very nutty. Tastes very healthy. So all the other dishes i've tried before in my life except for this, walkway. And when i was talking to the uncle. This is actually a hokkien, dish, okay so you're supposed to mix. The sauce. Fermented, pink curd i think. And then you mix with chili. Garlic. And it's right on top of drinkwaste, brother. Another dish that i've never tried before in my life is, turtle, soup. This is a cantonese. Dish. It doesn't taste gamey. And the main point of this is it is so nutritious. The auntie gave me turtle liver. Didn't even try. Oh my god eat the whole thing. No but you know what they say. Healthy, food. Always, might, not, taste as good that is why we are going to have, a very nice snack to end the meal and that is honey. Crackers. It's still kind of warm so. I'm gonna try it the legendary. Honey crackers. It is. Very simple, very sweet, but it is the texture, that is so. Addictive. I am so fooled, on no more food for now. Right now, we are at the singing bowl gallery, where we are going to try, something called the singing bow therapy. It is something i've never tried before, and i'm gonna let you in to this personal, experience, of mine as i let out. Let's go. Hello. Welcome, to the studio. Okay. Today, we are going to conduct a single. Therapy, session, for you, okay before we start that i want to, know, a bit more about you, so have you ever meditated. Before, yes. And i don't like it i'm sorry. Whenever i meditate. It's very. Chaotic. And there were some sessions, where, i don't know why but i would keep tearing, yeah that's why singing book is a. Good way to relax, our minds some people may feel. Sadness. Or, joy. Some, cheers. So that is a sign of. Release. So the first step is i'll put the singing bow, directly, on your body. The vibration, from the bow helps you relax, you, physically. And hopefully, mentally. And after that, i'll play the gong the gong, is very, jarring. Very noisy. Very, strong. Vibrations. After the gong i play the same holes, here these are the full moon singing. Bowls. Slowly. Gently, stretch, the sound. Okay, so we are done with the singing, bowl therapy, session. And. It's hard to explain how i feel, because i feel a lot, as you can tell. And it further confirms, that, i. Am a red hands person. Physically, and mentally. It was shocking, to me when she said. Maybe you're very stressed out recently. You need to just learn to have fun which is exactly, what i did like two days ago. It's important to relax, so that. We don't snap like a rubber band okay we remain, stretchy. We can, be stressed, but we bounce back. So we are healthy, mentally and physically. So it's always important to take care of yourself. Don't you feel like more grounded, now. Like not like. Yes you are. Oh my just crack. Going with the theme of relaxation. We are taking a tea break here at bai singh chun cha chuang, pig sin chun has been, in the tea business, for 95. Years that's. Double, triple no quadruple, i mean considering, i'm 18 years old this year my age, and they have over 100, types of teas for you to choose from so we, are going to take a chill pill, wind down, sip some tea.

And Have someone spilty. About, tea. Let's go. Team. Get it get it. Adrian got it. Okay, now i'm here with ingwa. Where he is going to introduce, me to the many different types of teas, available. This is how i am, okay the next tea, i'm gonna let you try. Is the premium, nanyangki. Uh our party has grown party. Party. My name got team like. Street is known for its array of fancy, restaurants. And bars, and we are here at angel, and devil, bistro. They serve modern european, cuisine, with a touch, of asian spices, what's really special, is that they serve healthy, food by day, and, sinful, ones at night it is 7 p.m now so i guess. Devil. Is the way to go. I'm sorry. To start off we have a very special, tapas. This is kwai paiti, with ota, moose. I've never seen this anywhere before. And they see you're supposed to try to eat it in one bite, supposa. Always, always thought right. It is very rich in flavor, very creamy. It's just it's just amazing. Next up we have scallop, tataki. It reminds me of the song there is a song right, oh it's takitaki, is different. We are going in with the star okay which is, seared scallop. Who's this chef wanna marry him so our main courses, are here we have. This is the guinness, pop. Ribs. It's so tender. I can just imagine, myself, like eating this, watching soccer. Around me. If i were a boy. Girls okay, okay. And of course a meal is not complete, without. A dessert. This is called angel, meats devil. Super, rich. We have the, brownie, frank gao chocolate. And super sweet. It's definitely, a good combo. And i don't think you need to share this cause it's not very large. Don't, mess with. Me. Did you think that our night is over, no we are going, all out tonight, here at tempura, ochi, they serve udon, and ramen, till late at an affordable. Price, and of course signature, house cocktails, and peaceful, cocktails. Especially, crafted, by their mixologist. The best part is they teach you how not to judge a book bites cover, you know what, i can show you better than i can explain. Oh my god i really thought it was a fridge when i first came in. Oh. Wow. So. Reason why i like, bespoke, cocktails. Is that it is a very personal, and intimate. Experience. Right it's not just a drink. It's having someone to understand, you from the other side of the table. And have fun. So is it you want to hit. Me i'm. Ready. My face i cannot stop smiling, the whole time. Oh my god. Is the pairing. Can you see the. Inside. We are ending our night with a sticky, at hotels, aloha, a beast, boutique hotel, with character. There are so many, interesting, elements they really spoil market. It's aloha. Firstly, they combine their reception, desk with an amazing, technicolor. Bar so you can have coffee in the day, or your favorite, drink, at night, while waiting to check in. Secondly, they have an in-house, restaurant, takishi, which serves, japanese, fusion, food, which adria thumb has tried and has given her, a thumbs, up. With the iconic, wes anderson, vibes. This makes a really good ig spot they even have. A polaroid, camera, for us to snap, away. Thirdly. They have communal, spaces, like the ones you can find in a hostel, so here's. A co-working, space with charging, pods and, free drinks and kachang food. What, in. A game's room. With. Games, included. And this. Is also, actually. A ping pong table, to. Boom. When you enter the lift, your eyes can feast on the 13, meter long mural, hand painted, by a local. Artist. Every, single floor, has its spirit, animal and tonight. Ours, is. A dragonfly. And we are flying straight, into. A suite. With an outdoor tub. Okay. That's the end of day, one, my favorite place today, has to be, tempura.

Oh Gee, the whole bar in the fridge concept, was a delightful. Surprise. I really, really, love peaceful, cocktails, and i always put in the extra effort to find bars like this overseas, not knowing, we have such a good one in singapore, i'm coming back for you russell, and friends, activity, wise, i think my favorite, has to be, surprisingly. The singing bowl therapy. As much as i really, really, do not enjoy, meditation. And showing my vulnerable, side as i grow older. One thing i've learned is, being vulnerable, is a strength, and not a weakness. And i know this year has been very stressful, not just for me but for everyone, so this is a timely, reminder, for us to take care of ourselves. Okay we need to learn how to relax, and have fun as we figure out lives out, okay. And i'm also really grateful, that we met uncle ingwa, at piksinchun. Tea house because he's really. Like that wise uncle i will go to for life advice. He is truly, a human, representation. Of humility. And i think it's really not easy for him and his team to evolve. With the younger generation. But you never try you never know this is going to be my life more so oh my god. All in all i think these are experiences, i would really go back for again and again and again, i've been so busy, showing my friends to all the places we visited today that. I forgot about my challenge. So. I hate to say this but. I did not complete, the senior rediscover. Singapore, photo challenge, so i guess my team will be picking my outfit, for tomorrow. Hey yo, you ready. Nikolai. Drop sound bars. Good morning, everybody. Today, is day two, i might have the profit, but i'm gonna be cool. Whoa. Hey everybody. We're here at kyongshan, bakery, for breakfast. They're known for injecting, some local, unique, flavors, in their pastry. Good morning scooby doo papa. So um i heard everything is good. What do you recommend. Our signature, bread is actually this, black and white pastry over here, it's called. So the bun is shaped like a hairline. It's actually a trigger, to party. There were domestic, workers who used to live on this street. Also, popular, as the bunches, coffin. And the micro carpet. I'm really impressed that you can just keep a straight face with this medium. Hey yo your girl's, hungry, so breakfast, is served. The first one is. Bacon, mushroom. Sandwich. The mushroom. And the bacon, and the cheese. Is a perfect combination. White button, mushroom. Oh, so fluffy. If you prefer, lighter flavors, then this would be perfect for you but if you are going all out for breakfast. This is your boy. This is called sorhei. And this is a tribute to the martials, of, kyungshyap. Now i know why this is highly reviewed, on the internet. It is crunchy, on the outside, very fluffy inside, super, buttery. And the chocolate chip is not, overpowering. They are also known for, giving, modern, pastries. A local twist. So here we have, matcha, burned cheesecake. Kruffin. For matcha, lovers, this is your heaven, okay the matcha syrup, is. Super, cow, milo crafting. So inside. Is milo ko, kao. It's delicious. You bite into it, you can taste the layers. Last one i'm very excited, about this this is garlic, cream, bomb. I honestly, honestly, think that. Garlic should not be a seasoning, okay it should be the star, and here it is. You know what this deserves. Stupid. It's on the lens, can you think. We are on our way to meet the people at tribe, so tribe curates, different types, of immersive, hands-on, experiences. That are off the beaten track in 2017. They even won the best tour experience, in singapore. And today, we are trying the newest, edition. And that is, neutral, string murders. It's like an outdoor escape room. Hey senior, welcome. Are you really excited for today's skin tour yes i'm ready to beat all of them you know what you're, supposed to do today, escape somewhere.

No. What has to do. With. Murder. Oh my god. So today. You are actually starting out to discover, the identity. Of the new territory. Murderer. Oh my god i'm useful. I haven't did it in. Five. Minutes. Well done, so now we'll give you the. Evidence, card, here, it is. Thank you, travel to different locations. To find more pieces, of evidence, about the. Murderer. Okay. So final answer, is. Your friend. Are you really sure. Well done. You got, the right. Person. For the murderer, so yeah well done i think you all did really well yeah we did it st. No you don't get the high five. I give the most, important. Tip. So that's the end of episode, two we really had so much fun and we are definitely, going back to all the places we've recommended, so if you see us there, don't be afraid to say, scooby-doo. Let us know other places, you want us to rediscover. In singapore, in the comment section below, and don't forget to like share subscribe. And ring, our notification. Bell and we'll see you in the next. Episode.

2020-12-05 07:01

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