Singapore Arab Street After Pandemic A Dying Tourism

Singapore Arab Street After Pandemic A Dying Tourism

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Hello Friends, Welcome to Arab Street I came here before but now I come here first time after virus, Many things has changed its much less crowded I will see how much it effect shop and business here Many shops are closed Its one of beautiful place of Singapore, If anyone visit Singapore then must visit Arab street, Very good food and very good pace to see Let's go and see Arab Street There are so many shops Mostly middle east restaurants If you visit here then you should eat those restaurants. There are some good Turkish and other restaurants because this is Arab street that's why there are many middle eastern fusion restaurants you can see on my back there are many restaurants Soon I will also going to eat in one of there restaurants This whole street are for only for pedestrian Usually this place is always crowded but right now there are no tourist. mostly people here are local or people who work in Singapore Because tourist are not allowed for now to enter Singapore That's why not much crowed here, Today is Sunday and Sundays is always crowded filled with tourist and all food places are full with people but now most are empty because virus effect here as well I will show you on other side as well I notice this lane is mostly cloth shops and other item shops and this lane is mostly for restaurants and many other shopping items as well as you can see There are Turkish delight, you can eat Turkish sweets there is Turkish ice cream as well for sure this is same ice cream that people play with it before it give it to you never let you get ice cream, I may eat it after lunch let's see other stuff, there are many good things to eat Weather is hot and I am feeling much hungry, and this mister asking me to come to eat then better don't disappoint anyone and should listen to this mister and let's eat here So this is Turkish restaurant and let's try food here I am going to try borek, its crunchy filled with cheese, Let's try Taste good, Cheese and crunchy There is something in this dish look like olive, Lets' try Now we have kofta kebab, with french fries can see kebab and many vegetables Let's try taste like shawrma name is different but it is swarma this is kebab dish and have some kofta and There are some cheese on top and it come with bread, don't know what exactly this bread is just try it, It's look good I think this have two pcs of kofta (meat ball) there is tomato and I can see chilly may be not much spicy so have to fill this kofta in this bread there are many cheese here it goes kofta and cheese, let's add some curry Much soft I can taste many spices together cant say which one is it You can notice that most of all the house here they all are old and built in same way and they are not allow to break it or redesign it, So they are still in same old design you can paint it but can not break it This is Singapore Malay food, Malay food is available everywhere in Singapore but it also available here this is Oduh madina attar shop you can buy attar perfume here but I think India is better to buy attar the thing I want to show you that these shops are closed here that's never happened in past that shops are closed down here because there is no business you can see these shops are closed down here this one also closed so right now many shops are closed, this one is also closed because of virus area like this where shops never closed down not even can find place to rent rent is so high in this place something like 15,000 - 20,000 Singapore dollar per month that’s why these people have no choice but to close down business there is another land called haji lane that place is also good tourist place, just nearby many shops are also closed down over there as well but now many are now open as well, we will check out there is pub and bars area as well many things are there we will see soon this lane called kamong glam lane and sultan mosque is here which I show you earlier and there is whole lane in front of that and this land have many shop and interesting things There is one more thing about here, there is backside lanes backside streets usually are dirty but here those a much beautiful they keep it much clean and beautifully paints all walls because of that its look so beautiful so this are backside alleys which are so beautiful and much famous so I will show you how do they look there are small houses but still they paint it so nicely and make it look so nice people don't come backside alley but they still paint it nice Why this guy trying to climb by ladder Just use stairs inside wonder why he is using ladder but look good For a moment I thought there are painting but later realize it was an real pigeon Now I am back to main street at sultan mosque You saw that main street earlier but now I am out from back alley Let's go out and see But let see carpet first From here we will be going haji lane and will see how many changes appear On main road there is another famous restaurant call ZAM ZAM You can find Indian and Pakistani food here So this is Haji lane this place is full tourist attractions and many shops Like I said before if you come to Singapore you must come here at Arab street Specially this Haji lane, So must see here and Sultan mosque lane and you will see many tourist attraction places, also can do many shopping you can buy good souvenir from here Good pose of Groot many painting and many good stuff Some fashion clothing shops now this place is so much silent, which was never like this before because of virus when I came here last time there are even more shops was closed Now many shops are open but now same shop instead new shops are open at same place As you see this shop is closed this one behind me and here is one more I thing new shop on way and will be new business But for now many shops are closed, There is pub behind me All these shops are closed and all because of virus at this tourist of place people can't even get shops and now I can see so many "for rent' Ads here but still people are taking it because rent is higher and there is no tourist this carpet shop is from this side to other side of road I notice there are many fashion shops are here I don't thing they are doing good business souvenir, fashion and food and beauty any tourist place need all this things look like flower shop one more shop for rent one more look beautiful houses are beautiful as well Most of walls are painted with beautiful arts So this will look beautiful and attract tourist, but these painting are not easy but its still look beautiful I am coming from there and from here going back side, most ore bars and pubs are situated here That's what many people comes here at night to enjoy I will show you this beautiful place filled with many wall arts which mean this is Indian restaurants Painting look good this place used to be a road but now it's under construction this place used to be a road but now it's under construction and they paint on construction wall look good all the way on construction wall which end here this is panjab dawat an indian restaurant, look beautiful nut no one inside I think most of people eating outside I think this side is restaurant and other side is pub I am sure there must be many people at night this is also good place to see is you come here have to walk in alleys and have to explore most are pubs and bars in this area night time this place must be wild but this place is dead I remember when I cam here last time I saw coffee shop and on top of coffee they print my picture which was looking so nice but now I can not find that shop, I think they shout down and new business took over there are many business like that which are already shut down and new business open on those shops So this is Haji lane of Arab street and this whole place is tourist destination use to be crowded but not anymore but it's still nice place Is you like to tale pic for instagram so you can come here such as wall art and many good scene you must come here and tale nice photos for your instagram and facebook and enjoy Singapore's Arab street Let me know if you like this video and don't forget to subscribe let me know in comment if you want to see any other area I can go and show you place if you like to see any of your favorite place See you in next video until then Bye Bye

2021-09-22 11:05

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