SHYPIT ADVENTURES EP.3 - HitchHiking to Hoverla and messing around on SHYPIT afterwards!

SHYPIT ADVENTURES EP.3 - HitchHiking to Hoverla and messing around on SHYPIT afterwards!

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[Music] so this is going to be a house quite interesting you can see that i've already adapted [Music] about five days ago it was an empty forest nobody here about a week ago it was an empty space nothing here we just arrived build this [ __ ] and invite a ton of guests and build our own country in the forest and ship it oh wow it's been a while since the last video huh a lot of stuff has changed recently including how i look and what is happening in my head all this time i was trying to get a decent job and i was making plenty of mistakes on the way basically procrastinating most of the time just parting and wasting my time and on useless things i would like to express my sincere apologies to those who actually were waiting forward to see the third episode and i am taking the guilt in myself yeah i was basically not uh hard working enough to come back to it so i think it's time now and i'm quite happy about it so let me introduce to you the third and the final episode of shipping adventures what happened after the events of the first and second episode were probably one of the most adventurous times in my life straight after the big party period has finished as i have called it back then we moved out to a hitchhike trip to the highest mountain in ukraine haverla bawai what made us leave shepard and philly pads behind so let me tell you a little back story to explain this to you back in summer in 2019 which also was in august i was in my first ever hitchhike trip which was around ukraine and our final destination was actually ship it that was the first time in my life i've ever been to ship son literally sun [ __ ] sun yes that's what i'm talking about the clouds are moving constantly and i have to put the curtain down and up down and up every time in order for those sunlights not to distort the image just to cut a long story short on one of our mountain expeditions me and two friends that i have actually made right there and ship it got lost on the mountain bridge we were not sure how to get back to our camp and it was already getting quite dark at the time so we decided to come down from the mountain ridge to the nearest village and hitchhiked to pilot path from there it was really a hell of an adventure at the time and to tell you the full story i think i have to make a separate video so after having such an exhausting and risky experience happening to all three of us me joe and julia we swear to the next year which was 2020 to meet up on the mountain herald on the 22nd of august at 4 20 in the morning to reunite our party of friends so that's why i knew that i had to move out from ship in advance in order to be on governor on time and basically keep my swear timur and jenya my girlfriend at the time decided to join me as well so i wasn't alone oh yeah i haven't told you earlier that i had a girlfriend there right i'm not going to go into too much detail of that relationship i just want to say that jenny is a really great person and i was quite stupid at the time to understand that i wasn't ready for a relationship so yeah we broke up soon after the trip to heberle for some reason i feel quite awkward talking about my relationships we moved out with our backpacks making our way out of pillow pass to the main road which connects all the villages and small cities of all carpathian zones right now we're going to governor somebody's watching his seat on the way bye-bye ship it for three days i also took all the tools and all camping and survival [ __ ] that i had just thinking you know just in case maybe anything happens and i actually need that or this tool and soon after we moved out i regret that i took so much stuff with me because my muscles were sore you got those leg muscles though yes i am growing very strong also before moving out i contacted joe in order to make sure that he also is going to keep his square and show up on gabriella at the assigned time but unfortunately julie is not going to make it there because of the covet 19 situation and she's from russia so she couldn't move from russia to ukraine so one of us already didn't keep the swear i mean that was an external factor anyways instead our common friend forest man in russian would say lisney was coming and also joe's girlfriend we made it to the main road and started poking our thumbs up to the drivers that were coming by we have waited about one hour in a single place we were chatting about life and dancing simultaneously then after an hour we decided that we had to move along the road towards the direction that it wanted to go on the move we were trying to stop all coming by vehicles but nobody stopped eventually after walking about two to three kilometers we stopped again and we decided that we're not going to leave this spot it has been around three hours since we started the hitchhike usually doesn't take this much time but sometimes it does and you just have to be ready for it at some point we just chilled and decided to eat some gingerbread at the exact moment when i took the gingerbread package out of my backpack first car stopped so as soon as we moved our focus from waiting the car to eating the gingerbread i mean we were continuing on putting the thumbs up to stop the car it really sounds weird to some people but i can assure you that it actually works so when you're hitchhiking you shouldn't be thinking of getting picked up too much just be there just be there enjoy the moment it is a really bad thing to just stand there and be like i'm here for three hours already where's my [ __ ] car with this kind of a behavior you will not be picked up anytime soon and it will take a lot of time for you to move on with your trip i mean this is just my personal opinion there's actually comment section down below so if you want to express your opinion on this topic as well i'm really interested to hear about it we got a ride to the next village which is called meshgyria where we stopped for a coffee and some sweets we actually had a few snacks in each and every village that we stopped in so it became quite a tradition for us it took quite a lot of time from us summing up all the time that we spent on snacks and time did matter to me at least nobody gives a [ __ ] because i had to be on guerrilla at 4 20 on the 22nd of august i told timur and zhenya that we don't really have that much time to be spending it on snacks on every stop that we had but we anyways did it so i mean that really doesn't matter anymore so after having a coffee in mergiria we moved out to the outskirts of the city in the hopes that we're going to keep on moving by stopping the next car but it was already getting pretty dark we had a dinner in one of a local ukrainian traditional cafes drank some ukrainian moonshine made a local friend who had drank some ukrainian moonshine as well and was quite drunk but he was kind enough to show us a place where we could put a tent for a night also exactly after this evening started letting myself drink whenever there was a possibility to do so didn't matter to me whether it was morning afternoon or evening right now and i don't mean what to say look at this dude there was anybody with booze was willing to share i would gladly join him or her i'm not proud of it the opposite and we will talk about it later 6am we just woke up today we have to be on verla for 4 20. the moor is making the eye of rebirth in this foggy the carpaccian weather some [ __ ] just came out from the house and i was like what the [ __ ] are you making a lot of noise it's 5am i hope i don't have eight yeah we woke up and made it back to the main road we spotted a truck seemingly with a sleeping driver in it we woke him up and asked if he could give us a ride to the next village if it was possible for him to do so he kindly accepted and maybe he wasn't really clear from his face because he was really sleepy and it seemed like he was angry but he agreed to give us a ride he was a georgian dude we shared some dried meat with him which she really loved had a chat about everything and here we are in houston met a local dude on the gas station who was already drunk and insisted us to join buying a bottle of cognac and a few beers i gladly joined him and we played some cards on the back side of the gas station i contacted joe to tell him that we're not going to be there in time in haverla because well of those snack stops and not only snacks booze snack stops fortunately joe was running lead as well so eventually none of us kept the swear so after we drank a couple of beers and some shots of cognac moved out to yesenia and then to borrow we are already moving towards haverla we're quite close i would say today at 4 20 we're supposed to be on a viral on the top of the goddamn mountain i'm already [ __ ] drunk right now we're on the gas station somewhere near host and yes and we're drinking some coffee right now i haven't really filmed much i really hope you're going to enjoy this trip with me mountains all around you want mail i do stay tuned we met a lot of interesting and helpful people on the way who are willing to share their story and we did the same we just got some free melons and timur is saying that the outer layer of the melon is really healthy for your face but i'm telling him it's quite [ __ ] sticky you know to your skin i just came to a guy who looked like a guy from i don't know georgia i asked him how much is going to be for a piece of melon he's like and man i'm just going to give it for free and free piss virginia a free piece for timur a free piece for me and here it is wait let me find it we just ate it it was really [ __ ] tasty please pick us up wow [Applause] so we're still hitchhiking somewhere in uh i don't know but look around it's [ __ ] beautiful mountains all around the river [Music] finally we caught a mercedes sprinter it was going from verrocta to the closest turn of the road that was leading towards haverla when we got out it was already a deep night and we had about 20 kilometers to go to the camp where joe and forest men were i really don't want to get in too much detail what struggle i had to face then we were tired cold and hungry but we kept on walking not gonna lie i turn out to be quite a [ __ ] at this situation and i became quite mad halfway to the destination whereas timur and jenya kept up that good mood and basically were chilled trying to keep the positive mindset which is essential in this type of situation they tried to raise my vibrations as well but i resisted hard and i was mad anyways i was only thinking of getting to the camp asap and just jumping in a sleeping bag get that worm back to my body the walk was around four to five hours and we managed to finally get to the camp in the early morning i wish i was filming when we woke joe and forrest men up with self-congratulating we [ __ ] made it dudes were really sleepy but despite the sleepiness we could hear the surprise in their voices i mean the time it hit 2am they must have thought that we're not going to make it there and we showed up at 5am placed the tents zipped the sleeping bag and just fell into the sweet loving sleep i still remember how good it felt to be sleeping after such a long day we woke up joe's mates found our camp and we started our ascent on verila so we have moved out to haverla right now yesterday night i think we walked around 16 kilometers towards the camp the one which we woke up from today and moved out through this beautiful beautiful forest check this out liking the lord of rings man it was really beautiful there the forest was just literally magical at the time i also realized that each and every forest in different locations has its own unique design its own interior like the unique look comparing to the structure and placement of flora on shipit hoverla surroundings was a whole different world so here a plastic canister that was just thrown away by people in nature covered it with its own carpet look at this this is the bottle holy [ __ ] beautiful so we're moving up and up and just check out this view the mountains all around the clouds look at those clouds holy [ __ ] i can't get enough of this view holy [ __ ] at some point i started to regret that i took so much stuff with me because the muscles were really burning then i personally got used to it we made it halfway to the top as you can see the mountain river is right there and we have gone to the height where we can see such a view that is beautiful let me show you something [Music] who man quite a view huh so we're moving up and up towards the top views around are getting bigger and bigger because we're getting higher and higher biological huh that's the way that's left looks like nothing but it's gonna be a little challenge it's really [ __ ] close what a [ __ ] cloud came by i'm so close to the top somewhat about like i don't know 50 meters or some [ __ ] oh my god i'm so tired [Music] yeah boy i'm so [ __ ] close holy and and and [Music] about another four hours and we're on top of havela [Music] easy i was getting up there with the hope that i would capture a fabulous time lapse of the mountain ridges that surround harvard but damp clouds bumped into the mountain as soon as we got to the top what a misfortune and we're inside a big cloud so you can't see the view i'm sorry for this but i couldn't be controlling the weather we drank wine on the top ate the last pieces of dried meat that was our last high calorie food meters above the sea level ho verla the highest point in ukraine and also joe proposed to his girlfriend a day full of emotions he was already getting dark and we had to start our way down the mountain and start looking for a suitable place for a camp so right now we're already going down from hawaii half past 8 p.m and we're on the top of the of my country of ukraine [Music] there were clouds moving around all the time at that height above the sea so i suggested that we move down the ridge a little bit to find a drier spot so that we can make a campfire stay drier and yeah basically just stay warmer guys though said that it would be better to stay on the foothills of haverla because it was beautiful there and also they didn't want to walk long distances in that day because they were already tired i'm not blaming anybody but it was a dumb idea firstly we couldn't find any firewood to start a campfire we found some pieces that were moist somehow managed to make a little fire going just to make those instant noodles and some cups of tea and secondly we woke up to the rain flooding our tent here is the thing we took rudder's tent with us on this minute trip and it didn't have a rain cover for it honestly i have no clue what we were thinking because we knew they were going to mountains so we weren't protected from the rain at all i still don't really understand why i didn't take the rain cover with me that time but that led to some cool adventures i woke up feeling raindrops falling down my face not a big of a deal i thought and tried to go back to sleeping when the drops started to multiply with crazy progression i was basically wet already i started to realize that we're [ __ ] up here all our things including ourselves were starting to get wet clothes sleeping bags electronics everything else we didn't have any food left except for some cookies and we were starting to get cold i was starting to wake timur and zhenya up in a really nervous way to say that we have to get up and start picking our things up and get the [ __ ] out of here until it gets worse but they didn't take my words really seriously thinking that we are fine i started to get really angry like really angry which actually annoyed them a lot but eventually turned out to be a really good thing because all of us woke up faster and we had more time to pack up and run down that mountain both joe and last night had good shelters which kept them dry so they had nothing to worry about but we had to find our way out the first thing that i thought is that we're in a huge fog there was like zero visibility i didn't see further than 50 meters from myself we were basically in a cloud there were also many other campers staying in that area obviously with suitable equipment for such conditions to rush towards one of them in hopes to find a guide that would help us to understand which way we have to go we were told by professional that until a cloud moves away with the zero visibility we had high chances of getting lost so we were told that we have to move out as soon as the cloud moves away and follow the yellow marks on the pathway and basically we're showed where to go on the map thank god this cloud moved away and we could see clearly so we followed the marks on the pathway in the direction that the guides told us to go here is when our trip back to ship it started a pretty rough start though up to the rain and we were all [ __ ] soaking wet me zany and timur decided to leave the can because our tent was all in water in the rain water because we didn't have a tent above that so all of our things are soaking wet and now we're on the move because well if we stop we are probably we're probably gonna get sick quite quite soon so you're supposed to be moving to keep your body warm it's quite an adventure so yeah uh in the plan that we have right now is to ah my face is freezing the planet that we're having right now is to get down to the civilization from the mountain warm ourselves up close to the fireplace drink some vodka and eat something and then continue on hitchhiking too to our current home ship it's ah my face oh that was quite close it's a long way about seven kilometers fun [ __ ] and the lightning is freaking me out man then the lightning [Music] oh man i really hope my stabilizer didn't [ __ ] up because of the moisture [Music] or moving down this beautiful forest and i just remembered that back in 2015 i actually have climbed this this trail up to the top of haverla hi zenya but right now i'm moving down that i haven't really done much before amazing i really wish i would not get ill because i have a little cuff holy [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] we were up there yesterday and we moved all the way here now we're moving to cosmetic [Music] this is so goddamn beautiful we made it down to cosmetic where we had some tea to warm up i was feeling really down because i understood how much stuff water has ruined in my backpack though guys helped me to stay happier we managed to get a truck drive straight to lazatina which was a really long way to go by foot so we got really lucky there we had a lunch in lazationa again drinking some moonshine and at that point i got about 60 bucks withdrawn from my bank account and that was my last money i started to feel really angry and every time timur and zhenya tried to calm me down i became even angrier i called the bank but the situation wasn't resolved in any way and i was actually told that the money were taken by some polish company for something and this happened three days before the expiration date of my card it all really didn't matter when it already has happened and you can do nothing with it unfortunately i didn't think of that at the time and i lost a lot of energy on being angry of this loss never get attached to anything always be ready that the flow of events may turn everything upside down despite your plans or expectations that's the lesson that i got after that situation [Music] more hitchhiking was on the way and even more snack stops we came down from the mountain it's the independence day of ukraine today right now this [ __ ] gave me his bike to ride and i fell down we have been on the mountain last night oh my [ __ ] god we woke up to the to the [ __ ] rain and we were all wet waking up and we just realized we have to move right now we're hitchhiking back to the current home we just ship it which is pillow pants so right now we're busy with that my big thumb up is up thumbs up for the video because i'm thumping up to the drivers come on man come on man come on whoa you're stopping you're stopping look at that look at that man crazy [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my god we're boarding up eventually we made it to hoost and there we met people that we previously have met and ship it so we're in host and we decided to stop here for a night our good friends gave us a shelter we're going to drink some vodka spend a fun night and tomorrow morning continue on hitchhiking to mr gorier [Music] they kindly invited us to a party where a lot of music was playing and a lot of alcohol was drank woke up said goodbye to everybody and we're on the road again 57 kilometers till nigeria let's get there hitchhiking chatting snack stopping each hiking is moving really really slow we're just drinking anything on each place waiting for our driver a few more hours and we are already back on shipping and my phone and basically my camera died so a lot of [ __ ] happened recently my phone died doesn't let me charge itself it says that it has moisture inside of it after that flooding incident just can't charge it so right now filming on my friend's phone yeah and we're out of money also we need to make some money to buy some food thankfully tamora agreed to provide his phone as a camera to keep on filming the most important things that were happening to us nikita bett and redder were already getting ready to get back home i mean to odessa but me and timur decided to stay there for another couple of weeks foreign right now we're moving towards the marketplace to ask for more money because we're out of money and we need to eat something right now my cameraman is my best friend to move because my phone pops up you're going to enjoy this variety of different angles of the camera play music with this thing and with guitar which only has three strings i have no idea how we're going to make money but we have to because we have to eat something [Music] god damn amazing also there is another way to survive in the forest in confession mountains you just have to look under your feet and you can find mushrooms like this one i have no idea what it's called but i know that it's edible it was at this moment that he knew he [ __ ] up [Music] thank you [Music] so this is the amount of money we made throughout the day we can buy quite a lot of food for this just thanks to this thing and to harmonica it's not here where's harmonica some more i don't know man oh there's another way to survive here please film the surroundings this is the marketplace the toad is so yeah another way to survive here is to ask the locals if they need some work so we just got an offer to clean the god damn toilet for 100 goodness so that's we're going to be busy with right now happy life and ship it man that's what i was dreaming about all my [ __ ] life i wasn't expecting to be on this place to be honest but you know any experience is good for your life don't broke it during this time i really came to the realization that the universe is always there for you when you are in need and in condition if you are not an [ __ ] karma really does exist whether you agree with that or not the moment we were cleaning up that stinky toilet this dude a complete stranger came to us and asked what we were doing we told him our story and he was quite surprised to hear about it he went away and a few moments after he came back with his girlfriend and brought us some food and also gave us 100 more grievedness holy [ __ ] thank you man [Music] [Music] now we also got the job to collect the garbage and we're gonna get some money for this as well working again we're collecting blueberries for money and the final highlight of the trip to the ship it was in the house of an artist right now we're heading towards the house i'm tired and i'm also drunk i'm sorry it is a place which was built by some artists and it is located quite a bit further from the main ship activity so right now we came right here to the house of an artist it's right there zoom in when you film the wrong thing look there through the trees see the blue tent that's the house that's not a house that's the goddamn junkyard yes [Music] oh i honestly don't know the story of that place but i was really surprised to see the dedication of some people to build some structures like this by their own hand and just with enthusiasm [Music] [Music] these are patient mountains as i [Music] understand [Music] um [Music] check this place out we're going to the kitchen area of the house of an artist this is the kitchen area i suppose that's the place where you eat and that's the place where you cook oh it's locked so that's the kitchen i can't see [ __ ] the camera does wow nice place and people here even found a way to make themselves clean with comfort look at this that's a goddamn thought the thing that is lacking is prostitutes and blackjack look at this the self-made champ you can put the fireworks chill place alcohol i'm really drunk right now most of us use this drug and i'm no exception exactly when we were in the house of an artist i was actively emptying 2 liter bottle of homemade wine and i was really drunk which made me a beast a disgusting beast follow me we went to the house of an artist move the camera right there so this is the place where people can eat where people can cook chill and whatever but what i'm trying to say is that look around it's just the profession mountains confession fort forest and well you know so uh yeah people made the stairs like this staircase campfire you can make the meat the potatoes can slip right here the protection from the [ __ ] rain i don't care man i'm [ __ ] sleeping man you can do anything you want you can do anything you want you just have to try to do that right though now i'm really trying hard to cut down on it and also you could see me constantly drinking on that hitchhike trip to governor now looking back at me at that state i really do feel disgusted a mindless body roaming around and just saying some bunch of [ __ ] this is not a kind of effect a normal person would be looking for right so i think it just may be a bit crazy or not a bit there is not much to say about it it's just bad just as every normal parent would say to their child the scariest part is the society that we live in make us all think that drinking is normal i mean it's okay to drink if it's just about minor amounts of alcohol like nobody died of a little bit of wine right i'm not saying that i reached the level of consciousness when i don't drink at all but i'm trying to at least you know get closer and that's all i wanted to say about alcohol a trip was coming to an end and everybody got the lessons that they needed this place with no exaggeration is magical it gives a hit to the head to those who really need one in order to understand that they're doing something wrong and to the others it gives presence in form of truths that can change one's life forever and are impossible to forget i'm actually coming back there soon and there is no way i can stop thinking about that authentic natural atmosphere i'm coming back to expect to see more action stuff coming up because we're going to ship it festival baby as always stay tuned oh also say hello to the camera so this is the last moment of our trip we're heading back to odessa unfortunately we couldn't film the last um stage of our build like the house in the forest so we're just waiting for the train right now and i really hope you enjoyed this trip with me stay tuned [ __ ] [Music] you

2021-06-26 14:40

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