SHOCKED: they tried to ROB us in BENIDORM

SHOCKED: they tried to ROB us in BENIDORM

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I just think you think you're sorted and clever  with the way you do things and then there's always   someone one step ahead if they want that if  they want that Target they'll find it um so   just not make sure that's not you morning hello  good morning we're just at the service point on   this uh site um and we're getting ready to head  off toward Alicante it's a bit of a drive this   morning it is a bit Yeah but we had an extra night  here so yeah filling up the water right now and emptying the gray waste um yeah and then we're pretty  much ready to go but some of the hoses some   of the Taps that we've found as have been going  around yeah they've got are they bigger or smaller   yeah so you know your normal Garden attachment  where you clip your hose on some of them are   either bigger or they're really small so I will  look for some adapters if I find any I will put   the link in the description somewhen as soon as I  find them probably when I'm home now but um I'm   sure there's some out there and if anyone knows  any put it in the comments of where you can get   them from yeah we've fall short of that a couple  of times but we've got the Jerry can bucket thing   so we've been able to fill up yeah it always takes  some sort of way of filling up if you can't attach   a hose that's what I say but we say again this  place is great it's €10 per night €4 for 24   hours 4 KW of electric yeah 4KW electric  so I'm going to go and pay now and see actually   how much electric we did use um which I will let  you know but it's a great little site if you don't   need electric€10 and everything around it jump on  a bus to Malaga it's brilliant yeah like we say   if you come on the site just watch the way in and  be um careful um because there is one route in that   you know depending on the the uh clearance of the  bottom of Motorhome but there's one way in really if   you look at our last Vlog of this actual campsite you'll find out more about that yeah right I'm   going to go pay yes i've been in to pay for that that  was €42 for the three nights which is obviously   three times the €10 plus the €12 for the electric so that's good um yeah pretty little   site that's the reception there when you come in  just go up there into the shop and pay in there   and there's Lee and uh as we drive out we will  show you the correct way out of this site as well and then there is a tiny little slop here we're  just going to take this steady do you want me   to check it get out and check no no should  be fine just waiting for the person do you   want me to go do you want me just to check it  for you as you come out uh no it'd be fine   there's only two ways out of here so as long as  I take it on this side angle it should be alright God that window noise I thought  was and it's this bit here isn't it as well there we are and there's the bins We will do the bins and there's the bins just as you come out so   we're just going to stop here and uh quickly  do the bin cuz this road is really wide you   can get about three cars down here all to  together at the same time so you all right   yeah yeah obviously it makes me a little bit  nervous now but um it is what it is and you   just got to keep motoring on and um if it comes  up again then I have to fix it again but I will   look at trying to get that sorted in some way  I'm sure there's a better way of doing that outlet now it's taking me out this way   Have to drive right out of it cuz it don't look  like that bit as a road oh right that's what   it is yeah so yeah do come the way we are going  now if when you're coming out because it takes   you straight onto the motorway whereas if you  turn left at any point down here you'll end up   on a dirt track, clear, it's a bit early around here  you okay well the engine's pretty good to be fair yeah so we've got a bit of congestion I think  it's just this area around Murcia um on your   way to Alicante there is another turnoff you can do  but we don't think it could be ideal for the   motorhome so we're just going to have to sit  it out aren't we yeah 6 minute delay that's   Alright I think it might be because what's  happening I think it might be because we   are joining another road we'll soon find  out I don't think there's anything to worry   about wonder if that's um speed camera van  definitely going to make any money today is it Alicante here we come we've arrived in one  of our favorite spots from last time when we   came out to Spain and uh where in is it Urbanova I believe it's called   um quite busy today um we managed to get a spot  right near the the beach again on this side we   were packed a little bit further up there last  time I believe just up there and Alicante is over there that's where we are we did have to  wait a little bit over there just parked   over there till a spot came free near the  edge as you can see it's pretty packed I think we're just going to go for a  Wonder aren't we yeah yeah for a wonder and   then when we get back if we're happy definitely  happy where we are we might have to go up in a   chock cuz we a little bit down on one side yeah  and so we're here two nights so you might find   someone would want to squeeze in there to be  honest I didn't go far enough but it is what   it is that's what I mean we'll see what happens  well good morning from me and good morning for me so yeah we had a peaceful night here I  will put the place um in the description   um or Jodie will and I will um place the title  here but we have moved just to the middle of   the car park for now um and we moving on  today so not sure how much of a vlog this   one's going to be but hopefully if you keep  tuned there'll be some exciting um things   coming up of where we're actually going to  be going Jodie's just enjoying a life4touring Brew so yeah so why have we moved to the middle  of the car park I feel like I'm been interviewed   you are um I'll show you so we were parked if  you can see where that car is parked in between   the Caravan and the motorhome that's parked the  other way um yeah we were parked there however um   we came here uh in October time wasn't it last  year and we put a video out called disgusting   so and that's got um more about this area so you do want to know more about this   area look for our one called disgusting sort of  like October time um and we weren't expecting to   find the same thing happen again uh obviously we  didn't want to film it or anything like that but   we don't even know if it's same guy look like the  same guy um emptying his um cassette out in the   same area so basically he started emptying  his waste um it looks like he a long term   here and there's a couple of long term isn't they  that there for for a while by the look of it um   and he emptied his waste out sort of channeled it into  the ground dug away some of the sand didn’t he which do    you know what it's the fact it smells do you know  what I mean he shouldn't be doing it anywhere and   it and it was smelly um and then he was hovering  around sort of dust time checking see if we had   a blinds down and stuff and we were getting a  little bit agitated to what he was doing and   then he went and emptied his cassette uh on the  beach basically um yes we could report it we've   had a chat about it and we've decided just to warn  people we're going to put some on search for sites   about being in that corner um and we wanted to  let you guys know if you come here don't park   in that corner we had flies all over the van  this morning didn't we and it's not because of   the Heat and stuff it's because of that area  I mean if he has been there a while we don't   know how long he's been emptying his cassette there um  we didn't want to spoil it for people here and we   think if we report something like that one they  might not even care uh until they might shut it   down for everybody but if you are in this area  over here like if you can see where these vans are   and they can see right out at the front it's all  right down there and um down there there's lots   of Vans down there it's a really pretty area  and that prominade just down there where you   can see the high-rise buildings that prominade  is lovely and the beach down there is lovely um I just wouldn't use that corner and that  part of the beach I mean we were going to sit   out there wasn’t we this morning and that on the  chairs and that on the beach bit cuz you can   get your chairs out on the beach part just not  in the car park um but we don't know so it sort   of put us off a little bit be like Jodie says being  in that corner and today we actually was planning   a good old beach day cuz it's on the beach front  um and going down to the prominade and it was   quite busy yesterday as everyone on the beach  and stuff it would be a bit quiet today being   a Monday but um yeah we was planning a beach  day however the weather has changed so it's   now cloudy even possibly I don't know if how true  the app's going to be but there might be a little   bit of rain later so where we're going later we  have bought it forward for one day um and we're   going to go there one day early I contacted the  site no problem we can get on there today so we   parked basically here out the way of the Flies  um so we can leave here around 11: and we got an   hours drive then to our next destination um which  I'm looking forward to I think that's him wanding   around again yeah maybe it's filled his Cassette up again so we're just finishing doing some work   I've done a little bit of work I'm going to do  some more on on the Travel we're about an hour away   for our motorhome yeah I'd say it shows  less than that on Google Maps but I always give   a bit of time in the motorhome so I reckon an hour  we'll be at our next location going to say goodbye   to this place just a quick reminder it is a lovely  lovely place but that van that I was talking about   before is gone now so maybe just a weekender uh  doesn't know how to do his Services respectfully   but yes it's a you can get a bus as well just  to let you know from over there just where the   cars are now that roundabout and it takes you  all the way in to Alicante and I think it costs   about 2 or three quid and it lasts about 20  minute 20 minute Journey something like that   so if you're comfortable leaving your van and  you want to go visit Alicante while you're here   you can are you ready to go I  am yeah just going to quickly just double check this done quite a few miles yesterday so  it's holding on so that's all good but I   am going to get it looked at properly  when I get back cuz I want some changes   to it um because it's annoying me that  it's so easy to knock off cuz like I   said before it's been knocked a couple of  times now and um that was the first time   it's literally come right off so I need to  get it looked at right let's go then Music the joys of the trees so this pitch is a decent  sized pitch um that we've arrived to and Jodie's   now sussing out a new pitch that the uh guy is  trying to look for, for her because um yeah the   trees get in the way I'm now on a pitch pitch pitch we had  was down there you see it's not that bad when you   got to look at your turning angles to get on it's  not the size of the pitch that's the issue but it   can be these trees I mean I even got one there um  but I did reverse it in and it took a few forward   and back but we got a lovely size pitch here and  uh yeah it's great we're all level but I've left   it for you to tell everyone where are we bet you a  really good driver and just yeah that all it   probably scared me more than it scared him there's  always a challenge sometimes when you're a big   motorhome especially getting on some of these  pitches but I think we should go for a beer   because we're going to go for a beer because we  are in Benidorm we're in Benidorm back to Benidorm   made it back to Benidorm we're going to be here  for a few days so we will be visiting um places   we didn't visit last time yeah cuz of my mosquito  bites in and my legs were quite bad I couldn't   walk very far and I didn't feel like it half  the time we only had one night out didn't we   last time one night out last probably one day  out so this time um yeah we're   going to give it a bit more of a a go of going  out and exploring certain parts I say we didn't   explore last time mainly uh we're going see the  Oldtown yeah it's the castle but we haven't seen   any much else on there have we so we going to  have a look no anyway we'll pick you up in a bit   and we'll show you around the site that we're on  and there we have it just like that we're all set up isn't that right dear so we've had to put the  awning up because it is raining um Starlinks up   as well and yeah we're going to chill out for a  bit now hi good morning we will show you around   the site very shortly but there's just something  want to talk to you about before we go off and   carry on with this Vlog and we've been here since  Monday it's now Wednesday Monday evening we went   out let our hair down a bit had a few drinks cuz  we haven't done that yet for a while have we no we   haven't so we well we hadn't up until that point  um we went into a couple of what we thought were   quiet to bars um and Lee was paying with his card  to get the drinks um and his card went missing he   didn't realize at first his card was missing until  he was getting some notifications that money was   coming out of your bank didn't you or trying to  at the time we thought though that it at the time   we for a few drinks you know you don't really um  you go into a bit of not understanding what's going on   mode and I think that's part of the game is  the confusion there was a lot of confusion yeah so   the card went missing but we didn't realize until  after Lee realized there was notifications from   his bank coming up um and we were concerned that  our savings had been taken um with it happening in   the same bar because he remembers having his card  in this bar and then the card went missing in the   same bar we hadn't moved um I wanted to get the  premises the staff to phone the police because it   happened on their premises they were having none  of that um I was not happy because I couldn't   understand why they wouldn't help us deal with it  they wanted us off the premises um and I'm saying   well this has happened in your bar the what is  off the premises completely um to that point Lee   went off did the right thing uh phoned the police  himself we did report it they said there's not a   lot we can do but you need to go into your bank  and make sure your card is stop which Lee had done   anyway um and luckily they hadn't taken any money  which we then realized after we'd come down a bit   from the scenario we realized they hadn't taken  any money from us uh if that had been the case we   would have had to have just come back straight  away the next day anyway um we couldn't have   carried on with the holiday or anything or  the trip or anything like that um it there's   nothing we can do about it I know that it can  happen in any place I'm not just blaming benador   but I think the big tourist hot spots this kind  of thing is done we believe we were targeted in   the pub before the one that it happened in and  maybe followed um we're not 100% on that either   so we can't prove anything but the thing we can  do is just most of you may be aware of this kind   of thing anyway we just wanted to let you know  because yesterday it just took it out of me the   whole thing um there's to the point where I'm not  taking a bag out with me nothing anything I take   out and if I go out I wear my shorts the pockets  in the front and my stuff will be in my front   pockets um Lee's now all online um like uh what is  it Apple pay and that now yeah so well one a bit   lazy really is I was a bit old school using my card  um and yeah I just never bothered with the virtual   cards or putting the card on your Apple pay or the  Google pay or whatever they call it but obviously   we we have apple so so yeah so that's so obviously  my card was stopped they issued me a virtual card   on Revolut which is great um and I have used it  to pay for things after that which is you don't   even need a PIN for that so well people like to  just use their cards don't they it's an easier   thing for people not everybody does have their  things on Apple pay and want to use their phone   for everything some people just use their phone  for making phone calls and that's it or texts   you know that not everybody is on their phone  all the time like younger people might be your   um people that had to learn like ourselves a bit a  bit older but not everybody's using the phone like   that and they can take your phone anyway or your  phone can die and then you haven't got uh a way of   paying so um I think we're future we're going to  take a bit of cash with us um and have the cards   on the phones make sure we not take any physical  cards out with us whatsoever we were looking in   the scenario in the end that they didn't get what  they wanted it like I said it can happen anywhere   it's a tourist hot spot here and I they rely on  the British having drinks and I've read loads um   what can happen um but it doesn't mean it is going  to happen we just wanted to let you know that this   happened to us and it could have been a lot worse  because we just wanted to make you aware when you   do come to places like this and you are out and  about enjoying yourself chatting with people or   just please be very Vigilant of your belongings  um and when you're meeting people for the first   time don't trust everything you know just be just  be aware um that because some of these people uh   pretend to be tourists uh and they uh socialize  with you and pretend to make friends with you when   they've got other plans and another agenda so and  I think that's very similar to what might have   happened to us we we're not sure um so I'm not  going to name the bar because we can't prove it um   that it actually happened when we're in there even  though we know it did so I don't want to name the   bar it's not about naming and shaming people it's  about just making people aware because I wanted   to do something it can make you feel a little bit  powerless when something like this happens even   though I did challenge it on the night I think  they were just laughing at me for challenging it   um and um you know I when it makes you a bit powerless  you want to do something about it and we weren't   going to say anything on on our videos where we Lee we  said we won't we'll just leave it and forget about   it but I'm struggling with the fact that I can't  do anything at all so this is my way of doing   something is just to let people know what happened  to us and just be aware now saying all that we um   are going to carry on with our holiday and we are  going to enjoy ourselves uh I'm we taking you out   with us later for the next Vlog that we're doing  after this one so we're going to show you around   Benidorm on a more positive note um and some of  the nice things Benidorm has to offer so it's not   about Benidorm it's just about um just being aware  wherever you are um um and we're going to show you   around the site so um I hope you understand why  I had to put this on you uh just a point to note   we did meet lovely couple actually um that night and it was great meeting you guys we did give   you a sticker so if you do watch this say hi um  and we're we're not on about you guys oh no God   no this was after anyway this was after that  so yeah after that but um yeah I got nothing   to say really on it but yeah it's just um I just  think you think you sorted and clever with the   where you do things and then there's always  someone One Step ah head if they want that if   they want that Target they'll find it um so just  not make sure that's not you um anyway we're going   to go show you around the the campsite now we are  at camping area Blanca in Benidorm it's quite high   up um from the other campsites at el raco and Villasol  they're further down towards the Benidorm   main town and we quite like it because it's out  the way and it's a nice peaceful site we really   like it so this this is the pitch that we're  on and they are fully service pitches you get   quite a bit of space you get the normal trees you  just want make sure you can fit in without bashing   a tree and you still got the space there's showers and toilets there men and women they   have quite a few of these blocks started around  there's another one at the end down there I think   there's another one somewhere as well um and uh  we're just going to show you around a little bit so that's an empty one so you can see how  big they are pretty good and you get a lot   of seasonal and people with permanent like  setups as well and there's the other toilet block and then up there you have um a laundry  it's up there around the corner isn't it yeah then you get these little bungalows that you can  me out as well not quite sure how much they   are but we'll put the link in the description  so you can check it out so yeah there's a few   of them all lined up down there which you can see  what I would say this was the picture was on last   time and it was a lot easier to get on however  it is smaller as you can see the trees the trees   seem higher but yeah we like where we are at the  moment to be honest and then this little pathway   here takes you down to the bar doesn't it yeah  be quite busy actually would it no yeah have a look think it is yeah looks quite buzy today the  side of the cafe and bar bit is Lee no it's the   sunbathing area yeah you got two sides and in the I  suppose more in season months they have this open   at the moment it's shut just to keep the warmth  in in the mornings I find a lot of people like   to have their little swim in the morning here  um I haven't been in the pool yet um however   hopefully I will get in the pool one day while  we're out here we we'll see but yeah great pool   um and I'm assuming it's quite warm in there with  the sun beaming on it however I reckon you could   probably get in there with the weather the way  it is now without that on it it still be okay and   just for the record I haven't been in the  pool either another video that we did last   year when we're here um that's on our channel  so I want to go back and have a look at that   um and that showed you a bit more of the bar  area and stuff and what the pool looked like   when the cover wasn't on if you wanted to  check that out you can um it's quite busy   in there so I didn't want to be waving the  camera around um and plus was music on as   well so it was quite difficult to show you but  hopefully you got the gist um and we're going to   leave this one here are we yes so thanks  again to everyone that's subscribed to the   channel and supporting us and we will see  you on the next one till then bye see you [Music]

2024-06-07 16:27

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