yeah just one thing with the motorhome so we took this option because it's very windy very very steep roads to get up here and the Horse stopped and obviously the princess went over hello and welcome back we are still in Salou hello we're still in Salou we probably we're leaving on Sunday today's Thursday Thursday already yeah it goes quick it and cuz it's a bit busy around here and our last Vlog was off Salou we decided to go on Excursion yes so we're going to a medieval city I can't remember how to say its name right now but I'll tell you when we get there yeah we are going on a tour so we'll do our best to film as and when we can yes so we've actually got a tour guide so all the information we hope should be correct and um yeah I'm really looking forward to it actually cuz I like these sort of things yeah well we got to go cuz we've got to be there in like 25 minutes and we've got a 20 minute walk so this is our pickup Point Princess Hotel restaurant Lee's just checking that we're in the right place you ready to go yeah I'm ready yeah don't seem to be many here at the moment we are 15 minutes earlier we misjudged the uh time for our walking found a shortcut as well as you do yeah we are hoping the weather's good today we had thunderstorms all day yesterday and it's cooled down now hasn't it so we're going to reach about 25 today on the coast yeah um where we're going is inland so it might just be a little bit warmer um but yeah it's cooled down a bit it's all right now the body's climatised it's fine yeah 25 is it actually feels a bit chilly to be honest well it's only about 19 now oh yeah. what is it called again where we are going? it's Siurana medieval village so I'm not really sure what's there it's um an hours drive from here yeah an hour back and an hour in there so three hours all together so yeah it's not bad really and yeah to get taken around all the I suppose the main spots of that Village so we'll do our best to film what we can well we are in the transport yes there is 4 of us on this trip very good but it's just about a 50 minute drive So we are with the tour guide now and he's going to be taking us around and give us plenty of chance to film so that's great yeah [Music] so that's where we're going just up the top there to theVillage [Music] it's a bit like a mini Grand Canyon here we're about 1,000 odd Meters up [Music] well we're here we're at the uh top now so we got the Grand Canyon side but he's going to show us all that um and we're going into the village now which is down these steps like the fact it's got this nice steady handrail though don't you such a medieval Place check that out finally September October when the temperature is better so coming people around the America Australia around the world coming with a car out of Caravaning parking here or hiking or walking to to the top in the mountain and do climbing so it's very popular for the climbers Siurana in the 12th century was all fortification so in this side is the now is just ruins of the castle but in the 12th century was all fortification and here was the on the bridge yes the principal entry here was the on the village the Siurana he was live the princess and and the king the Muslims uh well the Muslims because in Spain the Muslims were during seven centuries were an invasion in Spain Siurana have a natural lake here but now this lake is very the the level of the water is very low is only 5% capacity the level water because in Spain in Catalonia special we have a problem because it's not raining so much is the last winter was very dry so now it's only 5% in this water Administration water for all the different village so this water clean filter you can bring in home this water so but now is very very very low I remember 5 years ago close to this Lake in here was a company for kayaking and the kayaking now is closed no and not work on that on that sometimes I am confused with the Netherlands because now it's close because it's it's very low the level of the water so it's not possible kayaking we are International on YouTube oh well so this is the gates coming in yeah so this is the entrance yeah the principal entry on the bridge in the 12th century yeah this is the village parking and if you come to visit it's not possible to park here cuz this is allocated where we've come through the gate and at the top where we parked you would have to park up there cuz the village is so small and only has 52 people and they're all the same families and the village just outside of here is the administration village where the children go to school there and this is where they live out of school yes this is a medieval village look at that view and they did say it's uh popular with rock climbers yeah people come from all over even America to come and climb here hey one picture here is welcome to Siurana yeah after coming through the castle Gates just down there so with the big castle ruins up there this now we're going into to the village and this would have been the village back in the 12th century and it's still going today so it's one of the oldest Catalan Villages um you can see the houses built up on the Rock there but we're about 1,000 M up it does go a bit higher to the point right just over there that's 1,163 M High uh local residents here they've got their own spaces just outside the village it's beautiful isn't it yeah just one thing with the motorhome so we took this option because it's very windy very very steep roads to get up here so it's not like um and they're quite thin so um you wouldn't bring your motorhome up here we've seen one but I don't know how far up they went it's beautiful isn't it and that means jump of the queen I believe so the princess the Muslim princess here in the Christians were at war with them didn't want to be defeated so she um was on a horse and um I think it goes off to the edge of Cliff we're going to show you in a minute and the Horse stopped and obviously the princess went over so it's kind of a legend of the village uh true or not we don't know but find some more about that here make sure I'm 100% correct i'm bringing on my Spanish it's actually Catalan so Catalan yeah I suppose it is yeah and so it's more French yeah so they've even got their own I suppose flag haven't they yeah um it's bit like in the UK then we have the English flag the Scottish flag the Welsh flag Catalan got their own flag and some some are independent Villages and some aren't we've just driven through an independent one haven't we yeah which say only speak Catalan in the 12th century when the princess of the light open the windows and so that the the Christians are already here so took the horse with the horse the princess was yes here the horse was stop stop because the horse yeah don't prefer to jump so the princess said go go go jump and finally and the horse and the princess jumped and fell about how princess so that is the the foodprint yeah yeah this one maybe that's true maybe maybe just a legend it was a heavy horse to make that footprint so that's the river and over the last 5 years it's sort of slowly slowly um dried out but that usually is quite full and hopefully because of the weather and it start picking up again but that feeds a lot of The Villages around here so that's the river of the uh Siurana you see the dam and this is the official picture you get on Google when searching for this place that's the bell tower just in front look at them spectacular views beautiful these are views beautiful very good [Music] [Music] The tour guide is just explaining to Lee that this used to be um a proper river that went through people used to kayak through it and it was the main water for the whole of the village however it's so dried up now that it's a political issue now he is saying because it was um controlled politically and uh the problem is it's gone but you can see why people like hiking and climbing around this area stunning absolutely stunning look at them Stones up there they put the stones on the roof because it gets super windy in the winter and they try and weigh that down so they sort of try and weigh the roof down so it don't blow off basically yeah watch me footing cuz we're up high in the Rocks here it's all Rocky yeah got to have trainers on at least to come up here yeah so we're going over to the uh Siurana church now and we're going to look at the front view a little Compass there South north and just showing the orientation of the mountains so South being that way and that way Salou as Jodie said there's only 52 um people that live up here which is surreal really just love the stone work typical archers window yeah look at the stonework on that though it's thousands of years old it's still standing must be surreal for the people that live here so we're just at the church of Santa Maria romance style you can see there so it's very very old but the conditions of the material and the stone is very good for close to 1,000 years old yeah is very so it's possible go inside for to see a little bit well one Saturday month special occasion yeah it's close at the moment that's the church um just going to say that house there is for sale and um the gentleman was just saying to us that they go about half a million um up here he says which is a bit crazy but as one of the other guys pointed out it's probably because there's not many neighbours looks like a Sundial yeah it's quite raw isn't it that's what I like raw I would say that's what I like about it the temperatures did you say the temperatures get quite low in winter so you can get to Minus 5 here in the winter quite snow as well snow like a memorial cross there's a little gate down there oh there's a door someone lives there somebody's house wow and there's the cross wow we're going down here I'll get lost otherwise you definitely need decent Footwear on this trip and if you're staying in Salou at any time you just find this on trip advisor that is just a house there we looked at the door oh it is a house oh that's their Garden that's the cliff Edge oh the garden's on the cliff Edge standard you can understand it was very with the castle up here very strategic should we say you know up on this High ground and they overlooking everything basically and it's a control thing really for way back but you can see why they pick this location definitely makes you wonder what it was like when it was hundreds of years ago when this was a castle was fully built you all right there Lee we're going a bit closer to the edge don't have to go so close darling if you don't want to now we are in the frontal views so you can see the consequence the super dry lines yes so now it's a 5% but 5 years ago was 18% was and that's the village that administrates this part of the village so that's larger so there's about a thousand people population but they have wine olives almonds um that's their income really um oh look right down there in the distance is where that motorhome is just parked down there 2002 was was this construction so in this side is just the garden so so that was built in 2000 then a little cat cute but that's the garden area for the hotel I think they've even got a menu on here it is that's your menu couple of little ponds there seem to be much in that's what they are I'm not sure even public toilets 50 or 60 years ago was typical here washing the the clothes okay washing the clothes well was the style of the life no very years ago no so now it's just for the fish no yeah but years ago here was a place for for washing the clothes some villa's very similar romantic the construction the stone are you na no in Italia small village it's very clean and the family's like everything is with flowers and decorations very well presented yes presentation I just love the way it's all built into the stone and Flows yeah and how it's presented here this is a rere representation of a typical house Catalan very old know yeah so this is the same with the this windows and connect with this window so years ago because here in the winter it's very cold so years ago was typical all the animals were together here in this flow for the war coming up you know because it was a very primitive system for the temperature regulation so you can see on the wall the names of the family about garia years ago was typical to put the name the family no the family names put on the wall [Music] where hiking or working have the possibility for accommodation here so that's like a small hostel underground it's very nice sometimes it's open and sometimes it's not I suppose it depends what the demand is a hostel yeah oh look at this like maybe the mini Grand Canyon Spain the mini mini Grand Canyon I'm going bye bye no no I bet I think you're on camera doing that so like uh so that's the view from the restaurant or the yes this is just the Terrace the restaurant so restaurant it's very lovely place because super romantic especially the lights the colour change yeah you can see the colour now super red colour sound very nice the contrast so usually the people climbing in this is the principal Hill for climbing yeah that's the main Cliff side Hillside mountainside that they climb when they come rock climbing and the Spanish call it a mini Grand Canyon if that makes sense it's a little bar restaurant area where we're going to get this is open all year round so coffee or a tea heading back to the car now it's a nice coffee I think it must be included with the trip which is nice we are back at the car right we're going to jump in the back yeah they're in the back this time hello hi hi we are international it's been a very good tour I've enjoyed it and uh we're going to head back now we'll catch you when we get there so we've just been dropped off not far from our campsite um yeah really good tour actually is well worth it I think it cost me about £72 I'll put the exact price here for both of us and that's pick up drop off a coffee or a tea um or a whiskey as he was saying um uh and and and to go in and see that beautiful medieval village yeah it was a lovely Village and you know a lot of knowledge lot of history there um and he was full of all the information you needed sometimes it's good to have that with you instead of going in blind so right we're on our way back to the van see you there yeah see you there good morning good morning everyone so it's the next day after our trip out um and it has been raining since early hours this morning it that's heavy I was trying to go for a run this morning and find it very difficult here because um it gets very busy sort of mid morning and on the prominade area so it's very hard to run past people and stuff so um it's either been too hot before we got here to run or we've been getting rain that early in the morning or I've been out you know we've been up late or something like that so I find it really hard to actually find the timing to run hopefully I can either go this afternoon or tomorrow morning but it's been really bad rain and it's forecast all day isn't it is even though the sun's starting to shine now but it is forecast thunderstorms all day and thunderstorms out here yeah thunderstorms out here are quite um loud loud yeah right I'm just going to show you outside so yeah we've got puddles now um yeah the sun is trying to come out but it is still a bit wet um what I wanted to do is just to show you how I found the trip that we found yesterday so what I did was I put in things to do in Salou it's come up with tours and tickets I'm made sure here that it's in pounds otherwise it gives you it in dollars um there's quite a few things that you can do cycling tours hiking tours Pub tours Pub crawls should I say um all sorts like that but what we did was we found the village the medieval village here and then we open that up so then you once you've checked the availability you can continue to check out and it will then tell you that this one is going to be £77 28 for two adults to go on um Sunday I believe it is yeah Sunday so I think it's a tiny bit more cuz it's a weekend we paid £72 yes £72 but I believe that for us it was well worth it wasn't it it was pretty much all morning um and with the drive up there and the guide was spot on with his knowledge so yeah it was good well I've never booked direct through Trip Advisor before for anything um so I was a bit nervous of whether it was all going to work but I paid the 72 pound it gave you a choice of pickup points um they will drop you off at your actual hotel as well if it's in the vicinity um but picked us up from The Princess Hotel up the road um and he was there was he on time and everything so I say I was a bit nervous but it worked so I will be booking off trip advisor again if we want any excursions while we're yeah it's a good point to know yeah yeah def easy peasy really yeah so well I think we'll be closing this one here will we yes we will we'll be closing this one here cuz tomorrow is our last full day in Salou so we'll pick you up tomorrow and it's meant to be sun shining and I think you'd rather see the Sun than the rain so we are going to sort of take you with us a little bit tomorrow the best we can uh and on to our next destination yes as quick as that yeah so we've been out now for um two weeks nearly two is it two weeks on Sunday yeah two weeks on Sunday that flies by doesn't it wow that is well quick yeah um so but that's from getting on the ferry yes yes in Spain on Tuesday yeah on the Tuesday yeah so yeah so we' like to say thank you again to everyone that has subscribed to the channel and everyone that supports us uh and we will see you on the next one so until then bye adios [Music]
2024-10-10 08:12