SHOCKED by this crazy city in China (FIRST TIME IN CHONGQING)

SHOCKED by this crazy city in China (FIRST TIME IN CHONGQING)

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all right so 144-hour Visa  free Transit only one city   only part two meaning 6 days in chunk chain starts now oh slight delay I guess we're about  an hour behind no problemo hurry up and   wait as they say oh oh here we  go science says boarding let's go let's go go this tunnel is a  huge source of excitement in my   life we've been out a lot of tunnels  right right I love these tunnels start   of a New Journey all right here  we go Chong Chang we'll see you soon Is that real does this plane have Wi-Fi  maybe you need to hold on hold   on hold on connected without internet maybe not working honestly I didn't expect  it to work I thought it would be broken weing now I guess it's 9:00 at night  maybe we'll no no no it's more like 11:   11:00 at night cuz we were delayed oh cuz of  delay yeah okay so I guess we'll give you guys   uh apartment tour and then we'll see you guys  tomorrow to uh hit the street all right got   to go through immigration first of course this  is what we are traveling with 144-hour transer   okay okay and so far pretty organized the people  have been very helpful and uh same form like we   did in Shanghai so it's all familiar to us y  good good job Ivana I tell you what Ivana and   I are both greatly satisfied with our arrival  here in Chongqing so we had two border agents   at the immigration uh checkin there they were  both speaking perfect English one was a man and   one was a woman and they both were fully aware  of the 144-hour Visa process so it was smooth   sailing and if you can believe it at the end of  the process a little electronic box popped up and   it had a uh set of smiley faces four faces  ranging from big smile too small smile and   it said in English greatly satisfied somewhat  satisfied uh unsatisfied and very unsatisfied   so Ivana and I had the ability to rate our  border officers and we both agreed greatly   satisfied was sort of an impressive uh thing  I've never seen that before after 30 or 40   countries where a foreigner shows up who does  not speak the language they speak by language   and they want me to review their job greatly  satisfied so anyway let's go hit the streets   and get a taxi to our accommodation actually on  second thought I think we'll try and find the   bus or should we take the subway Zing wa Ivana  maybe we should have took a taxi look at them all there's got to be 100 taxis down there  and so anyway we've left the airport and   we're on this sort of bridge which is tiled  and lit up like a sort of shopping mall and   I guess it's going straight towards the bus  station which is kind of great for us huh   something tells me there's no more buses  Iana oh maybe there is there's people in   here because there is Coach Station  and there is Airport bus what's the difference all right so on second thought we're  going to take a taxi taxis are better anyway I following you Iana do you have any idea what you're doing babe okay I mean the good thing about this  system is I'm sure it's a good price like   it's on a meter because it's just hundreds of  taxies and everyone's going for it so I feel confident okay ready to run trck okay uh huh by Street by by Street oh gosh yeah yeah they go Hotel  yeah yeah yeah Hotel you I I I okay I think this is a say going down2 now back  so that's not thing here it just says 11 that's   oh there we go now it's 12.1 yeah that's  the meor okay good price fair price okay good okay sh sh okay okay CH H bye-bye okay just like that  we ad made at the Chongqing and our hotel is not   too far from the center which of course we  will show you tomorrow because it's almost   midnight but first let's do a accommodation  tour because uh the price of this place is   pretty darn good I think at least compared to  Shanghai it's a different different pricing structure nobody's here huh oh E's  Hotel on the floor okay good oh jeez   lisy one almost broke the door I  show up the chunk J I destroy the place my goodness okay this is the oh look a robot transport guide Cruise Express friendly hotel robot nice all right so the  check-in process was very easy the lady was very   helpful despite us not speaking Chinese and her  not speaking English we did sign language and we   made it happen uh here's our room now in Shanghai  if you guys remember it was a lot more expensive   this is I would call a simple oh my gosh what  happened got it uh this is a simple bathroom   looks good though looks new and clean more than  manageable and then I guess decent Siz room   bigger than Shanghai and if you guys remember it  was like 80 bucks in Shanghai yes over here it's   like 30 two so we we'll write the price on the  screen but uh like less than half price for what   to me is more than manageable now through the  magic of video editing it will now be tomorrow   and we're going to have some breakfast byebye  everybody all right and just like that we are   up in Adam hitting the streets of Chongqing where  Ivana and I only have one thing on our mind which   is get some coffee let's go so I tell you what  I see Starbucks over here but I'm hoping to get   something a little bit more Chinese you know more  local at least and honestly I don't mind wandering   for our morning coffee because I got nothing  but time and I'd love to look at stuff like this back in mainstream mainstream oh I didn't  copy so bad mainland China likea tell you what   pretty nice CityWalk here kind of wispy trees and  I'm led to believe that Chongqing is frequently   foggy like this so you get this sort of mist  it's a bit magical when you're walking around   I don't know if this image looks magical to you  guys but because I'm back in mainland China I'm   feeling the magic I'm feeling excited and so even  something small like the fog is impressing me oh   youon a lucking coffee let's go let's go there now  to be clear last time we tried Ling coffee it was   no cash only Ali pay we didn't have it now we got  Ali pay so over ready for luck and coffee we order   own oh order there oh okay okay you speak English  a little a little bit okay thank you order there okay come on oh no are we giving up again hold on hold on hold  on what's this what's this blue button over   there oh that's an advertisement oh there you  go that's good hey there app store oh you got   to download the luckin app app not available no  all right search continues sorry thank you never   mind bye-bye uh tell you what friendly lady and  she spoke English too yeah but we couldn't make   it happen the nature of traveling Ohi oh it's  Moi like this wow okay one for me uh H uh how   much money I'm buying one Iana that mean he's  right here right in front of Ling coffee must   buy how much uh how much okay tell me oh it's  there it's there it's there uh and peanut oh how good uh how much eight eight okay little  street food in the morning that's our   breakfast since we missed our  breakfast at the hotel we woke   up too late we slept in we arrived  late last night guys we're so tired sh how is it good breakfast  you try good right oh very good mhm guy box can't go wrong  tastes a little bit like tea it does have a bit tea flavor right tastes  like tea all right still need right here ooh   let's go this looks interesting this buildings  very nice looks very uh old and traditional nice   find come on Mira Miracles Street wow coffee  and bread everywhere this is awesome tack espresso cool cool cool all right let C  everywhere yeah there very nice nice I'm   actually I'm actually in search of Chong Chang's  most expensive coffee I want a good one here looks   fancy all right let's go you can get bread too  there coffee and bread bread and coffee that's the   name of the cafe sorry English only do you speak  English we going make it this for breakfast I mean   it looks amazing P fried Black bacon I might go  for that oh here here oh okay latte latte can I   take it and show them yeah L yeah latte it's a  nice place look at this they got a variety of bread W this looks so yummy oh my gosh look  at this this is yes hotot too any want some   food or no uh yes I do do but what should I  get here oh with the black one should I get   just bread no no no or should I get the bread  looks very good too look at this red bean and   walnut black bean and alkaline water let me see it  says alkaline water oh should I get oh this looks   so good too yeah get one yeah I get one can are  you going to order food no no some there's still   more here W oh maybe it's the same I know yeah  you can put it here at the orange one this is grapefruit everything looks so good it is chocolate no get one more  bread oh there Duan bread Duan bread oh thank you sh sh title of the video  best coffee shop in China okay it's good good   coffee super nice guy look at this place oh I  love it man to be clear my my Dallas Cowboys   played at 4:00 in the morning yeah I was up  at 4:00 and then I went back to bed at 8 we   arrived at 1 at 11: we got toour hotel at  1: and then you will come at 4:00 a bit out   of it coffee and vlogging let's go cinnamon  roll ladies first try it ladies okay fine I very good M so good this one is coconut almond no coconut almond  they got some good bread over here dude honestly   I want to try different bread from them every  single day L we can yeah very nice all right   so I've had some coffee and my mouth is working  again which is great because this is definitely   worth talking about so I guess this is a Buddhist  temple which is sort of connected to the really   beautiful Street we were just on and naturally  Buddhist temples are generally very intricate   but this one is exceedingly so especially with  all the support beam sticking out and all the   accents kind of highlighted on each edge of the  wood it's really uh kind of mesmerizing to look   at it's so intricate and detailed and so uh so  beautiful and so it's probably the right move   to go inside and see what the inside looks  like now believe it or not you have to pay   to get in here which is something new but we  did successfully use our alipe which is a good thing this way okay okay let's check it out you  want so potentially more than just a Buddhist   temple it might even be a bit of a museum in  here because there's people all around there   seems to be signs and there definitely  are even shops actually more coffee you   can buy over here so this is a pretty  lovely travel experience Let's uh see   what we can see because this is something  new and something very interesting for us wow so this place is a really impressive  temple with more than a few huge Courtyards   and I really love the lighting in here because  it is overcast and there's a sort of gray sort   of feeling to everything with all the C  C Les and all the smoke coming up and all   the little beams of light that come through  all the wall fixtures and all the railings   it's really something out of the Chinese Harry  Potter it's truly magical in here and so it's   a really nice place to wander around because  all of the different staircases pointing every   way it reminds me of the phrase not all  who wander are lost because I think we're   walking in circles but that's my intention in  here it's just to kind of walk in circles and   explore every nook and cranny of it it's a  really good uh first impressions of chuning lot a nice hairstyles for the men in this place  a right right that means you're wise hey check it   out I think this guy might be doing some fortune  telling he's got a bunch of people lined up to see   him he looks sort of Monk like in his hair and  robes and he's writing some stuff down I could   be wrong let me know in the comments this  could be a scenario where I'm confidently   incorrect but I think he's doing some sort of  I think so fortune telling Andor palm reading   or something yeah because people are lining up  to see him right interesting and so my feeling   is all these bald statues are guys who are  enlightened my understanding is when you're   earlobes or hanging like that you are someone  who's enlightened could be wrong maybe correct   me in the comments but typically everything  they're holding and their facial expression   is all telling some sort of story uh some of it  is very interesting looking not sure what that   one means maybe he's got the the child within him  he's in touch with his inner child or something   and I guess these are all prayers people have  attached to the railing corresponding to each   different sort of enlightened Buddha I'm not sure  if they're Buddhas but something like that and so   in any case the temple was a great start to our  travel day it was a good place to get us full of   wonderment and sort of asking lots of questions  as well as full of admiration because Ivana and   I have probably seen hundreds and hundreds of  temples and that was one of the most intricately   beautiful ones although I think it was the  first one we had to pay to get in which is   sort of interesting but in any case as we hit  the streets of Chongqing here we can keep our   eyes peeled for some local culture because you  guys know me I love local culture and in this   instance the local culture is beautiful ladies  so my understanding is uh typically in China the   standard of beauty is very fair skinned very white  or even pale skin and I guess women from Chongqing   have the reputation in China of having the palest  skin and being some of the most beautiful ladies   so my guess is it's because it's so overcast  all the time and there isn't much sun maybe   people's skin stays very fair but in any case  it's interesting for me because I think the   standard of Beauty in Canada would be to have a  nice tan and have some sort of dark skin showing   that you've been south for the winter and been  traveling and getting some sun on the beach or   something and so with the intention of immersing  myself in local culture I will keep my eyes peeled   for beautiful ladies found one F from chong ching  most beautiful lady I've ever seen you all right   let's hit the City walk I'm not even fair I'm so  Tad Indonesian it's getting uh away though the   yes you're get you're becoming more uh Chinese  more you're getting in touch with your roots   Evon okay CityWalk and wow look at this image as  we start our City Walk you've got the subway in   the front the temple we were just in in the midr  and then a huge office building or two or three   of them really in the background kind of a nice  ni contrast of Subway Temple and office building   just nice look at this oh very cute I guess this  lady is buying a basket for her doggy very cute so   similar to Shanghai a lot of electric cars right  and yet you still see traditional stuff like this   truck over here full of something what's on that  truck you think on the left side I think might be   cardboard boxes maybe board bares but leaving  in between all the electric vehicles right I   love the lanterns in the tree so nice right oh  yeah very pretty nice City View very nice love it oh my gosh check it out even  the fruits are cyber Punk here in   Chongqing wa is it real too good to  be true the color is almost like the   snack we have in Canada called fuzzy  peach oh something new H it's like a peach maybe it's been sweeten  it's like it's been soaked in   sugar water or something it looks so good 25 okay okay one I'm buying it by 10 10 half  25 2 bucks worth we'll see what happens I   think it's going to be artificially sweetened  is my guess yeah so much oh half half half   half other one it's a lot okay that's good  what the heck man shoot the works man all   right and the old school scale 25 for Kil or  something don't I'm buying that much okay 25 25 yeah perfect good 25 25 say 25 yeah okay okay 65 oh no no no no half half 65 a  lot no yeah half yeah yeah less l oh good catch good catch six this by the way this means six  E I learned that this means six 6 * 2.6 40 how about just one kilo okay 40  good 40 is good whatever man it's it's   it's good enough Iana we're going to  eat it I'm going to love it I already   know all right spend 40 I mean 41  on a fruit we have no idea what it is potential overpay no idea but I'm  going with the flow try it are you nervous what is it no idea but  how does it taste like let me see is it Plum it's so Orange it's so popping orange   I think there's food coloring  there's no seeds I think it's plum do it taste pickled or or do you want  was too much to buy yeah it's pickled oh   pickled fruit I think it's pickled sour  sweet how does it taste like sour pickled   sour okay it's also sweet all right I  think just pickled one of the fruits   with a pit like a peach or a plum all  right there you have it I immediately   regret this decision it's okay it's okay not  bad I'm not sure what you do bag want try yes oh he's looking at it's I thought it  was going to be soft but it's crunchy   it's got a very nice texture actually mhm  but it's a bit too sweet for my legging   sweet and sour no sweet and sour I think  it's plum Plum but how can it be crunchy   I don't know man it's not like I thought  it will be soft and like dried fruit but   it's not no it's not dried fruit it's  pickled in a funny way where it's still crunchy interesting interesting okay sh how it how it nice big trees here on the CityWalk and a very  clean pathway and some nice stores on the outside   pretty good place for a stroll in fact a truly  tremendous place for a stroll because accidentally   we have stumbled into what I think is the main  Square here I'm going to try and pronounce it   g Fang B yeah the area is called japang Bay and  this is The Liberation Square Liberation square   with this Monument honoring The Liberation from  the Japanese obviously in World War II and uh   something like Time Square in New York with all  the bright lights around and all of the people   with their phone we've got a vlogger right here  make sure to like And subscribe everybody everyone   is uh taking their selfies and doing their  Instagram stuff a nice place to walk through yes and similar to Shanghai really clean and  really organized foot path and no graffiti   no vandalism I guess Shanghai might be brand  new whereas some of these pathways are look a   little bit old but still clearly maintained  and organized and uh everywhere you look it   looks like good places to walk look down there  just a nice city walk here in chung ching pause   the video what is happening here first of all  the wall is so beautifully decorated I'm going   to say this is chilies uh chong ching is known  to have some of the most spicy food in um all   of China I think they're selling butter for  Hot Pot oh that's what it is you're right Ian   you take a brick of this stuff and you drop  it in your hot pot and everything you cook   in the hot pot has that sort of uh Sichuan  pepper that numbing sort of stay tuned for   the video where Ivon and iwe I know stay  tuned for the video where you and I have   a Sichuan Hot Pot yeah in a bunker yes is our  plan yes see if we can make that happen the   spiciest frin in China spiciest Province  in China nice okay stay tuned for that video keep your eyes to the left okay we  can't afford it Ivana keep your eyes on   the left we'll go to Bargain shop more of  our Bargain shop yeah exactly sounds right   stay tuned for shop and yeah because we've  got to buy some cold weather clothes for the   upcoming trip to Harbin yeah I heard it's  likeus 30 there so got to buy really thick   jackets so stay tuned for the secondhand store  uh shopping Bonanza big puffy jackets and snow pants what is this Steve black says the impression  of the old Chongqing so I guess Chongqing is sort   of built on the side of a mountain and there's all  these different levels so this is like an artist   interpretation of what it used to look like it's  like all kind of hanging together and wobbly it's   uh it's pretty good art in sculpture yeah cuz  Chong is known as the Mountain City typically   these kind of sculptures do nothing for me this  one's kind of nice I kind of get it it's cool   and so we've sort of accidentally stumbled into a  place called h you cave which maybe at this time   I'll give you a sneak peek of what this place  looks like at night because I think your head   might explode and so we might not explore too  much right now because that night is when it   lights up and looks really amazing but in any  case you can definitely get a sense of uh why   they call this city the foggy City to be clear  the camera is not out of focus this is just how   it looks and uh it's not air pollution it's just  fog because we're up in the mountains I guess whoa   pause the Vlog what's happening down here are you  scared or intrigued to go down there it looks like   you're going into a cave it's actually a toilet  down there it just says toilet I thought it was   going to be a subway stop first of all the whole  thing's built out of uh what looks like wood and   then down there is like I mean I'm intrigued  think that's why it's called H C I'm excited   to go explore down there although I think it's  just a toilet it's just a toilet okay I got to   go bathroom anyway I I'll come back and report  to you okay okay so in terms to the bathroom for   me it was okay for you I don't know uh might  be halfway but down there is the entrance to   the cave oh really it's awesome so it is a cave  it's awesome you should come see okay let's go wow what it's like an underworld down here pretty  great no got a bunch of shops down here like a   mall almost but we're in a cave and you can see  the view popping out over here right and like I   think you can go over here and see the view again  let's check pretty great no wow I think we come   back tonight also because yeah I think so what  look at this sorry guys look at this we are really   in a cave I was like why is it called honga cave  now I know wow oh my gosh tofu wow wow it's like a   mall inside but we're outside again what this is  like a maze this is cool you can see the bridge there wow very cool do I know what this big white  vegetabl is uh I know what it is is it don't tell   me Cava nope don't tell me tap yoga nope that's  the same thing isn't it yes it's Cava and topoca   is the same thing that's got to be a radish yes  it's radish look I guess they're making some kind   of dish with it so the street is basically  full of street food and Steve just found a   dragon breathing fire let me give you my expert  analysis awesome what cool what kind of store is   this watch I know but I want to buy watches and  jewelry wow jewelry shops in Canada are missing   out on The Branding you got to get a dragon from  the ceiling with smoke coming out his mouth that's   so cool I want to buy jewelry now very cool wow  oh my gosh that shirt says Canada oh no it says Canad Canad can I don't know aming St though oh gosh I just got hungry  again pork belly how 28 should I   buy how do I buy how do you eat it they  give it to you in a bag just like cut it okay 28 one that big Steve just that big okay one one yo Iana sorry I didn't I didn't  ask for your approval but I couldn't resist   it looks good it smells good I want it oh my  gosh looks good too Ste oh the sausages look   good too you want sausage no I'm good  okay okay this is like something we had   in Shanghai kind of similar sorry  no no no Chinese no speak no no no speak sorry sorry everyone assumes Ivan speak Chinese you  want that that's pork no yes he's trying to say oh that one is 10 only 10 oh that  one's only 10 and it's actually prepared   on a actual stick it's a legitimate stick  from the from do you still want this one   yeah yeah this one 28 oh I have to pay with  this one can we alip can yes okay okay alip good okay yeah your face working  do you want this yeah I put I put I put oh she's putting in air fryer oh to warm  it up oh it's going to warm it up okay good   oh my gosh I wonder what that is that is  some stuff right there looks like the fish   ball thing but it's long hotg fish hot dog  movie like and that is what's the what's the but what is it fish fish uh what this  one even want a black stuff I think   it's tofu tofu okay no no no no no no  there one pork belly pork belly just   curious oh no alip P not working try  try one more time here we go here we go no good okay pay cash yeah okay okay  okay okay we can work together okay okay okay okay um cash okay okay because no no Al 28 okay okay sh yeah okay let's eat man this is pretty  simple it's just pork belly that's been   cooked really well uhhuh and it's got some  chili powder on top right but it's I feel   like you need rice and veggies with it like  a pork W crispy good wo very fatty and very juicy oh she said you can sit  there it's okay we walk it's okay oh this is a what is this looks like 10 bucks  right there looks like a sugar cane and pear and   I'll get one I'll have one what is this how big  you want I don't know so nice lady so helpful yes   yes okay 9.9 yes you want each your try this is  so good okay it's really good wow this looks very interesting you call that a tea I think it's  a tea I think it's a tea I think it has like   it's got olives in it I don't think that's olives  St I think that's some Chinese oh it's herb yeah   herbo with some sugar cane and pear it looks  like I guess you got the extra large Iana this   big is is nice it's hot I think what is it  it's por GDs oh yeah pork GB I just noticed   you see the bones yeah CH Ching is interesting  place yeah and the restaurant got like noodles   and stuff inside yeah cool ah it's it's this  thing I don't know what it is people tell us   what we're getting here looks like peer  and some Chinese fruits Shi what now you got what okay okay thank you thank you  okay V this is your drink I don't know   what's in it it's hotter than  stink yeah okay uh maybe wait wait no it's okay okay okay thank you thank  you so nice lady Iana uses a toothpick like   a chopstick oh my gosh nice right crispy and  then when the go through the crispiness the   fat explodes with juice bro that's five star  that's five star pork belly be honest yeah yeah   good it's still so hot Steve maybe I should wait  maybe wait and it feels weird drinking it from a   the straw is a weird touch cuz it's hot right  good though what's the flavor can you describe   tastes a little bit like chantin tea okay is  that right cranum cranum tea taste a bit like   that cool yeah probably good for you a little  bit fruity so I know it has pear in it h my   guess would be a little and a little bit sweet  not too sweet but a little bit sweet my guess   would be it's healing or helpful in some way good  for you healthy it's good on a cold day good very   nice good oh my gosh that's the best looking  store I've ever seen FY jumping at the meat in there what you got there flower tea very good free samples can't beat it again you   wantana this is flower same same  a different okay let me put my other sorry sorry sorry sorry  uh sh sh good one good one good one I don't think they put sugar but it's sweet  naturally sweet naturally sweet nourishing the   liver clearing the liver and brightening the  ey wa who doesn't want that Iana very good buy   some if you want I think it's just flowers  I think it's almost like an all natural thing it's fruity yeah berries you're right it's  like ber but it's flour very nice ah see that we   were right it's called Forest Berry yeah so maybe  it's not flowers maybe it's actually berries yeah   oh so it's like it's it's not even tea it's  like a fruit juice SL tea love that is nice   also I think we're on cup number three now this  is my favorite stall stand here and get teed up   PR good too I think you can eat the flour is that  right I don't know if you're supposed to but he   wants eat flowers flowers for breakfast one you  can have flowers for breakfast and grass jelly   for lunch you're set the flour is sour the flower  is sour yeah wow that's like magical power try it seriously flour or sour interesting good  now we're talking my language oh my gosh   somebody take me away from this store because  I'm about to eat everything here and burn all   my life savings I've told you before this  food here is too good to be around me oh   my gosh I'm going to leave before I have  any free samples because I'm going to eat   all them too good thank you sh sh byebye  a it's so nice lady I feel like we should   buy some of that tea from her maybe right  but my B is getting full true okay next time chil and I guess some evidence  why Chongqing is known as having the   spiciest or at least some of the spicier  food in China this is actually a snack   with peanuts and chili this could  be something you love Yana I could   imagine you crunchy nutty crunchy I think  it's sesam Sesame oh it is spicy but not   too overwhelming try see it's just chilly  though can I handle it yes I can can can can actually nice spicy um the trouble is  I like the flavor uhhuh but it's too spicy   for me yeah but I don't think we can eat the  whole thing no I would be sick of yeah yeah   but tast it's good but it's good I'll stay  with my uh pork bellies sh oh my goodness   I can smell the chili I can smell the chili  man look at this the spicy food capital for   sure wow amazing woo and you can buy I guess  the chili paste here wow it smells so good but   I know my stomach might not be able to handle  that look at this chili and garlic what can be better look at this and and now we're  just below the main road main rope is up here so in classic live and learn fashion I  was just saying we weren't going to explore   this place too much until sun goes down we've  been here for 2 hours I know we've come down   a wicked elevator yeah uh the water is just  here so we see some boats going by I guess   this orange thing is the big bridge yeah so  we're simultaneously sort of outside sort of   underground and sort of in the Waterfront  right right right and in the cave yes and   in a mall very cool I'm in five places I  once what look at this what is this place   is like real me a place you would see in a video  game and you would think oh that place doesn't   exist cuz it's so intricate in all tunnels  and so adventurous right but it's real it is this is cool what yo man where am I at right  now check out this view you've got this building   here which I guess you could actually like drive  a car car off the higher level there park your car   and go down underground and come out here so it's  sort of built into the side of the mountain we're   underneath the bridge with all the traditional  architecture here we've got this fella here who's   literally being worked to death this poor bastard  and then over here we've got some VR with the view   of the Waterfront uh what an interesting place to  be I think I've never seen a place like this even   some traditional dresses for I guess some sort of  photo shoot oh my gosh how to even describe this   place it's a little bit of everything and it's uh  truly a great place to travel cuz it's like trippy   it's trippy good word Iana pause the video pause  the video this is not a carrot no um oh look here   it's got rice inside what is it and scall up top  is actually a green onion or a leak yeah a leak   and what is the orange thing I don't know I think  it's done on purpose to make it look like a carrot   to be funny but what is the orange part uh this is  where the comments are going to help us it almost   looks like it's I mean I really have no idea I  can't even guess what it might be it's something   at first I thought it was giant carrots definitely  something looks like giant carrots quite funny and so we've come up to the road level  I guess we were just down there uh this place   here I really love it and I think we haven't  even seen it in its best light yet so stay   tuned for tonight oh good good eye Ivana good  eye wow check that out what a sight to behold   you got like a water fountain SLT temple with the  a big building behind it all nestled amongst the   trees and the lanterns I mean that's one of the  most beautiful things in terms of a city not in   terms of Mother Nature but that's a nice looking  image holy jumping this side yo Chongqing is no   joke right now wow this is a special thing and  if I turn over here oh my God nice place man wow   very cool stay tuned for my expert analysis  how many times can I say wow in one video wow nice place man I'm not kidding you this is  really one of the most and let's be clear I tend   to speak hyperbolically but I really mean it when  I say uh no thank you this is one of the most I   don't even want to say beautiful cuz I say it too  much but it's it's such an impressive cityscape   with the waterfall coming from the modern building  and then the ancient architecture uh right beside   it it really is amazing doesn't matter which  way you point the camera it's picturesque in   every direction something very impressive and  memorable for a tourist like me on my first day   to see it it's like wow just spectacular oh oh  look at this winding staircase up to what looks   to be some sort of I guess a Viewpoint off that  deck there wow something interesting in every   direction and showdo to all my Construction  Brothers working at Heights you guys know I   used to be a roofer I'm not sure what these guys  are doing but they're doing something sitting in   a net and swinging a hammer or a hatchet hard  hats on good work fellas stay safe and even   some roofers I will admit that in Canada I could  do all systems they call it I could do all the   different types of roof but I never did a curved  roof that was continuously wavy along the front   edge so shout out to those guys very talented uh  wavy roofers here in China and so actually now   that I think of it sort of a similar cityscape  here to Salvador Brazil the way the water is on   one side and then the city immediately starts in  a cliff right kind of similar to Salvador while   being totally different in the architecture and  the uh climate but it's just a cool City where   you got the main sort of highway or Main Road  along the Waterway and then the cliff goes up   and the bu building start wow it's such a good  location for this uh traditional architecture to   pop out it really is I mean I can't say enough  about it it's just spectacular over there just great and so we wanted to come down to this  position here to end this section because we   think this will be a good location to do  a hard cut until tonight so Abra cadabra Alakazam and so certainly a world class Instagram  location now my intention was to go back across   the road and go to the exact location that  I snap my fingers and do a nice transition   from Sun in the sky to sun down and lights on but  as you can see from the crowd here I absolutely   could not manage it it is super crowded to say  this is the hottest ticket here in Chongqing at   night time would be an understatement there are  people everywhere and including that bridge so   Ivana and I were trying to go to the bridge  it has a good Viewpoint we think there's got   to be 2 or 3,000 people on that bridge oh yeah  I think so which is sort of incredible because   there's a road on top of the bridge and actually  a train underneath it so it's an impressive thing   in its own right and if you add to the fact  that behind this incredible structure there   there's a huge modern Skyline uh it's really  a sight to behold with the bridge the lights   on top of the traditional architecture and then  the skyline they've really done a masterful job   of highlighting all the accents with the lights  and with the Drone it looks incredible because   the drones up in the sky and most of the lights  are on the roof although what's really special   is I'm led to believe this place is at least  nine floors because there is an elevator that   goes to the ninth floor and so as you ascend  each different level you get a good Viewpoint   of the ones below you and so the lights are on  full display from everywhere in the whole place   it's like there is a unattractive location to  sit in the whole place everywhere you look is   done perfectly and so I'm feeling a little bit  claustrophobic there are these people with the   loudspeakers everywhere and they tend to just  play the message over and over again which can   be very loud and so maybe I and I will try to  find some food I'm assuming as we walk through   here we will find five or six different um  snacks along the way people selling things   So eventually we sit down for dinner but first  we got to uh um go that way okay let's go photo shoot very pretty that's crazy right oh my gosh we  were just doing some simple b-roll and   this thing just fill the show that whole  building is a screen man yeah I can see   clear as thing I didn't see it until now  oh we were just doing a simple little shot   there that whole building kind of looks  like a boat and I get to Iceberg right   now wow awesome dude yeah he's good the  guy in the McDonald's shirt singing very well singing and so I got a bit embarrassed there because  the singer was like come here come here he   wanted you to come up and sing with him  he's doing a great job and he was singing   in English but I'm not going to get on stage  thing it was uh not going to happen super nice   guy though but listen color me as pleasantly  surprised because the crowd out in front of   this place for me is unmanageable I figured  walking through here my blood pressure would   be slowly rising and rising and Rising as I  get more and more uncomfortable but as you   can see most people are out front trying to  get Instagram photos most people are not in   here trying to get street food so we feel like  we've got a lot of space there's still noise and   Chaos on action and things being sold everywhere  but this is manageable for me and I am very happy   it's nice here and lots of food it's making me  very same same same wow the mother of all cotton candy what is this it's Noodle ohod No Chinese no Chinese H  Engish no Chinese sorry sorry   sorry please okay okay you want some you want some new maybe candy is it good it's I'm so from this to this here good place good place hello  hello are you speaking English English   huh English no wait no problem let me  translate uh I'm going to just do the   point in order this one beef chickpea  one Noodle and this one one one one one little bit no no I'll I think he said I won't put any you'll  add it yourself I thought he said the   whole thing was made from that I thought  you saying the whole thing is made I the   soup looks so red the soup looks red it's  like the one we had in Shanghai maybe I   think the whole thing is made from this yeah  the one in Shanghai it was actually chonging   noodle so now we're trying the authentic real  deal right here in Number One Construction how it sometimes in life you got to go with the  flow and I know what the comments are going   to say why don't you just get a translator  app what would be the fun of life if I just   translated in order what I wanted sometimes  you got to let God take the wheel and just   say let's see what happens today it's  a good way to travel I'm telling you to drink sh this one like this no sh no no yeah  yeah yeah oh we drink the beer from a bowl   okay okay okay this one for you no no no no no  okay okay okay for me for me sh sh sh okay so   I managed to order a beer uh it's for sure the  warm beer has ever been served almost hot and   I'm drinking from a bowl for some reason she  could be playing a prank on me I don't know   she's like you want a bowl and I was like  not really she's like do it I'm like all right ah beer soup cheers you have it you're not really  traveling if you don't have stomach problems sh very nice oh you didn't put the red  it's not the red stuff it's not spicy hey good   news right yeah he said add it yourself man that's  good thanks a lot dude you really saved us there okay so we learned it's sh and then P  thank you you're welcome very nice all   right take it away you're not really  traveling if you don't have stach problem sorry no no Chinese oh oh oh I think he  wants us to pay yeah oh okay how pay what's going on baby I don't know I I  handed her the calculator that's good to us okay 577 good price let me try 57 5 57 57 Chinese Chinese hello good thank you thank you the chef so evidently  we just met the friendliest people in all of   China and the most uh outgoing and really right  best people to meet as a tourist I'm going to   add uh spicy stuff to M as well yeah do it no  I think we need a spoon to be honest with you   is there a one I mean how do you do this with no  spoon that don't look easy maybe you're supposed   to drink it oh that's why they put the beer in a  bowl get you ready for drinking from a bowl got it to be honest is it really spicy I don't know  I added mine it's it's got a bit of color to it   but I didn't make it too much I just put a bit  of the bread in there you know here I heard the   food is spicy so you ask for nons spicy as  a tourist especially the noodle looks good   it's handmade I mean the guy who front's got  a bowl bow with holes in it everything here is   done with Bowl making noodles drinking beer  drinking beer you name it chong ching is a bowl it's good the noodle is really good the  noodle is it's very soft very soft like like   almost like angel hair yeah it looks that  way thought it was going to be soft and   a lot of herbs in there make it very fresh  you know a lot of greenery in there I love   the herbs cilantro and green onion what a  good find we were just wandering aimlessly   and good thing our alip works we only got  52 you works again I believe face Hit or   Miss but it hit over here which very lucky  very good love it yo let's heat and then   honestly uh I was thinking of ending the  video at this oh my gosh he drinking this so good I was thinking of ending the video  as we just finished dinner here I think we   wanted her a bit more this more close it's  fun out there yeah bro chong ching for the win they safe eating slowly is good  for your health uhhuh I'm healthy   today wow look at your Chopstick skills  imagine trying to eat chickpeas with no   spoon oh Cara that's pretty good wow  and my meat's all ground up no spoon   might be here till midnight you're  supposed to drink it I think yeah right Len I only added a bit of the  chili it's enough spicy spicy but   also the tingling of the whole face but I will say this making the noodles right there would you  rather be him trying to get people to come in   the front door and make the noodles or would  you rather be the ladies trying to entertain   customers I like his job best to be honest talking  to people in the street I told you I'm not good   with people so you rather be the chef be the chef  I'll be the front and you'll be the chef right got it sh sh all we know is how  to delicious thank you that's it good job good job come again okay tomorrow  tomorrow thank you thank you sh sh sh sh this   the chickp this is the Chili's over there and  this is all the ingredients and she's boiling   up in this kind of vertical uh net vertical  stacked metal net nice shake shake shake shake okay okay okay bye-bye bye all right time  to hit the streets again or hit the   leveled walkways at the very least let's go Wasing us so there is a lot of food in this place  for sale that I want to try unfortunately I   have no space right now although I think before  this trip is out I will be eating a lot of that   looks like very oily potato with lots of spices  on it oh yeah fried potatoes looks good right   yeah and I saw the flip kind of like crab kind  of style snack I don't know what it is yeah like   a pancake looks good lots of stuff to try and now  that the sun has been down for a few hours across   the river or across the waterway at least the  modern buildings are all lit up which is a nice   contrast from our uh everything's yellow and  everything's ancient to their mostly blue and   red uh modern Skyline what an interesting place  to overlook I mean Super memorable just a great   place oh that's unexpected some nice street art  wow I think I'll do a little comparison between   Chongqing and Shanghai because it feels like just  yesterday that Ivana and I were doing a similar   type video when we arrived in Shanghai for the  first time and we were like wow and so it's only   right we can kind of compare the experience uh for  one the pricing structure is totally different so   in Shanghai it's about twice as expensive on  average for things compared to Chongqing that   was both for the accommodation the food and the  beer to be clear Shanghai is more any more wow so   it makes sense that it costs more but it's just  a fact and uh for two Shanghai is more like you   want to said futuristic whereas Chongqing is  a lot more local culture even there's a lot   more people sitting down in the street selling  things in Chongqing including those little pink   berries we bought which Side Story were not very  good sorry guys most of the time we do positive   review but they just didn't hit the spot that I  was craving in that moment uh nevertheless yet   another unbelievable view here with the skyline  over there so maybe this is a good note to end on   as I uh am running out of my voice cuz I'm trying  to compete with the loudspeakers but in the end I   could not choose between Chongqing and Shanghai  both offer a lot in terms of Tourism Shanghai   may be more impressive like futuristic and wow and  chong ching more cultural but both awesome places   so stay tuned for more videos uh later skaters  what does it say say happy birthday Steve oh look at this same walkway we were in  V is never going to end dude this is   nice I'm a little bit old to do it but I  want to just go frolicking over here and   skipping and we do it do it do it do  it I mean I'm considering it come on yeso come on see look at this  chonging really comes alive at night

2024-01-25 23:46

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