She got fired from her dream job, went to work in a club then opened her own company using tips

She got fired from her dream job, went to work in a club then opened her own company using tips

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did you think the salary you earned and tips from clients in the club would enable you start your dream company? all these girls you meet working in the clubs was there another company or it was just a website? just a website, then a lot of prayers. I told myself since I don't have I will still pursue my dream clients will come along the way I started a website, registered my tours company I inquired how much it would cost for registration I paid him and told him I need the certificate I had KSh 10,000 which I received from tips I know those who gave me tips at Tribeka are like, oh Lord! That's my money how do you open this? I have never boarded such a vehicle please hold on first, do people take off their shoes? Yes we forgot to lock the door are you ready to narrate to us your story? absolutely this is just amazing the same Tala in Machakos county we were having a time of our life I told her it's fine as long as I make money what went through your mind at the time she told you about the offer? clubs will always be there I don't want to say that was little but again the amount was a bit low it was too little were you getting tips? I just feel better having talked to you you can have this he has taken 2 beers and spent KSh 500 but he will give you a tip of KSh 2,000 was there a time you would hide somewhere drink at least then continue with work you haven't served those clients on that table, why haven't you cleared this other table or cleaned the floor maybe the ones clients have bought for you  some would tell you have this beer or another would buy a whole bottle and not finish and they would tell you were you being economical with your needs I had to open a website with just a website? or was there a company in existence? just a website and prayers, I told myself I will still pursue my dream clients will come along the way I opened the website, I registered my tours company I asked him how much it would cost to register a company here is the money I need a certificate those tips I know those who gave me tips at Tribeka are like, oh Lord! That's my money she used to it to start a company so we have shares in this company yes through the tips sorry guys, I opened a company using your tips the first time you got a client and how you organized a vehicle to take the client round they were Europeans I guess maybe she searched Schon or something    we made all the necessary arrangements and she came  tell me how much you will need we made a quotation, invoice, I paid him and he took my drove my clients my company is now picking up this company can wait I was still going for those road trips the money I was getting as profit    I thought deeply about and said now pops up at the top so that at least got me clients domestic ones were having trouble with the name Schon whatever you decide to call it, that's okay especially on this Christmas business has been good let's go this way corona is still here with us though that tried to sustain us  now do you pay your own salary at the end of the month? Yes I have to I go for those road trips You know Kenyans will send you a message and tell you the specifications of a place they want to tour with their family you will have to figure out where to take them  you tell them Naivasha even if the place is in Nairobi sure how many vehicles do you have? I just love these vehicles especially when we were on the roof I felt like a tourist It feels really amazing being at the top and enjoying the view I have fallen in love with these vehicles even if today I don't have clients, the vehicle will not just sit idle that's still making money for the company because you have to switch this on the socket then you regulate you open and stand over here this here is more comfortable for me, I love the view so it's hard to feel the bumps very minimal I have been told to pronounce Schon properly what does it mean by the way how does being a woman impact that? I think there's an impact we are here and we will make it we will do it it's just you, your God, the bible and the priest remember I have no mum  they advice me as well  I would open up when I feel things are thick and ask for their advice we would go somewhere eat some roasted meat and they would ask how my business is doing    they would tell me where I should market but they feel they can't make it or they keep procrastinating who wants to start up their business and venture into self employment an idea would cross my mind but I will postpone it to tomorrow I will call them tomorrow I said this is my life   this is what I want   all businesses are the same even for someone who sells tomatoes, today they would have so many customers, tomorrow the tomatoes are there rotting how can people reach you? Today I have toured this place and had fun although I felt sad seeing a dead giraffe even if it's just KSh 1,000 eggs get a place that you are likely to get so many clients I left a big company and ended up in a club you will make it do you still hold a grudge against the company that fired you? I did not leave in bad faith so I can still call and tell them things are not okay for me would you consider having me back I don't think things are working at the moment they will listen to you, don't burn bridges we have really looked for you and you have really inspired them don't judge everyone has their own dream they have enabled me travel to Nairobi National Park to bring you such stories on the pinned comment section, follow that link don't eat a lot of roasted goat meat, January is just around the corner

2020-12-28 21:18

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