Season 2020 My 5 years PB finally broken! #pickuprubbishreleasefish

Season 2020 My 5 years PB finally broken! #pickuprubbishreleasefish

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[Laughter] the virus now extraordinary crisis caused by the pandemic and so the freedom of movement enjoyed by europeans for decades has abruptly ended and when the board is open i was in the way [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is the only fish i have seen in six days spent on the lake so it was time for me to go but not for long [Music] but [Music] and finally in the middle of the summer i landed my first fish [Music] i had to wait for seven days of fishing just to catch this beautiful 14 kilo fish awesome during the day on a new location i'm here from like this road i placed at the midnight about so yeah it was really late and that's probably why it didn't come and it didn't come anything during the night and now from the blue sky melds off beautiful [Music] so [Music] first two days we had nice sunny weather with uh not big changes uh stable wind basically almost no clouds and as it usually happens the weather change and this time it brought rain which stopped the activity i had next two days one more fish which came from the deeper spots but this lake wasn't really much deeper so the activity didn't really come back to the same level as it was before a little bit deeper so hopefully it's gonna keep going this way even it's not super super nice but whatever [Music] so i decided to move on to canal but right after first night i wasn't feeling it there [Music] i decided to move and i found something which was exactly what i was looking for this is not the type of lake for which people travel to france and i know it i don't have it so far so this was a good choice and i was hungry for action this lake definitely offered that [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] it was quick 48 hours full of fish i think i had 12 fish or 13 fish nothing special nothing big but it was awesome experience i probably never gonna get to the leg again to that exact leg again and as you could see i had a lot of fun in 48 hours i landed about 12 or 13 fish [Music] do [Music] so yesterday i arrived pretty pretty late it was a struggle it was a really struggle i was on the other lake there was no no place to sit it was horrible so i called my friend and he he recommended me to go here where i'm now i'm sorry i wouldn't tell you in the name of the lake but he was right he uh it was carol nicole thank you carl uh he was right with the the lake is not so busy there is just one cab angler i think and he was going away this morning so it's awesome i love this kind of place the most the most i had last night three takes um one catfish first fish second was a tench and then about 3 30 in the morning i had a carp but i lost the carp yeah um i choose the wrong hook and yeah the hook got cool i did i did make mistake it's just purely on me i saw the fish it wasn't big fish but it was a fish and i would rather have it here than then just not catch it basically so yeah that's the start was good uh it's a bit rainy it's a bit windy and at night was crazy wind it was really like 15 knots almost so it's this much in kilometers and uh yeah it was horrible horrible horrible and cold i wasn't expecting so cold weather so i didn't take so much uh warm clothes so it's gonna be fun and yeah we'll see what's gonna come the first of the two this is the smaller fish it's about 11 to 12 kilos i don't know i didn't scale him [Music] the second one it's 18 kilo over one meter long perfect i love this kind of fish and the color of it it's like really autumn autumn color yeah perfect i love it two 16 millimeters boilie one pop-up one bottom bait so like a snowman and yeah this is beautiful fish so this road was uh this one was in the water for uh two days now uh there doesn't come from there any bite i had one catfish from this side and there on that side there i had the two fish so there is like a like a pool uh every everywhere else is like six meters six and a half it's flowing slowly going down to there there's a pool like ten and a half eleven meters and yeah the fish coming from there it's closer to the other side and there is another cab angle so i moved already the successful road from there one more to the left to the pool and uh around what i was fishing to the far right i put also a bit more to the edge of to that pool so i'm gonna take out this one and put on the left side of the pool and yeah we'll see what's gonna come then because i don't want to have roads just laying down in the water and waiting for nothing here so let's do this one [Music] 24 millimeter 60 millimeter [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so this is how i'm doing it in gps i have a spot here just come to the spot and that's it [Music] yes my point back home and here we good [Music] after 15 minutes of like hard fight i wasn't really playing it soft because i thought this catfish i got the fish on the on the surface so i turn on the light and then it goes crazy it goes again down and all that but i saw the fish and i was like oh man this this is really really big fish and so i start to playing way softer like no not anymore like crazy and and after two attempts but i didn't land it i on the third attempt i did land it and yeah the result is something unbelievable it's my new bb and yeah i wish you wish to all of you to this to happen it's just incredible feeling [Music] this you so this is what happened at the night 28.7 kilos or 63 pound two ounces what the fish wow it's my new pb it's just awesome yeah [Laughter] oh i'm just heavy as [Music] oh so this is what i'm calling a big fish it was totally worth let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] the third one is i didn't move from yesterday so i'm thinking of two options leave it there till tomorrow or put it to the right side uh all the way like far away so if it's gonna be the head it's gonna go there and if it's gonna be the number if it stays very this [Music] [Music] [Music] you got a smaller fish about 10 kilos maybe i don't know whatever but nice fish nice and very strong that was a lovely fight but it was super nice so let's put it back in get another one [Music] so here we have another beautiful fish uh 18.2 kilos [Music] it's about midnight it's second fish tonight so it's working great tonight yeah perfect [Music] beautiful beautiful [Music] so i have a kind of problem my car is the battery is flat i just bought new battery so it wasn't battery it was a car which started something i don't know so my solution for now is to try to top up the battery like this because i have a generator i have a generator here so come on focus so i have generator i'm trying to top up the battery and and yeah it's probably end i wanted to stay till tomorrow morning but there is another concern there is a tractor like uh doing a field like i don't know how it's called it and yeah i'm afraid he's gonna do the same here and then i there is no way then i can go away and i need to need to go to work so so i'm going to start packing up hopefully in two hours it's gonna be topped up and i can move so i'm not sure actually what to do now so as you can see behind me uh i'm packed up oh in the car all soaking but it's just start really bad rain really heavy rain while i was uh packing the cart and thankfully started uh the dash doesn't work it's probably fuse or something so yeah whatever i just gonna drive home and then i'm gonna sort it out thank you very much for watching if you made it all the way here it's my pleasure thank you so much i appreciate you so hard uh consider subscribing hit the like button or dislike if you don't like it if you don't like me whatever if you have any question just leave it down below or write me to pablo the pilgrim on instagram that's probably all for today thank you very much for watching and i see you in the next video

2021-01-26 07:11

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