Scotland is back and so am i

Scotland is back and so am i

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oh my god i can't go on the blooper reel hey  my name is Shaun and welcome to scotland and   welcome to a brand new season of vlogs right here  on my youtube channel and in this video i'm going   to be taking you to meet some of my friends  around scotland and enjoying the beautiful   weather right here in edinburgh a special  shout out and thanks to my patreon members   whose support and contributions allow me to keep  this channel going thank you all for watching good morning from beautiful sunny scotland in  springtime oh it feels good to be back got fresh   northeast wind right in my face here in edinburgh  but the sun is shining and the temperature's not   bad it's all good and i'm happy to be here again  i think this is the first time i've been out on   portobello beach all year and welcome back  to my channel and welcome to another vlog   i've kind of been slow off the mark since getting  home from brazil to start doing vlogs again here   but you know i'm i'm back i have got a  action-packed full video for you guys   today meeting some people going to some places  that i think you're going to enjoy so last   week exactly one week ago today it was another  beautiful sunny spring morning here in scotland   and i went out to craigmiller castle in edinburgh  my favorite castle here in edinburgh to meet   another scottish youtuber who many of you guys  already know and we did our first collab one for   his channel and also for right here on this vlog  so that's where we're starting today before we get   into i just want to say welcome everyone thank  you very much for joining in right here on this   channel it's great to see you here as always back  in scotland and if you're new to my channel don't   forget to hit the subscribe button and give  me a thumbs up let's go back in time a week look at us how you doing hi how are you doing  i'm good i'm just trying to get the thing   uh set up good good and this is your  favorite castle it is indeed and it's only   i've i've drove like 10 minutes to get  here so easy for me a bit longer for you   but i'm in a big journey right okay i'm going  down the borders we're going to explore places   we're going to go and see castles doing their  uh battlefields and all that kind of stuff   right how how we used to fight the english you  weren't doing there now i do yeah i'm a bit of a   turncoat if you could you could say yeah  hey am i you're the first scotsman are   going to london exactly exactly james james  sixthdid it i mean half the country did it   it's true um so i'm here we're going to do  a bit of a well we're going to do a couple   of videos here on this channel obviously the  vlog we're going to do a really great video   on your channel as well hopefully hopefully um  and we'll we'll see how we get on but it's a   nice day it's a bit chilly like but yeah but  the sun the sun's out and uh you can see the   bay you can see arthur's seat that's not actually  after seat it's arthur seats around here isn't it   so you've got the crags on that you call this  salisbury crag you've got the crags on that side   and then you've got the the top arthur seat right  in the middle yeah up there there's a cracking   spot it's a bunny location the thing is it's like  it's right it's 10 15 minutes for everybody center   people don't realize that you know and the thing  is craigmiller gets a reputation does it but i've   driven through it and trust me there are places  where i'm from then craigmiller i can tell you   that it does get a repetition but it's all right  you know i grew up around here um and i went to   school actually just over the other side of craig  miller at high school and and it was a wee bit off   but it was you know it was fine it doesn't feel  any rougher than i did a video in airdrie once to be fair it was worse than the 90s it's  better now ah right okay it's all right up   and coming yeah yeah way you've got let's get  this set let's get set up and let's get going take my sunglasses off because  i kind of see in the dark   and it gets quite dark in there i don't know fall  down the spiral staircase so these are coming off do someplace in europe yeah of course there's  about quite a lot of echo but hopefully our   microphones will sort that out hopefully hopefully  nobody gives an atmosphere yeah it does yeah   this is the the great hall where all the  parties would have happened you can see the   you can see the picture up there it tells you  more about some of the parties that would have had   would have been all fancy carpets on the wall  it's beautiful lords hall is the actual name of it so the reason that this castle is so important to  me is because i basically grew up you know with   an eyesight of where we are now you can just see  over there that big white building which is now   little it's not like france anymore it is the  edinburgh infirmary but people still talk about   little france yeah so i think even on the road  though there's a sign that says little france so   i think there's still there's still a connection  there were little france this part of the land   is known as little france and basically the reason  i know about that is because my grandparents   way back you know 20 years ago  we used to own the caravan site so they used to own they used to own the caravan  site which is where the hospital is now and it   was called little france caravan park yeah it's  a place that a lot of people used to come to stay   when they went to the festival or the rest of  it so who did your grandparents buy the caravan   park from i don't actually know that it wasn't the  french it wasn't the french i don't think but um   we're going back a long time now like  early 90s or something like that but   you used to get all the vagabonds i wanted to  come to edible and put shows on at the festival   because it was the cheapest place of course  there was a good kind of vibe over that the   campsite anyway the campsite was called little  friends and the reason that that was said to be   the case is because when mary queen of scots here  she obviously had some guards that were french and   they can't throw it down in that bit of land just  over the side of the castle there and i think some   of them ended up staying building a little bit  of a community and it became little france yeah   down there just behind the cottages and where the  hospital is now and that name like i said sticks   around till today yeah and it's an interesting  history and because of that um i got interested   in the story of mary queen of scots there  was also an old tree stump in the caravan   park which the legend has it that she planted or  that she used to come and sit under and and um actually i mean it could have been that  but the council anyway ended up taking   the tree away once the campsite was  sold off for the hospital to be built   so that part history was removed but we knew about  mary's connection to the land here through little   france and all the rest of it and it was it was  grand and that's why this is my favorite castle   because it means a lot to me as a kid growing  up it was all the nostalgia stuff and we used   to just come in here and kind of sneak in the  grounds and mess around as kids as well you know   before it was all like ticketed and stuff we  have from about tickets yeah yeah because that's   the thing that people forget when you come to  places like this that it has a life long after   people think that it's finished for people like  you growing up here and also like if you look   down there and it's obviously off camera  you can see the woods there there's also   like a lot of old brick buildings and stuff they  would have been way after the time of the castle   but like there's a lot of other bits of history  in there we're never sure what it was about   yeah and there's also the big pawn down there you  can see the outline of it with the p shape which   is for the preston family so there's bits in the  land here that's quite interesting yeah anyway   that's why we came here today and that's why  it's my favorite castle not edinburgh castle but   bruce i want to say thank you for coming here and  me it's been great fun isn't it it's been growing   you know we've been wanting to do videos together  for ages i think you're you're actually a legend   people love your videos and you're so funny  and i want to come into your stand-up shows   at some point yeah you're doing them next time  yeah but also your youtube videos are just so   informative and i've talked me a lot about  my own history that i had no idea about   so thank you for that you're welcome i love  your videos and you know all you guys watching   need to go and see your videos which is scotland  history scholarly history tours yeah and right now   as we're finishing this video and posting  it on the channel you are doing a bit of   a tour all right i'm going to do seven days  along the scotland england border but lots   of little history things we've we've hired  our a camper van from perthshire camper uh   and we're gonna spend seven days in the camper  van driving about the borders talking about the   history the battles the standoffs the negotiations  and stuff like that that's going to be brian i'm   looking forward to seeing that video series on  your channel and all you guys watching should   definitely obviously subscribe but check out  that video series i'll put a link down below   to that video the next one coming out to you and  then there'll also be a card up here somewhere uh   so make sure you check those videos you always  bring scotland to life for me through history   and i think that's you know it's brilliant that's  what we're trying to do that's what i'm trying to   do so again thank you great to meet you and  let's do more videos in the future some point   so i've got my favorite castle next we'll go your  favorite one right all right okay well i hope   you have a great tour and i'll be checking  out those videos and so should i do cheers so after doing that video with bruce in  edinburgh i've actually come to bruce's hometown   that was a week ago one week later we are  here in stirling i've come here with some   friends to show them around oh my god it's  so bright and sunny it's unbelievable lovely   spring day here in scotland where is that  we are here that there is a worst monument come here with some friends and i  thought i'll show you guys around that's cool that's a wooden version of the real thing up there over locked down i seem to have lost all my  ability to climb hills i'm not fit anymore   what happened covert happened do you know  angie there's people here in scotland they   climb up all the mountains the monroe's big  the big mountains in the highlands this is like   not even this no it's not even hiding them do you  think you could do them no you know i have to like   have a proper trainment before because i can't  breathe well since we i had two twice to call   it and we don't go outside anymore  so much now probably in winter it's nice yeah got a flag up there look it's not really blowing at the  moment come on flag do your thing i can't believe so we were just saying it's  been two years since we did a video together   and that is new years new years ah it was so  good though isn't it new year's in 2019 yeah   just before all that exactly we've actually  been doing a podcast together we've done   lots of videos together on the channel back it's  so good to see and we've just randomly um came   to sterling today on the same day on such a  beautiful day yeah thanks and you were like um so we're going to go up at the wall this  morning and have a look it's kind of high exactly i feel like i need to hold on oh my god i don't know if it comes across on  camera but it is actually very record my shoes it's pretty high uh away some of these weapons look absolutely  brutal like obviously swords in that is   quite dangerous in the dagger but there's  an axe there and there's also like kind of   bludgeon thing down there look at that see  the light we made it we made it we're alive oh my god it's quite windy up here  but wow what are we seeing everything really nice yes so we've got there look at your hair that i'm wearing  trousers underneath the coat that's why let's see i'm gonna go up anyway oh that's pretty high wow look at that view yeah that is the city of sterling down there  oops i don't want to go too close to edge   i'm holding that about the sterling bridge  took place right down there in that field and those fields that sterling  castle there and the city is still in there   you're so crazy right him there's like a line and then  above it there's a goose   or a duck's head or something it could be  a swan and then a thistle angie what do you   think of the worst moment did you like it  yeah very but it's very like tiring a lot   yeah it's a lot of steps a lot of steps and some  people don't wait for people to go down get down to like hold your hair yeah otherwise you've  got shitty photos because it's like this is   such a nice day and even on a day like this  it's still windy up there yeah very weak so it was yesterday we went up to sterling  had such a good time going around the walls   monument not been there for a few years with  angela felipe lucas and teca and then also   randomly bumping at the wii scottish lass  moscow moon who i've not seen for two years   despite the fact that we do a podcast together  we shall not leave it that long again in future   but you know what i'm feeling pretty fulfilled  being back in scotland right now especially   with the weather starting to turn since i got back  from brazil the first month was pretty grim to be   honest the weather was atrocious and i just wasn't  i don't know i hate the i hate the rainy weather   that we get here which is sad to say quite often  the case well like i said we've had two weeks of   absolutely beautiful sunshine and great weather  here and as you can see today and yesterday and   the week before in the videos i've showed  you it's just been absolutely smashing   which is why i thought i would come out  here to portobello beach this morning   let's see if i can kick start back we're  going walks and runs in the morning which   i'm not going to do today i'm just coming  out for a wee tester a wee bit of a walk   to show you guys how it's looking but i want to  get something and then take you guys into town   we are here in edinburgh city center  it's really really nice there's a lot of   people here it's very busy and we passed the  place we wanted to go on it's very busy but   let's go and take some photos for  instagram all right tucker maybe maybe yeah we're going to take photos amazing photos i  know all the spots you know all the spaces yeah uh   and you've been teaching me some stuff on  instagram as well which i'm really happy about   um about how to do reels properly so go  and follow both all of us on instagram   i'll put a link it's the crazy thing about  them around the nice weather like i said   two seconds ago in the sun i was warm and now  in the shade i'm cold so jackets are required   but look at that it's the castle behind me  such a nice day people up there on the grass it's amazing the castle looks so pretty  and this fake flowers i think fix fake we wanted to come to this place for a long  time because there's always a queue here   which means it should always be a good place  to come i would imagine and again today there's   a crew that goes all the way down the street i  think it's ice cream and milkshakes maybe minis oh my god i can't go on the blooper reel  um there's a famous set of stairs here that   everybody comes to take photos for instagram  and i've never been here in my life i've just   been here yeah it was actually my second place  no second place had a visit for the first time   i was in edinburgh yeah yeah so it's called the  venom the venom it's outside the flooding wall   so it goes right next to the graveyard yeah  i've never been here i don't know why and   i live here i was born i was born about 200  meters the other side of the really oh my god   yeah in the simpsons hospital which doesn't exist  anymore um yeah never been here but it's all on   instagram like if you type edinburgh on instagram  probably this place is going to come out first we yes right in six in the morning  yeah then we spent like one hour in   the christmas streets gardens and then we  came here because everything was closed so   it was summer as well it looks like we're not  the only people here to take photos today as well awesome oh there's taking photos has made us quite  hungry so we're going to go into this cafe here   french place and to get some  tea cakes apparently it's very   good angie's been here before i have not let's go you can do it it's like a cheesecake with caramel it's got this because see a long last as well  edinburgh is starting to be a bit   buzzing with tourists they're all back after  several years disruption because they're pandemic definitely seems like the tourists are  back there's two guides doing their thing there's lots of people taking  photos and all the spots it's nice   yeah it does help there's a nice  sunny day though look at that i actually just posted an instagram  mail from victoria street on my page   today but it was in the dark as you can  see in a day like today it's all lit up we're here in the queue waiting for  our ice cream made his milk here   and we finally decided we'll actually come here  on the q away and try this place out because   all these people wait and  it must be good it must be this guy's giving up easily he's gonna wait  there for the cue to pass that's the best idea   look at that look at the queue goes  all the way back down the street finally got our ice cream i got two salted  caramels i've already tried it to be fair and it's   all right it's not the best ice cream i've ever  had in my wildlife what'd you get angie pistachio   and tahini with lemon and honey this is very  nice yeah pistachio is okay because yeah i love   i really love the gelato from italy it's my  favorite but this is there's a lot of milk of   course because the name is milk yeah it should be  okay yeah it's okay i mean the classic ice cream   in edinburgh is called lucas that's good and i  think it's kind of like the same to be honest i think that's kind of bad bad part of edinburgh  that up there that is glasgow's thing i'm not   sure we should be taking that that's like a  glasgow thing i had a con yeah i feel like we   shouldn't steal that it's like a glasgow yeah  they're going to be they're going to be making   fun of us for trying to do that as well i think  the one in glasgow now has the ukrainian colors   oh yeah they changed it i think somebody  should say that i feel embarrassed final moments of sunlight tonight sunset  here in edinburgh and we're on princess   street and it's absolutely gorgeous  i know i've taken loads of videos   or princess tweet my channel before  but when it looks like this you just   need to take advantage right tech is  actually here to go into some shops into h m i'm going to let her go in and i'm  going to stay out here and take some videos   b-roll i need to do it sorry i was  going to come in with you i'm staying um foreign did not expect to bump into this tonight you

2022-04-15 19:42

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