Saying Yes To the Unknown...

Saying Yes To the Unknown...

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yo man so just so you know I've got you uh on camera here I'm curious what this message is hang right what what for I don't know he just said he's a big fan and that it'll be a crazy time crazy time in Chang right that sounds interesting when does he want to uh do this tomorrow tomorrow screw it man I say we do it just let me check with one more person here hey Lake you want to go to Chiang Rai what tomorrow [Music] one of the best things about being retired working for you is the freedom that I have to just say yes to Crazy wacky last minute mystery trips like this it's been ages since I've done something like this and it's exhilarating Adam what the hell are you doing pit stop at dirty Ronnies then I'm ready for this adventure [Music] Haley you ever been to Chiang Rai nope Adam you ever been to Chiang Rai nope and I've never been to Chiang Rai have you ever been to Chiang Rai [Music] welcome to Shanghai we have arrived here in Chiang Rai let's take a look at the air quality when we were landing on the plane it was looking awfully Smoky out there but it looks like it might be okay here oh wow Haley and Adam are there it looks like we've got a pickup at the airport who is this guy there's a bit of a mystery going on here Adam what the hell's happening yeah I really don't know this this guy Matt really uh friendly Phillip just picked us up but but what are we doing here man well uh some people that I work with they wanted to meet you guys and I thought you guys are crazy they'll never answer my messages and then lo and behold you returned my message and so I'm gonna take you to meet him what do they want us up here for I want to show you guys a good time huh Street continues but at least I very orange Thai tea my favorite gas station BTT [Music] [Music] there he is hello hello I've been standing here one hour waiting for you where the hell are you one hour while we're here oh how are you hello well we're gonna have a great time this is purely organic so what do you call this one linty the English is called lychee all right we're starting it off with the light she always feeding me all right all right here we go you like it yeah are we gonna have fun we're gonna have so much fun I don't think we can work tomorrow introduce yourself to these fine people hi my name is Bangkok Thailand along [Music] look at this place it's gorgeous this is insane I've never seen a resort in Thailand like this look at that oh I don't have no idea where I am that's peace song this is Matt and this is Angie Dr Angie the doctor is in the house look at this there is a nice couch nice bed of course there is a elephant towel so cute taggy a mystery tour it seems like it was a good idea oh yeah look at the view right out the window here this is the place that we're staying foreign listen to that well Haley's inside just doing some unpack and I I don't even know the name of the resort we'll try and figure it out for you all I know is that they said freshen up get ready because in 10 minutes we're coming by to take you on a little golf cart tour but we're immersed in nature you can hear it loud as anything it's like being in the middle of the Jungle place is incredible all right Chris do you realize that you are very near Burma how close really really near really we are I'm even closer to this Leo actually one for you so we cannot drink and drive okay don't do that in Bangkok but you can do it here all right good to see you cheers pleasure to meet you my friend don't do that but we do yeah this is the linky tree oh really wow wow she's amazing I'm good at eating I'm alone so good mountain behind the back so here's what we know so far we're in the middle of the Jungle couldn't some pan is an awesome guy am I yes and I can't wait to see what we do in the next 24 hours man oh you're gonna be surprised [Music] and we're passing back past our house heading down to this end of the resort look at this place in front of you how beautiful it is so this whole wide open area they're experimenting to to have like an open Campground so over here behind me you can see they have built toilets washrooms this is a super flat super comfortable area shrouded in mountains up in Northern Thailand and in the winter time you'll find tents just sprawled out everywhere here and sometimes we play music over here live music live music you put up a Band Shell yep yep we do that that's beautiful what's your what's your band name battle Brothers Band of Brothers baby thank you [Music] he's joking right saying that we can choose our fish out of the koi pond to make sashimi I'm joking right but if you want it no I don't I think he might be joking but it is time for some Northern Thai food please use everything okay so that you can enjoy full maximum of your time here okay finally wow whoa look at this [Music] Style's hospitality is crazy huh what an experience this is we're so lucky so are you glad that we said yes to this sometimes you just gotta say yes to unknown things it's a good one [Music] [Applause] Chris [Music] this one here is a fermented yeah kind of minced cold pork right there yeah I've never had this one yeah oh definitely fermented flavor when I come to Northern Thailand my favorites the Little Pork crackling and the green chili place the name prick noon what's your favorite saggy I like sayua they've just brought out one of my favorite Thai Dishes in the whole world some cow soy so now I know I'm in Northern Thailand [Music] damn 7 A.M in Northern Thailand doesn't get much better than this and I woke up this morning thinking about something that my new Thai friend couldn't some pan said to me last night he said couldn't Chris life is short so remember two things be kind and have fun and man does that guy know how to have fun he might not be the youngest guy in town but he's young at heart this is a guy who in the 70s brought all of the classic rock Legends to Thailand for the very first time so he's gone from that decades later to still live in his life to the fullest and it inspired me to remember that as long as I say yes to unexpected things go out and enjoy myself and have fun with new people and old friends then then hopefully I can stay as young at heart as that guy but he also said something about being kind and he said something about a road trip foreign [Music] students participants then we're gonna give uh the equipment to filter the water for the school so kids can drink clean water and then are we gonna help to improve the condition of the school and then we're gonna go to see the location that they want to build a water rescue [Music] this is a group of people from all walks of life in Thailand that have come together to change the entire way of life in this remote Village 45 minutes north of Chiang Rai we got to know each other over lunch at a classic Northern Thai farmside restaurant and then we headed to the main event [Music] [Music] this is such a unique experience [Music] what an experience to be thrust into this this is Thailand this is Thai people at their finest so Sean Penn we're the people that are now with us that we met at lunch and and what are you guys doing here today Community basically they are very strong Community they're very United okay they had one common problem it's a water Cottage so they seek out to any outside organizations that they think could help them to fix the water's Cottage problem so somehow they reach us to us so we send the team to investigate and then we learned that oh yes that's a real problem and then uh we know how to fix the problem so we are telling them that we're gonna do together the local people the Villager and us we're going to build a dam together and this Dam will provide a water supply for consumption so we install the filter system so we clean the water and the water will be ready to drink by all the students here I'm so glad that you brought me out here to see all these kids yeah I'm also very attached to see the the feeling and the happiness in their eyes yeah it's amazing [Music] the event took place at the sea Kong Nam school and it's the culmination of a charitable project and whenever something like this happens in Thailand the local community who's received the help goes out of their way to host a big Gathering to an outsider it might seem like just a big photo opportunity but the truth is that the village wants to show their gratitude and they want to showcase their unique Village culture one way they do this is by having local school kids perform dances that are specific to only their Village their people okay [Music] [Applause] so this guy right here so what decapsody this is uh a legend in Thailand I believe I'm standing next to the Thai Jim Carrey is that correct I'm honored to have met you my friend very very honored man nice check it out hi viewers eat your heart out we got a living legend on the channel not just comedy Legends we have the biggest metal rock star in Thailand history here how's it going man nice to meet you yes this man spent time with Freddie Mercury he's a legend he's like the David Lee Roth Thailand that's what you are man and he's a living legend yeah [Laughter] [Music] yeah so I have to wear this uh special shoe cover to walk on this glass top and we with oh my God look at this View foreign oh that's scary I can't do this walking on an elevated glass Skywalk this place is absolutely epic if you ever find yourself in Northern Thailand near Chiang Rai you have to check this place out it's uh elevated about 70 feet and in the background you see the Mekong River and on the other side of the Mekong River is the country allow right there on a clear day about 10 kilometers that way you'd also get a view of Myanmar this place is definitely worth a visit [Music] this guy just gave me the surprise trip of a lifetime thank you for teaching me to be kind and have fun my friend oh I love you man oh yeah back in Bangkok just 48 hours after I left this room and here's what went down so this was a group of Thai people I'm talking like former rock stars comedians some of the Business Leaders of the country there was four star generals in the group and they all got together to help solve a water problem in a remote Village up north of Chiang Rai this is a place where they have no access to water so they built a dam that's going to stretch back 10 kilometers and literally help over a thousand local villagers have access to fresh water for drinking for agriculture for General use and literally changed the lives of this small community and man it's just reaffirmed my love of the Thai people and seeing them work together all these people from all walks of life and doing it with fun and laughter and enjoyment thank you was a treat to be a part of I feel like I've made some new Thai friends on this trip I can't wait for another adventure with you guys and I hope that you guys feel inspired that the next time someone reaches out with a with a with an unknown offer a mystery offer you might waffle do I do it don't I just say yes to more things your life will be a little more spicy and you'll be young at heart I had a blast and it's just reinvigorated me I can't wait for the next adventure and I'll see you guys there

2023-06-10 10:53

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