Sailing to BC's most SURREAL Hot Springs! Sail-to-Soak Adventure Tour | A&J Sailing S3Ep.9

Sailing to BC's most SURREAL Hot Springs! Sail-to-Soak Adventure Tour | A&J Sailing S3Ep.9

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This is Bella Coola.. a remote Mountain  Valley at the farthest reach of one of   Canada's longest Oceanic Fjords. The gateway  to the Great Bear Rainforest an area renowned   for its incredible wildlife. Mountain peaks  lost in clouds and crystal glacial water,   the scenery here is a little out of this  world! This is a place people dream of but   often don't make it due to its remoteness and  inaccessibility. Our journey here began days  

ago when we made the 70 nautical mile journey  up this 10,000 year old waterway carved out by   glaciers of the last ice age. Sailing through  squalls and thunderstorms to arrive here in   this remote town at the end of the road.  Rugged and wild join us on an unforgettable   experience as we journey to one of the most  incredible places you might never get to. Good morning we just left the  marina in Bella Coola and we've   already spotted a whale ahead of our boat. I was just trying to get the boat up  ahead on the radio to let him know   that a whale is there. Such an awesome way  to start the day, it is so beautiful here!

We are currently on our way to Tallheo Hot  Springs where we plan to drop the hook for   the day and enjoy what is meant to be one  of the most incredible hot springs on the   coast. Super excited it's looking like it's  going to be a really nice day.. it's still   pretty calm and settled here but the sun is  trying to poke through so that's awesome.   I'm just going to make some coffee because  it's still early and we're pretty tired. [Music] Just enjoyed some coffee and breakfast  underway.. one of my favorite things   about living and cruising around on this  coast is the amount of wild salmon you   get to enjoy. We've had salmon almost every  day.. the salmon are everywhere right now,  

people are fishing and they have surplus salmon  that they want to give you and then we've also   been gifted a lot of canned salmon.. we've  been having it for breakfast lunch dinner..   pretty awesome yeah it's really a problem  that you want to have is like your boat   listing to one side because there's too much  canned salmon on board.. we also have some   canned elk and clams and pulled pork so we're  eating well on the ship oh [Music] yeah [Music] We're just arriving at the uh intersection  of the head of Burke Channel North Bentinck   and South Bentinck and it's kind of where  the three arms meet here in kind of like a   crossroads of the waterway.. there's still no  wind yet this morning which I think is awesome  

because it'll give us a chance to stop at the  hot springs on on the way in.. you can see   from all the low lying cloud that there hasn't  even been enough of a breeze to really lift it   up over the hills yet so that's a pretty good  indication that it's going to be calm for the   next couple of hours still if it does start to  blow though from this point onwards it would   be blowing into the inlets so as we come around  the corner here into the South Bentinck Arm we   would be then sailing down wind again for the  rest of the way which is pretty well perfect Glaciers have dramatically left their mark  on the landscape here scouring out old river   valleys into u-shaped fjords like this one  stretching 100 km deep into the heart of the   coastal mountain range.. these mountains  some of the largest in BC are part of the   legendary Pacific Ring of Fire a tectonic  belt of volcanoes circling the Pacific   Ocean.. geothermal Hot Springs like the one  we're journeying to today are evidence of  

this mysterious volcanic activity.. truly a  land formed by fire and transformed by ice. I'm glad that we've timed it pretty well  this morning to come out on the calm and   we're arrived here and it's still  calm and that we're going to have   an opportunity to go explore the  hot springs this morning [Music] We're just coming up on Tallheo Hot Springs here  and it is still really really deep like we're in   650 ft of water and you know the shore is just  there anchoring here is really exposed because   the wind will funnel straight up the channel  towards where you're anchored and basically   just drag your bow straight off the shelf there  is a little bit of a spit that comes out and   we've understand that we're meant to Anchor  in about 30 ft of water fairly close either   just off the spit or just tucked in behind the  spit so we're going to have a real good scout   out around the area kind of work out where  we are it's getting a little bit later in   the day and you can we can already start to  feel the wind blow into the channel you can   see the clouds are starting to lift up off the  side of the hills and are definitely tracking a   little bit faster but we're going to have a good  scout around test the holding um check it all out does Dr so we're in about 40 ft of water  here which is actually pretty good there's a   little Landing Bay over there which I think you  meant to tie your dinghy up to there's a little   bridge that we can see I'm just going to do a  quick little Scout around the shelf and just   kind of get a approximation of it size and then  we can work out where we're going to put the hook there we go graceful one two three seems always criminal to burn gas to  do the 20 M to shore unfortunately it's a   necessary safety because if the boat does drag  and ends up down the inlet we need to be able   to go get it and paddling after a boat that's  drifting nah so we'll leave the outboard on   so that we can recover our big boat in case we  have to and here we are we're already here at Shore there you are landing party right here taada much closer than we thought  makes me feel really good because we can keep   an eye on the boat to make sure the boat  doesn't drag and we can hot tub at the same time amazing it's like the perfect temperature  wow oh my gosh this is crazy okay this could be   my new favorite place it's not too hot it's not  too cold totally Goldilocks temperature nobody here huh is that lovely this is the best thing ever wow  and it's not salty it's not salty or sulfury could be the best hot springs on the coast so good [Music] how was that good coming back into the warm  water from the cold water it's definitely   where it's at it's crazy how you are climatized  to the cold water never suspect that you'd always   think that hoping in the cold water is like  the hottest bit and I guess it is mentally   but it actually feels really nice after being  like that hot you know I tasted the ocean and   like it's barely salty up here really yeah like  it doesn't taste like ocean wow the fresh water   sits on top of the salt cuz the salt is denser  like you could drink it like it's it's is that fresh so we just made a really cool  Discovery here when they built this   and they put the concrete in to make  this little retaining wall for this   pool they put the imprint of a beer  can into it so that you can sits there perfectly isn't that amazing what Forward  Thinking Folks up here in bellula and we   just found beer holder number two  so this shall be my spot cheers guys nice big spot Pon it's beautiful and this is a stripy Pon also beautiful we're going to go  motor over to the lasso Cove   we may watch roll the line for goo while we're at it there's a little bit of an out flow wind  this morning it's very gentle maybe like 5   six knots of wind we wanted to check out  all of James sewing progress so we rolled   at the head saale and we are cruising along at  2 and 1/2 knots we're told that it's better to   catch salmon when you're not running the engine  maybe this quiet trolling session will land us a COO we've had an amazing couple of days hanging  out at tallo Hot Springs the weather has been so   settled the last couple of days so we've been  able to remain anchored in the middle of the   inlet overnight in the morning there's some tour  groups that come through yesterday there was a   bachelorette party and today there's a bachelor  party so we decided to haul up anchor and cruise   over to larso Cove which is just about 2 and a  half nautical miles from talho Hot Springs yeah   it's going to be really cool to check out lasso  Cove it's the only other protected Anchorage here   in South bnck Arm so being anchored out in the  soft holding in front of Tello Hot Springs totally   fine for a few hours when it's nice and settled  even overnight when it's settled but people drag   there quite often um you're kind of on a leash  or With the Wind from whichever way the wind's   blowing so a lot of people go to lasso Cove lasso  Bay camp 2 it's also known as and anchor there   big mud flat and it's an Old Logging operation  I think they still do log out of there if you go   up the Logging Road there's a huge tree that's  worth going and checking out that the old time   log is left standing because it was just too big  to cut down so we're told um unfortunately not   many of them left in BC anymore it's a kind of a  Travy that the entire Province used to be covered   in these things and now they don't really exist  anymore it's kind of like seeing a white rhus   rhinoceros a white rhinoceros I'm Keen to go check  it out go stretch the legs and then come back to   Tello Hot Springs when it uh when it simmers  down not in temperature but in the quantity of people we're just going to scout out of cross spot  to drop a prawn trap uh I'm told it's pretty   good prawning here um so we're going to  see if we can catch another prawn or two   for dinner we'll anchor up in the head of the  bay after the traps dropped and we'll go find   this big tree hang out for the afternoon wait  through a period of slack come pull this trap   then head back over to the hot springs  for a soak so we're just going to do a   couple of little Loops or about here check  to make sure that the bottom floor actually   matches the Contours on the turs and then  we can work out where we want to drop our trap [Music] [Music] [Music] so we just dropped the hook in  about 60 ft of water and the hook dug   in right away super solid we backed  down on it and it didn't budge and   now we have our own private Lagoon here  in front of the trail to the Big Cedar Tree very nice campsite here at the trail head the  trail is nice and obvious which is always a   blessing when you come to an Anchorage that  says it has a trail some of them are less   than obvious and you're just kind of like  what this is just Bush that's more fun that   is more fun but this is very well defined  there's a park BC sign that says campsite   and trail head and I mean it's gorgeous look  at this turquaz Bay the Flies are a little   intense um but that's cool it's their time to  shine let's go check out this tree we'll head   up the [Music] trail so we walked like a  kilometer up a deactivated Logging Road   and then jumped off where it said trail and  I think we're coming out to the big tree oh   yeah I think I see it that is the biggest one  I've ever seen oh my God that thing is massive wow we've seen some big trees but they  say this one's the biggest in Canada of wow like that's so massive this thing is a  behemoth Goliath tree stretching well into   the sky and over 19 m in diameter this is an  iconic Western red cedar one of the largest   left in British Columbia over a thousand years old  it's up there with some of the oldest organisms   on Earth it's crazy to think that we'll only  get to experience a few Generations while this   being has stood and witnessed upwards of 80 to 100  Generations we felt humbled and in awe even after   falling to the forest floor it'll remain here for  centuries due to Natural defenses that make it   resistant to rotten Decay and this superpower only  increases with age here it'll become a lifegiver   or nurse log for Nutri trees to grow into eternity  quite literally the Tree of Life as it's known by   Coastal First Nations people whose material and  Supernatural world has depended on its Woods   sustaining them since time and Memorial highly  valued by the logging industry there are very few   of these old growth forests left virtually wiped  from our ecosystem over the last 200 years this   is one of the last few remaining Giants and more  than ever forests like this need to be protected well what do we have here it's a bit of a  random concoction for lunch but there is   fasha that we made last night there is buoy that  we made last night and we have a prawn a prawn each how was your one and only prawn one prawn  definitely leaves you wanting more there's so   many flies here so many FES here I don't know  if this will be a tonight Anchorage with this   many fliers I don't know if it can be there's  literally like I've killed a dozen yeah horse   flies and oh my God he's still living how is he  still alive he dead now buddy that's the thing   with these anchorages with no wind yeah the  cockpit is littered in big fly carcasses it's [Music] wild hoping that the sight and  smells of this Carnage will deter the   others from wanting to bother us so going to  leave these guys out here as a big message   tell your friends tell your friends flies  don't come mess with us if it's this bad   we'll probably have to leave because we  just killed like 40 in I don't know 10 [Music] minutes [Music] the weather in the inlet has been so settled the  last few days we've been able to stay anchored   here in front of the hot springs honestly I  think we could stay here forever definitely   want to come back to this place in future  sadly I think the time has come to haul   up anchor and continue on it's really hard to  leave it's really really hard to leave I mean   this could be like the best spot in BC for  the entire Pacific Northwest I know it's a   very bold statement but could possibly be true  it's really hard to leave the next stop is also   a hot spring so like it's just leaving one hot  spring to go to another hot spring which is kind   the awesome thing about the Discovery Coast or  as I'm going to start recalling it the sail to   soak Coast where you can sail downwind up inlets  to places you can soak in the winter it could be   S to ski sure there's some great Back Country  Touring up here coming here in the winter would   be really cool I doubt it's as settled though  so could be a little dicier it's important to   hydrate when you're in the hot springs out of  all the places worth being I would 100% do this   trip again it's just worth it to to come up here  it's beautiful you get to soak in the hot springs   this is amazing 10 out of 10 I don't know what  else to say about it where else can you sit in   a hot tub in a f with turquoise Waters Mountain  views and settled weather you can't really ask   for very much more in [Music] lifee and the  wind is gently ringing brings the [Music] morning I'm scared it's like a slaughter house it is teaming  with black flies I'm like legit concerned that   these things might just like grab me by the Cuffs  of my shoulders and like fly off with me to their lir did you ever read Kurt bonic at slaughter  house number five no yeah it reminds me of that

2023-11-20 23:05

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