SABANG - Indonesia's MOST NORTHERN ISLAND (Kilometer Nol Weh Island)

SABANG - Indonesia's MOST NORTHERN ISLAND (Kilometer Nol Weh Island)

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today guys i'm going to show you Kilometer 0 here in Sabang and we can officially   start Sabang Sampai Merauke Let's do it! oh oh good morning guys it's another beautiful day  here in indonesia and it is finally time to   go to Sabang so my mother and husband john is in  that car right in front of us and we are going to   the port right now let's go to Sabang guys it has been four fantastic days here in Banda Aceh   honestly time has just flown by and if you're ever  considering to come here do you think it's safe   yes it is safe it is wonderful here the people  are just as kind as friendly as they are any other   places just make sure you respect them and they  will respect you right back the things is our ferry doesn't depart until an 11 o'clock and now it's  10 o'clock but we are arriving one hour before   because if the ferry gets full then too bad you're  not gonna get on it so PROTIP if you are gonna take the ferry make sure you get there in good time all right guys we made it to the port now we're just waiting to board the ferry so it  ended up costing 209.000 for three people with one   motorcycle and vip tickets i have no idea what vip does but i guess we'll find out when we get on the ferry let's get on the ferry and go to Sabang if you want to go to Sabang there's both the roll-on   roll-off ferry that we took because i was bringing  Turangga it takes about two hours but there's also   a fast ferry that only takes one hour and on the  instagram account, InfoJakSabang  they always post the daily schedule and pricing on the RORO ferry  there's a small shop where you can buy drinks   get snacks and there's then the general seating  area out in the open so it can be quite hot but   there is also an exclusive room where there  is air conditioning and reclinable seats   and just a few hours later we had arrived at Weh Island also known as Sabang righty alrighty guys we have made it to Sabang  and we are this close to getting to kilometer 0   so now i've put my mother and husband john  on the taxi we're going to a place called   casa nemo a place that has really good reviews  so i hope it's going to be nice let's go ahead   and check it out and let's start exploring Sabang i cannot believe that i've come this far woooow this is island paradise to me  i cannot wait to see the beach considering that this is an  island the roads are nice and look who made it first and finally we got to see one of the things that Sabang is most famous for it's beautiful beaches all right guys we have finally arrived here at  Casa Nemo and it is just beautiful here there's   so much green here you know so it's kind  of like uh we're living in a lush jungle   in our own bungalow overlooking the the ocean  let's go and check out the room for our stay at Casa Nemo we had booked a two planned family  bungalow with a main bedroom on the top floor   it had a rustique open bathroom with a bathtub  and the master bedroom had a double glass door   that opened up to an ocean view balcony  with a hammock a perfect little spot   a perfect little spot for drinking our morning coffee since everything was made in wood and is always open   we didn't have an air conditioner but we  used a fan and just below i had my big room   with air condition, ocean views  and plenty of space for my 65 kilos of travel gear and editing mess and it seemed we had arrived  to Sabang at the perfect time   because the following morning all  of the island truly came alive   as they started preparing the second  most important festival in islam Eid Al-Adha For Eid Al-Adha also known as the feast of sacrifice a lot  of animals are being slaughtered to be sold   at the local market along with a vast  selection of fresh fruit and vegetables   a very different kind of market  that i've seen in other countries   because all the sellers were politely waiting  for us to approach them  no pushy sales tactics or buy buy buy here just calm, polite and friendly Indonesians as always Are you ready for tomorrow? yes Eid Al-adha right? Yes tomorrow is a holiday This market is not here tomorrow oh it's not? Holiday tomorrow? yes eating eating relaxing and praying right? yes i had tried to teach my mother and  john how to properly greet indonesians   because my favorite thing about greetings  in indonesia is the respect and kindness   of touching your heart after the greeting and I was proud to see how well they were both doing How many years have you lived here in Sabang? Almost 50 years already are you happy here? very happy in Sabang it's very nice here and safe are there already a lot of tourists in Sabang? yes already many they have started coming back yes yes already there are many people coming back here great picture thank you very much Assalamualaikum Waalaikumsalam like most other places Sabang have really  been struggling during the pandemic   as it mainly lives off tourism and with  just over 30 000 people living on the island   it's great to see and hear that more  people are once again coming to the island wave with your hands so the Eid al-adha is a celebration of Ibrahim's dedication to Allah's command when he decided to   sacrifice his son ismail and here during  the Eid Al Adha they're sacrificing a lot of   goats, sheep, cows to respect the  sacrifice that ibrahim he made it is a very busy market here the main market in Sabang there are so many people you can easily tell that everybody just wants to get ready, buy their groceries and go home and get ready for   Eid Al Adha tomorrow everyone is smiling.. good cool this is my point my top cool   and I believe that my mother and John is getting quite the experience do you like it john? yea it' something different.. good sir Thank you (Aceh language) at the gold store we met with Balqis the  owner of Casa Nemo who told us an   interesting story about the  Acehnese marriage traditions are you planning to marry somebody? uuuuhm.. so this is like a Acehnese door so if you want to marry somebody either you buy this as a necklace   or as a ring it's a sign of opening door it's the door so you welcome another person into your life   so that's why the symbol is the door in the main street of Sabang there is a famous coffee shop   it's not just famous for its amazing tasting coffee but for the way this coffee is made besides cooling down the coffee i'm not sure  if this artistic coffee making procedure   actually makes the coffee taste any better but it sure looks cool and it must have taken a long time to learn it so I respect that and in case you were wondering the coffee they make here is amazing we then met Balqis husband, John Luca or  should i say David Guetta's twin brother   a swiss italian who loves indonesia just  as much as myself so he took me to the   meat market which according to him i had to see because it was only there for Eid Al Adha all different kinds of meats are sold here  and it's a busy day indeed with both kids and   adults here and you can feel the excitement and  happiness about the upcoming Eid   I was so happy to see, how much John Luca was paying attention to the locals   as I was busy shooting clips John Luca was all over chatting and catching up with the local community   had it not been for his European looks  he might as well have been an Indonesian   the market was buzzing and i noticed an  interesting thing apparently Eid Al Adha is not just about eating it's also about giving back  so some people were deciding to pay a little bit   extra on this day as a form of charity to support  the seller who's spending the day making sure that   everyone can buy food for their celebration and how much did you pay for that small piece of fruit   two thousand, but i paid a holiday price  otherwise it would be one thousand after the market we made a quick stop at the  Sabang Merauke Park in front of the mayor's office it has a small bridge overlooking the  harbour and a Sabang Merauke sign   where you can take some good looking Sabang selfies  We then went back to Casa Nemo because Balqis wanted to show us   two traditional Acehnese houses that  was actually set to be destroyed   so Balwis bought them and brought them all  the way from the mainland to Sabang she's a   she's a fighter and determined woman indeed she tells me that it's important we remember and preserve   the Acehnese culture and history and hopefully later on the younger generation will do the same so tonight we are here at the local fruit market  in Sabang because Balqis here from Casa Nemo   where we're staying she's invited us to come  and join her and her family tomorrow   for the celebration of Eid Al Adha tomorrow we're gonna try and see  firsthand how they celebrate it here in Sabang   happy? so happy I just had this sweet passion fruit f you ever come to Sabang Casa Nemo is known to to be the place to go on Friday nights  they always have live music   but since it was the day before Eid the music was a tiny bit different than usual good morning guys   so now it's eight o'clock we're heading down to get some breakfast some Serapan where we can sit and enjoy the view over the ocean as well it is such a nice place here the  atmosphere is so calm so relaxing the only thing   you can hear is the birds the sound of the ocean  and there are basically no people here of course that's not so good for Casa Nemo but they have  really been struggling during the pandemic and   the tourism hasn't really returned yet because they have made Iskandar airport in Banda Aceh to a national airport which  means that they are no longer any direct   international flights to Banda Aceh so it's a bit  more difficult for people to come here hopefully   this video will inspire more people to  come here and visit the small paradise   because it is kind of like a bali vibe here  of course there's a bit more rules in terms   of what clothes you need to wear when you walk in the streets   you have to wear at least shorts that covers your knees this is probably the place you want to come if you are a bit more about the calm and natural indonesian atmosphere  it was the day on Eid Al-Adha   and we went home to Balqis parents that had invited us all into their home to join them for the feast   even though we had never met them until now they just invited us in and treated us like we were family look what are you having? we're having some fish with some chili and rice of course   and some meat which is very spicy actually, but very good and then i'm having some of these   rice? what did you call it? they're cooked in banana shells longton (rice cake) and then with the vegetables Balqis also told me that there are both pros  and cons about living on an island   her father aka the Indonesian Freddie Mercury  recently had had a stroke for the third time   and the big problem was that there are no  hospitals that can properly treat it on the island   so when it happened they had to drive to the  ferry and take it all the way back to Banda Aceh   luckily he's still with us today   and hopefully one day there can be a more advanced medical system on the island we had had another great and cultural experience   thanks to Balqis and her  lovely family and i could tell   that the Indonesian kindness and hospitality  were winning the hearts of john and my mother what do you think about staying here? I love staying here because it's relaxing you see we   sit here and we play cards after breakfast and  there is no one here   nobody so we just have it all by ourselves and listen to the water and the  temperature is the same as   it was when we went to bed last night what else can we expect? before I came here to Sabang guys I had so many plans of   things i wanted to film both in Banda Aceh and in Sabang but you know after my family arrived   i kind of also realized that it's nice to make  youtube videos but i haven't seen my family in   yeah almost nine months so I'm trying to focus a lot of my time just being present with them you know tomorrow we're gonna check out and go to  another place called Hawk's Nest   because I wanted to make sure that we tried different  hotels while we're here   to kind of compare the experiences also for you guys to see some  different places you can stay here in Sabang   so massive shout out to the staff at Casa Nemo it's been a really nice experience Am I right? yes but before checking out there was  a special surprise waiting for us   and as we went upstairs Balqis  showed us her new restaurant   which will already be opened by  the time you're watching this video   and it's the first ever fine dining restaurant on the island how is the view like John? just amazing just amazing and to send us off Balqis had  arranged a true Acehnese   cultural experience something that neither of us had ever heard or seen before and as my mother is a singer she  wanted to give something back   so she sang a danish song for the girls you are back here with me (danish) the song was about a mother coming home and this touched the heart of one of the girls, Toora   as her mother had passed away it's okay thank you you have a very beautiful voice thank you and so do you yea thank you we're like sisters yeah we're like sisters the singing sisters I'm so sorry I'm so emotional oh my god and I get because you do it yeah i think my mom always coming  every time when i was sad and   but i love this song because it's  about when the light comes the mom comes   yeah because mommy always brings something  good and perfect to every daughter right? yes one two three i'm taking video we had a great stay and it was  time to continue the journey   so we said our goodbyes to the lovely team at casa nemo   and continued further west on the island getting us even closer to the  end of my journey and finding Kilometer 0 and we made it to Hawk's Nest let's go and check it out all right guys we've made it here to hawks nest   so basically what i did is i looked on google  maps and i checked the best places to stay in   Sabang and the best places i could find was  Casa Nemo and Hawk's nest so today we're here   at hawk's nest and we're going to be staying  for six days so as you can see here behind   me the view is absolutely beautiful it's very  quiet it's very secluded because we're kind of   inside of a bay and protected by an  island in front of us so it's very quiet   it's super beautiful here and we have an entire  villa to ourselves i'm gonna show you that later I'm very happy because we can get burgers here Chuck Norris how are you? I'm good healthy? I'm healthy good morning Happy? it means are you happy? I'm happy so we've checked into what's called an  exclusive villa i believe the name was   so we have two massive double beds one for mama Hanne and john and one for myself and massive bonus points for fan in the  ceiling and air conditioned because it is   very very hot here my mother and john  were absolutely crazy about the Luwak coffee   and they had no idea it came from a 1 000 rupiah packet how is the coffee here mom?   too good to be true what are you drinking? Luwak Coffee luwak yes? local Luwak coffee give me more of that can i get a barrel of it? as the next two days we're going to be packed with  adventure we spend the day on the paddleboard and   in the canoe and here i realized that doing  a youtube live on water is not that easy   so if you haven't watched it already i'll  make sure to put the link on the screen are you ready? yes our tour guide Freddie had told us about a  place that was supposed to be one of the most   beautiful places in all of Sabang so we  hired a boat for the day for 500 000 rupiah   not knowing that a big surprise  was only a few minutes away good morning wow look below you it might be a bit difficult to see but i'm  going to try and send up the drone to show you   because where we are right now we are right  between the Indian ocean and the Andaman sea   and right behind us we have Rondo island that  is actually the most northern part of Indonesia   even more further north than Kilometer 0 but the only thing that lives out on   rondo island is a police station to watch  over the sea so that's why normally people   say that Kilometer 0 is the most northern part  of Indonesia and the place we're heading now   is one of the most famous beaches here on Sabang a  typical place for backpackers and foreigners to go   when they visit Sabang and it's a really good place for snorkeling and you will see why in a second from the mainland on Iboih beach you can pay for  these small table boats to take you out to Rubiah   island from here you can enjoy the view over  Rubiah beach and there are plenty of shops that   rent masks, fins, you can buy coffee and if you're not afraid of getting a little close to fish   you can have an experience like this all right guys let's go under and see if we can find any fish   you can buy some noodles I got some hot noodles in my pocket in case you want to feed the fish as well this is an amazing place to snorkel   uh there was a fish Welcome to Rubiah Island guys we had the entire beach to ourselves for a full hour   but it's a famous spot so if you plan to go  i suggest you go as early as possible   as it can get a bit crowded later on and I'm all about these crystal clear waters and promoting tourism but what you don't see on the beautiful ocean selfies from Rubiah Island is what's right behind it trash everywhere candy wrapping plastic bags water bottles cup noodles diapers and much much more even though there are trash cans at every shop why would anyone throw trash here? so please if you go to Rubiah Island my suggestion is this either you throw out your trash   or you eat it brooo good trip yeah thank you you're welcome in the afternoons the tide draws back   creating yet another beautiful view of Sabang as the sun starts to set and for our last night there was one more  famous thing in Sabang that we had to try okay okay let's go you cannot come to Sabang without trying a Becak it's basically a taxi but on a scooter   and i'm riding economy class my  parents are riding first class check the view wow guys check this view amazing what do you think mom? is it nice? I think it's heaven on earth heaven on earth right? welcome to heaven on earth we had had a fantastic stay at hawk's nest but  most importantly because of the lovely staff   and the good service so for our last night they all surprised us with a goodbye dinner where we could  all sit down and eat together it's a party enjoy the meal guys and it was then time for the big day woooa guys you have no idea how many times i've been   looking at this google maps plugging in the  maps in the videos that you've seen me make   and i've been looking at that very top of  indonesia thinking wow i'm gonna be there someday   and now i can see it on the map  today guys I'm gonna show you Kilometer 0 here in Sabang   what an incredible ride it has been when we started  the 5th of February just five and a half months ago going from Jakarta with the ferry to Lampung all the way out to Gisting   to Krui then we went to Lake Ranau then to Bengkulu went to North of Bengkulu visited the elephants then continued up to Kerinci where I met Jet and we hiked Mount Kerinci   drove all they way to Padang met with Ms. Surni 

and all the amazing staff at Hotel Premiere before going to Mentawai meeting Oncy Aman Tople Aman Bauna then driving all the way up to Lake Toba meeting Papa Zoe and Mama Zoe Agung and Carly then driving up to Medan  having a fantastic vacation with my brother going to Bukit Lawang and Berastagi saw the orangutan up to Blangkejeren (and Takengon) going out to the coast to Meulaboh driving up along the USAID road   all the way up to Banda Aceh meeting my mother and her husband John  and then taking the ferry here to Sabang   and guys here we are now arriving at Kilometer 0 five and a half months later I know it took a long time but you know i'm just happy that I went  in this tempo and didn't rush anything   because traveling is not about rushing it's not about driving fast it's about experiencing what you see on the road taking your time to take it all in  making memories for life   here we go, so close on the map just 300 meters all right i think it's time to play here 5000 yeah? here we go Kilometer 0 Indonesia very cool let's do it! hey mum can I sit on the back? yea sure ooy there it is woooow we made it all right here we are guys big day for Turangga good job we made it girl well done thank you oh oh hello sir you can not park here yes I know sir nice to meet you I'm Kris I'm a youtuber traveling..    so apparently It wasn't really allowed to park up there but luckily officer Lukman  also liked to watch youtube yes only 5 minutes sir hey guys I'm sorry but Can I take a picture? yes you can come on guys join us! everybody can join one two three SABANG but eventually officer Lukman thought  it was best if i parked somewhere else   all right guys we did it we finally made it here  to Kilometer zero in Sabang I have Turangga parked right here she's taking a lot of photos, with a lot of people, she's loving the attention   and that's it guys that's it guys six months went by like that  here in Sumatra   it has been an adventure of a lifetime thank you so much to all of you who's  been supporting the channel watching the videos   and to all the people who I've met along the way who helped me i'm so grateful   my family is grateful for your support Turangga is grateful so.. thank you so much guys or as we say here in Aceh thank you (Aceh language) thank you now it's time to go back towards Jakarta Phase 1 of Sabang to Merauke   is finished here in Sumatra and now phase 2 can begin in Kalimantan so stay tuned guys as Turangga and I head towards Kalimantan   aaaand until next time after watching this episode or even if you watched all the way from the beginning of the series  I hope with all my heart that this has given you a broader knowledge about Sumatra   and that hopefully you will want to come here on day as well thank you Sumatra vegetables from Sabang? come to Sabang Not vegetables anyway come to Sabang guys all right Turangga see you in Jakarta

2022-09-08 10:19

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