Rollover, 4x4ing, Slippery, Recovery, Free Camp all at Notch Point Queensland Australia @WikiCamps

Rollover, 4x4ing, Slippery, Recovery, Free Camp all at Notch Point Queensland Australia @WikiCamps

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we are Karl and Katty together we are nowhere  bound touring we've been adventuring for over   three years now around Australia in  our truck and our Caravan sharing our   full-time life on the road we take you  to some interesting and unique locations   along with sharing tips and tricks of how  to make Caravan life that little bit easier good morning everyone as you already know we're at  Notch point we got here early yesterday morning so   this is our first morning morning if you want to  put it that way after sleeping over so we got here   yesterday morning because of the rain that was due  and it didn't really eventuate it was a few drops   and so on but it is still coming it's still  building and we're going to get rain for sure   it's lovely here but I know everyone else  has done it and uh sees it's great but   we thought we really want to have a  look for ourselves and we're at low tide a few storm players in the  background there slowly coming if I wrote you a song If I got every word  perfectly waited on a thin piece of paper would   it make any difference would it change for the  better if I wrote you a poem If I posted a letter we have got some hell nasty weather  happening out here I'll show you outside it's been pouring all night so what do you do on a nasty weather  day you cook up a nice breakfast that's my breakfast for this morning just as I was finishing my delicious brekkie  we heard a really strange sort of bang so we   went outside to investigate and we found the  reason about 150 meters away on the hill we   saw what I thought was a car that had slipped  down and run into a tree but it was actually a   trailer that had rolled over luckily for Isaac  and Lucy the situation wasn't too bad although   Isaac thought differently at the start firstly  we checked that Isaac and Lucy were all okay   and they weren't injured which was great second  thing is we had to have a look at the trailer   make sure it was not going to fall anywhere  first of all and then make sure there was no   fuel batteries leaking the gas was turned off and  there was no damage to anything like that foreign to the trailer looked pretty good to me it wasn't   too bad and it was just a bit of  cosmetic no real structural stuff due to all the rain last night the  ground was wet and super slippery so   I didn't really want to drive the truck  up the hill if I could help it foreign so what we did was use the tree in the  right position with a snatch block so   that we could run the winch cable up to the  tree and then back across to the trailer there were no really good attachment points on  the top of the trailer to pull it back over so   I decided to use the suspension arm as it was  the strongest thing I could find to hook onto   it wasn't perfect as I'd rather hook the winch  higher up on the trailer but it's all I could   see to really use after we had it all hooked  up it was a simple matter of just slightly   winching in and pulling the trailer back  over onto its Wheels then holding it there   with the winch why Isaac slowly drove down the  hill just to make sure it wouldn't flip again   miles put a hold of off the ground but  they're working over you know what I mean well done turn your trailer breaks off, oh they are off the whole recovery took about half an  hour and after we straightened up his   Rooftop tent they were all good to go this  is a good example of having enough recovery   gear so that you can select the correct  equipment for the occasion from the worst day of my life to like hello, its not that bad thanks Greg easier than me 20  kilo Smashbox work all right at least a little tree didn't  break off well thank goodness yeah Lucy and Isaac had packed up camp  and we're gonna head out but Lucy   wanted to check out the cows and get some  photos so here's some pictures of the cows I'm just going to go for a walk  out the beach and check it out look at this little guy he's flying  along come all the way along here put a bit of effort into it a raft fishing raft I noticed on my way here that there is  dingo Footprints everywhere here all over and I was thinking why are they all here we  did see some wallabies down here or kangaroos   down here yesterday afternoon as well and there's  tons of dingo prints and then I realized we come   down here for water fresh water because the  water is seeping out of the ground everywhere it runs out in into here sort of fresh a little bit salty but you could  probably drink it and that's what they're doing this mat look at all the footprints they're  everywhere there must have been a whole   pack of them dingoes don't normally go in  packs so I don't know what the go is there   humidity is like about 90 something percent it's pretty warm what a nice place we got smashed  by midges yesterday morning now we're crazy oh   everywhere but today not as bad half as bad I'd  say and then when the wind picked up yesterday   they went away so we only got half a dozen bikes  each which you can probably almost live with   not crazy ones not big bites well  not yet anyway we'll see what happens   I'd hate to be camping though the  other side where the mangroves are I'll take the wind unless mejis tick for cow  no wind tons of midgets nope gotta love the   Caravan for that except they still get in the  van they get in it I don't know how I get in I   get in everywhere they're too little even though  we've got midgie screens I suppose as soon as you   walk through the doorway you could let in 400 of  them by the time you get in and out so who knows point and Karl has decided he wants to go on a  little bit of a four-wheel drive Adventure so he's getting ready and yeah we're gonna go up  a couple of little Hills that are around here   obviously small enough Hills that people  do get in trouble as we showed you earlier thank you good in the drawing in the wet when it's  slippery butt and you made beer kahunas whoa you're already down it's been for his little play he's happy now except he failed on that last  one because of the hitch anyway are you watching your husband he's in trouble the other one well done that's enough now you've got to get down okay now you're born for it Kyle was just telling me about how the neighbors  that we had yesterday they lost their uh step on   a stump on the way in we have just managed  to find that stump and now have a flat   on the van mustn't be a massive hole because it's  still going but I can hear it as it goes around they both look like but maybe one's taking all  the white oh my God hopefully not too tired 400 and uh I don't want to know 450 little trip maybe that's why people go to Caravan oh my God oh dear it's been the rims far out as well yeah so it doesn't wrecked the tire  dispense the rim wow it's caught the Rim Yeah wow look lucky in the summer stretch  I guess didn't even put a mask here at Notch point at the front gate when you  arrive there are bins make sure you use them thanks for watching and don't forget  to subscribe if you want a reminder   hit the bell and remember  we always love a thumbs up   if you'd like to be more involved check  out our patreon page or our website

2023-01-19 18:23

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