Rob on the Road: A Decade of Destinations – Day Trips

Rob on the Road: A Decade of Destinations – Day Trips

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Rob: Coming up next on Rob on the Road - our celebration of 10 seasons continues with a decade of day trips. Places for you to enjoy and explore. Just a short drive from the Sacramento area. Oh my gosh! Hit the road to discover the many pleasures of Treasure Island.

We'll tour this unique man made island in San Francisco Bay, and find out what famous festival showcases sculptures that are made right here inside these historic warehouses. Plus, Lake Tahoe tops the list of any day trip ideas, hop on board for a tour of Emerald Bay and a private stop for a at one of the most famous mansions in Northern California Vikingsholm. I did not expect to see such authentic original items. And find your fun on a day trip to Moaning Caverns Adventure Park in Calaveras County, zip lining and rappelling are just around the corner. (laughing) And later - Welcome to the Group: Sac State Aquatics center a trip to Lake Natoma for kayaking and swimming, along with some first time fun and some falls. Rob on the Road - A Decade of Destinations starts Now! >>And now...

Rob on the Road, exploring Northern California. Rob: Are you ready for some delightful day trips? I know we are! I'm Rob Stewart and I'm so glad you're joining us on this journey throughout California. We begin with one of the most beautiful and interesting islands in San Francisco Bay.

Treasures Island, home to views that will take your breath away - and the old art-deco San Francisco Airport Tower - which is where we climbed to the top to experience one of the best views of the city nearby. Oh my gosh! This is not a bad place [laughter] for an office. This is Mirian Saez who's in charge of the Treasure Island Development Authority, good to see you. >>Nice to see you. Welcome to the island, and welcome viewers, and giving us the opportunity to show the island off today, really appreciate it. I really haven't seen many views that are so encompassing, just look at this.

Let's do a fun 360 tour for everyone right now. >>That's right, we're looking at the Willie Brown Bridge. Then we pan around and we see the Ferry Building right in front of us. We have, of course, the Port of San Francisco, Telegraph Hill, the famous Golden Gate Bridge. >>The Golden Gate looks absolutely beautiful here, and there you see Alcatraz.

What an interesting view of Alcatraz and Angel Island. >>It is a spectacular view today, I- I mean you really hit it on a glorious day. ♪♪ It's like we're taking you back out of the city now.

If you were to cross back over into Oakland, and then there's Berkeley. The island, you know, was built during the 1930s, then there has been many things since that time. World's Fair for two years, the Navy occupied it, but now we get a little piece of, uh, time where we can actually have, uh, events and create an opportunity for people to come out and recreate, and recreate they do.

>> I wanna talk about, y'know, we say Treasure Island but it really is a treasure for this region. Where does that name come from? >>Well originally, y'know, since it was built from the shoals of the bay, they say that there's enough gold in there all put together that this island is treasure-filled. ♪♪ What in the world have we found in here? This is right next to the winery and it's like a- you said a mad science room. >>This is the- where Burning Man artists come and make art. >>The Burning Man. >>Right here on Treasure Island, yes.

>>And this just goes on and on and on in one of these original 1930, 1940 buildings. Right? >>That's correct, that's right. A lot's happening on Treasure Island. >>And right here on the Great Lawn you see some of the artwork that we saw back next to The Winery. Pardon the angle here.

This is from Burning Man. >>It is from Burning Man. So Marco Cochrane built this in that building we were in, took it out to the desert for the Burning Man extravaganza, and then put it back in the building. And we were like well, she should be out on display and hundreds of people come here on a weekly basis to come see it.

It lights up at night and it really is fabulous juxtaposition against the cityscape here. >>I saw some fascinating pictures, speaking of history from the past, in your office. Would you let us in and show us? >>I would absolutely, my pleasure. >>Look at this beautiful picture taken in 1939 and it is expansive, just like the island and it graces the wall when you enter your office here. Tell me about this.

>>It's a great shot of the Golden Gate International Exposition and how it was back then. >>Right at the World's Fair. >>Right at the World's Fair, you see the Tower of the Sun is the centerpiece uh, Alcatraz in the background. >>Yeah look at that. >>One of the pieces that I really love about this, not only does it show off the bridges that I showed you today, right? >>Right.

>>But it also has the coastguard in it, it has- look at how grand the Piers in San Francisco were. >>They just stretch out. So the World's Fair was a competition, so to speak, with the Golden Gate Exposition. >>It was during that time, 1940s.

>>Fascinating. And speaking of, these beautiful sculptures are in front of this building now. >>They are, there's a couple things that lasted. Now you know, expositions, they weren't meant to be permanent exhibits but we kept, in the navy preserve, a couple of these statues and you will find them in front of this building. >>They're beautiful. >>And they were part of that World's Fair.

>>They're absolutely beautiful. Does it amaze you that so much history was happening right here underneath your desk, where you work, right below us here? >>It was happening. Every day we make history and in the future, we'll be making history so it really is, it's kind of a sweet place in that we repeat what's happened in the past, right? Um, daily, because we are trying to have people come to the island to express themselves either in art, to come recreate, and that's what the Fair- the International Exposition was about and of course- >>Good Point. >>And of course during the Exposition too, it was about the technology in the future and we are going to have a fabulous place to come home to in the future while Treasure Island gets redeveloped into 8,000 units of housing, 250,000 square feet of commercial space, two hotels, a brand new marina, and a sailing center. Yeah, the future's great.

Rob: Lake Tahoe is the largest alpine or mountain lake in North America - with 72 miles to explore throughout the Sierra Nevada Mountains Emerald Bay is a gem of Lake Tahoe - here's why! ♪♪ Rob: Heidi this is just unbelievable on the water and the scale and the size when you get out here is massive. Heidi: It is massive and Emerald Bay was carved out by glaciation and the rocks that we see in the granite we see around here are the leftovers from the glacier receding and it's created this natural wonder that is admired both in person and in photography around the world. Rob: I love the name Emerald Bay because this is truly a gem in my opinion this is one of the gems of California they're everywhere but my goodness this is right there near the top well Heidi: Emerald Bay got its name from the crystal blue waters that take on that emerald color.

Rob: How beautiful. These are incredibly popular trailheads surrounding Tahoe Pacific Crest Trail famous right through here. We're at 6000 feet about elevation? Heidi: 6229 feet is the elevation of the lake when it's full the highest peak is Friel Peak which is out of the South Lake Tahoe which is 11,000 feet and the peaks we're Looking at right now are approaching nine, nine to ten thousand feet and you can see it's above the Timberline. Rob: The shore is just so beautiful. Heidi: To me Rob, what makes this so special, this entire Bay is a California State Park including a California State underwater park so it's it's going to be preserved without development for generations to come. Rob: We are so lucky that we have the park systems and we need to do whatever we can to save them because just look at what they're protecting what they're keeping and making open to us.

Heidi: Right and what our parks do they create memories for families when I talk to individual families and say how long have you been camping here how long have you been visiting Emerald Bay? Generations of people been taking the same hike going to the same campsite because it means so much to them and our parks are worth preserving forever. Rob: I love that. That memories are made here because this is unforgettable. Heidi: Exactly and there are state parks just like this throughout California and they're 89 Cooperating associations just like mine with the passion to keep our parks open and relevant forever for all to experience Rob: You know we need beauty adventure and to explore in life we need it on television that's why we do this but we really need it in real life. Heidi: Yes so I invite everybody to come and smell the pine trees to dip into the cold water to experience the cultural history that we have here in person.

♪♪ Rob: What a treasure. Heidi: It is and this is a California state park. It was built in 1929 by Lora Knight. So if you can believe it she purchased 235 acres of Emerald Bay, Fannette Island, and the waterfalls for $250,000. Rob: What? Heidi: Yes.

Spent another $250,000 to build this magnificent estate as well as the original furnishings that we'll see inside. ♪♪ Rob: Oh my goodness. Wow. Heidi: So you can see so many elements that she brought from Scandinavia including the many dragon motifs here. Rob: Yes! Heidi: This is such a significant public museum collection because these are original artifacts. Rob: I did not expect to see such authentic, original items. Heidi: Right.

And that's where our foundation really comes into play. We pay for the curator's staff. We pay for maintenance. We pay for restoration and upkeep of the house. There was a very formal atmosphere here at Vikingsholm for Mrs. Knight and her guests. And they would eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner at this dining table.

Rob: It's beautiful Heidi. Heidi: Mmhmm Rob: May we keep walking through? Heidi: Please do. So come into the foyer.

I'd like to introduce you to Selma. And she welcomes all guests into Vikingsholm. Rob: Let's walk out here. Heidi: So Rob this is the courtyard where you can see there's three different types of roofs here. Rob: Stop it. Look. Heidi: So we have the standard shingle roof and then we have a sod roof and then we have a log roof.

And you'll see a mish mash of architectural details all through the Scandinavian country, but all designed for this space. In fact when she built this courtyard or the house, she had clear instructions to the architect not to remove any of the large, old grove trees. And thus it's not a symmetrical design here. Rob: Woah. Fascinating.

Rob: Welcome to Vikingsholm! Come on in! ♪♪ Rob: You have the essence and energy of a really welcoming to this place and taking care of it than other people. And you made this happen for us so thank you. Heidi: You're welcome. My pleasure.

Rob: I really appreciate it. Rob: And still ahead on Rob on the Road: we'll hit the water at one of the most respected aquatic centers in America, Lake Natoma where 50,000 people every year enjoy windsurfing and kayaking and so much more! Now we want to take you to Moaning Caverns Adventure Parks it is so much fun where you can explore high in the sky or far beneath the earth. >>Now, we're going to head down into Moaning Cavern.

Just wait 'til you see what we show you down these stairs. >>So Keith, we're just going further and further into down into the earth. How far do you think we are now? >>We're getting close to about four and a half, five stories. And our first stop on our platform will be 65 feet or six and a half stories below the- below the earth.

>>This is- wow! This is really coming alive. Look at this wall. >>Now we're entering the main chamber, Rob. >>Look at that, my goodness. Can you imagine seeing this for the first time? look at the walls of this cavern.

>>You can see a lot of times, your most common formation, Rob, is what we call flowstone which runs down the wall, building up over thousands upon thousands upon millions of years. >>This looks like bacon. >>And we call it cave bacon at the brown tinge due to the volcanic nature of the past history here. >>It's absolutely beautiful.

The colors down here, I tell you Keith, are some of the most magnificent colors I've ever seen. >>They're phenomenal, they're phenomenal. You never get tired, I see something new every time I come down. >>Keith, what is that big thing right there, that big blob? >>That Rob is our largest, and one of the largest you'll ever see, stalagmites, approximately a half million years old.

The miners gave it the nickname "The Cave Igloo" and it's one of our most popular selling postcards that we offer. But if you look at it, it's actually the height of a two-story house. >>It looks like Chewbacca.

>>Uh, a lot of people have said that, "Chewbacca". A lot of people have said "cave gremlin," a lot of people have said "mushroom" >>Okay now what's up here? >>Now this very, very thin and translucent, beautiful formation up there is what we call our Angel Wing. >>It looks like what you would think angel wings look like. >>Yeah, it's about 140 thousand years old and the reason the light shines through it is the lower edge is about the thickness of two potato chips put together. >>My goodness.

>>Very delicate formation. >>So tell me where the name Moaning Cavern exactly comes from. Why "Moaning?" >>Well "Moaning" because the cavern thousands of years ago before the staircase, before the visitor's center, there was just that single opening that people knew of that we showed you up at the top. And what was discovered over the years is there are some holes that water flowing in very fast, acting like a water drill, over a long period of time drilled out those holes and as water drips in those holes you get this... [sound of popping] ...plunking effect. Early Native Americans were able to hear this moaning at various times depending on the water flow.

>>I bet that was scary. >>But there are afternoons you can walk the 65 foot platform, or early morning I should say, lean over and you can hear the bump, bump, bump. >>It still moans. >>It still moans today.

The cavern is still moaning. >>We're really gonna do this, huh? >>Yes we are, Rob, and you're gonna love it. >>You told me that recently a 93-year-old person did this. >>93-year-old person zipped for her birthday. >>Welcome to the launch tower. >>Wow.

>>Look at the views! Isn't it gorgeous? >>What do you look at when you go down this thing? [laughter] >>If you keep your eyes open you're going to see... [laughter] As you go down, what a lot of people do is they look y'know with two lines they get to race one another, if you have a partner with you, and they try to make a fun little race out of it. >>This looks beautiful and I'm not trying to freak out or anything but I am completely freaked out. >>Well I will almost wager you, Rob, that once you finish you're gonna say "That was really no big thing." >>Alright, I'm trusting you. >>It's the ultimate adventure.

>>Okay. >>Alright guys, one... two... three.

>>Ahh! Ahh! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop!... Okay, this is fun now. Whoohoo! Haha! Oh, shoot! [laughter] [laughter] Welcome to the Sac State Aquatic Center! We asked Cindi to take us on a private boat tour all around lake Natoma, nooks, crannies and all for an up-close look at some of the unique programs. Rob: Bye guys.

we'll see you later. Have fun, we'll see you soon. Can we go see the kayaks? Cindi: Absolutely. Rob: Cindi actually had me take command of the boat. And did you know this is also a state park? Cindi: Our program goes a little bit in a bell curve, so in the spring we have kinesiology class. PE.

What would know as a PE class. And then we ramp up for all of the special events so that the people in the Sacramento area and the people coming from all over the country to Lake Natoma to row, they're here for the "We're rowing" Championships, PAC 12 Championships. Rob: How big is the impact on this area with what you guys bring here. Cindi: Oh I would say millions. With rental cars, hotel rooms, foods, between the amount of events that bring to the area for that small one month period of time is incredible.

Rob: How many people have honestly never ever seen the water when they come out here? Cindi: For living in the River City you would be amazingly surprised. The last school group we just had, of the 40 of them, I believe 35 of them had never been to a lake, never put on a life jacket. And instead of kayaking or boating, we spent the first hour just teaching them how to buckle a life jacket and get through a swim test doggy paddling. And to me, I have goosebumps and tears in my eyes. Rob: Still, after 30 years. Cindi: Yes, it's amazing, because these kids have an opportunity.

Rob: So David why did you want to do this? David: Well it's super fun there's a ton of activities here, and it's like time killer, super awesome! Rob: It's a fun time killer. What are you learning? David: Well, we already learned how to sail the other day, and it was super fun. And we got to try out the new boats, and we had a great time. Rob: Have you done this before? David: I've never done this. My friend, he introduced me to this he's has been here about one to two times and I'm glad I came here.

Rob: So you've never done this on the water? David: No, never. Rob: Look at you that's awsome I'm so proud of you buddy, that's fantastic. David: Thank you! ♪♪ Rob: Cindi we are approaching a bevy of activity it is getting started this morning, Nimbus Damn, and I see sail boats everywhere! Cindi: It's awesome isn't it. Rob: It's so cool. Just look at that. How many are out there? Cindi: Well it looks like we have the basic camps sailors today, looks like we have some of our new boats are out with the sailing camp, so we'll get a close up of some of these kids. ♪♪ Cindi: This is Hayden, he's a dock master, and we interrupted him on a stand up paddle on his day off.

Rob: Hey Hayden, I'm Rob Stewart with Rob on the Road. Hayden: Hi, I've seen the show. Rob: Oh good, glad you have, so Hayden tell me, you're out here on a day off.

Hayden: I am. Rob: What's up with that? Hayden: Just trying to paddle in the sun, get some water time. Rob: So if you are a dock master, then you are on the front lines of the 50,000 people that come through here a year. Hayden: Yup That's true. Rob: What is the typical response, or is there? Hayden: Some people are scared but most people are happy when they come back. I'd say our reputation is for good service and for helping people have a fun time on the water.

Rob: Does it help you have a better life? Hayden: Definitely does. ♪♪ Cindi: The kids right now are learning how to keep their balance, and get the sails up - the first principle. But we need to take you in there and give it a go.

Rob: What do you mean? Cindi: Let you try to windsurf. Would you like to try to windsurf? Rob: Sure. Cindi: Alright let's give it a go. Rob: I don't say no to anything on this show ... on THIS show. laughter. ♪♪ Rob: I need five more minutes, okay? Rob: Alright I've figured it out. I got it,

I got it I got it I got it! ♪♪ ♪♪ Rob: And next, I try my hand at rowing. Rower: And then you're going to put one foot there, yep. And then the other foot there, too. And then you're going to sit your bottom right down on the seat. So start at the finish right here, okay, and then arms come away, body comes over, legs come up, you're going to come all the way up to the catch.

So you're going to square the blade to catch the water. Rob: Dip it, drive it. Rower: Drive, and then put your blade in the water. Ok, and then you're going to press down with the legs, body, arms, and then feather the oar, there you go! There you go. Feather, there you go. So maybe slow

it down a little to get the feel for the strokes. Laughter. Rob: oh my gosh. Laughter. Rob: Stop. Rob: Team Rob on the the Road! How'd we do? Team: Awesome! ( Brian skiing) ( Brian skiing) Ciera: Some of the groups that have come out here who have never swam before, we had one a couple weeks ago and we did a swim test with them and they were definitely really nervous, but with the experience of our life guards, just talking to them, and getting them used to the water, it was cool experience seeing kids in the water for the first time ever. So it's awesome. Rob: Are you a proud mama? Cindi: I am (starts crying) cut! Rob: No, Cindi what makes you emotional.

Cindi: She's just a great kid, awesome instructor, great lifeguard, and now if someone else has kids, I say I would trust them with her. As a parent she'd trustworthy. And I feel as a parent, you bring your kinds to the Aquatic Center, their most prized possession, I don't know do I want to leave my kids with these college students, I can look at Ciera and say absolutely.

Brian: it is a jewel in the Sacramento area. There is no other place in the Sacramento area that in a one stop shop, you can stop and do this. ♪♪ Rob: So much fun! We thank you for joining us on Rob on the Road: A decade of destinations, day trips. and there are so many more day trips that we have taken and they are ll on our website at We'll see you next time right here and we thank you so much for joining us - and celebrating 10 seasons all along the way.


2021-07-05 01:55

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