Road Trip to Spectacular Mangroves of Thailand

Road Trip to Spectacular Mangroves of Thailand

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first time ever exploring a Navy ship oh  no my letters just flew away never a dull   moment in Thailand thought I would go to a  viewpoint but I ended up in one of the most   beautiful places in this area all right  all right guys welcome to another video   I'm here in chanta bery Thailand and I'm  about to leave this place I've been here   for 5 days almost 4 days actually but  now we're going back to rayong and on   the way we will make a few stops check some  places maybe find some food as well let's go all right let's go all right guys we made it to htms press Memorial  which is a Old Navy ship you can see it right here   it looks looks really really huge and it's  open for tourists so we can visit it I'm not   sure if we can explore the whole boat but um I'm  definitely going to have a look okay let's go and   explore that ship it seems like they're still  um putting some concrete here to make it more   accessible but uh let's see what the entrance  fee is uh what we can see inside it's a retired   Navy ship and uh it looks very impressive  look at the size of it look at the size of it first time ever exploring a Navy ship wow  let's see let's see htms prai exhibition room   but it seems to be locked yeah it is locked okay  let's go to the front first and see what we can   spot there wow it's really really solid solid  metal wow I wonder how old it is maybe we can   find a date somewhere maybe here there's like a a  uh information board here uh I have no idea what   all this means no idea so I found a little bit of  information online the htms prasai was originally   commissioned as the USS gallop and saw action  in World War II and the Korean war in 1951 the   ship was transferred to Thailand and served in  the Royal Tha Navy as the htms prai until June   22 2000 so the ship has been out of use for 24  years already now um and it's about 70 years   old now wow this is unbreakable I would say well  except for corrosion that you can see here but   if you maintain this this is unbreakable wow  look at the size of all this insane and here   we have a Canon or how you call this a gun but  a huge one look at this imagine operating this   back in the day I don't know how it even works I  think you have to look in here now this is where   you put the bullet probably so yeah you put a  bullet here but how do you aim I'm not really   sure well it's it's not in news anymore  obviously they blocked all the mechanisms I wonder how many bullets have been  uh shot from this gun let's see at the front H look at this chain wow this must have cost so much money all this metal wow okay yeah let's continue exploring  now so there's not really much information to   be found about this ship except that it was used  in the World War II and in the Vietnamese Thai War maybe on that board there but it seems  like yeah it seems like they're still   pouring concrete I'm think they will make  it a bit more nice probably there there's   like a board with information so it's still  under construction this uh yeah this tourist   attraction is still under construction and  it seems like there's a little ladder here   um shall we go up uh let's finish this deck  first and then we go to the upper deck let's go too bad that all these doors are  locked because I wish I could go inside I don't think there's  electricity on this boat not anymore and here the rescue boat yeah this  one is not metal that's pester or something obviously wow they have even more guns  yeah over the see it was a warship so   there's so many guns but look at this  look at this ooh and this one still works yeah this is how they used to do  it oh I cannot lift it though but just sideways wow really cool really cool hello look  at the side of this gun look at this I'm breaking it not sure what this is let's see okay  no idea here another gun the third   one that I spotted it's the same  one as the other but these don't   move anymore maybe if I turn this oh yeah  it does it does move it still moves so if   you turn this the gun will move oh it's  pretty hard though let's see if my gym works you see you can turn it if you turn this the  gun will turn as wello hard work here with this th weather I think there's even like two chairs  here that's one chair and that's another one   so you can sit with two people I guess one will  reload yeah I guess this one will reload the   bullets all the time and also move it maybe  and then this one uh I don't know what this   one would do not sure okay let's go to the  lower deck and after that we go to the upper deck here even more weapons  wow three of them even [Music] okay it seems there's still  electricity here I hear the clock ticking I'm not going to do that metal cables oh what is this I think  this is if they want to load cargo onto   the ship that's what they use probably for that  and then here oh we can go even down it looks a   little bit tricky though but I think we can go  down this is the engine room you know what I'm   not going down it's too dark anyway to film  there but uh this is definitely the engine room okay there's actually two more levels that  we can visit but let's start with the top one now wow impressive impressive imagine  how much time this has taken to build   like everything solid metal must have  taken years oh this is the captain's   hot definitely wow look at this H what is this  this is some kind of compass I think I don't know and this I really have no  idea what I'm looking at most   of the electricity and the wiring  is gone but you still get the IDE wow all these meters wow something broken though okay this is pretty much the highest  point that we can reach right now I mean I could   go up here but there's no official ladder  but imagine being up there on that Master [Music] wow oh the ladder is actually  here but uh I don't think I will risk   it because the corrosion and everything  especially that high I'm sure there's a   lot of corrosion so there's a ladder here  I can switch to that ladder then another   lad then another lad it switches all the time  nah I'm not going to risk my life for uh for this too bad all the doors to go inside  are locked because that's probably also   interesting to see but uh yeah another time  maybe I think they're still restoring it a   little bit you can see it around they're  installing a nice Terrace and everything   so maybe later on they will restore the inside  and then we will be able to go inside and this   is where we are the upper deck now it  doesn't get much higher than this wow   and look at the logo there look so cool is  that the Navy logo of Thailand I'm not sure probably okay guys I think we're pretty  much done here done exploring this Navy   ship I must say it's very impressive like  if you're in this area you definitely have   to pay this a visit and I hope soon you  will be able to visit the inside as well   that would be extra cool because apparently  they have an exhibition room room but it's   just not in use right now or not today or  something I don't know but uh I'm leaving   because uh from all this Navy ship exploring  I get quite hungry so let's fight some food now I hope you can uh hear me  because it's so windy here but   I'm super hungry and uh in desperate need of some food you a big TI uh yes yes yes uh which one  did I say uh St wait uh here maybe uh this one   okay okay do you do with rice with rice also how  uh just this or rice rice uh you also do rice no   no okay yes oh yes yes yes yes uh with uh steam  dries yes stream dries okay I do stream dries   here one one one one one okay thank you C on cup  so we're ordering some pork and some uh streamed rice I hope it can handle 85 kilos ah it's okay getting my appetite in okay that's enough that's enough youy uh okay okay okay she said you're  spicy and there I see a lot of chilies here   like look at this so we will see if I'm spicy  oh no my Letts just flew away I don't know if   you got that on camera but my lettuce it's so  windy here so there I had one leaf of lettuce   and it's gone now I hope my meat doesn't  fly away let's eat it before everything   flies away so we have pork belly with lots  of chili look at this just I'm not going   to eat all of that just a little bit and  lots of garlic wow look at this it's just   all garlic almost luckily I don't have any  dates today so I can eat as much garlic as I want it's a little bit too windy here to  eat okay let's give it a try pork and stream dries o all good so there crispy but then this  is soft together with the rice and   the fried garlic a little bit of chili o oh good it's really good the only problem  is all my food is frying away look at this yeah guys it's definitely spicy  I'm trying to avoid a chili but of   course this dish has to be spicy but not  super super spicy if I would all eat if   I would eat all these chilies I would be  sweating buckets luckily there's a breeze   but it's not even a breeze it's a strong  strong wind but it's so good it's really great all right guys finished up my meal but I  must say I didn't finish all the chilies   it's just it's just way too much my m is  on fire but uh it's not like the painful   fire it's the good fire but if I will keep  eating this it will be the painful fire so   I'm done with my meal now as as the bill  check B oh they call it check bill here   so I know already that I have to do like this  but they call it check bill so it's check and Bill okay I'll put it here it's okay  it's okay okay okay thank you c car   wow my money is flying away almost here okay  but the foot was really good like extremely good c c all right I think maybe just maybe I might  go for a dessert because I saw something   very interesting here and it's it would be  almost a crime not to go there that's the   restaurant that I had my food here very good  very good food not sure what the name is but   it was really good bye thank you bye-bye and  very friendly people as well wow my lips are   a bit numb that's why I cannot speak properly  from the spicy food wow and what a car look at this yeah so when I saw this place  Dua Tim yeah it would almost be a   crime not to go here it's made for me  it's my name is on it literally du Tim   and it says low fat low sugar low calories  that's exact exactly what I need really how   could I say no oh and they have this  kind of special wafer cones Japanese style um can I do a small one  small uh uh which flavor is   maybe strawberry strawberry yeah one  strawberry please oh du thing look at this lovea but low sugar low calories is it your shop your shop no oh  sorry wait wait I'll I'll get the money first okay your name is Tim no you speak English  no no because Tim what does it mean Tim thank you yeah I was wondering if her name is Tim  maybe that's why they call it Dua Tim but it   definitely comes from the motorbike brand ducatti  and maybe the name is Tim her name or her boss's name well it is actually low sugar you can tast  is not as sweet as the other ice cream that I had before it's a little bit yogurty  it's like um a yogurt kind of ice   cream which I love you have to  eat it fast though it's dripping already wow it's really good so if you're coming to the  Navy ship here this is the Navy   ship the ice cream shop is right  there look at Tim come here so good ooh they're riding an electric  car here look at this going wild look at that going all crazy it's putting up a show okay guys we had a nice visit here at  the Navy ship had some really good food and   then had a wonderful ice cream but now it's  time to get moving and I found that there's   a Viewpoint only 7 Minutes driving  from here so I'll go there first and   then I'll continue to rayong Tong prong  that's where we're going I think let's go I was thinking we're going to a viewpoint  but this seems to be a quite a big operation   I saw already two parking spots um and this  is like the official entrance so it's really   more than a Viewpoint let's see what else we  can do here looks like a really big operation   oh parking okay okay turn around okay okay  okay so we have made it to Tong prong Tong   which is the Golden Meadow I on Google Maps I  saw a Viewpoint which was somewhere there but   there was a lady there that was pointing me this  direction she said like no no no don't go there   because I think it was like a small small street  so she was pointing me here so she thought I was   coming here and actually I'm not mad about it  because it looks really beautiful honestly on   Google Maps here it looks kind of gorgeous so I'm  just going to have a look s c they're fixing up   the boat here yeah um it looks like a beautiful  nature spot actually so let's have a look some   souvenir shops as well so yeah it's definitely  a tourist [Music] spot I wonder if I need to pay   entrance I see a lot of people there with flu  jackets but is there like an entrance view or something oh everything is in tie but we can  see on the pictures well that's a drone shot   but it looks very beautiful it's like a bird  sanctuary like lots of green like a boardwalk   in the forest the temple as well well let's  go and and see oh look they're drying the fish   there that's really cool I never saw it like that  just chop off the head and then let it dry in the sun oh wow it looks already  really cool here look at this look at this in the middle of the trees  like a boardwalk oh it's actually the mro here   so probably depending on the tide the  water would be higher but now it's low tide wow look at all these trees you can  see the roots you know well that's typical   Mangrove style but it looks so impressive  wow okay I'm not not mad that that lady   sent me here let's go and explore a bit now I  don't even know how big this is how long can   I walk here I have really have no clue thank  you yeah I don't even know what what where I am cuz there's nothing in English here everything  is in written in Thai I could probably translate   it but yeah let's just Discover it there are  like some picnic spots here but mainly it's   just like a boardwalk into the mangroves  kind of cool if you ask me I've never been   in a mangrove like this I've only been in  mangroves in India I think and it was uh   on a canoe or on a kayak wow wow it's really  impressive look at this we're surrounded by   Greenery so look at this there's also like a  sign there I'm really not sure what it means thumbnail attempt also here it says Observatory distance  70 M that looks kind of cool let's go there okay   we have the observatory here let's go up  there in all honesty it feels a tiny bit   scary to walk on these stairs because you  can see through them and it's pretty deep   you know if you couldn't see through them  it's okay but it's pretty high already look okay guys this is the view from on top wow look at this all manang grows this is the  river that streams to the Sea and surrounded by mangroves pretty cool pretty cool feels a tiny  bit scary to Stand Here a tiny bit because the   thing is you know the thing is it's very windy  and you see the trees moving and because of the   movement of the trees it feels like you are  moving but that's just an illusion you know   I'm not moving but it feels almost like  you're moving because you're fixating uh   on the strees so you shouldn't do that if I  look down you know it's okay but as soon as   I see the trees moving it feels like whoa  it's a bit scary but it's okay it's okay   what's the worst thing that can happen  ooh and they do boat rides here look at this they don't hear me I wonder if it's for tourists or is it  just uh going home or something or going fishing yeah I just wish that the  observatory was like a tiny bit   higher uh so you could see over the  mangroves have a further view but   yeah maybe they built this when the trees  were still smaller you know yeah I don't   know but still it's beautiful don't get me  wrong don't don't get me wrong it's really beautiful I wonder what kind  of wildlife is roaming around   in these mangroves maybe some crocodiles I don't know and what is that right there look at it  it's almost like a long bean not sure if it is   but might be there as well all these trees  have some kind of fruit and it seems like   maybe even almost ready if you know what it is  yeah if you know what it is let me know in the comments wow I'm so impressed how beautiful it is here  it's really insane yeah I must say it's really   nice how Thailand um is taking care of its nature  they really preserve well keep it clean that's   like a must for me you know like Nature has  been here so long we're only here temporary   you know nature is here to stay so we have to  take care of her wow and in Thailand they really do and look at all these fish here like really  a lot and I was wondering like why are they all   here but then I realized they're selling food here  and it's on a like a donation base or something uh   you pay 10 BT you take your bag leave your 10  B and you feed the fish maybe I should do that   I'll do that I think I have a 10 here this is a  10 10 Bots let's feed the fish or is it five I   don't know I don't see any tens in here well  this is a 10 okay and then we will pick the fishes H it's definitely not for humans smells  like fish food which it is obviously let's let's   do it let's feed some oh they already know  that I'm coming you can hear them oh wow   they're going crazy they're going crazy w wow I  didn't expect this much wow okay let's put some   on the other side as well I mean wow there's so  many fish here it's insane look at this look at   all these fish here let's throw some there  actually you know we need to keep everybody happy wow they're just going berserk  over that fish fuit let's throw some there wow they're really going crazy okay let's  just do a splash it everywhere let's let's do [Applause] it look at [Applause] this these fish going crazy for the fish food wow  they must really love this food but um with this   you know with this kind of system you can see  how honest TI people are they just trust people   to leave some coins and then take only food  it's like uh very nice very nice let's keep   exploring some my pool I think this is where you  can rent a boat actually or maybe the boat just   comes here and then there's a Temple here wow  it's like a whole Gathering here look at this   they have the pigs head even I wonder if this  is like um an offer that they make look at all   this food is are they offering this oh hello  s wow everybody is looking at me wow I think   you going they're going to burn this you will  burn this burn this oh for a sacrifice or offer   oh yeah they're going to burn all this look so  they're preparing the whole thing here and then   they will burn it I think they did it already  here yeah I think there's a ceremony going on what is that what is it what is this Hong  Tong it's strong strong he's offering me   some drink here he's offering me this  drink what is this beer Hong hongtong   Blended Spirit Oh I thought there was a  ceremony look at the size of this cup even okay ooh good good like disinfectant thank you  thank you thank you C and C wow very nice very   nice wow Hong Tong well it's actually not  that strong because there was ice in it   and it dilutes a little bit of course I  wonder what they're celebrating there I   thought there was like some ceremony going  on but then this man offers me alcohol so I   don't know if that's part of the ceremony but  it's Saturday you know people have to chill Hong you calling me huh up here what is  he saying he said he's pointing upwards   what is he saying huh I don't know what he's  saying what does he need or what does he want   what is he doing oh what's that oh they have  firecrackers here look at this there's like   a whole line of firecrackers look it's going  all the way there I think there's like a big   ceremony going on what is he doing oh yeah  look these are all remains of firecrackers oh yeah I think there's some big celebration  going on ah fire when what time what time are   you going to light oh now now oh he's going to  light it he's going now I want to see it I think   he says he's going to light of firecrackers I  want to see that what is this uh Ceremony this   uh party party yeah ceremony yeah what is it uh  what kind of party just Saturday Saturday party   ah oh for praying praying it's time to pray now  oh he's going to like it and when do you light   this this you will light it the firecracker  yeah when what time now now okay okay I'll   wait a little bit then I want to see that I  think they're lighting the fire there what what here oh it's too dangerous I need to be oh okay here here I don't know what they're  saying here oh there oh ah I need to go   here ah BR yeah okay they need they say I need  to hide I want to I want to make video video   video yeah they say they fire they will put the  firecrackers on I think it will be [Music] really [Music] okay okay wow very nice very nice oh  yeah you do this every day every day   no every Saturday this Saturday oh wow wow  I didn't expect this oh very nice very nice Boardwalk Boardwalk there 2 kilm okay  that's good I have strong strong legs   good legs okay thank you C cow wow look here  all the remains of the firecrackers oh very   cool yeah applause applause a that's for the  for the lottery for lottery H for money win   money ah good luck Good Luck Good Luck good  luck oh so they're um I don't know there is   some number attached to the firecrackers so  they uh they use that number for the lottery then so Random though I thought I was going  to a Viewpoint and somehow I ended up in the   middle of the mangroves drinking Tong Kong  I think and it was I'm here in Tong prong   Tong and I had Tong pong what if that was the  name I don't know anymore here it's a bit more   dense you can see the mangr are overgrowing  the pot even never a dull moment in Thailand   so when you see a sign board with only  Thai language with an exclamation mark   I feel like I have to translate it  so let's try to translate it ooh no connection no connection I just hope it doesn't  say be aware there are giant crocodiles here or   something maybe later I'll manage to translate  it hopefully not when it's too late but that   man he said uh 2 kilm of Boardwalk I think so  I mean the only English word that I heard was   boardwalk and he was pointing he was doing  two so that's probably 2 km so cool here   such a Vibe so it seems like I can go back to  the Old Navy ship actually because that's htms   plusai Memorial and that's this one way so I'm  not really planning to go there again because   my bike has parked here so I'll just walk  a little bit and then return my on my steps   because otherwise I have to walk all the way  around if I would have known that I could have   probably entered this uh this Boardwalk  from the memorial but I didn't know that obviously look at this you see the  little crab there and basically all   these h holes that you see these are all  craps so I haven't spotted a really big   one yet I think that's the biggest  I saw but uh you see so many holes   everywhere everywhere these are all crabs  it's like a whole crap ecosystem here and   these uh these popping sounds all the time  I wonder what that is you hear it all the time do you hear that it's like  everywhere around all the time popping sounds wonder what that is oh wow beautiful dog can I see W so beautiful W it's a bit tired tired okay enjoy wow  that dog he's wearing little shoes even and a hat   it's so funny seems like I made it to the Tik Tok  spot let's see oh I'm obstructing The View s c I   like your tripod good tripod what is the brand of  it the this one is good which uh which brand where   did you buy it I want to sa okay byebye where are  you from uh from Belgium Belgium yes and you Ty   Thailand oh from here from around here from where  where in Thailand oh okay no I don't know have you   been there no I've been in chantaburi chantaburi  yeah now I go to Rong oh yeah okay enjoy byebye enjoy so lovely these people here hello okay I don't know what this means  but I think it's like goodbye so I'm   leaving I'm leaving thought I would go to  a viewpoint but I ended up in one of the   most beautiful places in this area for  sure you just asked to be on a picture   yeah yeah okay picture thank you very  much you're welcome you're welcome how random oh and the people from the  temple have arrived they took the boat instead yeah I saw them loading up everything  when they came when I passed by the temple and   now I'm here also at the same time back at the  dried fish o and in the meanwhile they opened the   fish so before it was still closed or they turned  it around I guess no no I remember it was closed   it was drying and now they open it and it dries  the only thing I'm not too sure about is all these   flies on there is that part of the process I hope  but probably they wash it afterwards but still I'm   sure they wash it afterwards look at all these  beautiful uh tricycles here it looks really cool   actually but they just use a scooter then like a  light side car it's a little bit similar similar   to what you see in h Philippines but there it's  like um a bit more heavy I think they always use   a motorbike here they use scooters so it means  that the side car lighter I don't know what the   ti name is actually it's like a three-wheeler or  something but uh it looks cool it looks cool they   have these little roofs on top as well so I'm  back at my motorbike here it's time to hit the   road back to rayong it's about a 1 hour drive and  there I will check into my hotel just chill out   a little bit and um yeah I think this is the end  of the video I've done enough exploring for today   honestly I really enjoyed it it was a little bit  um unexpected I would say I was just planning to   visit the Navy ship but then I saw this place and  everything wow really cool actually so if you're   in this area the area between chabur and rayong I  don't know the exact name but I'll definitely put   it on the screen so if you want to explore this  area it's definitely worth it so yeah I want to   thank you all for watching and you already know  if you're still watching you're a legend legend

2024-06-05 15:32

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