Ribeira Brava, Levada Nova - Madeira Island Portugal, January 2021 | E39

Ribeira Brava, Levada Nova - Madeira Island Portugal, January 2021 | E39

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today is an amazingly sunny day and we are going up there   and in the valley to walk along levada which is according to photos really pretty the beginning is quite challenging it's just this bit up this steep road from Ribeira Brava so we're not that far yet but the road is really steep There always this steps in the middle of the road  which make it easier when it's really steep   and here you can see the steps inside because it gets really steep here he's changing from this side to that side my darling there's more of it look at that it's like never ending stairs   so first i thought we would continue on the road  here but there's more of those steps stairs that's  a proper cardio today first break, break down or just break break down meltdown we did 300 meters in elevation gain just in one stretch just steep  roads and stairs and we have still hundreds left what's that Passion fruit (Maracujá) somewhere those steps have to end right there's some seriously beautiful houses  here in the hills not sure if that's a sign where we go Levada Nova Candelaria Lombo  Casteiro 9 km 4 hours might be it so there is now a sign to the Levada Nova so that looks like fresh young and fresh aaa this is this uh little that's this uh villa which we saw from the other side pretty nice location and a good size it's like hidden away behind the Levada is this house literally step over the levada here wow what a beautiful spot I did not expect that that's just such a beautiful I don't know it's it's next to this valley and there's just such a beautiful view and all this uh how you call them? cactus cacti many of them it's just amazing and we have gorgeous weather sunshine everything is so nice green, yeah like it feels like it's all fresh it's just so beautiful and peaceful can you see that can you see that welcome to Levada Nova in Ribeira Brava that's actually a nice thumbnail yeah let's go we love tunnels no I left them(flushlights) at home do you need lights you love dark tunnels don't you? so it's quite wet to get there is that a uh hello if you watch our videos then you know that Lauza loves dark tunnels   but that's a short one you  can see the end that's no fun all right let's go don't need lights for that no, you can see the end as long as we see the light on the other side of the tunnel I can do this you can add another tunnel to your list of tunnels so what do you want to say about this tunnel let me interview Lauza the tunnel specialist  she loves tunnels so what do you think about this tunnel the opposite of loving tunnels but I'm getting better already at it as long as there is a bit of light in the end of the tunnel it's okay and now we have a flashing light all the time with us and yeah I'm getting stronger a tunnel pro getting a tunnel prom I love you so this is beautiful are there any Levadas  on this island that aren't beautiful I think Levada by definition have to be beautiful, right   we're just learning about play that thing cacti because we don't really use word cacti and we have not had experience that much of with cacti we're talking about those guys here they are everywhere cactus is one and cacti is many cactus is in German also cactus what's in Russian? cactus so an easy one cactus cactus-y cactus-y one cactus, many cactus-y cacti in Russian? in Russian, cactus and cactus-y so I remember when we went to Porto do Sol Ponto do Sol, sorro Ponto do Sol which is just around the corner there we also saw beautiful cacti what's in German, many? ein Kaktus viele cactus I don't know it's my language  I don't know help me out here look at that so now we actually reached the end of the Levada walk in the valley and we're turning around now and going back I'm getting hungry and we should find some nice spot and have our lunch I'm ready to yeah and we're just checking if we are at the right place this is all trails all trails we still use that I know some people recommended us the "walkme" and other apps but somehow habit sticks and we are always falling back to that one so we found our lunch spot how cool is that it's like this little house next to a waterfall little river so we will have our gluten-free lunch that was a nice lunch wasn't it sunshine is out it's really nice yeah that was a really nice spot everything is so super fresh and green and it smells so nice and it's warm I expected it to be much cooler we have finally our shorts back on what's there? ah sheep sheep, they must feel quite warm we decided today spontaneously to do that Levada walk it's during the week and normally I would work now but I'm in this last sprint to the release of my product and I was working all weekend and today in the morning when we did our morning run that's very overexposed down here I just felt like today going for a hike going to the nature and using that to recharge myself in some way because always working is also draining so it's a beautiful weather today so kind of offered itself as an opportunity  today to just walk up here to Ribeira Brava to the Levada and check out what that is all about and I have to say it's really beautiful Levada Nova it's Levada Nova? there's so many Levada Novas I have no idea what's there I think we are following Levada Nova are we? okay so it's basically the valley next to Ribeira Brava so i thought it's called yeah anyway whatever it's called it's beautiful and it was spontaneous and I really like it, I love it and this is our first hike for this year yeah it is actually it's the first time this season that we're out and I did not expect that to happen that quick because when we went up when we had a car last time and we went up to the to the mountains it was really cold and then we had all this bad weather the storm and the rain and I expected that to take a little while until we can get back out but here we are it's close to the end of January and it's sunny it's warm, I don't know feels like, what do you think? +22C +21C degrees celsius yeah something around that (+21C) and even when there were clouds it was a little bit cooler but it was not really cold so it was still comfortable and now it's obviously perfect with the sun yeah so what else do we have to share that's a nice platform here look at that mountain over there it's so beautiful and there's this blue sky and I mentioned it's probably a couple of times already but I love that blue behind the green it just it gives such a beautiful contrast and it's so crisp and it makes me feel good, I love blue sky I think we both do right what else do we have? it's the third day of our morning exercise and gluten free challenge which we set for this month so we want to do this for 30 days so far we feel good yes, it was doable it is doable, actually actually we recognise that she's saying "actually" a lot and the word like you say I'm saying like and ummm okay, we are learning to avoid those words we want to talk more on camera and you guys gave us the thumbs up you said that's okay talk as much as you want so here we are talking as much as we want just to get better at it and maybe at some point we will be able to tell a real story from the beginning to the end without stumbling around for now we're just sharing brief updates of what we're doing where we go how we experience our hikes here in Madeira and a little bit about our challenge, lifestyle change living healthier stress-free which is part of my kind of thing today to go for a hike on a working day that was unexpected, you were surprised  right? yes because I have this tight schedule for this two three weeks until mid February to release my product   and I did not expect myself to just not work on a, what day is today actually?  Wednesday not work on Wednesday but why not we worked on Sunday so we worked all weekend and we might work next weekend so we'll see so and in between I think it's just good to get out if you can obviously and we have this beautiful nature around us here so yeah happy we did so, another thing that I wanted to talk  about which I forgot to mention before   is how going out to nature actually helps  me to solve some of my complex issues at work I don't know if you know but I'm I'm a  software developer I'm working on my own product and I want to launch that in February it's for it's a platform for architects to create 3d content so 3d models for their building design and yeah there are a lot of complex cases that I have to figure out and these days where I just take time to spend yeah, spend time in nature I guess to just go out for a hike or just take a break from work literally is really helping me to to deal with things that otherwise often take days to figure out and I'm often not even able to figure them out because i'm kind of digging a hole and gets overwhelming and stressful and so this going out and taking a break and like distancing myself from work for a day or a couple of hours is really helpful to to clear my my mind clear my head uh I get also a lot of ideas you know that's like you go to the shower, right and there are lots of ideas when you take shower I also have lots of ideas when I hike, so that's kind of one of the things that I'm reminding myself when I take these days during the week which normally make feel me guilty that I do that while I'm supposed to work supposed to focus on getting my product ready but the reality is if I don't do that it's actually taking me longer it's more stressful and yeah that's just another another thing I I find more and more I think uh also the the moving more, the exercising, so I'm not a big fan of doing exercise and sports I'm generally like in the morning getting up and get as quickly as possible to my desk and start working but now since we started this new routine I start the day with a morning run along the promenade along the beach and listen to some podcasts or some nice music or just to the waves breaking and it's really liberating it's energising I feel like after that I have so much more energy to start my day and I know Lauza told me this many times and it's probably common knowledge that exercise is good for you but I'm one of these stubborn guys who need to  experience that first hand otherwise you know knowing doesn't always help you need to actually see the benefit for yourself and then it's much easier to to implement that  in your daily habits or routines or whatever yeah so that's just me rumbling along here in the  beautiful nature talking about my learnings how I deal with stress how I solve complex issues and  how I enjoy that beautiful nature here on Madeira when we just started our hike in the very  beginning I regretted to go but to be honest that was so exhausting it was very tiring and it felt like it was never ending I don't know how long we hiked up it was just hiking up like this yes and I thought, Michael I don't think that was good idea I didn't want I think a little bit more and I would probably go home now I am very happy we stayed on the  path it's really beautiful here and it's it's definitely worth it I feel like that was a reference to real life now okay, what's the reference no, the uphill battle you know and you want to turn around or stop when it's heard because it's just getting harder and harder and harder but often there is just a little bit more and then it gets flatter it gets easier at least I think that's what we face with everything we do   right yeah always in the beginning  some some challenge to overcome and we need to overcome it, we need to continue  not giving up Levada is teaching us lesson yes, just keep going keep going keep going keep  going and then it will reward you with the amazing beautiful scenery, nature or whatever  you're after if you apply it to life, yeah yeah it's nice it's very good, I mean many Levadas  all Levadas we visited they were all great and they're all beautiful in their own way   there hasn't been a single one that was kind of  disappointing yeah and this is really not far from us where we don't need actually to rent a car that was really useful I mean very convenient actually actually yes and I guess getting back to this nature which we did a lot last year we did a many hikes last year and it just reminds us it's so good and we're so happy that we are here we are very grateful that we're  here on the island at this time   yeah so unfortunately there are clouds now but  this view from here must be stunning when there is a clear sunny day you have the sea so we are reaching the end of the Levada uh I'm not sure if it's the actual end of the Levada or it's just for us the end of the Levada walk yeah, our trail and we're gonna go down the road and I'm actually  interested how this will look like because when we were going up to this trail it was really hard hopefully going down will be easier than going up which is naturally easier but generally I don't like it it's hard on my knees it's yeah it can be more difficult on the knees so I'm very curious how it's gonna look like That was Levada Nova that's where we came from right yes you can basically go to Levada Nova from here and end up on the other side yeah so this is now the beginning of the road back down it feels very uncomfortable to walk I just know there is something about walking downhill probably not very healthy on the on the joint but we have a lot of that now in front of us Ferienhäuser zu vermieten that's in German Casa Tipica so it means holiday homes to rent really uh-huh where? is the house so if you want to rent a holiday house here you can call Leo apparently looks like a little oasis I'm sure there's a pretty amazing view from up here gorgeous everywhere here it's decoration and then look at all those paradise flowers, they are amazing all right we're continuing the walk down painful but necessary very interesting houses so there are those modern houses and just next to it you have those abandoned ones or maybe they are just functional for the  banana plant how you say, plantage? plantation you can barely see it from here but that's the bay the beach from Ribeira Brava where we were heading off in the morning so that's  where we have to go back to we're walking down that way because it's easier on the knees yeah  doesn't hurt that much don't judge us, please but because the road is clear so we can do that  otherwise it's dangerous yeah, we'll see if we bump into something we finally made it to the sea level the up incredibly difficult all the Levada incredibly beautiful the down incredibly painful my knees hurt my legs hurt I'm done for today I hope you enjoyed this day out in the nature thank you so much for watching and if you like this video give it a thumbs up let us know in the comments subscribe if you haven't yet would really mean a lot to us that makes a huge difference and yeah share the video with others oh yeah that's a good idea yeah actually and I guess we we just see you next week see you next week, bye bye bye ladies and gentlemen I have a serious announcement to do we just realized that it's getting late and you know we are from the UK so we need our afternoon tea and yeah so we have to hurry home now to get our afternoon tea I get obviously my coffee and we want to have some almond butter you know the one that I make myself so yeah and I have my tea tea time yeah so just to let you know in case there is not much coming after that that's why end of the announcement

2021-02-06 01:10

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