Revenge Of The Topside Boys | Adventure freeride in the arctic - FULL MOVIE

Revenge Of The Topside Boys | Adventure freeride in the arctic - FULL MOVIE

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wa [Music] [Music] dude dude here we are back again back again dude look at your line bro yeahoo oh my God how are are you getting flashbacks or enjoy nickel thank you oh I'm getting the Crips yeah dude like is this loaded that dream so ni dropping there's a lot to be said about chasing your your dreams sometimes however it's your dreams that are chasing [Music] you [Music] [Music] hey little girl is your daddy home did he go in leave you all alone I got a bad Des o I'm on [Music] fire wow this Sunrise oh this macaron oh this is a lot nicer than being stuck on a boat do you have enough uh Heating in your seat there yeah turn that up to the max yeah get that stuff on to the max yeah wow it's so funny it took us what did it take us 4 days to get up here with the boat yeah with puking with pooping puking and are you feeling like coming back to s with the Avalanche happening last time and like are you feeling something on that stuff yeah I'm like not allowing myself to dream for today to be happening you know yeah I'm kind of the same like it's it's kind of too good to be true yeah Revenge send it revenge is a dish best served cold oh wow especially if it's south facing that's what that's what I was thinking about Je few years ago we're exploring the Northern Shores of Norway looking for new mountains to ride and we're hit by the storm biggest storm of the winter and we're see on the map there's a little Bay we can see shelter in and we're in this Bay it's stormy it's snowing we kind of come out from the trees and we just see in the middle of the storm the sun is shining down on the Dream [Music] Zone just knew like wow this is the dream so we have made it I feel like our group dynamic there was just like let's just push it as far as we can and we pushed it you know past the edge the whole thing pops biggest Avalanche I've seen and I don't see Nico you know there I was almost being wiped off off the mountain and buried alive oh [ __ ] but what I was left with it was more like this loss of the dream sell I'm okay cuz my attraction to it was so strong just like overpowering every other emotion that day I just I felt like I needed to go back I felt like I felt like I needed Revenge Revenge the oldest motivation known to mankind I will have my Vengeance in this life or the next a run Nico you've been watching too much Formula 1 oh there's it's so deep we're going to have the day of Our Time Of Our Lives dude that one time I went to Japan it was like this look at at this what the hell and I think these slopes are like perfect size for today condition wise [Music] yeah so the thing when you are in avalanche train and all the kind of safety measures you you take it happens as a group during that first Storm 2 years ago I had to do a photo shoot with Nana and Christ has another sponsor so he couldn't really come with us while the photo shoot was happen I got restless and I like went skiing by myself this top section here has gotten some wind I could tell so I was in avalanche drain it was quite Steepy and I released a few Slough avalanches and it was kind of wild woo if I were to get caught in an avalanche and buried I would have no no chance of surviving if you are buried in an avalanche and you're alone there's no one to dig you out like you're dead for sure but even as a group skiing serious lines far away from roads in a storm is so dangerous they [ __ ] charging the heli can't fly in the storm so if you're too injured for your friends to help you out of there you're in serious [Music] trouble [Music] and I've skied so many lines in the past where I've never even thought of that and the fact that we're all still okay is kind of just pure [Music] luck so this time around we're in the same Bay it's stormy but now we're not sending CHR off on the K Rampage and we're on Tiny slopes holy [ __ ] that is deep dude what the hell look at your Avalanche and I ripped out the whole face so just kind of going into terrain where an avalanche doesn't really have consequences [Music] [Music] [Music] woo [Music] [Music] [Music] and [Music] foree CH we should ski together those last part my hand and I'll be skiing with you oh my hand good day man watch out niik is carrying his skiss someone going die w [Music] another beautiful day in finnmark freaking that's a long ridge but I think it's a good Ridge yeah it's like the perfect Ridge and there's we have our son coming in right over there my name is Andress I'm the photographer on this trip the photographer thinks it's hilarious that we don't want to go tree skiing but we want to go ski this Ridge and we want to walk on rocks instead of skiing super deep powder like we have deep snow in the forest we know that we have been out the day before we look on the weather forecast it's a lot of wind the avalan conditions are going to be extremely tricky I think this kol if we get to SK too if it's not too sketchy we'll be having a grand time but still we we choose to walk this Stony Ridge to hopefully find a k to ski it's an adventure yeah like it's snowing like crazy and we're walking on this Rocky Ridge yeah how do how do you feel about it it doesn't look that bad from here I think like it look worse from over there a lot of the pressure that I get from skiing is not just like the sensation of floating through powder and being on a cloud it's the feeling of challenging yourself trying to get to places that are you know unlikely for a human to be in look at the view KR you look at the view it's amazing and I'm so happy we put crampons on I'm feeling like Superman I I freaking love this I noticed that out there by the Sea there's not a very deep snow pack so if you're following The Ridges you're not actually on snow you're just on rock and I see that you can actually just climb the Ridge and be safe your whole way up till you get to the top of the coolar to assess the snow from a position of safety I'm glad we brought the Rope yeah me too where you're never actually putting yourself in danger before you get into the run you want to ski but like it's for sure here yeah this is it I think we should definitely drop that Corners yeah Avalanche control I guess it won't break when you where you uh behind where you are cutting it no I think I'm okay I'll just make sure I'm standing on Rock oh oh yes the whole thing freaking ripped that oh look at this oh we have holy [ __ ] that's big too wow yeah just call Shermer Avalanche control At Your Service but what's the plan now well now we ski it we did the aunch control oh now we SK yeah now we can skate that was so satisfying to see yeah and it's so satisfying to be up here and not be down there pretty crazy like seeing those forces in action like live when you're right there modern nature is in charge for sure have fun be careful okay it oh still good dude okay not that good I wasn't forgetting about the Avalanche I had when I attempted the Dream Zone the first time but it's two years ago and even back then I was so focused on writing the Dream Zone that the Avalanche is more like a nuisance yeah it ripped all the way down to those facets on the ice layer but now like seeing it definitely like yeah it's a good refresh is he going really slow yeah he's going really slow okay so it's really hard yeah if ni is going this slow it says something so I wouldn't say great success it would have been softer in the trees yeah yeah I'll take it slow and easy you think I should do it or yeah I mean it's not dangerous it's just shitty shitty [Music] ski tough side voice on ice and look how big that is this is like as big as what happened two years ago in area bigger maybe yeah even bigger but I'm glad this time around we sent the corners first instead of sending me first you know what they say it's better to ski on debris than to be in the debris oh wow and this is still kind of soft you back from [Music] l Hold everything back all emotions [Music] I'm H yanas and I have been the videographer on this trip it's not just a filmer like yannas is a true asset to the group we do snow assessment together he's filming he droning he uh carrying the biggest badest uh backpack of all of us I find myself thinking you know that uh saying that if your friends jump off the bridge would you do it and it like it describes my situation quite quite well we got skis for you you and us here big boy skis shades are officially own but it's nice it feels good to be back in the Dream Zone but I'm like I'm I'm trying to control my excitement I was kind of prepared for the same Rush that we had last time I'm getting those kind of Vibes we had last time too with like amazing snow going up like if it's this on the spine face nickel yeah we're going to have the time of our lives oh wow it's okay when the guys when they when they will see the song they they go nuts and uh like this whole left side looks so nice and cruisy and they're just uh climbing and okay let's just keep fingers crossed and hope for the best okay I'm I'm I'm getting ready we getting psyched I'm going to follow the N train that Avalanche 2 years ago there were so many obvious red flags that was us pushing despite our better knowledge I was kind of consumed by it so it's just like ignoring the dangers the bigger problem didn't really appear to me till after we left the Dream Zone and found ourselves on Canan faced with the knowledge that we didn't have when we were climbing fing on one thing was like I was shook up from the Avalanche I just like that actual like fear of this whole thing ripping but we were also just finding these layers of instability oh we have this uh but we just didn't have the knowledge to assess it properly let's turn back yeah if we're not sure then don't go don't go yeah we kind of as a group realized if we want to be pushing it in the mountain we need to be on top of the snow science and have the best information out there and we really made an effort to up the level I would say of our knowledge as a group we dug we discussed the snow and we did a bunch of work now over 2 years and then driving up to the Dream Zone we just stopped by kingon again and we get to the exact same spot where we turned around last time finding weak layers kind of bad but now we had the tools we had the knowledge we could assess this snow and see that okay get lighting but it's not super and it's not propagating and this is like holding on it's not perfect but it's safe to push on boom and we have the Run of a lifetime I felt like that was a huge confidence boost when going back to the Dream Zone oh they cracked yeah and it cracked all the way very fresh no like we're going to stay here for a couple of days should stabilize in a few days don't you think yeah maybe tomorrow but I think today is the day with the light just a bit light a bit worried like it's sunny the forecast for the next days aren't that good and we were there we were standing looking up at the Dream Zone oh are we going for it baby actually the like the spine with the diving board looks really nice don't film this this is that everything that I do in my life is to get to ride stuff like this I got to admit I was pretty freaking eager to go for it what was when did it pop 10th from the first from the N 10th from the uh wrist yeah [ __ ] that we can't change nature nature is and does what it be I think that's like the key to like adjust to reality you want to see it CHR what it has changed all day tomorrow nah just uh open snow high tech app I think it could be the day it's even less wind yeah less wind and also it's better because the Sun comes in later way I just I just hope it's not baked it's not baked I hope it's just settled I don't hope we don't have the instability and if you do I have a good feeling your feelings serve you well young Shredder but don't let them Cloud your [Music] judgment oh my Lord give it to me hello it's me I'm going to ski you today you have better visibility than yesterday stability okay us see you down here again the problems we had found in the snow we're not persistent these are transient weak layers the sort of thing that stabilizes with time okay we're about to move up the snow seems really good so far H this is where we parked ways this is is where the Story begins wa dude how does it look it looks like my dream no way K what I brought my ISX just for this PO like proper eyes yeah oh yeah just let us know on the radio if it's too gnarly there's a spine down here waiting for you if you if you want it oh this is good stu oh my God okay n dropping in three two one n dropping she the eyes so red red like jungle buring Dr those who feel me near full of Li and change oh that was so sick okay Chris they're dropping in still this ping night a like I call a heart me just be still with me you wouldn't believe what I've been through you feel so long it feel so long the loving pting of the fire with gas pting up the fire with gas dude we did it we're in the Dream Zone you want to do that other one [Music] round two top side boy top side boy on the pr over here oh that's mine yeah yeah that's yours yeah holy Mac go roll yeah it's technical you have to be honest I think your trickiest part is like to like roll over there yeah I'm just so nervous you have this honestly like you have everything it takes to do this to and gra that's nice got this have funen I can St for a thousand years just be still with me what I've been wow dude that is so cool come on CHR the come on oh doing good control yeah D oh that's beautiful that is beautiful a oh oh you kill that that was no problem for you dude I lost my pole run what and I did the air with the pole new pole New Opportunities revenge like this is the proper Revenge run yeah this is the the Revenge to [Music] CIA how are you are you getting flashbacks or I'm feeling good actually feeling like we're in the right spot yeah you're going to ride it so well you going to drop from up there yeah have fun enjoy n thank you chis the dropping yes good that is so sick oh that looks so sick oh noing down when there's no tomorrow yeah CHR 2 one dropping and more and more that's what I say that's what I say and I just said it that's what I want that's what I when I'm going to get it get it get it I'm going to get it I'm going to get it good hey now hang out while I [ __ ] the world give me just a minute [ __ ] dude you're R look so snfe from the top oh my God yours as well holy macaroni Dream Zone revenge on the dream Z oh man I'm so happy we got this Happ the hockey yeah not the survival hockey good work all of you yeah great them I can tell from my track I did a mighty fine Pizza on that diving board oh yeah you did I swear on the top yeah you can see how wide I was

2023-11-23 21:25

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