Research Recovery Rescaling Webinar #3: Travel Intentions in the next 12 Months

Research Recovery Rescaling Webinar #3: Travel Intentions in the next 12 Months

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When. We say charge, on. We, compete. To, do extraordinary things. It's, a catalyst, for action. In. The work. To keep trying. It's a challenge. To be smart. To. Beat. Three. Good. Morning everyone. Thank. You for joining us at. The research recovery, rescaling, webinar, i'm susan vernon Devlin manager, of communications. And marketing at UCF, Rosen College of hospitality, management I will, be your moderator for, today's webinar. First. A bit of housekeeping. Attendees. We, will not be using the chat feature or the raise your hand feature for the webinar we. Will only use the question, and answer, feature please. Place all questions. And comments, there, we. Will respond, to your questions, at the end of the presentation. However, feel. Free to type your questions into, the Q&A feature as you think, of them throughout the webinar if your. Question is the same or similar to another question that is asked, we will respond, once if we. Don't get to your particular question, during the webinar rest, assured, we will respond, to you via email, after the webinar, and, now. Without, further ado I would, like to introduce dr., Yoo, Chang Wong Dean. Of Rosen College of hospitality, management to. Get our webinar started, and introduce, our presenters, dr. Wong. Ah, Thank, You Susan very much, good morning, all greetings. From UCF Rosen College of Hospitality, Management so. Right now it is 10:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time June, the 10th, 2020. And thank. You all for joining us today again for. The third industry. Webinar focusing, on the impact, of carbon 19, on travel. Intention. Based on empirical, data and. Empirical. Study conducted at the Rosen College these. Webinars. Are. Designed to. Help the hospitality, and tourism industry, retool. For the, changes we are anticipating, as our, industry, emerges, from the effects, of the carbon 19 virus, again. My name is dr. Chen Wong and I'm, being abusive Rosen, College of hospitality. Management. One. Of the core tenants of university is the development, of new knowledge through, research and, that, is exactly what, the Faculty of the UC of roles in college are. Doing, on a daily basis. So again. Research, start with a question, if. Participants. Today, or your, organization's, have a question, we, can help you find, an answer later. In the presentation we. Will share information about how to start these collaborative. Process. So. And now I like, to invite my colleagues, dr. Tico crows and dr.. Manuel Rivera to, begin their presentation. As Susan. Mentioned should. He have any questions, for the president for the presenters, today please. Use, the zoom. Question, platform, and submit, their questions there, and Susan. Our moderator, will deliver the questions to the presenters, or your they have so. Thank you again and, please enjoy, charge. On. Good. Morning, ladies. And gentlemen. My, name is Robert, Eagle crows and the associate, dean for research. At. Rosen College at UCF, and also. The director of the, take Pope senior, institute for tourism studies. Together. With my colleague. Midori, Vera we're, going to present the. Results of a study that a team of researchers did, during. The past three, to four weeks the. Topic, of today is traveling, tensions, during covent. 19. The. One. Of the basic questions that, anyone. Have, after. This pandemic, is how. To balance. You. Know the, the. Challenges. Or the, pains of what. The, virus. Has cost, in. Terms of our health in terms of, disruption. In the community, and the families, with. The. Economy, the reopening, of the economy, where, jobs are are. At stakes profits. Are at stakes. Communities. Are at stakes so, that balance right now that's, that's a very important, question. That, many, of us are struggling with. However. Even, if we start, seeing. Reopening. Programs. And reopening. Activities, in multiple. States. And cities across the, country and in the world there. Are still the main question. That really. We. Should ponder about which, is will. Customers, come back will. The, pandemic. Has. Had an, impact, on, our, customers, that. It hasn't still fear that, maybe prevents. Them for, coming back and patronize, our, hospitality. Industry. Visiting. Hours attractions. Hotels. Flying. Visiting. Destinations. And so on that, is the main question that we, think are at, this moment, that. Everybody. Is pondering about so. Based. On that question a team of researchers. Decided. To look into how. Customers. Or how US travelers, are, perceiving. Their. Travel, intention, in the next 12. Months. Actually. With us we design, a survey, about, during. The first week, off of Maine, I. Would like to thank this a moment dr.. Hoadley, rate of stats and dr.. Xiao Xiao foo who. Designed, the survey and also, our, PhD, student, Steve.

Smith Will, also, assist in the research process we. Administered. The survey in the last, two weeks of May, and through. Qualtrics, we bought a panel, at Qualtrics, and. The. Sample, consisted of all US travelers, across. The country, we. Completed, at the end of May. 1980. Surveys. In. One. Of the main questions in, the, survey was whether. People. Will, travel with, travel in the next 12 months yes. No and, in. The. Graph. You. Can see that. Less, than one-third, of the. Respondents. Said, that they have any travel. Desire, to. Travel in the next 12 month in, the country and. It, is very important, at this moment to contextualize, what, it means in, terms, of one. Third of. The. U.s. travelers, have. A travel, desire if. We. Look at the US census in. 2019. The. U.s. consistent. Of eighty. Three, and a half million families. We. Know that each year about 35%. Of, American, families, plan. Vacations 50. Miles or more from. Home each. Family, or the typical family. In the, United States consists, of. 3.14. Persons, in. 2019. So. If we take what. We found which. Means that. 32%. Of our respondents, who have, any travel, desire in the next, 12. Months it. Means that. Less. Or fewer than, 30 million people in. The United, States would. Like or has any, intention. To travel during. The next 12 months which. Compared, to 2019. Where. We. See. Numbers, of. 92. Million people, so. Fewer. Than 30 million people plan. To travel in the next 12 months and it. Is important, right now to. Have an idea where our respondents, are coming from so. If we, look at the, the. Places, where they're coming from in our sample we can see basically, they're coming from across the country and where, five, states, really. Are. Prominent. In our, Obama. Respondents. Which, are California, New. York Florida Texas, and Pennsylvania. So again we. We. Got, 1980. Respondents. From, Acosta across, the country in from. All, the states within the country, five, states. Had. The most amount of respondents, which. Are. Um California, New York Florida Texas and Pennsylvania, let's. Look at the respondent, demographic, who are these, response. What. We can see here is more, than half of our respondents, are married. We. Have about forty percent of, those, respondents. Earn less than fifty, thousand dollars and. Over. Forty percent earned. More than seventy five thousand dollars there. Is a more. Than half have, an education, higher than high school and, again. More, than half at. This, moment or at the moment of the, survey had, a job so. Again. The questions, with regard to jobs we, look at whether you're a, home, person, whether you're unemployed. Whether. You're retired, you're a student, or currently. Employed. We. Can see that the numbers at the time that. We did the survey, there, was quite a high amount of people who were unemployed. The. Important, thing that now that we have an idea about where they're coming from and a little bit about who they are the demographic, demographic. Profile. It. Is important, to see what their travel intentions, are in terms of their, generation in terms of their age. We. See here, that, most, of, the. Three generations boomer, Gen X and Gen Y, wants. To travel very very quickly so there seems to be a kind of a pent-up demand. Close. To or more, than four out of ten, wants. To travel within, the. Next three, months and if, we add everything together, is, more than eight out of ten, wants, to travel in the. First nine, months so, there is this pent, out demand, within. This. Group of people who, wants to travel which is what. We said at the beginning they. Were fewer, than, 29. Or 30 million, people who, wants to travel. It. Is also important, to know how they want to travel do they want to travel alone or do they want to travel in group, and. Again what we see here, that, about. One out of three. Would. Like to travel with friends and we. See more than four out of ten wants, to travel alone so. Basically. We have a very large group that, I, wanted, to travel by themselves in. Doing, this time but, again it. Aligns. It correspond, with this pent-up demand that, we, discussed.

Before. What. We did next is we, look at how. We can group these. This. Group of the. Respondents. Who wants to travel and we. Came up with we identified, four groups and the, way we identify those, four groups is that we, use two dimensions. In the survey or from the survey which, gave us an idea of how to put. These four, groups together. One. Of the statements, that we looked at was a place near my home is attractive, in my decision, to, travel within the next 12 months and we, look at their agreement well yes or no and in scale one to five and also, we consider, the. Density. Of Corona. Cases, so we look at the, statement whether you agree or not with the same on, a scale of one to five I will consider only destinations. With small numbers of coronavirus. Infections. In my decision, to, travel in the next 12 months, based. On these two dimensions. We, created, these four groups the. First one is the cautious hopper that, is the, person, or the traveler who, is very cautious wants to travel, short. Distances in. Also. Where, the, density of Corona cleese is is low, then. We have the Dearing excursionists. That's. The, the. Traveler who. Wants. To travel, close to her but doesn't, care that much or seems not to care that much about the. Density of cases, then. We have the very, Voyager. That. Is the person or traveler who, wants to travel. Further from home long, haul but. Are weary about the. Density of cases, and then, we have the Daredevils, who, actually wants, to travel doesn't, care how, far or doesn't. Care about the density of. The. Cases, so. The. Next questions, that we had when, we looked at these groups is first, we want to determine how big, is each one of these groups so we. Discover, that, those, who are cautious. For example if we take the cautious hopper is we, resent 40%, of our respondents, which is a very large. Group and then, we look at the very loyal. Who, is again once, it is careful. In terms of the cases, of coronavirus.

But, Doesn't, care that much about a distance, we have talking here close to, 60%. Of, all the. Travelers. Wants to travel closer to home and then, we have. 27%. Of our, respondents, really. Are. Risk-averse. Basically. They don't I mean they, don't care about the risk I'm. Quite frankly and we don't, care how, far, they, have to travel, so these are the four groups that in the, next slides we're going to share. With you in terms of how. Quick they want to travel in terms, of their. Intention, to travel the mode of transportation, and, the factors, that will influence their, decision. What. Is interesting from this slide is that we see that both the cautious, hopper and the, Daredevils. Are, and. The daring excursionists, are the ones that really, wants to travel very, very quickly in the first three months I mean very close to half of them wants. To travel during that time and then. We see that it. Evolves. That, within the first nine months basically everybody. Else travel, during. The first nine months of. Of. The. Year of the next year which, again, gives an idea about this. Urge this pent-up demand that, exists among. These. These. Travelers. Let's. See how they want to travel, we. Have seen that there is quite a group large, group six six out of ten who wants to travel close to home in what. We see here is that the, overwhelming majority of, our. Respondents. In the first three months they want to travel by car so that's very important, which. Which, gives him intention about, what. Is the mode of transportation and, what kind of cost, they are for seeing in terms part of their, traveling, so, we see that, Daredevils. Close, to half wants to travel within the first three months the, dear excursion, is more, than half then. We see the cautious hopper the, almost. Half. Wants, to travel during. The. First three. Months that's. Using. Their own car let's. Look at in. Terms of how they. Perceive, traveling, by plane here. We see that the numbers start dropping. Only. One out of three, wants, to travel by plane and, the. Group. With the with, the likelihood, to travel, the least by, plane is the very Voyager, that, is again just to remind. You that is. The traveler, who. Wants to travel further, from home so, doesn't matter in terms of the distance, but, are more, weary about, density. Of cases, where, they would go and. The. Next one that we can see here, that. The. Mode of transportation that it wants to travel. With is by, train and here. We can see again that the numbers dropped significantly. Significantly. At the beginning during the first three months but. They increase, over, the next three months so there. Is a tendency to. Use. The Train more as, time. Passes this. Is some I think. Logical, because in. Probably. People. Might. Have. Some some wariness to travel and train because, they don't know how. Social, distances will, play out in. That particular mode, of transportation. Now. Let's look at the factors, that influence the, travel. Intention. Of our two of our travelers. Again. To repeat we said that fewer than 30 million people or. Travelers. Have. The intention to travel during the next 12 months so. Where. Do you where, do they want to go. Well. On, a scale of one to five we can see clearly here, that the. Cautious hopper is very, much. Into. You. Know traveling to places where. You have fewer, cases of, coronavirus. And. They, are very stable over, time as. We can see here the, same thing with the Daredevils, they don't care that much in terms of. The. Density of the risk so, there they have the lowest actually. Below. The. Average and. It. Seems, very very stable. The other two we can see some damage. In. The next three months so up from between three and nine and then, we see a very. Interesting. Behavior, where. The. Very voyager, over time will increase its wariness, while, the daring excursionists, will lower its. Concern, with, regard to the risk. In. Terms of. Hotels. For, example where they want to stay in the accommodations, we. Can see here, more that's the same pattern, we're. At, the beginning people would like to stay at hotels. With. Limited, gas particularly, though the, cautious hopper it is a similar, pattern. The. Way Voyager, and at what, the bottom we, see again. Those the other two. Segments. Which. Have. Less. Fear. In terms of the risk however, we see that. Over time. The. During excursion, is tend to have. More. Risk-averse. M. Behavior. Or, perception. Over time which, is very important, to come take into account, a.

Seminar, Pattern, we can see with with attractions. So. Again, the. The. Hopper the cautious, hopper is at the top, having. This. Fear. For, density, of people and at the lower end we, have the Daredevils, it, is more or less the same pattern, that we have seen with destinations. Hotels and attractions where. We, have very clear, four patterns, of behavior, with, regard, to the. Limited, amount of people that they would like to, see when, they visit. Either, a destination, stay. At hotel, or. Visit, an attraction. Let's. Look at how sensitive, they are in terms of prices. Gas. Prices, remember, we said at the beginning that car. Would, be the most prefer is a preferred. Mode of transportation. For. The, four. The four. Segments. But, what is important, is in terms of price. Elasticity. We. See that. The, cautious, hopper is more price or, seems to be more price sensitive, compared. To. The Daredevils, so, it. Is important to take that into account. When. We think, in terms of how can we attract this group. Similar. Price. Sensitivity, we can see with regards, to traveling, by plane if. Your tickets the, same thing happens, what, is interesting, here is, though. That the. Three other, segments. Which. Are the very, Voyager, the daring. Excursionists, and the Daredevils, we, see that they are less sensitive, price sensitive, all the time with, regards, to traveling, about plane which, is very different, than what we see here, or, seems different in, terms, of the price sensitivity. Of the, cautious. Hopper, the. Similar, um pattern, we see what hotel prices, again. The, cautious, hopper is the most seems to be the most price sensitive, and in among. These four, groups and. We. See over time that the Daredevils. Seems. To increase, in terms of its, sensitivity, of hotel, price while, the other two seems, to have lands less sensitivity. To. Hotel prices. Finally. We look at the, state of the economy, how. The state of it economy, would play out in terms of. Influences. The perception, of travel, intention, so, whether we read. In the papers we listen to the. Radio or watch TV news, and so talk shows we. Can see that II for. The cautious Harper seems, to be the most conservative and it seems to be the, most sensitive, to, the state of the economy so. Any information, with regard to that is, important. To them while. The other, three. What. We see is a very excursionists. Seems less. Sensitive. To the state of the economy then. Finally, we. Have looked, at two other important. Aspect is what. Is the impact of of, past experience. What. Seems to play out here is that past experience. Seems, to play an important, role in, in, in terms of the travel intention, we asked them here whether, they will consider the same place that they visited, last year, and we, can see here that in, general, they. Are clustered. Together the three so, the, cautious awkward very Voyager. And the. Daring. Excursionists, seems, to think. More about their past experience, at the, beginning but, all three, would accept to the cautious, hopper, again who, seems to be the most conservative of the group all.

Of Them seems less. Sensitive, to their past experience, and then, finally, with regard to cleanliness. It. Seems, that. If, you think in terms of attracting these, oops. There, seems to be a high, awareness of, cleanliness. Again. A very much pronounced, in in. The group of the cautious, hopper but, over time we can see very clearly that there, is a strength. Increasing. Trend where, people where, travellers become more, and more sensitive, with. Regard, to the cleanliness which means you, know social, distancing, masks laws and. And. Sanitizing. I had them using. Hand, sanitizer, and and so, on so, who when. You when you look into in, wrapping. Up when you look at the. Indus, four groups you. Can see very clearly there, is kind of a pent-up demand but. Among these four groups there is a different, type of intention. Or behavior, and the, factors, that we look at have, a different, impact, on all of them. The. Overwhelming. Majority more, than half wants. To travel closer to home they. Would like to use their own car to do that, there. Are price sensitive especially at, the beginning they. Are also very. Weary of the state, of the economy and. Cleanliness. Seems, to be a very, important, aspect to, take, into, account so. I would like to thank you very. Much and I would like also to thank the team of researchers that, helped us put this together in. Terms of designing the survey and making. The analysis. Helping. Us with the analysis, and we, are ready right now for questions. From. The audience thank you so much. Thank. You dr. crows thank, you dr. Mann Rivera, for putting that presentation, together, ok. So now, we are moving on to our questions. Our, first question, is, asking. About. Accessing. The, potential, survey responders. What. How many people did you initially, invite. Versus. Who actually, responded. We. We. Invited. 9. 1880. Respondents. And then. We asked. Them whether. They want, to travel in the next 12 months, only. 630. Of those. Who. Responded. That. They will travel the, next month we, will continue. With. A survey, but, we kept those who said no because it's very important, to have an idea about you. Know how, many from. The total sample, would. Like have. Has the intention to travel, so. That's why we came with this this figure. Of. 31.8%. Of, the. 1980. Respondents. Who who wants or has intention, to travel and. I think that's very important, because it.

Clearly Gives an, idea about how. Many people and I, gave I contextualize. Or, we contextualize that. Number. In, order to have an idea about a risk in in. In, 2019. We, had. 929. Million, families. Who traveled. Consisting. Of nearly. 92 million people so, if you take that. 31.8%. We, are talking about 9.3. Million families. Who. Are intending, to travel, right now which. Which. Equals. To fewer. Than 30 million people so the, hospitality industry has. To think about, only. 30 30, million people or fewer than 30 million people has, the intention to travel during, the, next 12. Months and these. Are very important, because more. Than half of these people are very cautious people, so they wants to travel. Close close. To their home more. Than 50 miles but close to their home and, they. Want to travel close. To half wants, to travel to places which. Have a. Fewer. Density, a low. Density of, of Corona, and, cases, and they, are very much into, you, know the cleanliness. Of the place meaning you, know you have to provide information about, the. Health precautions, that you're taking either at the attraction, or your, hotel or your plane etc. Or in the Train that's very important. Thank. You doctor crows. We, have another question. Where. Did they where. Did you find the individuals, that you sent the survey to who. Were, these people that were surveyed. Denied, we, bought a panel, from Qualtrics, and the. With. The request to, provide, us with, a representative sample. Of the country occurrence the country so, as you can see one of I, mean one of our previous. Slides, we show where the people were coming from where all the respondents, were coming from so they're coming, the. Responders are across, the country, with, five prominent. Places. Which, were, California. New, York Pennsylvania. Florida. And, the other one I can. Remember right now but, there were four prominent places across. The country but the respondents, were across the country even from Hawaii, and. One. Of the islands in in the Pacific. Okay. You. You basically just answered part of a question that was asked which. Is where do people want to go most, and why do you think that is. We. Found that the, three preferred, stage, one the question that we asked was not in terms of cities, or attractions, with, the asked them among. The 50 states which. Were the three preferred. States, that one a blizzard what, we found was in sequence, Florida's. Number one California, number two and Hawai number three. And. The first tool you know. It's. This. Is gas we don't know exactly why, at this moment because we're still I'm delving into coming, through, the. Data. But. I guess after both are very. Well known places. Tourist. Places they, have, for, example Florida is the capital of theme parks in the world special. Central, Florida and Orlando, then, we have something similar in California. Hawaii. Is also, a beach. Destination. Solar people, go there so. These. Are three, prominent places in general, in the. Country. We. Understand, that these are initial findings, dr. Krause what. Do you think these findings mean for Orlando, as a destination, which was hit very hard by the corona virus. Well. I think that all I don't have to think in terms of the the. Amount. Of people who wants to travel, remember. Instead of over, 90 million only 30 million so the competition, will be very fierce for, these fewer, than 30 million people these. 30 million people have very, clear. Intentions. In terms, of for, example where, they want to travel how far. Density. Of cases, the. Cleanliness or, information, about how important. They. Are very sensitive, some. Of them with, regard to the. State of the economy especially, those. Who want to travel, closer to home so, Orlando if, Orlando, is. Marketing. Closer to home they. Have to think in terms of these, important. Factors, that can, affect. The. Volume, of customers. Coming to Orlando and the same thing for, the attractions, in. Hotels. So I. Would, say that, providing.

Marketing Information with, very precise information in terms of cleanliness, is. Important, health but. Also making. Sure that we provide. Precise. Information with regard to the state of the economy. I. Would, like to add to, the. To. The comments, that when we look at the data, we've. Seen that people, want to travel within large. Numbers of people want to travel within the first three month and, that's. An important, means that there's an intention, and a desire to do so but, when we look over time. What we see that, it, seems that the travelers, are, making. A balance between, what, are the things that are important, for them in terms not only price. The. Density, of the destination, the visits, and also, the density of, the, places we'll visit so in terms of our implications. For. The recovery, we, have to take into, consideration that, so. Over. Time people, are. Waiting. Perhaps. That the time will fade the virus for their intention, so. Compared. To the immediacy so this create an, important. Need for. For, information. To be, disseminated. To, your consumers, you. Know about. What, is the the, number of properties, that are guess, that are in your property, the safety precautions that you're taking on your property, and then, also that's, what the hotel years from a destinations, perspective, then all these synergies have to be together and communicating, a message that. Allow them to choose those. Areas, that perhaps in the past have. Less less, traffic, I might provide, an. Experience. That, allow for that social distancing, since the desire, is already there so right now that the consumer, seems to be juggling a decision. Of the, risk and time in which they will take. The vacation, but, it seems that the majority of them based on the results, over 46:48. Travel. Do. You know based. On your serve how far from home respondents. Were willing to travel. Not. Really me ask closer to home or or eat further, away from home we had a number of questions. The, the daredevils, which is about a. Group which, is about one out of four, they, don't care where they they, want they, can travel further away, they can go to Europe or anyway, or the Caribbean or, South America, so they don't care that much but. Six. Out of ten of the people that we spoke about of, the fewer. Than 30 million people the 29 million people, they, want to travel closer to home, but. That is so, that means that if you are destination, you should market, very, close to home within you, know within 100. Miles for example. You. Mentioned traveling. Overseas to the Caribbean. Was. That included, nearby. Destinations. Or any read on that and what about cruises. This. This, part. Of the research was, focused. Did, focus only on the on the United States traveling, within the United States so. We have information about, other places. Outside of the United States but this particular webinar. Is only about traveling, within the States and in, the cruise and people I mean, the cruise turned. Out to be very very long. Non-existing. Have. A question, from Blake he, wants to know did any of the respondents, get to provide a reason for saying no to traveling, within the next few. Months, no. We didn't ask that once you once, you said no we. Part you as a no traveler, we didn't ask you and maybe, that's one of the limitations, of this particular study at this moment we. Should understand, whether why, the one they don't want to travel the gas is because of the the virus you, know, but. That's more a guest and so something, that, we know at this moment. Economically. Speaking you touched on that briefly. As. A factor. Do. You see that continuing to, be a factor, going forward. Yes. I mean the state of the economy is, very important, especially for the, conservative.

Traveler. I mean we said for example with a cautious, hopper, which. Is one which is the largest group among. The. For, the. Sake of the economy plays a very important, role so. It means that we. Need to provide information about, the state of the economy and try, to be I mean, be honest, with the information, but try, to, provide. Enough, so don't don't overlook. Information. About the economy, that you have to for example, I can, imagine that Sansa Florida, where. We live right now can provide. You. Know job, numbers how the job numbers are increasing for example. Opening. Up, this. Type of information is very important. For. This type of travellers. Okay. This is a very, very new survey and thank you for this data, how. Frequently. Will you conduct, this study will, you update it as we're, going forward into the future as things. Change and and more things open up. Yes. We, plan to update, and. Tweak the survey in the future so in. The next three months in order to have, an idea about you. Know the. The. Differences, in time whether, there there has been a, change, compared, to how, they perceive, their. Their. Travel intention, at the end of May for, example compared in August, where, we will have you. Know some. Some, more, certainty, in terms of, how, the economy is going to how do you reopening. Plans are doing, the. Activities, how, are people. On. Mitigating. The. Spread of the coronavirus, and so on so. Sure. That is a very important aspect of this program. Okay. Someone's, asking if you can share the demographics, by segments, that. May be a little too a question to ask right now. But. Can. You share that. Well. Yes. But we don't have it on the slide I mean we don't have it on the slide right now the only thing that we have right now is, that. In terms of their, voyage so we know that the. The first one the. The. Casas Harper is the largest group fall by I think the daredevils, is, the other one so, you have to extreme, do you have this one. Of them or the four which for me was a surprise, then. There is this group that I mean. The profile of these people they really don't care where about, the corona virus, you, know they they want to travel these are really travelers, they, have. The urge while, we have seen there is this pent-up demand among, the. The segments, but this group doesn't care that much about whether. The place has, a very, large. Density, of karora cases. In. Answering. That question also, there's, one more question about. Preference. Of travel. Ar-ar-ar. The respondents, saying they want to go to lens, des populated. Places or more dense, populated, places or really does it matter and is. It based on the timeline of how far out we go from this pandemic in. General. People prefer. It. Seems, that they prefer less. Dense. In. Places. Meaning. That, they, care, except, the, the. Daredevils. That we said that's that segment, but, in general, it seems that the majority wants. Places, where you have fewer people or limited, amount of people. So. Which meet that information, is about you know social, distancing, is very very important. Key. Doctor crows. Let. Me just see if we have any more questions that we can answer right the second. Because we, are, down. To our last, minute. Now. In. In. Doing this survey. Do. You think that, some. Of your, respondents, are. Thinking, more of international. Travel. Or. Is. It primarily domestic. Now. We asked them very specifically, about domestic, travel in this, particular survey, so they had to.

Choose. Among. The fifty states of the country. So. There was an international. Question in, this, particular survey. All. Right well thank you doctor crows that, is all the time we have, questions. Today, during. Our research recovery, and rescaling webinar. To. Learn more about this, webinar series, you, can visit the dick pope website. And you'll. See that on your screen right now the URL. For the web page that has the. Research. Recovery, and rescaling webinars, that we have completed. Thus far this, is our third and the. Videos from the previous webinars. Are also located, on that page so you can go and re-watch them and take, a look at the demographics, and the data, that was presented as, it, is there to assist our hospitality, tourism, and, travel industry, in planning. As they go forward with coronavirus. Still. Within, the environment, i'd. Like to thank you all for joining us once again and. Have. A wonderful day, thank, you.

2020-06-16 09:07

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