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yes [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome to the jungle [Music] foreign [Music] yep [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] see you in [Music] so okay [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] crazy [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome to the jungle [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Music] okay [Music] good morning everyone can you guys hear me i hope my voice yes yeah okay all right yeah so good morning and salamat pagi everyone welcome back to the regional conference regional tourism conference 2021 with the theme of revitalizing the tourism industry and businesses in the new normal transforming the face of tourism adapting and reflecting on resilience so this is our second day of this conference and for today's conference there will be two presentations by two prominent academic professors in the field of tourism professor dr fuan and also professor dr jennifer a little a slight change in the um program today okay instead of having the q a and discussion after each presenters okay we'll move the q a and discussion session after both professors presented their topic yeah so without further adieu i would like to invite our first presenter professor dr ahmad puad matson the dean of the graduate school university zainal abedin unisa professor dr ahmad specialization areas are in tourism studies which include tourism planning and development sustainable tourism community participation in tourism tourism marketing tourism crisis management and muslim friendly tourism he has previously worked at university science malaysia and spent two years on settlement to al faisal university prince sultan college for tourism and business saudi arabia he obtained his bachelor degree from the iowa state university the united states of america master and doctoral degrees from university of lincolnshire and humber side and struck stretch climb university in the uk respectively for today's conference professor dr ahmad wadmat som will be presenting a topic about reviewing review and changes of tourism curriculum in the new normal therefore i would like to invite professor dr ahmad quad for the first presentation thank you the moderator is this my first year on the other side yes yeah we can hear you from okay first and foremost i would like to extend my appreciation and thank you to the organizer in particular borneo tourism mercy center and the chairperson professor jennifer chan for inviting me to this regional conference i'm very delighted to share my views on this review and changes of tourism curriculum in the new normal so let me share my slides did you see my slide yeah do we have uh yes yeah okay we'll share your uh slide bro from our side okay okay so so yeah yeah just one minute is give us one or two minutes broth sorry about that no problem okay thank you can you move to the next line and just to give a quick reflect to what was discussed yesterday and we have noticed that our industry tourism is very prone to crisis very fragile and in the past we have witnessed hundreds of crises and disasters which have impacted the tourism industry be they the political crisis economic crisis health crisis and also environmental crisis so there have been different typology of crises which have been extensively discussed in the literature and also some scholars would like that they like to define or categorize the crisis according to national crisis as well as amendment crisis and this kobe 19 which originally started in wuhan china as the health crisis but is spread to all over the world as a economic crisis it's a combination of health and economic crisis and um in in the discussion it is always said that uh tourism industry is quick to recover from crisis and there have been also discussion about there are crises which are so called the cobra time which is very sudden i gave you example like the book uh the body but bombing for the 9 11 and this these were considered as the corporate of a crisis but there were also crisis which was classified as uh like the python ula saga which is very slow moving but according to the impact the the python thermo crisis uh actually the the impact can be very prolonged so uh in in relation to this orbit 19 it is considered as a uh as uh as i mentioned earlier on health crisis economic crisis and also the python type of crisis because it it impacted the whole the whole world uh in in a very uh long process uh and a very long duration and starting from early last year until now so it's almost two years now that we have been impacted by this uh um by this pandemic so uh in in general we can say that malaysia is relatively perceived by tourists as a very safe destination in southeast asia as compared to our neighboring countries in particular indonesia because indonesia they have a lot of crisis of different types malaysia is considered very safe but the past two decades we have seen a lot of crises that also occurred in malaysia in particular sabah you have had this uh earthquake in kinabalu you we have had the sulu invasion the kidnapping and crisis and so this this occurred in measure becoming more recurrent as of now so as i said just now that the industry is very quick to recover from crisis but kovite 19 is a very rare exceptionally rare crisis and and we have seen that the whole world is being disrupted uh has been put to a standstill due to the government 19. and in particular tourism businesses many have collapsed a giant hotel for example established hotel they have a cease operation and so on so it is very impactful uh the impact of crisis uh coffee 19. okay next slide and and how does this tourism uh relate to tourism education and we have been noticed that our ministry ministry of higher education has always positioned malaysia to be the hub for education in southeast asia in particular and according to our previous target that was before coffee malaysia was expected to receive to 250 international students by 2025 and before the conflict also we targeted to achieve 200 international students in 2020 and uh and to generate about 15 billion um bringing off money into the economy that account for about four percent of total gdp as opposed to seven percent uh contributed by the tourism industry but uh due to the coffee we noticed that this speaker was not achievable and very impossible for us in like three to four years from now to achieve 250 000 because we noticed that there have been decrease of international students enrollment in malaysian universities and a few private colleges also have a high priority authority cis operation because of a very low enrollment so but nevertheless malaysia has always leveraged on its existing cooperative advantages such as course because studying in malaysia is very much cheaper as compared to studying in singapore for example because of our geography local location because we are located in the center of southeast asia the english language is used as the medium of languages in addition to other factors for example the multicultural factors and so on so that's why we have been leveraging on this competitive advantage to become the hub for education in southeast asia the next line and we noticed that in malaysia there have been over 500 unit universities and colleges about 20 unit public universities including ufs and we have nearly 500 universities university colleges international brand campuses and also colleges in in malaysia in the international brand branch campuses campuses include like swinburne university continue university uh what else um more nash university headed what university and we have one from china and ziaman university okay uh next slide okay this is actually the figure of student enrollment a postgraduate in public universities and and we noticed that uh throughout the period uh 2019 uh the pre-coffee and during the coffee and this year we noticed that the number of enrollment has decreased a lot because of this travel restriction and international student as they they resort to online enrollment or an online education and we expect that this number will pick up uh as malaysia has already relaxed the travel restriction and in fact like foreign students if they are enrolled in the university of malaysia that if they are in fact allowed to to enter the country but subject to the sop prescribed by our uh tourism security council malaysia security council okay next slide and and we noticed that for the past uh two years ever since uh corbyn started depending started a lot of studies a lot of webinars they have analyzed the impact of the betterment on the tourism industry but very few actually look at how the pandemic impacted the tourism education so this topic is very much overlooked and and we all we noticed that tourism education always follows the trend in the industry what happened in the industry in terms of the trends uh it is always followed closely by the tourism education from the higher institution so that we have to make sure that our education that we offer are very much relevant and in fact tourism and cognitive courses offered by higher education incision are essentially a part of the tourism system okay next slide okay um and why tourism education is very important for the industry because there have been a constant increase in the needs for higher educated employees because they need we need to have qualified employees in our in in our industry because if we have educated employees we have the competitive advantage we can improve the competitiveness and we can actually achieve higher level of research saturation because our employees are actually providing the quality services in the industry so in in particular our region southeast asia we are considered as a very young country the median age is actually 29 years old as opposed to 40 years old in western countries what does that mean is that the demand for higher education for tertiary education is very much is very much substantial because a lot of these our population are in the medium in the productive age in the age of pursuing a higher education but the issue is our enrollment is very much low it's about only 40 percent of our population enroll in higher education as opposed to western countries okay next slides please so what are the issues of tourism education so one of the issues being highlighted is that as highly education institution we are to provide special skills and knowledge needed for the future of tourism so this is actually the task of universities ums public universities and private universities but at the same time we also expected to provide equitable and inclusive quality education for all so that none are left behind so we have to make sure that education higher education actually are available to all group population whether they are the middle income m40 or whether they are from the t20 or whether they are from the bottom 40 but the issue is uh independently the the issue of affordability because many many students or their families are out of a job and they don't have income so if they may not have access to higher education because they are not able to pay the tuition fee so this is the problem the issue of affordability at the moment because of this job losses economic loss what is important for the potential student is actually is their survival but uh but i noticed from a study uh that crisis especially economic recession it occurs every 10 years every decade we have an economic crisis or a global recession so um um we recall like 1987 98 we have a global recession and it it recurred again in 1998 1999 and and 2006 also we have global recession what happened during this recession is that we noticed that the education system system was booming during recession what does that mean is that during recession um many people they they opted for uh um higher education studies because they couldn't find a job so they end and ended up doing master or they ended up doing a phd but they spend a week is different because many many are of job so they don't have much options so and lack of good job opportunities in tourism sector and also deter potential students from taking tourism courses so they they opened what's the point of taking tourism courses when the industry itself actually has been impacted very badly so they don't they don't find the prospect in in the industry because we have been affected a lot so i i'd like to share with you during my previous experience from my university because my university um recently submitted a proposal to the ministry of higher education to to offer a new program which is bachelor of islamic tourism but we had a tough time defending at the legacy of higher education given that uh we are actually proposing a new program when the industry is actually has been suffering a lot from this pandemic okay next slide okay these are some of the responses highlighted by the writer in a study uh saying what are the responses from the respondent about what dated them for for to apply for tourism related courses in the past uh covered in the post commit 19 phase so the responses were like less scary opportunities they anticipated like fewer jobs and less attractive sector because we have been badly affected the hotel industry travel agencies and so on owing to losses incurred during the crisis and restricted global travel operation and so on and lack of job security and joblessness so these were the issues highlighted by prospective student why they did not want to enroll in tourism related courses okay next slides okay another issue about tourism education is that our industry is very much labor intensive and we have seen a lot of these economies in particular like island economies they are they are very dependent on tourism uh give you example like phuket in thailand bali in indonesia like bali like more than 50 percent of the economy was relying on tourism what happened when the when the tribal recession was enforced and no tourists coming to bali and a lot of these those human resources in that island has been out of job so uh and and we have seen many travel agencies uh have uh close uh also hotels and so on and and we noticed that during this post copy many operators are trying to uh reduce their costs and they have been engaged in digital uh technology digitalization which means that less manpower are required in their operation and we have seen also even during the pre-conflict that many hotels especially in western countries they have already engaged this self-check-in they don't require a guest relations officer the front desk to be in the reception because they have already engaged this what they call the self-check-in and even tribal agencies also if we notice that uh the millennium travelers they're more inclined in doing their own reservation uh do their online booking so which means that um we expect that during this post profit config that many many operators are going into internationalization and will not be as labor extensive as during free copy and there have been also the mismatch between supply and demand as i said earlier on in malaysia we have about 400 500 colleges and universities and we are actually producing more graduate as what the industry can absorb and and uh we have to also observe that our industry is very much multi-central what does it mean by thc is that our industry consists of the tourism sector hospitality and also the event and we have programs that cater for these three main discipline for example tourism management hospitality management event management and they have different paths for their development as a result we tend to have more graduates than the industry can actually absorb and as i mentioned earlier on is that we have institutional over capacity which means that each year we are producing graduate students from tourism discipline but but in the end how many actually are being absorbed so this will lead to graduate employability next slide and we notice that from the figure released from the ministry of higher education and our graduate employability has actually decreased last year if i'm not mistaken it's about 84 from the previous speaker about 87 can you share next slide please moderator okay so this is actually greater than equality but graduate ability they have a different criteria but in fact the ge in in tourism has been much lower than what was recorded national work for all the programs okay next slide another issue is that our worker is overeducated this has been the document in in academic discussion what does it mean that our graduates they have the they are overqualified to do certain jobs for example degree holder might be doing uh a job of the flow of a diploma level so that happened i think it was discussed yesterday that some of our graduates they even though they have but they have they obtained a degree they are decree older but they don't mind some time working [Music] for a diploma level type of a job because otherwise they may not get the right job for them so it means that we are actually producing an over-educated graduate and and secondly they may they may not be trained in the right things as i mentioned earlier on we have we have students in tourism hospitality and event we could have like tourism graduate but they are working in the hospitality tech sector and vice versa and and again another issue is that our country might fall into the middle income threat so what does it mean by this middle income trend is that when our competitiveness is not increased that much and our gdp also has not increased significantly but at the same time over time we have to increase our the wages of our of our workers so uh then actually we we attract in this middle income track so that happened to malaysia that's why as of now we are still not able to uh to attain the high income status as uh as planned by our government actually when tonight he he put up this mission of 2010 20. his aspiration at that time was for malaysia to achieve a high income status and power with other level of countries okay um the next slide um okay i think you can just share the next slides so what are these skills essential for for our graduate postcode so it is important for the education system to revive by promoting creative tourism management skills and entrepreneurial development so what is this being emphasized is actually to to focus on digital advancement and skills okay next slide and i'd like to share findings by in his studies that the themes that emerged from his analysis uh from interviews with first responders so these are actually the key themes that emerge from the respondents so what are the skills required for students in postcoving so this should be reflected in the curriculum design for example digital skills flexibility resilience innovation technology and and so on okay next slide and um we must be also be aware that the imaging concept in the academic curriculum such as health and safety majors in tourism crisis management risk management business continuity and resilience is very important in the tourism and hospitality curriculum so just to share with you when our program was approved by the ministry of art education the our new building program to be offered by our university unisa that was planned that is planned actually next next year in september october so we have been advised by the ministry of higher education to embed a crisis management course in our program so this is very important because we have to [Music] highlight to our students highlight to the tourism apprentice that crisis management is very important because crisis as i state early on in my presentation that crisis may recur more often in future so if the operators our transporters are able to mitigate or to come up with the right management crisis management strategies they will be able to withstand the impact of the crisis more successfully as compared to those who who are very reactive so they have to be proactive in order to do that we have to embed this crisis related courses that also like the crisis risk management and so on in our curriculum okay and also it's also very important for us to highlight on languages especially foreign languages for our students to become multilingual i.t skill because we have to focus on

this digital technology and communication proficiency in english creativity social interaction skill so that students can can increase their employability okay next line so the teaching part the changing paradigm taking method is already for example it's already in place now we are into online uh platform of different time and a blended form of teaching and also gamification and it's also very important for our institute's academician strengthen their link with industry for better functioning and effective outcome so we should encourage creativity and support breakthrough in science and technology that can be applied back into the economy so i would like to conclude my presentation next slide [Music] is that what is important for us is that the future of tourism so there will be greater health consciousness there will be greater emphasis on resilience sustainability and we noticed that uh tourists um will be more into imaging niches as opposed to mass tourism there will be a new travel style with the sop consume a changing uh cosmetic behavior and a shift in travelers expectation with all these the new trends so that will be embedded in our curriculum because the the future of tourism will not be the same as what we experienced during the pre-cockpit i just talked to professor jennifer last night and travelling during this pandemic is very much risky and i mean i mean last two weeks i was in langkawi i traveled to langkawi to support the travel bubble initiative but on my on my way back my flight was actually cancelled last minute and these are the things that we have to [Music] go through uh during this uh period uh there is so much uncertainty so risk-taking is very much like what we have to endure for the next two three years and i couldn't imagine if we were to travel overseas then there are so much uh uncertainty and we noticed for example uh thailand they they wanted to welcome international tourists but they still impose uh quarantine 10 days quarantine for travelers of course we we do not want to travel to phuket for example to bangkok but in the end we have to to be quarantined we have to uh we have to stay in hotel room for 10 days that will be an extra cost to us so so these are something that we have to bear a few years before hopefully that we could return to normal so with with that i would like to end my presentation thank you to the organizer and back to the moderator yeah thank you so much professor dr ahmad matson from unisa for that fruitful discussion on the curriculum in tourism yeah so again for everyone who have recently joined us okay this morning for the second day of this conference this morning we are discussing about the changes in curriculum and research directions and reflections within the new normal context so um just now we have heard from professor dr ahmad maxom the dean of the graduate school of university sultans and al-abidin on the topic of review and changes of tourism curriculum in the new normal so before we proceed with our second presentation i would like to remind all participants if you have any questions okay and also concern about this curriculum and research design yeah i mean adapting it to the new normal please write in your question in the chat box okay so we will ask uh both professors okay later about these questions here during the q and a session okay so um our second presenter is the conference chair herself okay our professor dr jennifer chan kim ilyan professor of tourism and the director of borneo tourism research center btrc in the faculty of business economics and accountancy university malaysia sabah professor dr jennifer chan is a distinguished fellow at the faculty of business economics and accountancy university malaysia sabah and she she has joined the faculty since 1996 as one of the pioneer lecturers and in 2005 she received her phd in tourism and hospitality management from the university of scratch clyde in the uk um currently she's a member of academy professor malaysia a board member and chair for academic committee of the asian eco-tourism network world gastronomy institute as advisory member malaysia professor dr jennifer chan is an experienced tourism and hospitality researcher consultant and academic yeah with professional experiences in the field concern her research interest areas include sustainable and responsible tourism hospitality human resource development tourism consumer behavior and service experience management as well as qualitative and mixed method research her works has been published in high impact tourism journals and received several academic awards throughout her career so for today's presentation professor dr jennifer chan will be presenting a topic on new research agenda for tourism and hospitality disciplines so without further ado i would like to invite professor dr jennifer chan for the second presentation professor dr jennifer please okay uh a very good morning and salam sajathra to everyone here can you hear me okay yes thank you and um can you see my slide as well yep okay good thank you so um this is the last session of our two days conference i'm here to share my views on research research agenda in the new normal again sorry for interrupting can you put it uh as a slideshow slideshow the one at the bottom the the next one yes yeah okay thank you prof okay thank you sorry so this in this session i'm going to share with you my views on research research agenda in the new normal as you can um see from the first day the cult of reset rebuild tourism industry requires the needs of looking at the new direction new research area and the changing of research methodology to gain an in-depth understanding of this new normal so my session will share with you the changes in conducting research understand the phenomenons and the contextual issue resulted from this pope that is covet 19 looking at the scientific paradigm shift by the researcher and applying more holistic approaches use of innovative creative research methodology to generate what we call impactful results or outcome from the research right so basically i hope for this session you will be able to pick up some of the um important uh area of research and also having some kind of paradigm shift in conducting research yeah and in order to gain the new scope of contacts that will benefit the tourism industry so there are four outcomes here for this section first i would like to to hope that everyone will view and use the kovit as a transformational opportunity to reform our mindset in designing and conducting research i also hope that throughout this session you will be able to gain some potential new research area and some of the theoretical lands that can be used for advancing and resetting industry practices and research provide some kind of practical theoretical implications on how to better sit understand manage and leverage the tourism impacts of kovid and finally what is more important able to examine some of the factors also called the driving forces to that set the tourism industry back bringing retaining customer to the destination so in order for us to advance and research the research related to tourism and hospitality in this new context firstly we have to ask few questions uh questions like what are the new research initiative in this new context what are the changing research perspective what are the new innovative and creative way of doing research how do we produce impactful research finding to transform the research industry and businesses and what are the appropriate strategies that we can use to strengthen rebuild and transform tourism industry so moving on that means we have to have an intense review of the current contacts issue challenges faced by the various tourism sector bear in mind that each of the sub tourism sector for example hotel airline tour operator for the marriage they are having different issues different challenges to some extent and they are not homogeneous so as a researcher we need to think and get in-depth understanding what is so different like yesterday fiona shared with us the context of hotels right what are the issues what are the challenges what are the priority unlike when you compare to tour operator which is another extreme being affected by the corvette in terms of closure of business you know the um the the traveling issue yeah so in this case we are looking at what are the changes of tourism research that we need to be more mindful and how do we apply research especially looking into the effects and the possible solution for post academy recovery and with that we will be able to identify the possible direction for future research and setting eventually we will be able to set a new agenda and research revenue now moving on in order for us to set the necessity and parameter of tourism cove 19 and research first thing we have to understand deeply the impact of covet 19 what kind of phenomena what kind of contextual issues that are facing by the tourism suppliers by the tourists and that kind of contextual issue can be breakdown into priority less priority and the the importance of it secondly we need to relook at the tourism industry and research perspective so we industry player as well as the researcher understand that there is a new emerging issue that affects the tourism industry and business and what are they and finally having knowing what are the issues and emerging issues the next thing we want to look at is what are the research avenue and what are the approaches uh second the priority area and instead of using the conventional approaches we should be extending our research methodology in a wider scope by looking at how and which are the best relevant approaches that we can apply so to do that two things we have to look at it first we need to have the so-called scientific paradigm shift all right and second reset our agenda so let's look at what is and skills may not be relevant so secondly we need to reset our research agenda which focused on the impacts the behavior experiences gained by the three tourism stakeholders which are tourism demand tourism supply and destination management organization and policy maker so we have three different scopes of research agenda whether we want to focus solely on the tourism suppliers or provider the the tourist behavior the market potential market segments or we want just to look at the destination management organization and the policy so it's very important we look at the impact the behavior the experiences gained by all these three different stakeholders in the three stages so we're looking at how do they respond at the restaurant stage the recovery stage and the reset state so this gives you a new direction and scope of what we can we should do when we talk about advancing and resetting the research yeah now why do we focus so much on tourism and covet pandemic simply tourism is a very complex system and it is interrelated process and forces and tourism is very important in the sense that according to w um wto 2020 tourism is the most important global employer it employs one intense job unrelated to tourism secondly tourism is the major gdp contribution and in malaysia it is the third gdp contribution however tourism is very vulnerable industry that is what you call affected to numerous environmental political and social economy list risk so it is affected by local regional global political economy social and environmental context within each situation so this is clearly reflected in the current public knighting permanent so what are some of the key areas that impact of kobe 19 economy if you look at tourism and hospitality industry operation hours if we recall that nco phase one phase two phase three and then our society and community within the tourism and hospitality are being affected very much following that the organization and the human resource management and then that have the implication on the governance and policy and of course the consumer behavior will be affected significantly in terms of willingness like the fear the troubling willingness to tell them right so because of that the covet 19 panamera has created significantly impact on the global economy political system and economy consequences and we have to view that this crisis is different from ebola from stars from other crisis because this is very much health related safety and security aspect that even scientists has no solution at this moment to 100 overcome this crisis so this crisis also exposed the critical problem and vulnerability of tourism industry our industry is indeed very fragile sensitive to these economy changes and crisis right so we also need to understand that this panoramic has brought us a profound and long-term structure and transformation changes to our tourism as a social economy activity and industry so we will see that impact will be very heterogeneous that means not not the same in space means in different locations and times it keeps evolving so it's very dynamic so it will it become a dramatic changes in how business act and consumer behavior so we realize right in our daily life suddenly the sop change suddenly that the online schedule change a lot of uncertainty like profw mentioned to you and for your information also i'm initially expected to fly back to tata kinabalu and now i'm stuck in this um in penang in one of the hotel to deliver this so a lot of uncertainty and uh you will feel that the the business as usual will be very different yeah so therefore we need to readjust and adapting to this new norm and customize the measure so you expect a lot of changes don't expect five-star hotel services like pre-kobe right and we also very much focus on employees customer health and safety and to what extent we want to know the customer or the tourist willingness to travel to accept the product so in short the consequences of a kovic pandemic has created a new factor context for us to carry out a research so to me covet 19 pandemic is a wake-up call for restructuring the tourism industry and business for the researcher this opened up a possibility for the tourism industry to reset rectify its imperfect system by adopting the new more norm so regain reform readjust the industry for the tourism stakeholders right you need to have a relevant holistic sustainable business plan so this mean we as a researcher we will study teach engage with the current related concept and theory subsequently provide a critical relevant recovery strategy in post-public phase so what as a researcher we have to relook at how are we going to re-invent re-learn realign using innovative creative in formulating strategy and approaches so the consequences of this dynamics with the unprecedented phenomenon it creates a new norm the new business uh and economy landscape lifestyle behavior so we will have because of the limited understanding and uncertainty in this new normal we need to gain new insight through understanding in terms of knowledge and what are the necessary skills that required and finally we need to adapt and transforming reset uh the way that um way forward for tourism so that is a significant impact on the tourism and hospitality research agenda in numerous faith fields so one that we we can look at the economy landscape the consumer behavior and marketing business management and operation with the new business model to what extent the ict application and its relevancy in the context of tourism the policy related to safety health and practices within the tourism and hospitality industry the human capital development financial accounting especially the cost control the talent management with regards to what kind of new knowledge what kind of skills what kind of training program that we need to move a proposed and of course the future of work in tourism and hotel industry finally the potential of tourism program and the changes which has been mentioned are discussed by prophet of four so when you look at the scope of research in this new normal bear in mind that the impact are not uniform across the sector of the tourism stakeholders right what i'm saying here is the challenges the issue faced by airline affiliation industry will be very much different from hotel sector also to the octo operator so there's different impacts on tourism operator and for example the intermediary the event organizer transportation because it also differ in terms of their size location management and ownership style right international management company versus the individual ownership so it is highly heterogeneous tourism demand as well because the leisure and the business travelers the group versus the independent tourists the special interest group corporate travel will have a different expectation different behavior so what i'm saying is that we were anticipate uh different impacts and implications so these are the worthy areas for us to focus right and we also provide and reach explanatory power above the root of such disparity with the scope of invasion or test or any suggestion on how to address inequality or disadvantage that may cause them to the various groups of tourism stakeholders yeah so you can actually compare within the different sector and analysis should include the major tourism stakeholders such as the employee the local community the entrepreneurial the tourism educators research researchers scholars students so in this sense the stock our research in terms of respondents in terms of analysis in terms of perspective should be widened so setting research a parameter look at the scope what are the significant changes and then the skill this scale of prices and the impact on operation on employees employers customers are very different compared to the pre previous crisis generating new knowledge to provide insight to the tourism of how to transform their operation so here towards the end we have to make sure that our contribution with that new knowledge capable to align to the new uh emerging gaps or solving or pro propose the solutions that the stakeholders needs and that in the context of post kovi there are two areas of focus when we look at the research tourism in response convict 19 the first one is the changes we want to understand what kind of changes happening and the changes is very selective or optional it depends on your respondent the tourism stakeholder whether the tourists the operator the destination organizer organization the policy maker the local community the employees because the changes the degree of changes will be different among these tourism stakeholders it depends on the size the locations the ownership secondly we know we need to address the issue related to the crisis right so the nature the nature and degree of crisis led transformation depends on whether and how these stakeholders are affected by respond to recover and reflect on crisis so what i'm saying here is not everyone will address the importance of crisis the need the types of crisis that they are facing and how do they respond how do they what kind of measure taken and how do we how do they reveal the crisis resulting from this coffee moving on so in short the tourism cove igniting research should provide a better understanding predict inform and shape the changes in this sense we need a deeper understanding of the tourism stakeholders their behavior their cognitive their emotion their psychological ideological the driver action reaction to the covet impact second we need to look at stakeholders life and perceive confidential experiences their consciousness their mindfulness their capability and willingness to understand and act proactively or reactively to the python because all these affect influence their attitude behavior and change potential right so in that way we will be able to advance our knowledge to inform the foster to shape or even lead such crisis transformation otherwise we are just simply experiencing another crisis after the other like um new 2020 mentioned that yeah so if the research studies should contribute to critical areas that gear to growth and develop the tourism sector align the research effort of the diverse tourism stakeholders so what i'm saying here whatever research that your focus it has to align to the who are your target market that your research finding can be consumed can be applied then the future tourism collaboration within the various tourism stakeholders is equally important like prof1 mentioned right in the curriculum changes we need the input from the tourism stakeholder last we need to add and create value from research output and impact it's not solely on the discover new knowledge or at existing literature review or contribute to another theory so let's quickly look at tourism and hospitality research nature we know tourism is very complex it cut across many disciplines however in the new normal contacts we should view tourism activity which is traveling sightseeing hiking dining all these activities are actually part of these social practices right and we should i recommend that we should look at the practice theory also called theory of social practices that could contribute to the agenda of tourism study and this theory will be enable us to have an in-depth analysis of perform tourism consumption of production practices that means we will be able to go in depth understanding how the consumer [Music] from from the consumption and production perspective and it will help us to facilitate analysis of change over the time so as well as breaking down the fundamentals of tourism practices this is just to share quickly share with you the theory of social practices it actually look at the structure changes the cognitive mental process individual performance in descent how the consumer behave their traveling patterns the way their expectations their needs and ones yeah so a theory that seeks to understand and explain the social and cultural world by analyzing the repetitive practice in the daily life so this is very relevant in the context of this new normal because all the uh a lot of changes in terms of operation how the consumer perceive how the demand supply the policy policy maker in terms of looking at the new what kind of practices lead to the sop lead to the policy making decisions so the expectation from tourism and hospitality researcher so in this new normal we do not expect you to use kobe 19 as another context to replicate existing knowledge for measuring predicting tourism impact like most of the researcher has been stated that because this will not advance any new knowledge or guide the industry to a step beyond what is needed is that attention should be given in terms of designing implement crisis recovery and response strategy build resilient to address future crisis is very important how crisis can foster industry change how companies can convert this crisis disruption into transformative innovation how to conduct research that enable inform shape the rethinking and resetting of next normal so why we do we we need to pay the attention to this area is because tourism is the interrelated social cultural economy psychological and political implication and it has a different many magnitude on this aspect so some of the suggest uh research approach uh we should see new things and see whatever research issue differently to inform and guide tourism future think out of the box be creative and flexible thinking that challenges and goes beyond the existing pre-assumption and mindset so so what what is beyond this and we should have comprehensive review of related literature review plus industry perspective and we should also see theories to provide holistic pedagogy to rebuild and transform tourism a trans a transformative research go beyond replicating and reconfirming this existing knowledge so what i'd like to introduce here is in order for us to advance our tourism research through the concept of design thinking i found that this design thinking is actually a very relevant methodology for tourism researcher to consider when within this new context it is more of a solution based approach to solve the problem so we have the gaps we have the problem let's use the design thinking methodology approach so reason again research design approaches we should as a researcher i highly use adapted interdisciplinary multi-discipline to addressing the need trans trans national combined research and innovation demand driven when we need to collaborate with the industry with the community with the policy maker and seeking for impacts and output yeah so some of the direction of the research that you can be considered for example whatever research today we do would be good to guide guided by 17 sustainable development goal like yesterday dr garner stated that using equal tourism as an approach to address the um in this new context as one of the possible solutions to overcome the craftiness sustainability and responsible practices is very much into the current trend changing human behavior new business model and trend and what is more is important in terms of adjusting our research towards direction of sustainability well-being in the era of collect lighting within the malaysia context we can look at the trial malaysian plan sorry three teams which is resetting the economy strengthening security well-being and inclusivity advancing sustainability in the case of servers contact we can be guided by the sabha major jaya plan the three area agriculture sector industry and tourism all right so the potential area for research weekly i want to run through with you is the ecotourism as approach to reset tourism in new normal because of the sustainability concept business model effective campaign regulatory and operational issues this is very important as mentioned by dr time the whole tourism industry and business is ultimately deter by the regulatory and operational issue recovery of asian country and market concept of sustainable travel feature and trend re-establish connectivity how do we move forward creating authentic and memorable experiences and of course rebuild consumer comfort confidence and potential matters so he these are the same potential area of research to be considered so what are the priority area here are some of the suggestions what are the government's intervention and role to sustain sustained tourism in the future what will be the impact of such governmental behavior on future of tourism and destination tourism policy making and strategy kovit has raised political job political governance issue that frameworks and concept from this discipline would need to be used to enlighten such research tourism employment issue the pressure tourism students and graduates address the health of industry internship recruitment questionable career path tourism program and university are facing with reduced tourism student intake industry government sponsorship and research funding and of course our sme social entrepreneurship so i just want to share with you the existing research done in hospitality industry by raiser at all uh basically when you look at the research approach it's not it's it's more on reporting the impact the stimulus monitoring comparing with public health measuring the impact so these are very so-called a very narrow narrow scope that will not help to benefit the industry yeah and if you look at on the other side the percentage of people in the subject on safety and health hospitality workers on the employment is only seven percent travel behavior only four percent so what i'm saying here is that the sec research agenda does not cover in what is needed in the resetting review relief transforming the tourism industry so with that thank you very much for your listening and these are in fact excellent beautiful photograph i talked in kota kinabalu sabah sunset thank you very much all right thank you so much professor dr jennifer for that very interesting presentation and we appreciate your time spending with us um this morning i think we have few questions in the chat box for the discussion and q a session so i'll just read the question and then i'll maybe both of the i mean both of our professors this morning can respond to these questions here from our audiences the first one is uh from mr albert theo the question is for professor dr ahmad okay so the question is uh graduates like all others will face a much reduced pool of workforces due to recession how do you encourage them to lower the expectation in order to enter the workforce given in the new post covet 19 scenario maybe we'll start with our professor dr matt okay thank you for the question from uh alberto okay um in responding in responding to your question i i wouldn't say that you they should lower their expectation but somehow they should change their mindset as i mentioned earlier on in order for them to enter to enter the job market with very fierce competition due to the post coverage scenario i would say that they should as i mentioned early on they should increase their soft skill they should be more markets killing there should be more analytical great uh creative entrepreneur and also they should be prepared to enter non-tourism uh sector so that would i i would advise the the students when they enter the job market and then another thing is that when you see from employees perspective they are looking for for a graduate with initiative with this skill in problem solving uh communication skill uh and also they are being more self-reliant so those are the things that great weight should have when when they apply for jobs yeah thank you so much uh prof uh maybe uh prof jennifer if you uh would like to respond to the same question yeah yes yeah thank you yeah thank you dr oswalt thank you uh albert for raising such an important uh issue that probably faced by the industry player first of all before our student going out for the intern or ready for job we will need to educate them to lower their expectation okay and inform that we are in the new normal everything will be changed things will be very different from what you expected in pre-kovit because in the pre-coverage tourism was moving right and today's context everyone is suffering uncertainty and we do not know what to expect so you should i would ask my student to lower the expectation and on top of that i would get more industry players to come and share the reality of the situation the expectation from the employer as well as i would encourage the student to take the chance to accept what is being offered and attend as many training as possible to enhance so-called upskilling to understand the situation better that's all for me thank you okay back to you dr oscar yeah thank you so much uh professor dr jennifer um look for that response yeah i mean should lower the expectation because we are in a new normal and you know coffee has brought changes yeah in uh the industry and also the workforce thank you for that restaurant professor dr jennifer now the second question is from mr victor warren nair to both speakers the question is postcode 19 there is an evolution that is happening that is happening not just in the tourism industry but also in the higher education as we cannot operate business as usual anymore so what should be the new model for capacity building in the industry is the conventional undergraduate degree and graduate degree sufficient and how about the focus on industry relevant certifications and micro credential courses that can support the fourth and the fifth industrial revolution a a revolution that will change how we live work and communicate so i'll ask this question first to um professor dr jennifer for your response thank you dr dr oscar good morning dr vikki um again this is a very important opponent question within the higher education option question so um is the conventional degree still sufficient no especially for hotel and tourism to me it is equally important for the student to gain as much possible in terms of internship or we can actually move forward towards work based program in the sense that if we in fact kayak education [Music] minister already encourages for tourism hospitality or hotel program move towards work based program that means the student will study one year in the university and get another year of working experiences we can no longer depend on solely the conventional degree or the program itself and i would like to suggest we should have more um guests a speaker coming in from different sectors to nurture and to share the reality of the industry practices expectation for the micro credential courses it has become widely accepted among the higher learning institution from time to time ums we got this training the trainer i think from the usm professor i forgot the name uh often promoting all these micro credential courses yeah so we are saying that at the higher education institution should develop the improve the cap the the capacity in terms of offering more flexibility approach of learning and teaching yeah and [Music] how it changed the it also changed the way we learn in terms of easy access wherever we want to learn a flexible method if you can look if you look at the current situation right most of the our courses are actually offered online and then in terms of assessment you don't necessarily to have 100 percent midterm or final exam we tend to look at the the nature or the content of the courses are more into the applications the developing the students a critical analysis of a way of learning yeah that's all for me yeah thank you so much uh professor dr jennifer for that response i would like to uh pose the same question to professor dr ahmad wan thank you dr oscar also thank you to profitee for the question i think i respond along the same line as one mentioned by prop jennifer that when ministry of higher education when and they already prescribed to higher education institute that when they want to offer new program they should engage more content in transformative learning so there should be more industrial experience it's what we did when we when we wanted to offer a new program so given our program also the mode is actually to you to i either to you to i or three one i because according to the ministry if the student gets more industrial experience their equal employability will also be increased so that should be there should be an element of transformative learning in the content of the curriculum and uh about the capacity building uh i i think it should be more customized due to the coffee will be we should put the content more specialized towards the needs of the customers and also we should engage uh educational technology to facilitate their learning so because um post convert naturalization is becoming more mainstream and and basically become more important and and um as mentioned by prof jennifer this uh what record is my micro credential courses are also being accepted by the ministry and combination of these courses can it can also be accumulated and to to to equate to a certain level of a certification for example you you can have a certificate or diploma if you have those combination discriminative courses but these are something new among the higher education if i'm not mistaken there are some research universities like utm they have already like um prescribed credential micro credential process that can be taken by outsiders and their communities can also can also be converted to a certain certification so um is becoming uh accepted as of now okay yeah yeah thank you so much professor dr mark what yep yeah i agree with that and also um our audience here miss sofia hong also agree with what being mentioned by professor dr jennifer just now okay she mentioned that i hope it is in both ways universities in specific ums in the context of saba also provides an ongoing learning and training for the industry players as well as to improve their profession now moving on to the next question uh by dr vikki um this question is to professor dr ahmad what uh post kovite 19 the tourism industry is evolving with more focus on sustainable and responsible tourism so what should be included in the curriculum to drum these skills further so i'll ask this question to professor dr ahmad first and then after that maybe professor dr jennifer can respond as well yeah prof um i think like this topic of sustainability responsibility have been the mainstream uh since the term was uh on earth back in 1987 and it is still becoming more relevant after the copy so i think um it should be and precise in in our curriculum so what should be emphasized is the the survival resilience um how it's not about the sustainability of resources but it's also about the survival and resilience that that should also be emphasized by in our content so okay yeah so yeah thank you so much uh professor dr matt survivality is very important these days i mean that's a very good point and also resilience which prof mentioned just now maybe i'll um if professor dr jennifer don't mind if i post the same question to you prof for your response yeah yes um thank you dr ask oscar yes indeed the the element of sustainable and responsible tourism is very crucial within this uh covet 19 academy right as i mentioned earlier this covet 19 pandemic actually clearly exposed the vulnerability of tourism industry right besides crisis the issue of sustainability sustainable development growth and practices is very is one of the must in the tourism industry so in terms of curriculum in fact umass we offer sustainable destination management um in this course i'm i'm the lecturer for this course so i have actually exposed besides the theory concept to the student one of the learning activity is that i require students to do to conduct a free work which they have to select three tourism destination and identify what are the areas of areas that students need to observe and to build the sustainability using the sustainability concept to overcome the issue of pollution issues of overcrowded right so in this approach the student will actually learn by applying the concept and theory into the real situations yeah and of course from time to time we need to remind the student about the 17th sustainable development goal in this new context everything what we are talking about the issue of sustainable the issue of responsibility consumption and production yeah i totally agree with you prof wiki the importance of these two concepts in the context of this new normal thank you thank you so much uh professor dr jennifer for that response very interesting um yeah another um interesting question i think okay uh from again from mr albert theo yeah uh the question is with the future major source of tourists to be coming from china what are the university doing to prepare graduates to be conversant with chinese language so that they can be easily assimilated into the tourism industry this is a i think very good question by uh mr albertio maybe i'll start with professor dr ahmad what for your response as i mentioned earlier on uh dr oscar and the audience i mentioned that one of the things should be emphasized by our graduate is actually to increase the soft skill uh language communication profession in in in english and also is very much encouraged for our graduate to to become multi-lingual so they they should pick up like another language that they should master on for example if if we think that we we anticipate more tourists coming from china so they should be able to learn chinese as their uh another language that they should be more proficient i think um so those are the things that should be picked up by our graduates by students yeah yeah soft skills yeah yeah thank you yeah that's uh um um the need the skills needed for future yeah i mean um in relation to what you mentioned also just now on survival and also resilience so multi multi-skills graduates i mean obviously will improve the resilience and also the competitiveness of our graduates in fact in fact we have mpu courses what we call the [Music] compulsory courses offered by university so one one of the courses actually which is made compulsory is foreign language so in addition in addition to that like many programs they also like add another language as they are for example elective course to be to be enrolled by the students so those those are ways to increase uh the effort availability and the skill of our tourism graduates yeah yeah thank you so much for highlighting that prof uh professor dr jennifer yeah yes maybe you have a different view prof or a similar view yeah yeah yeah um thank you dr oscar and thank you aberto for raising this uh language issue yes i think the first point has been covered by profus yes we have a language subject under compulsory course where tourism and hotel students if i'm not mistaken they have the choice to select the language either mandarin korea in the past we used to emphasize on korea also but in the context of sabah in the past we have many chinese visitors from china so it has become issue and we highly encourage students to take up mentoring courses on top of that i think bordeaux tourism research center in the past will work together with field tourism district tourism association to identify the need analysis from the local community to what extent they need the language so in fact at the kadamayan tourism association cutable and kilo we have actually conduct language training to the local community so from time to time utrc will work with the industry player to identify the gaps that university can offer or the research center can assist such as basic tourism courses the service quality in the tourism industry as well as a language training yes we realize that and we try to help from the university perspective thank you that's all yeah thank

2021-10-27 19:19

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