Reaction of Caucasians (Londoners) Eating Plecing Kale at a Boarding House

Reaction of Caucasians (Londoners) Eating Plecing Kale at a Boarding House

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[Music] [Music] perfect so how how do you  cook the fish it fried you fried [Music] so in the culture is it tradition more  for the the wife to cook the food yeah   yeah and for the uh for the co  and Co the food make Cy for the   husband and the husband then just  has his cigarettes and and watch it have you heard that um the way to get married  in Sasa in lbo we must uh steal really yeah   steal the the girl is that that true yeah is  that true yeah so where where did Sugi steal   you [Music] from I still her from from yeah from  boarding house my boarding house boarding house yeah and what in that house where  you live uh with your family did   you live with in boarding house in  boarding house yeah friends yeah yes friend and your friend at the boarding house  is she married heav no was that Kiki no [Music] no [Music] m [Music] put 0:03:59.680,1193:02:47.295 [Music] H don't okay so where where did you get the fish  from I know it's from the river but   do you do you buy it from someone  yeah bu in the market the market yeah we if you want to go to for pish I mean Ming   fishing I mean fishing mhm we  can go to River but is too long it's too long what to get there how far if someone go to River for fish the fishing   yeah we it one day right start  from morning until afternoon mhm [Music] I 0:05:59.480,1193:02:47.295 [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah you're you're an expert at  that look at mine it's okay take thank you sping all right so have you been to G good day yeah  yeah I have there I Haven been there   that to see W's family yeah with  their parents and another mle [Music] yeah thank you it's the F first time I've been  filmed eating my whole [Music] meal [Music] big human T [Music] good so when when did you last go to Gilly get  day when we when did you last visit when we like all my actually when we do a all my all my family   go to W's house yeah and bring  like music TR M uh we call uh gang that is our culture culture culture [Music] yeah it is your first time eat uh using your  hand um I've done it before but not very often in lumo no not lumo your house no did you that no maybe  I did in on Mino Mino yeah Mino yeah come on thank you yeah so what I was that that that's one  bit of fish oneit yeah that's just one   yeah you've not had two yet have you  that's just one no those two no that's   one one yeah that you cleaned it that's mine  you going to mess with mine it's okay it's [Music] okay [Music] see what do you ever have any  problems with the bones or can   you you not eating your bones I will  not [Music] eat it will be danger yeah yeah but ni you're you're a professional  yes you're say tidy you know have still   properly try the spicy one uh it's the  spicy ones in that as well I know I   know the spicy one it's so spicy  this is spicy this is good spicy   for me I don't need to have more more  except that one it will burn my face off did you pray at 12:00 today yeah  yeah just 6 minutes you can do later   before 6 we we will we can do that before  6 whenever you want start from 3:15 start pray how um how how many minutes should you  pray what it uh at least uh five six yeah five [Music] six but if we put at  most maybe long longer longer yeah what maybe like 10 minutes  or longer yeah until 15 [Music] [Music] 15 so you you planning planning to have a   family maybe after he graduate  yeah when when did he graduate 2 hours 2 hours 2 years less yeah 1 hour one years [Music] more [Music] B [Music] about [Music] you want two is good for me thank you   very much with that more more  I've had two two is good thank [Music] you but you can you can you can do sing  in day no why no surf I I can't surf   anyway I've never I've never tried to  Surf um I mean do you say you can do   diving yeah yeah yeah cuz your family  someone has a diving school is that   right your you V or her family someone did  you say yeah your cousin your cousin yeah yeah I just himh okay when I'm there what  do you know what the diving   school is called what the company is called the organization independ May no company  company what the name [Music] he   forgot yeah that's fine yeah I mean I'm  going to look on he has H so [Music] there is there many diving schools  on gilig or just like one or two um   is there many maybe just one or two at  [Music] my Village yeah in my Village   oh in the village yes there are there are  six more than six six vages yeah VES over [Music] there but if you want to go with grap  or of course you you will use car   mhm car or motor yeah okay got my big  bag it's going to how big your B like motorcycle no I just I'd rather just put it in   the car I mean I could I could do it  on a motorcycle but I I don't have a [Music] motorcycle more honestly this is perfect  amount this is good thank you very much thank you maybe this this place has not good  to eat outside in the beach better I   think what eat on the beach yeah yeah no  this is good though this is good cuz it's a it's real it's real in  G you can um uh so easy to   get the fish yeah but different different variety you can add as in your grass  over there it's okay okay okay who her father your father is a fisherman  he does he live on G he's in G yeah yeah yeah [Music] yes good that's very nice lovely  have some this as well yeah thank you [Music] is he com no by tissue by tissue [Music] yeah yeah   cuz I'm making a a big mess  here big messy yeah [Music] [Music] h thank you I filled it up didn't I  yeah maybe cleaner no my my hands   weren't clean up put little in there didn't I yeah yeah [Music] a

2023-11-14 12:17

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