Rød Herregård - Manon | Season 2 - Vlog Eps.10

Rød Herregård - Manon | Season 2 - Vlog Eps.10

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Hello, Tanbraven Hello, %#¤" WHAT! Taking the forest, Cut it down Me and Roy have a memory on a tree here Written such a heart Yes Cozy No not heart, Only R and E Look at all this trees, Is gone They chopping down the trees Look at this massive trees here Very big, Look at this probably thousand years old Look it's many lines look Many many lines But where is it you count from then There one two three four... There it is a baby Argg Look at this It has died that there Fell down No they have taken those Down that's are rotten So big look at this Very very big Jeremy Joco, It says here There is min, Joke It's my name Jeremy Jeremy Joco Look it's eye there Yes it was scary There are several eyes Looks like it was written something, But it's was changed to something else You see Yes it's Swastika Yes Is But then there was something else before There also But it has taken it away to change it Strange it is not written further up The tree grows upwards? Does not that mean it should be higher up then? Think it has a maximum height where it should grow that's how I intend to I think it stops approx It can not be longer than that I have seen large trees from other countries It depends on meters above sea level I think What does it say there then Party No no 1971 Says something Inside there probably some secret money Inside here It can hide things inside a tree as well Yes Maybe a Lord of the Rings Or thousand bills Then they have gone out of date then No it's worth a lot of money now Look at that there Look at this, What it this It's that kind of sundial Here they did such as rituals then they put Baby on top of this So prayed around this Where we going now Is is very windy here This is wind jacket I'm not freezing now I'm not freezing also Wind stops Oh it's a Beanie On the stump There, I look maybe I can take it There it's a Beanie a free Beanie Look it's many years old one two three four Many two hundred years I think I like this hat maybe i can take this Yeah you can take it, You put it in washing machine I do not need I have hat home Welcome to, What the name of this place? Welcome to ?? What is the name Red herregård What is the name, Red hmmmm Welcome to Red Red herregård Master Farm I see nothing I removed the screen behind Oh there it's the moon, There up there That's the moon Here is the swimming pool Here is the water I will jump Bacalhau Here someone has forgotten his thread They must be taken home again And in there alot of money Lot of money in that pool Look at this big tree very big We can make insane treehouse Is the train Oh it's the train The biggest bonsai tree in the world Maybe it's the world's biggest tree Prrr You do not see the tree which is huge This is a lot bigger Prrr How big is the other then As big as our house The house there? Our house Not so big then I'll give you a video link later Yes do it Look you put light in there? It's a big hole, Look it's very deep I don't see anything The long building They gonna tear down now Really, They gonna remove this Look it's bird up three there Where? There, Pigeon Pigeons Yes, Pigeon there Crazy monkey person This is the famous place in Halden city No it's the Fortress If you bring this home, This one. You can make this tree Can? Yes, You can put water bucket home You can make this tree See you got a free tree there and you can make a tree Look at this bird, What bird it's that? You see? Great tit (Kjøttmeis) Look like this Honey bird (hummingbird) Eating flowers Yes very cool tree Mom not taking photos? Very cool This is Tanbraven Yo was up He got new glasses today No new haircut We get on that mountain there Yes Slave joke There is no english Where is that, That is not there Probably the way it looked before Going up in height there is very nice views Look here all this people, Oy they got flowers New flowers very nice Them were very nice They got new flowers Oh, Yes it's a lion It's a lion... Oh I thought you meant dandelion Ah you don't see the lion ? Ah lion Hmm lion Lion Guys don't forget to Subscribe My goal is to get one hundred new subscribers This year So don't forget to subscribe and share and like woo hoo Very cool, Now we going up this mountain Mountain I show you Very cool, Look is Holender there There we was walking before in the Crocodile Hunter movie Jeremy swim down here I can find this shoe from Jeremy Guys, Up there Alf lives there Alf lives Alf lives on top of there Look I got American jacket So all you American people subscribe and like Woo Hooo Where we going now? We got our personal guide, But the Guide don't want to get filmed So we just following the guide She don't want to get filmed? Yes the guide don't want to be filmed You do not want to become a celebrity grandmother I never been there before We're going right down there Yes guide Maybe I should write my YouTube channel here Maybe me and Tanbraven can remove all this For free Look at that weird house on top of that house Very funky If not it's that barracks Where is your name I'm pointing that out later Same slingshot as Roy had Like that, we just put on rubber bands Roy used like this he told me A big one like that use big rocks Then we had cannon bounced Why you break that Sorry Why you break that It was destroyed You do not hear the birds Look at this tree Maybe we should bring Tanbraven to Hvaler Where we went with Roy We went down a big steep mountain, You did not see the movie See there, Here is the path There is not a path there then Goes straight down It's a path here goes here Just overgrown Christian August – Norges Ven Norges Ven It looks new It looks like it was written last year No two years ago Look thats Mom and Roy And wooo hooo ooo oo

2021-04-29 09:41

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