Pt 1 Kimberley 2000km By Boat

Pt 1 Kimberley 2000km By Boat

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[Music] [Music] we're in broom we've uh traveled up the coast we've gone to nearly every island on the way up but we're about to do our biggest island trip yet we're going on a 20-day Voyage Through the kimbery we're going to be launching that broom we've been packing for about a week now and organizing it's just been quite a big job to get it done but for this trip wild Instinct won't be coming we've split her and she's just she's in a little bit of a bad way so we got to get her fixed so for this trip wild Instinct won't be coming she's a trailer she's going into storage with the car follow us through here and I'll show you where we're going so the guy we bought the boat off his name is Jeff and he literally designed this boat vat for the kimbery this is the Malcolm Douglas model if you know anything about Malcolm Douglas he's the one who put kimbery on the map and he's who we all fro and love watching all these old videos so this boat is a Malcolm Douglas model and Jeff has designed this boat for the kimbery you've got all your electric winches and that on the front here but what I think a really cool thing on the back here is come out at the back it yeah we're going do the other side cuz that one's jammed these legs here oh I've got an issue here as well this one's falling down so when you dry out with most boats usually and you don't have a leg like this you can get caught with your boat When the tide comes in it actually will flip them but with this here it'll keep the boat level so when the comes back in it just lifts off again plus if you're sleeping on the boat you're not sleeping on a lean so yeah there's all sorts of little things like this on the boat that he's done which is going to be so helpful over the next month and we're really going to test it out we have dried out a few times on the boat just just testing it out on the last few trips but on this one we're going to give it a real good run come in the boat here and we'll uh go through the boat a little bit Ru is coming on this trip I don't know if she's been on the YouTube series yet either so she is coming along for the trip um all the food and that in the sides here and under this here all food in here and we've got the fridge set up Dad's doing last minute adjustments here and making a meal of it in the front there Ruby and Dad are going to be sleeping in the front cabin Holly and Griggs are going to be sleeping on the deck here and me and Steph are going to be sleeping in the little tinny out the back excuse you me Dad and Bubbies my tinny's not that little how many Jerry can we got dad about 14 yeah we' got yeah 650 L so we got 650 L of fuel the Jerry's on the roof once we fill them up we're going to have them on the deck they're going to be restored on the roof while we're out there we can actually get fuel and that's going to be quite a crucial thing cuz we're going to be doing 1 to 2,000 Cas depending on how far and how long we want to stay out there but none of us have seen a croc in the wild I've never seen a Bary Steph seen a CR okay I want people to know that I've never seen a baramy and this has been one of like the fish I've wanted to catch for years so Griggs is the only one here that's called a baramy so I'm pretty much that's the goal of the trip is to catch a baray but we're going to be going through the horizontal waterfalls Montgomery Reef there's all amazing you know cultural stuff from Australia original artwork and just all sorts of things that we're going to be checking out over the next month so I'm super excited but yeah we're just packing today it's been about a week's process to get us here and we're going to be launching first thing tomorrow not first thing when the Tide's High cuz we're TI all here and making our way through the kimbery and we're going to be doing this for up to possibly 20 days so exciting times [Music] I lost the audio on this part of the video so this will just be a voice over of what I was explaining but Jeff and Sally were the previous owners of our boat that's them there dry docked in the kimbery we end up becoming very close friends with Jeff and Sally they had spent the last 20 years exploring through the Kimberly and know it like the back of their hand the Kimberly is quite possibly the most dangerous remote part of Australia with having tide changes of up to 14 M anchoring in the wrong spot could result in being stuck for weeks or going down the wrong Channel and hitting a bom could be fatal so this information Jeff has provided us and mapped out for us is priceless and thanks he for the info Jeff we're on the way to the boat ramp now to launch the boats hope you enjoy the series [Music] Roger Roger this is it let launched the boats cars are in storage we're about to go along this Kimberly Coastline and I'm bloody excited to be on the water Roger you there mate what a day yeah I'll take off in a minute ready to R I'm excited I'm bloody excited [Music] we are halfway look at the conditions I wasn't actually expecting it to be so smooth look at a complete glass out it's crazy in the middle of my lunch I don't know you can't even tell the difference from the water to the sky right now beautiful [Music] right we've made it 200ks today that was a pretty big journey I think that's the longest drive I've ever done in a boat straight and um the conditions were magic has an absolute glorious drive over and I'm hoping we're going to have to time that drive for the drive back cuz I reckon that could get pretty hairy um we're just filling up now we pretty much ran out of fuel as we got here this holds 130 L this boat um so we're just filling up the boats got a hell little spot we're at Cape L right now and we're going to Camp here tonight drop an dad's dropped anchor there we're going to Camp here tonight and um go for a little Aro fish then make another 80k Crossing tomorrow go through the well poool pass and then apparently the widest beach in the kimbery got a few things set out that we want to do on the way across this has kind of been I reckon going to be it's going to be fishing but it's going to be a lot of uh exploring and checking out what the kimes has to offer [Music] [Music] just be my last this be my [Music] in Divine of Parts become the the to the oh bobes told the day day go he's on that a sick top water bar I didn't see what it was though no neither it's giving you a bit of graef little is it [Applause] yeah nice yeah is it yeah GT Slayer got a JT I wasn't expecting that pol's jumped on the her boat that we've been driving and about 10 car in she's got herself a beautiful little GT first fish of the trip for me first fish of the trip first GT of the trip fish bye yeah [Music] I Smell the Rain I smell rain [Music] you we've made it we're in the thick of the Kimberly now we're in for a hell of a trip here look at this this is just amazing we're near getting bowed by this Red Cliff look not a bad spot for lunch are you kidding it echoes go stopped in for a bit of lunch Natty sent the Drone up how good a Dr we're in therey get we'll put it on the on the screen [Music] here this is what we're sitting in [Music] W that looks so [Music] scky this is just the beginning can you believe it I'm already mind blown [Music] [Music] [Music] beautiful introduction to the Kimber and on to the next activity [Music] when I used to watch the Malcolm Douglas show one thing that really stuck in my mind was this whirpool pass when he went through it it was like absolute chaos today we don't really have that but we have a little bit of a glimpse of how it could be B this channel is 5 km long and it S Bends the hway up the current speed can up get up to and exceed 20 km an hour so you can imagine how much water is pushing and getting twisted around in here unfortunately we don't have the best tide for it today I think the Tide's better on a low but it was still cool to get a bit of a glimpse of what it could be [Music] like one thing none of us were expecting as we've all Trav around the world and across the country and seen some of the most beautiful white sand beaches we weren't expecting the kimbery to have the whitest sand beaches we've ever seen this beach was up there one of the prettiest beaches we've ever been on and it was an incredible swim whilst keeping an eye out for any crocodiles setting up camp here for the night and about to go for an arvo fish and before I could even click play Maddy was on that looks bigger there's a couple in try try to get on the back of it they look like G oh oh I they come on too oh no Tangled no what way do I go am I under over oh oh [ __ ] we're in trouble here other way I reckon surely that's it y I'm on something big dude yeah you've got a tank of oh no this is so sick look at are these balls [ __ ] M went for a crazy run of start I can't believe we didn't get done up then can't need to get we need to get heavy we doing go under I got a golden so [Music] pretty W what is that golden oh he's about to pop the net it's massive triple hook up what the hell's going on they're Shar first fishing session and we've got a triple hook up are you kidding mental one two one two three yeah that was wicked you got it there oh there's big ones around the boat is there huge big school I don't even want to catch one that's C crazy look at them he just hold it there for a sec I want am my in oh it spp me off no well that's what you get I must had a fry in my La that was me favorite lure yeah it's not doing too hot with the uh the queenies oh one of them just swapped at it under the boat oh it's under the boat oh surely he's on there is it a [Music] Queeny pulling your hand the big ones are in one of those chali nice for the next that's going to break not on the first day sick this is the beach we come to earlier today look at the tide difference at the moment it's got 2 hours to low still so we're actually going to dry out here that's about a 9 M tide it's just insane it's insane that they can fill up and drain out so much really really blow me [Music] away join us on the next episode as we venture deeper into the kimbery and find ourselves trapped in a title pool

2024-10-19 13:06

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