Product Research For Shopify

Product Research For Shopify

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What's going on everyone, its bianca more with be more successful, marketing, in this video I'm going, to teach you how, to do product research, for Shopify, alright, so the first thing you want to do is head on over to Aliexpress. And. What. We're going to do is, find. Items. That are going to bring us a huge. Profit all. Right nobody. Else is really doing this right now okay. So this. Is definitely, an, untapped. Market um. Check. Out the electric. Bike, niche, okay. Do, not be afraid that this is not an e packet item, once. You open this up you, will see, that. It. Will be shipped in 5 to 8 days which is really, really quick um especially. To be shipped from China alright. Um this, electric. Bicycle, is one thousand, ninety three dollars and fifty cent okay. So what, we're going to do is, compare. This to, what other stores. Are currently selling electric bicycles, for alright. So we're gonna go to google, and, type. In electric. Bicycles. Alright. And then we're just gonna go through this little catalog, that Google, has for. Our Google Shopping, as you, can see they. Have. Bikes. For 588. 499. 399. But. We're gonna go ahead and look, through these to, see similar. Bikes and see, what stores, are pricing them at all right so this one right here is. $2,800. All. Right this, one is. 15. 97. We. Have this. One that's. 1249. This, was. 1999. Dollars. And. As you can see these. Are priced, very, high so obviously. People are spin, ending a chunk, of change for these electric, bicycles, okay. As we, look, at this one it's. $1,999. And. This. One right here is three thousand, three, hundred and forty nine dollars. Okay. So what we're going to do, is price. This. Bicycle, we're gonna add it to the store and price, this bicycle, at one thousand, nine hundred and ninety nine dollars because, that's what people are paying for. Similar. Bikes, all. Right um, now. Obviously. We, will, not, promote, this on Facebook. Because people. Don't go to Facebook. You, know to go. And spend a thousand, from, nine hundred ninety nine dollars alright. This. Is an item that you can, sell, on. YouTube. Or, on. Google, when. People are looking for certain items, they, go, to YouTube. And Google to search alright. So as you can see. They. Have these bikes here, where, you can obviously. See the price see, what store came from people. Are actually searching. Google. For this. Item alright, which is definitely. Different, from you. Know Facebook where, they are doing, impulse. Marketing. Where. People. See. Something and they just have to have it alright, so when people are on Facebook they're not looking to, buy it's. Just impulse all right so that's where, it differs, and this, is where, you, are gonna make a lot of money because not, a lot of people are doing this with. Shopify, right now okay, so. This. Is definitely an item, that, you, can. Go, to YouTube. And. See. Other. Videos, for, this item or, items, similar. To it and then you can go and make your own video. Alright, um. Here. We go. We'll. Just go ahead and type in, best. Electric. Bicycle. Alright. So. These. Are some of the same bicycles, that we just seen on Google there's the Fat Tire one that we just seen. And. We can just scroll through now, obviously, there, are. 9. Million. People looking, for this monthly, looking, for electric bikes so, wouldn't it just makes sense to place this item, on YouTube. Ok, or on Google. Will. Scroll through. And. Just take a look at what other people are doing now. What you can do you. Don't even have to buy this item, what, you can do is you can go, to Fiverr, and, have, someone, create a product, video for you by just, taking the pictures, that. We have found on Aliexpress. Obviously, we'd find some, better. Pictures take, this logo out and everything. And do, a slideshow, video, ok. And then. We, can have them add the little details, that comes, along with this, particular. Bike, alright. So. It. Actually came with a video I'm not sure what this video looks like just yet we'll go ahead and click Play. Okay. So this. Would honestly, be a great video to use for your.

YouTube Video. Okay. So what, you can do is you, can, get. Somebody from Fiverr to come. On here, and take, the video for you and you, can upload it to YouTube and. Put. Your link in the description. Where. People, can purchase, this. Bike okay. And that's. Making a, nine, hundred dollar profit because, remember we're only getting, this bike from, Aliexpress for. 1993. Dollars, whereas, we're going to sell, it for. 1999. Dollars, okay. So. We'll. Go back to, this, now. In your video that, you create or, have created. For you. You. Want to include. Stats. About the bike so, that the person who is looking you know they know what they're getting because. When people go to YouTube to search for a product they want to know, what. That product. Is. About what, it, can offer them what benefits. That product, has okay. So we'll. Definitely take, these and add, these. Stats to the video. Like. They have here and we'll include, this in the slides, all. Right um. Let. Me just scroll down and see what other pictures, they have here like, this this, would definitely be a picture that you want to add into, your slide. Video or on to. YouTube. Alright. All. Of these pictures, here, as well, as the full picture of the. Bike. Alright. So, let. Me go and find another. Good. Product, for you to sell, betting. Is really. Really. Really. Really good product to actually, get into selling. Because, once. Again it's. A product, where people. Are spending, an arm and a leg for alright, so we'll type in. Do. They. Come. All set. Alright. So as you can see. There. Are some. Really, nice sets, on here that you can add to your store. And. They're. Priced. Really. Nice actually. Um if, we go to, google. We. Can see what other stores, are pricing, these bedding, set set alright, so we'll type in duvet. Set. All. Right so. We'll. Go right, here to. The google shopping area, once again and, we. Can see that Bed Bath & Beyond is selling a. Bedding. Set. For. A hundred, and twenty nine dollars and ninety nine cent. Okay. Again. They have one for, 195. They. Have one for 159. And. I'm. Sure these are full sets you know sets that includes. The. Pillowcase, and. The. Fitted sheet and. Also. The comforter, and stuff. Like that so. We. Can definitely find, something, similar, to these sets. On, Aliexpress. And look at Neiman. Marcus here, selling, a set for. $250. Alright, so. We'll, go back to Aliexpress, and we'll find a really nice one to add to our store. Let. Me see if this. E packet is actually a quick I mean not, a packet but if this. Particular. Product, is fast, shipping even though it's not a packet, and yes it is as you can see. It's. 11, to 17 days which, is somewhat. A bit, quicker, than, actual, B packet, okay so, I would, definitely add this product, to the store. It's. Going. 478, dollars to, 95 dollars and 80 cent. Alright, so a clean, for peace is. Going. For 78, dollars and, 87 this is really nice this is like luxury, type. Stuff and it. Has a 5.0. Rating, and people. Are actually ordering, this alright, so we know that it's good product. We'll. Just see what all it includes. Alright. It tells us here what it includes two, pillow cases one. Bed sheet and one. Duvet, cover and. It, also gives us, how.

Many Inches it is, and. Which. Bed. It actually fits on the Queen the King and. Then. They also have a six piece so it's not just a four piece they have a six piece as well okay. So, we. Could easily add this to the store whether. They get a four piece or six, piece king, or queen, and. Sell. It for two, hundred and fifty dollars people are already spending. This, type of money on bedding. Sets okay. We could sell it for $150. We could sell it for $1.99. People. Are spending this kind of money, this. One this, one isn't even as nice. As the one that we just seen and. This sold at Macy's, and it's. For. $175. And $0.99. All. Right so. I. Hope. You can see, the, power in this here, all right this. Is only eighty five dollars whereas. We can go ahead and, sell, this for. $199. You. Know making. $110. Profit, or you, know $115. Profit, whatever it is. These. Are the type of items you want to add to your store, and, you. Want to promote them, on Google. Or. YouTube. Where, people are actually searching, for these products, all. Right and. We'll. Go back to YouTube. To. See how. Many people, are, searching. For bedding, says all. Right so we'll. Type in this. Bedding. Sets. Okay. So eighty-three, thousand people are looking for this monthly, okay. And you. Can do the same thing that we did with the bicycle, video go to fiber have, somebody take the best pictures off, of. Aliexpress. And. Create. A slideshow, video for, it alright. You. Want to scroll down to, see if they have better pictures, which they usually do when you scroll down and. Just. Take these pictures, make a slideshow video and add. It to YouTube, so whenever, somebody, looks, for, best. Bedding sets, of, 2018. Or just you know best bedding sets, your. Video. Comes up and. They. Buy from your store because you're going to place your link like this person did here. In. The. Description of your video that, takes them to your store and they purchase, it. All. Right now, you can also instead, of just doing you know a slideshow, video you can also do a voiceover, where you have somebody from. Fiverr. Go ahead and explain, you, know the. Specifications. Of the, actual, bedding set like you know how many threads how. Many threads are in the bedding, set you know what it comes with and how, soft it is all, that, kind of stuff alright, like. This person here it looks like these these people just went to Fiverr and had somebody you. Know do a video for, their. Bedding sheets you, don't even have to be in these videos. To. Post a video on YouTube. Alright, you got to get creative with this stuff and start to do things that the masses are not doing, so that you can create. You. Know huge, wealth, with, Shopify, alright. Um we'll. Look. For some more products, here. Optics. Are super, huge. Alright. So what we'll type in. Is. Telescope. And. Binoculars. And. Do you want to definitely find things with fast shipping because remember, these are things people are actually looking for, so. Of course they want it on time. And. We'll. Go ahead and click on this telescope, right here. This. Is a twelve, to twenty days. Which. Is still, good um usually. With. A packet it says twelve to twenty days but it's going to be a lot faster than that so, you really don't have to worry about you know shipping times being, a problem. All. Right so this telescope. Is thirty. Two dollars and, thirty seven cent what. We're going to do is head on over, to Google, again. And. We. Are going to actually, jot, down. These. Numbers. So. That we can see what other stores, are selling, telescopes.

With. These specs. Or. In their stores. So. We'll go to Google type, in telescope. All. Right so as. You can see. All. The Express does come up. They, have some that are actually cheaper than $32. One that we were looking at but, that's not what we're really going for it we're going for. Stores. That are actually selling, it for. A lot. More than what all the Express is selling it for so um. $70. Right here on eBay, we have, $52. On. Shop. Tourism. Kit and sixty-eight, dollars. On. EBay. And. We'll. Just click on shopping to get, more ideas of what. Other stores are pricing this, type of telescope. At. We. Have $59. We. Have $70. This. One right here is a hundred and thirty-five, dollars. Same. Specs as you can see one hundred and fifty and then. We have the 70 millimeters, right there, we. Have one hundred and sixty-two dollars. Sixty. Eight dollars. So. You get, where I'm going with this and again, because, people are actually searching for these we, go. Get the video mate place. It up on YouTube. And, Google. So. That, people can find, us and. Purchase. From our store. We'll. Go, ahead and look for some more stuff, I have. A few more items that, I wanted to go over where, you can definitely get a huge, profit, from. And. Drones. Would. Be, the, next, product to. Look, at. Okay. So. Let's. Just scroll through and select, a. Good-looking. Drone. We'll. Actually see what, the top-selling. Drone is by clicking on orders. Okay. So. As. You can see they have drones going, for. 26. 255, 99. 43. 280 399. And. I'm. Sure, we can find these on Google. And. YouTube, for, over. A hundred bucks all. Right with some of the same features and, specs that these have. Okay. So. Let's. Just head over to. Will. Click one, of these. All, right and this is a pretty. Good product it has a 4.7, rating. And it. Has two thousand, two hundred and, thirty three orders, so people are definitely buying this product. It's. A packet. Alright, so let's, go ahead and see. Alright. It's. Two. Megapixels. I'm. Just trying to get some of those little. Specs for it to see how much these are going for. All. Right so. Two. Megapixel. Drone. Alright. So. This. Drone is, going. For. $43.99. Some. Of these are going for fifty-five, sixty three it. Just depends, on which. Package, you get, but. I don't see any over, 100 bucks here so alright, so what, we're going to do now, is head back to Google and. See. What other stores, are selling these for. We. Have some going for fifty eight ninety nine and. All. You'll do is just compare which. Package. Is. Actually similar, to the package on Aliexpress, and then, you would just add that one to your store. Alright, um. They. Have seventy one dollars. One. Hundred and seventeen. Dollars, you got eighty nine dollars. Forty. Five. Forty. One forty, eight. Alright. This particular drone, you may not get you know the best the. Best. Profits, off of so you may want to find a, drone that's a more expensive and that's. Fine this this is why we do product, research. You. Just want to find a, drone. Or. A product. Where. You can get the best bang for your buck. All. Right so I did just see one similar, to this and. The. Highest mark, the highest package here is 61-59. Let, me see go back to Google and see what they have here. All, right so. What's. On the wrong page. Right. So looking for one that looks similar to this. And. I'll. Just put, in quadcopter. Drone. All, right so we have some going, for $86. 73. 59. 69. That. One's a small one, we. Have this one 499. And. All. You want to do is just you know compare, and contrast and, see which one is going to give you the, best profit all. Right so this. Is pretty, much the, best way to do your product, research, and. Get. A huge, profit. And. Nobody. Else is doing this right now guys nobody, else is really doing this so this is definitely an untapped, market, that is going to bring you the biggest return all. Right um I. Currently. Have a course, where, I teach you how to market. On. YouTube. And Google, you know how to get your products. In front of the masses, people, who are actually, looking, for these products, alright, I'm, going to place a link below in the description, where. You can go ahead and purchase that. Training. So that you can go, ahead and make the most money with. Shopify, and, beat. Out your competition. Because I guarantee you nobody is really doing the YouTube marketing and the, Google marketing right now or. Selling, these type of products, alright, so I hope. That this video was, very helpful and. Helping. You learn. How to do product, research, for, Shopify, I'll see you guys in the next video.

2018-01-16 09:53

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