Playa Cofete | Villa Wintera | Fuertaventure | Fuertaventura

Playa Cofete | Villa Wintera | Fuertaventure | Fuertaventura

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Cofete Beach During our trip to Fuerteventura We decided to visit Cofete beach and see the secret Villa Wintera. Due to the atmosphere of this place, we decided to add comments in the subtitles. The road to the beach is gravel, winding but as equal Let's get every car we even saw a small Fiat 500 road gets more difficult from the places that you see I stayed here for a moment in the viewpoint From which you can see the whole beach Cofete It was December air slightly hazy But warm, light wind You can see that the waves are high and hardly anyone dare to swim In the distance, there is a mysterious Winter's villa As you can see, the distance to the sea is about 800 - 1000 m You can reach the beach by any car However, there is a road from the main village to the winter villa so rocky and bumpy that can be reached only by car with high suspension We rented a Citroen Berlingo was enough to get to the Villa Winter Let's move now to the Villa Winter to the same Villa can not get car parked in a small parking lot 300m front of the villa and go on foot As we mentioned Willa has her secrets Dr. Mengele is said to

have continued his experiments on the W humans here During the Second World War , UBOTS came here and treated them as their starting point for the ocean. Apparently, the villa itself can be reached via an underground water channel straight from the ocean. Supposedly, Hitler ended up here (some sources say that he did not die) when he escaped from Berlin, delivered by UBOT, and stopped On the way to South America We reach Willa Wintera The current owners allow Visiting for a small fee They turn out to be very nice We accidentally lose the mask at the gas station on the way and we have a problem with entering because the regulations require it But after a short conversation we get a mask from the lady owner We throw a few cents into box and enter inside the villa owners have a break from 14:00 until 15:00 for lunch but at this time do not close the entrance in the central square you can see the remains of the equipment that was used to build the villas built by the German architect Gustav Winter on behalf of the secret services it was the German workers who built the villa. Currently the owner is Spanish ka Developer Company This villa has never been fully tested As you can see the villa is heavily damaged But you can imagine that it was unique in its heyday You can see that it is Christmas time also here Inside you can find a lot of photos from the life of the villa's inhabitants You can see Spanish soldiers on the main table a model of UBOT in reference to the stories I wrote earlier And we go out to the terrace Breathtaking view you can see that full comfort is maintained Swimming pool overlooking the ocean Feel the atmosphere of mystery In the distance you can see the parking lot where we parked the car Observation tower or maybe an observation tower a maybe a lantern? we are not the only guests Collected newspaper articles on the walls Among other things, about Hitler, I wonder if this phone was used? We go back the way we see the entrance to the tower Unfortunately there is no possibility of entering the top you can see the rail and truck, which transported construction materials And here's a table where you can put a few cents behind the wall you can hear the owners, who have time Lunch in a small apartment next door, where they still live're going on the beach We want there to spend a little more time Enjoying beautiful views last look at the mysterious mansion get to the car park reach the parking lot at the beach can be seen that arrive here also tourists campers views are breathtaking wonderful feeling of freedom Being with nature here and now Magic Waves Refracting clouds rise, drops of water They create a mist covering the beach Part of the beach wet after the tide We are looking for a dry place to lie down on warm sand What power is in this mass of water Huge unbridled power In the noise of the ocean feel the power enormous energy of nature is not how beautiful this world at such moments feel grateful that we can experience it well time slowly return we want to reach the hotel during the day Someone once said that it is worth seeing and being at least once in a given place than dreaming about it for years, we encourage you to realize your DREAMS, everything is possible We are limited by habits, patterns and our EGOs, so it is worth developing spiritually This is definitely not our last journey.

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2021-04-08 08:21

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