Places To Go - Wales, United Kingdom (S1E7)

Places To Go - Wales, United Kingdom (S1E7)

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Hi, I'm Matt Griffith and we're in North Wales. Some, of the things we're going to see in North Wales are some castles, we're going to see an air museum, we're gonna see a lighthouse there's, a lot of neat things this. Is sort. Of like a hidden gem because these. Are things, that you. Just don't normally see everybody hears about London, Scotland. But. Nobody ever hears about North Wales we're. Gonna show it to you. We're. At Caernarfon. Castle. And. If you only knew how long, it took me to learn to say that and I probably still don't have it said just right anyway. This is a grandiose. Castle, its massive. And. Let's. Go have a look. Karna. Thorn castle is a medieval fortress in karna for Northwest. Wales, there. Was a motte-and-bailey, castle. In the town of karna foreign from. The late 11th, century until, 1283, when King Edward the first of England began replacing it with the current stone structure, and. You're probably asking yourself, what's, a Motte and Bailey Castle I know I did a Motte. And Bailey castle, is a fortification, with, a wooden, or stone keep situated. On a raised earth work called a Motte accompanied. By an enclosed, courtyard or Bailey, surrounded, by a protective ditch in palisade, the. Edwardian, town and castle acted, as the administrative, centre of North Wales and as, a result the defences were built on a grand scale there, was a deliberate, link with Kenneth horns room and past and the roman fort of SIGINT ium is nearby. While. The castle was under construction town, walls were built around Keira form, the, work cost between 20,000. And 25,000. British pounds, from the start until the end of the work in 1330. Despite. Care enough worn castles, external, appearance of being mostly, complete the, interior, buildings no longer survive, and many of the building plans were never finished, the, town and castle were sacked in 1294, when Madiga a blue ellen led, a rebellion against, the English kara, thorn was recaptured, the following year during. The Glen where rising, of 1400, to 1415. The castle, was besieged when. The Tudor dynasty ascended. To the English throne in 1485. Tensions. Between the Welsh and English began, to diminish and castles, were considered, less important, as a, result, Californio soul was, allowed to fall into a state of disrepair. Despite. Its dilapidated condition during, the English Civil War. Caroline castle was held by Royalists, and was, besieged three times by parliamentarian. Forces this. Was the last time the castle was used in war karen, castle was neglected, until the 19th century when, the state funded repairs in 1911. Karen f1 castle was used for the investiture, of the Prince of Wales and again, in 1969. It. Is part of the World Heritage Sites castles. And town walls of King Edward and Gwynedd. So. This castle has, a special. Place for me because it. Dates back to my ancestors, and back. In the 11th century. Gruffudd, apt Luallen was. The King of Wales which. Is my, great-great. Great-great, grand, something which. Is right here. These. Are the hut circles, that, are just. Down below south, stack lighthouse, here. On Holyhead and. 2500. Years ago these were what would have been people's homes here. The, hut circles, are the remains of a group of prehistoric huts of Holyhead island the. Precise age of the hut group is not clear much. Of the site is thought to date from the Iron Age but the settlement may have been in existence over an extended period of time from the Neolithic, to the Dark Ages with, different buildings being in use at different times. After. Your trekking through Canara, Newcastle, and you've, you're, exhausted, you. Can come across the street to this cafe and get a coffee or, other hot drink or ice cream milkshake they have a lot of different little snack. Options, for you. It. Was cold and raining so, I had a latte, and a great conversation with one of the owners the. Two women who owned this shop were so friendly and helpful. We're. At Air World Museum here in karna fron Wales. And it's, in the northern part of Wales and, it's. A set up and an old hangar, and they've, basically taken. Things. From. A lot of it's from World War two but, it's just a regular air museum, has. A lot of neat things in it and this. Place dates back, to. World, War two, where. This was actually an Operations, base and actually, did rescue missions across. The way over here we have a place that does pleasure flights and I also do flying lessons and there's, pleasure flights include, flying, over the castles, so, it's definitely a neat, place to come if you're going to be in this area.

The. Museum is essentially, in an airplane hangar which makes for a cool location, for an aviation museum the, museum was established in 1988. And is now run as a charity, it relies on admission, fees shop, sales and kind donations, for the rent and upkeep of the premises, staff wages and the exhibits, the. Charity is overseen, by the Board of Trustees who have varied skills and experience, but, who all have an enthusiasm, for the aviation museum in one way or another there. Is a small, paid workforce and the, rest of the work is done by willing volunteers, so. Help keep this neat Museum and operation, and come visit it today. So. Right behind me is runway seven at karna foreign airport and, what. Surprised, me the most are, the, two big windmills, that are there right next to the runway. Behind. Me is south stack lighthouse, I find. It really impressive. Because of the cliffside all around it it's just a really neat, look. For everything it's, located, in Holyhead, in northern, Wales. The. South stack lighthouse, is built on the summit of a small island off the northwest. Coast of holy island Angus II Wales it. Was built in 1809, to warn ships of the dangerous, rocks below the. Lighthouse has warned passing, ships of the treacherous rock below since its completion in 1809. The lighthouse is 60 meters tall it, was originally, envisioned, in 1665. But not built until 1809. And. It's. The. The, scenic, views the panoramas, are. Just. Absolutely spectacular. Visitors. Can climb to the top of the lighthouse and tour the engine room and exhibition, area and I, can tell you that between the flight of stairs down to the lighthouse and the flight of stairs inside, it, isn't for the faint of heart but well, worth the trek the. Lighthouse is open seasonally. 91. Foot or 28, meter tall lighthouse is visible to passing vessels for. 24, nautical miles, which, comes up to about 44, kilometers, or 28 miles and, was designed to allow safe passage, for ships on the treacherous Dublin, to Holyhead to Liverpool sea route it. Provides, the first beacon along the northern coast of Anglesey for eastbound ships. Behind. Me is conway, castle it, was built between 1283, and 1289, by King Edward the first during, his conquering, of Wales. Con. We Castle is a medieval, fortification. And konley on the north coast of Wales it. Was built by Edward the first during his conquest of Wales between 1283. And 1289. Constructed. As part of a wider project. To create the walled town of Conway the, combined, defenses, cost around 15,000. Pounds a huge, sum for that period over. The next few centuries the, castle played an important, part in several Wars it. Was stood the siege of Madigan. In the winter of 1294, tu-95 acted. As a temporary haven for richard ii, in 1399, and was held for several months by forces, loyal to a wayne blender in 1401. Following. The outbreak of the English Civil War in 1642. The castle was held by forces, loyal to Charles, the first holding. Out until, 1646. When, it surrendered, to the parliamentary armies, in the, aftermath the castle was partially, slighted, by a parliament, to prevent it from being used in any further revolt, and was finally completely ruined, in 1665. When, its remaining, iron and lead was stripped and sold off Conley, Castle became an attractive destination for, painters in the late 18th and early 19th centuries.

Visitor. Numbers grew an initial restoration, work was carried out in the second half of the 19th century, UNESCO. Considers, Conway, to be one of the finest, examples of the late 13th, century and early 14th century military, architecture in Europe and it, is classed as a world heritage site. I just. Finished off a scampi. And chips which, is essentially, fried shrimp, at Robinson's. Which is a historic. Pub dating back to the 15th, century. British. Food tends to be very heavy with so many dishes coming with fries or what they call chips so, it's refreshing to have so many lighter seafood, offerings, around the Isle of Anglesey and other coastal northern Wells areas. Continuing. On our castle, trip this. Is castle boo Morris and it was built in 1294, and it is one, of the many castles that are in this area. Boom. Artists castle on the island of Anglesey is the great unfinished, masterpiece, it. Was built as part of Edward the first campaign. To conquer the North Wales after 1282. Plans. Were probably first made to construct the castle in 1284, but, this was delayed due to lack of funds it, was never finished as money and supplies ran out before the fortification. Has reached their full height but. Morris is nevertheless an, awesome, sight and regarded, by many as the finest, of all the great Edwardian, castles, and Wales ultimately. Begun in 1295, it was also the last. The. King's military, architect, the, brilliant James of st. George brought, all of his experience, and inspiration, to bear when building this castle, the biggest and most ambitious venture, he ever undertook. In. Pure architectural. Terms beau Morris the most technically, perfect castle in Britain has, few equals it's. Ingenious, and perfectly, symmetrical, concentric, walls within walls design, involving. No less than four successive, lines of fortifications. Was state-of-the-art for, the late 13th, century. Even. UNESCO, considers, beau Morris to be one of the finest, examples of the late 13th, century and early 14th, century military. Architecture in Europe and it is classed as a world heritage site. One. Of my favorite things about visiting Wales is seeing these holes castles, to rise up out of the modern towns and villages that, surrounds them and the, Old Market brewery brings that sense to your taste buds as well by brewing traditional, cask ales and a very modern. On. The brewery site we, brought our own local ales here and. Developing that market, but it's also very much an event space. But. We're trying to make it much more than that and trying to make it more to, do with the community, so. And try and make sure the place is open, all the time so, we've. Got a food court kitchen, on the far side so I've got nuni. Who does a tight, boot so. He subcontracts, of Thai food and, she's. Fantastic, cook we've. Got a pizza, oven so we've got big plain grilled pizza ovens so we're gonna do the best pizza in town. And, we've got a chef's. Coming in to do Hasler etc, on the far side there so great. Range of food for people to come in and eat it seems like you guys have a great stage to do you have a lot of bands and things come in so, weekend's, etc, we've got live music so. On a Friday. And a Saturday we've, got live music live, bands so with the bank holiday weekend this weekend, got, a great band on Friday on Sunday, night which. Is the big night in town so, so, yeah we'll be rocking in here on Sunday night okay so one of my favorite things about traveling is, trying, beers, specific, to a region, so you can tell us a little bit more about the beers, specifically, that you guys make here yeah certainly we've got some so, lager. I can't produce lager, here but we've. Got Snowdon lager is a local, lug that is produced by the Great Orme brewery which. Is very close to us so we've got a local lager on in sight I do. Actually bring in some beers from the other local breweries, where we work quite closely together, so we've got a good pal that's on the go at the moment and I'm going to build up the portfolio, of beers that we produce here, it's. All in the traditional, style right yeah so traditional. Cask ales so, yeah. Great is, fantastic. And that's, what the area is about is trying to bring local produce to local people. North. Wales has something for everyone with, its mostly rural mountains, and valleys along with spectacular, coastlines. It is undoubtedly the United Kingdom's little secret, we, hope that you've enjoyed this, hidden gem as, this is a destination, that never gets old to me there, are over a hundred castles. Still standing in Wales either as ruins or restored buildings, and the, majority of these are in North Wales this, is a destination, that is calling your name I know it is called mine many times before I hope, you've enjoyed our trip to Wales and I hope you too get experience, it in all of its glory.

2018-09-07 12:45

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