Places To Go - Belfast and Glasgow (S1E8)

Places To Go - Belfast and Glasgow (S1E8)

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In. This episode we're going to explore two, great cities, Belfast. Located. In Northern Ireland and Glasgow. Located. In Scotland, and I. Totally, have Belfast, child by simple mines playing in my head right now in. Case, you didn't know simple Minds is from Glasgow. I'm. Having a coffee at Belfast, castle, the, castle has amazing. Spectacular, panoramic. Views of the city sits. High up on a mountain there's. A fantastic, restaurant, inside where you can get coffee as well as foods and. Outside. There are amazing, grounds. It's almost like a park here so come, enjoy. Belfast. Castle is set on the slopes, of Cave Hill Country, Park 400, feet above sea level its, location, provides unobstructed, views, of the city of Belfast the. Original, Belfast castle built in the late 12th century by the Normans, was located, in the city centre. The. Regional Belfast castle burned down the, current one that stands was built somewhere between 1811. And 1870. But as you can see you can walk upstairs, but, it's mostly, like banquet, and meeting space in these days so it's not what. You would expect in when you go inside a castle. When. Harry Potter is in Belfast this, is where he keeps his cloak. In. Addition to the restaurant, the, castle boasts an antique shop and visitor center and it is a popular venue for conferences, private, dining and wedding receptions. Behind. Me is the, Titanic Belfast it. Opened in 2012, and is, basically an exhibition, with, a self-guided tour that covers, everything from the Titanic, being built all, the way to its sinking, as well, as the. Explorers, finding, it and documenting. That it's. A really, nice thing. To go see there's, a lot to do inside there's, even a restaurant inside and what's. Interesting is it's. Actually, here at, the shipyard, where the Titanic was actually built, Titanic. Belfast opened. In 2012. As a monument, to Belfast maritime, heritage on, the site of the former Harland, and Wolff shipyard, in, the city's Titanic, Quarter where, the RMS, Titanic was, built it. Tells the stories of the ill-fated Titanic.

Which, Hit an iceberg and sank during her maiden voyage in 1912, and her, sister ships RMS, Olympic and, HMHS. Britannic, Titanic. Belfast exhibition. Consists, of nine interactive, galleries, covering, themes such as the boom town of Belfast, the shipyard. The, maiden, voyage the sinking, and the aftermath, just, to name a few I found. The exhibit, Titanic beneath to be one of the more fascinating as it talks about the wreck and its rediscovery. Your. Ticket to Titanic Belfast also, includes entrance to the SS nomadic the, SS nomadic was also, built by the same ship company the White Star Line this. Is the only surviving, ship, built by them this one was built in 1911, and, is. Significantly. Smaller than the Titanic, it was known as the little sister to the Titanic, the. SS, nomadic was built to transfer, passengers and, Mail to and from RMS, Olympic and, RMS Titanic. It. Is 220. Feet or 67. Metres long weighing, in at twelve hundred and seventy-three tons with, five decks and capable, of holding 1,000, passengers and a, crew of 14. She. Has been painstakingly restored. With, whole repairs and, painted, in her original White Star Line library. Some. Drivers in Northern Ireland and I. Have a rental car from six rental car and, you. Know forces over here they drive on the wrong side of the road where the United States we drive on the right side, of the road I have, a manual, transmission. And. It. Takes about five minutes to. Get used to drive it just shifting with your left hand if. You don't know how to use a manual transmission, then. Just get an automatic it's but, all the same rules apply. Everything's. Just reversed you, know you're basically. All. That's all your traffic is on this. Side now you know you're passing cars this way so. It's. Pretty easy to do. There's. Nothing better than sharing a beer with friends except. Maybe sharing, a brewery with friends, and the boundary of brewery is doing, exactly that sure.

Telling. Your friends that you're hanging out at a co-op craft brewery in Belfast, might, get you branded as a hipster by some but, the excellent beer and laid-back atmosphere of, boundary makes it worth swallowing, that dubious distinction, the coop model of the brewery means that the people they are really invested, in what they do and it's not just the members who are enjoying the boundaries offerings, they've received the distinction of best beer in Northern Ireland from some online publications. As well as best Brewer and best new brewery and the, boundary of boundary continues, to grow their, distribution, has extended as far as London, so. We started three years ago our, two coop funders are Mathew deck who's our head Bert Muffy, scrim gar an. Optic. Went, the state's discovered, a whole new world of good beer came back here and kind of knew. They do want to open a brewery she was introduced to maths grimgar he introduced them to the. Co-operative model and meant, it's a business one meant for him what about four members what a man. Behind the beers right but. Yeah we, like. Big. Pun. See American IPAs. Belgian. Style beers saison the stables quads all, that kind of thing and we've. Made over 170, different beers. So. You guys keep it rotating pretty, frequently, yeah. People. Urinate, and and the rest come to you I, don't, think I've ever been in a brewery that feels this much like an art studio. Believe. This individual. Attention it means from an artist's call John rums John. Matthew, I've, known each other for complainers a story gala last year, this. Happened at the restaurant Belfast. Sean. Was blind we, brought him in the plight of a barony. And. We, actually grew there couple months ago called blind artists to kind of celebrate about the carbon. Which. All stop buying if we don't kidnap. This. Portion of our trip finds us in Glasgow, Scotland here, we're going to take a look at a cathedral, then necropolis, which is an old cemetery that, is just, way cool and, we're going to check out some food of course and, we're also going to check out some art. This. Is the necropolis, in Glasgow, Scotland, necropolis. Means city of the Dead this is a massive cemetery, with over 3,500. Graves and was, founded in 1832. While. I said 3,500. Graves there. Are actually 3,500.

Monuments. But more than, 50,000. Individuals have been buried here the. Glasgow, necropolis, is a Victorian. Cemetery, on a low but very prominent, hill to the east of Glasgow, Cathedral. People. Treat from the crop 'less almost, like a park it's got greenways, their people were walking on people, are sitting in the grass just enjoying the outdoors and, the, views are astounding. You can see the Glasgow. Cathedral as well as just all of Glasgow. The. Land. The necropolis, sits on has an interesting history, it. Originally, was planted with fir trees and was known as fir Park back in the mid to late 1600s, but. In 1804, those trees started to die and were, replaced with elm and willow trees and became a Victorian, park and Arboretum, in. 1831. A competition, for converting, fir Park into, a cemetery with five prizes ranging from ten to fifty pounds was, advertised, in the newspapers, and sixteen, plans were received, and put on exhibition david. Brice of edinburgh won first prize and, his brother john brice of glasgow, one second, the, first burial, took place in 1832. And was that of joseph levi a jeweler the, necropolis, was one of the few cemeteries, to keep records of the dead including, profession, ages, sex and cause of death the. Park like atmosphere gives life to this cemetery. I've. Just finished a bowl of lentil soup and some. Bruschetta at, the Duchess on Duke Street in Glasgow Scotland and. It. Was pretty delicious the, food is reasonably, priced, it's. A pretty, cool place. Okay. I'm a foodie but preferably, a sea foodie and I, just finished, the scallops, and some onion, rings at the butcher, shop their. Menu has several seafood items on it of course and of course beef items as well but. There, was a lot to choose from but the scallops were fabulous. So. I'm here at Empire, coffee, which, is right next to Glasgow Cathedral with my friend Rocco I don't rock I looked about it's about a good day so, tell us about your coffee stand this. Is, basically. 1929. Fully all please McKenzie, trench box. Used. In Doctor Who you know the same style same idea, coffee, colombian, coffee in. The middle of historical. Part of Glasgow there's not many of these left how many did you say where's lofty in 1616. In your kid okay, Glasgow, has six you. Know but Edinburgh has different styles so that double the size so, they're not called McKenzie, change, police, box because, something else different this, would be 16 left so they're unique and the, original color was red the original color is red. You. Know from, here and restore. And you know repaint and I notice is red the boo spot was painted, by the same people, Glasgow. Post office red so, they painted red, so, they didn't change the cover in. 1980s. 70s. 80s the police change to blue. So. If you're, going to Glasgow Cathedral or the necropolis this, is a must stop his, prices are better than a coffee shop his, coffee is better than a coffee shop and, the. Place is pretty cool and he'll even go as far as telling you some of the areas to go see so it's. A must-see. The. Collide River is Scotland's second, longest in four, centuries it's been a hub of the shipbuilding, industry here, in the Clyde side distillery, they're, making something almost equally, as important, sailors. Lesko. Has a rich history of whiskey too silly in the early six days they had over 40 whiskey companies in the city and could have made a strong, claim to being the kings of scotch in the country, unfortunately.

About The 21st, century the whiskey presents in Glasgow had dwindled significantly. But. Clyde sighed aims to reverse that tide help returned Glasgow, to its former golden glory, located. In an old pump house at the Clyde side dock their beautifully, restored building, pays perfect, tribute to whiskey's past and future their, tour comes in three parts first, you start with a self-guided stroll through whiskey's, history which, is brought to life through fascinating. Stories as well as projected, video and animation. Then. A guide leads you through the distillery itself giving, you an expert's take on the process, and making, sure you don't mess anything up in our case they're smart enough to know that we shouldn't be left to wander around a functioning distillery, unattended, the, tour comes to a close and they're beautiful tasty and although, the, distillery, is owned single malt isn't quite yet ready for purchase as it's still in the aging process they, offer selection, of drams from all over Scott. Their. Gift shop is kind of a temple to all things Scotch so if you're connoisseur of the beverage it's worth a trip in and of itself they. Even let you create personalized, bottles, to share as gifts or to take home as a personal. Souvenir. I'm. Here at the kelvingrove art, gallery and museum and, inside, you'll find art, culture, and history. The. Kelvingrove art gallery in museum is a museum in art gallery in glasgow it is one of Scotland's, most popular. Visitor attractions, it, is located, near the main campus, of the University, of Glasgow the museum's. Collections, came mainly from the McClelland galleries, and from, the old kelvingrove House Museum in Kelvin Grove Park. It, has one of the finest, collections of arms and armor in the world, and a vast Natural, History Collection, the. Art collection includes many outstanding European, artworks including, works, by the old masters, such as Rembrandt, French, impressionist, such as Monet Renoir, Pissarro. Van. Gogh and Kisame. The museum houses Christ, of st. John of the Cross by, Salvador Dali the. Copyright, of this painting was bought by the curator, at the time after a meeting with Dali. Behind. Me is the Glasgow Cathedral, anybody. Who knows me knows I love old buildings, and architecture and, this, was built in 11:36, yes, that, makes it almost 900. Years old. Glasgow. Cathedral is today, a gathering, of the Church of Scotland and Glasgow, their. Own website, calls themselves, a medieval, cathedral, with an active Christian, congregation. In the Church of Scotland and medieval. It is. Glasgow. Cathedral is also called the high Kirk of Glasgow, or st., Kent gern's Cathedral. Or even st. Mungo's Cathedral. St.. Kinegg are also, known as st. Mungo was an apostle of the Scottish, Kingdom of Strathclyde, in the late 6th century and the, founder and patron, saint of the city of Glasgow, yes. He founded, the city of Glasgow. Technically. The building is no longer a cathedral, since it has not been the seat of a bishop since 1690. However. Like many other pre-reformation cathedrals. In scotland it, is still a place of active, Christian worship hosting, a Church of Scotland congregation. Our. Trip to Belfast and Glasgow has been amazing, there's, so much more to see than what we've shown you now. Turn on Spotify, and go listen to Belfast child by simple minds we'll see you the next time. You.

2018-09-12 17:33

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