Places In Kroměříž You Must Visit | Touring With Locals Pt.2

Places In Kroměříž You Must Visit | Touring With Locals Pt.2

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Right so here is the entrance to  the chateau garden here in Kroměříž and here is the map here wow beautiful garden wow look at this wooden hut or it's just like  for security but look at it this is beautiful wow look security hut so check it out you lot the beautiful garden here  colourful flowers and the peacocks they have like   little littles now little babies wow cute will  they be there would we be able to see them yeah   wow they are and there are the  babies somewhere they will be like wow yeah we'll go check them out so  let's look at what we got here then so these like parrots birds  parrots um what are these how long has this like been here the animals in  this zoo facilitated since it started well the   uh owners of the chateau in the history like  they bought they built the chateau and then   one owner I don't know how it was called he  built the garden and right now well in history   the chateau belongs to like bishops  in our modes then they sold it to   another guy and now they bought it back so  it's again in there in their in theirs in   their hands and this garden since they built it  the animals who are here yeah since the beginning and they also have monkeys here and I think they  are still there yes they are still the monkeys   is there a way we can get up closer  do you think oh yeah our children   can get up on this oh we can  go through this gate here no yeah careful and then you have hens well at least they have hens here what else do they have what's   that there and there's the monkey oh  they have monkey here and this says   how is it in English dove a dove I  think so we'll get back to that one   wow look at the nice chairs here  as well nice trees here in Kroměříž I can definitely see why pidgin I can definitely  see why here in this town Kroměříž would be   like tourists would visit here because  there's so much going on here wow so here we have monkey are  they chimpanzees or monkeys ah he's laying down baboon is sleeping okay so is this the place where we'll be going  to uh no no but they have one at the lake okay wow interesting and they have beer here as  well right yes they do awesome and after the food we can  visit the tower if it's open   because the entrance is back here this  is this is the back of the chateau okay and there's also the entrance for tours  around the garden around around community wow so here is the main point where  you can get everything such as   tours food drinks entrances because because  the car of the chateau is in reconstruction   otherwise the entrance is on the other side  whereas there's a where there's a uh ticket office is this like another  garden here straight ahead well yeah   this this is like under the under the chateau we can get close to yeah wow in a nice calm cool area here as well it's nice under the  shade many tables and chairs they have a sand   play area here as well for kids tables  and benches and this place is where   the princesses and bishops and stuff  they accessed the garden from there wow do you know who this is here this  statue this head statue bishop there's no sign I know it's a bishop that  owned the chateau yeah they are not scared 10 degree beer and 12 degree beer do you  think they have Radegast I don't think  I don't think so all right this is where I will be  ordering some food you you got before we go on   our adventure here the 12 degree beer it's  made here in Kroměříž it's called Sedlak yeah all right so this is like is this  one or the local beer oh that's the   the local beer and what's  it called sedlacek? Peasant brewery Kroměříž. Little peasant. ice cream wow so that is the beer from this town  here in Kroměříž yeah got to try that so they only have one kind of  beer right they have this one and other one and this is this  is the the Kroměříž one   okay they have coffee here as well and  espresso cappuccino stuff like that yeah so this is what I've ordered  so what is the name of this   drown man yeah and hot dog they put  bread on the side which is bread so we're just having our beer now from this  town that's really the name of this beer is   called Peasant. I'm gonna give you a  close-up shot of the the peacock have a look one peacock two small babies can you see this two  small babies yeah and wow there could be a mole in there wow that could be mole there's  mole babies look there's mole than here   you cannot step on the mole  house otherwise he will say hey you I want to see the little mole okay now to buy the tickets carts where you can go around the  garden and have a tour have a look at the chateau here all right this is where I'm about to  purchase purchase my tickets you lot   here's the front entrance so this is information  about the the cars here which take you around and here is just the opening hours right let's get the tickets here it is 140 crowns wow check out the beautiful ceiling  look at the architecture here wow wow it looks so beautiful   inside this chateau really nice inside here right  looks right let's go this is only the basement wow there if you look through the edges yeah  the last room is like a cave where there are   like some miners and there's a white horse with  st. Martin and we can look at it through a  

window when we go outside okay interesting  wow look at these big sculptures as well so did like a royal family used to live  here or something like that bishop wow so here is a old photo of the main square in  Kroměříž so that's where we was already right yes and here is the clock yes which I showed and  then we walked across the across the square   the Kroměříž history was surrounded by walls walls this is the yard that's  closed due to reconstruction so this is the outside the exterior   of the chateau now but as you can see here this  part seems like it's under construction here so is this here like the history of  Kroměříž yes oh wow like some hostile   papers and history of Kroměříž there's  also that we are international heritage and that's almost yeah this is not exactly from from  this these are like some historical   historical stuff around from Kroměříž this is the botanical garden right 1972 and look this is the library I think  there is a lot of pictures here as well the the cave is that here yeah that's what  I told you about that's the white horse check out the ceiling wow artificial flowers by the way   so this is a is this a Latin kind of sculpture   yes I think it's the sculpture we have  seen at the buffet is that the Jan Karas from green green mountain it's from 1584 so it's really old these are upstairs let's go you got to check out these cool stairs look ancient stairs let's go ancient stairs right yes wow how far do they go up really far  away wow look at this you look wow up the winding ancient stairs I wonder where this these stairs  would lead us to let's see   I think there's like 260 stairs  you're joking I never count them but it's still a small amount  because once I was saying   a second world war like bunker yeah  and we well we went down by like a all right let's go oh wow check out this door  how small it is look I think it's on the roof   it's on the roof right  really small okay we are here right made it to the top oh oh my I need another beer after this here I'm thirty we are at the top check out the  wooden roof and we can still get more higher   to the outside view wow right  is it like the middle part   so the whole crew we've made it to the top  even although I'm out of breath but have a look   oh lovely view up here we can get  even higher we can yes let's go all right you lot just when I thought that we  made it up we have now finally made it to the top   right this is the clock this is the clock  right yes that rings the bell ah interesting does it bring every hour or quarter  half another quarter and full hour okay thank you this is the highest  point that you can get   this is beautiful yeah that  that's uh swimming pool have you heard of that like the tale what they  said about the saint Mary that's them from   from the from the army we go there like every  month I'm not sure how far how high we are up but   we are overlooking Kroměříž and I can see  a lot I can see so far really far seriously wow and there's like a place where  you can go swimming there as well   yes that's ? wow is it open I think it's  all very close because the season is over   this is a nice town isn't it yeah really you  know everything everything you want there   there it is is that is that swimming pool  for the locals or is it just for everyone little pool for like children like Laura and  there's the middle one for hires and then   there's the the big one is for all like adults  everything you can also play volleyball there ball games overall wow and that's the st. Moritz the church you asked about wow I think we're like 500 meters high maybe higher  we I have to redesign how how high the tower is yeah you can see all of Kroměříž around  here oh and this is the square yes it's   like it's like only like 100 meters away from the main square and everything is so close yes there's st. Jan church   and there's the saint Marie church those  are the three churches that are here city hall that's the botanical garden  where the the dome the dome is house   yep that's called rotunda oh wow  so it's it's it's really close also this this is little Lost street uh this is  the Lost street you told me about right and   there and where he came from where  was you downstairs no we was up here   we didn't saw you we look over here but  we didn't saw you we are here it's fine oh wow and there you can see the the yellow  bling and the purple or the pink building   yeah that's where we live where we came from  we went like this way straight ahead right yes   right straight ahead okay from there we came like  this way yeah and then up there to the bank there   we came and across across the across the square  and we are at the chateau now it's pretty close so I guess here this is like a book right yeah  yeah you have it here it's also in English those are legends is that legendary book writers  sample pages from the book oh it's it's from from Poland how could I not show you the  medieval door check this out   wow the whole tower is 80 meters tall right  and we were at around 40 and 45 yeah between   40 and 45 meters high yes that's very well  yeah so that's how we was able to overlook   like basically the whole of Kroměříž so we  was at the top up there all the way on the top how much did you see from  the top did you see a lot um how about you yeah you saw so much didn't you how about you? All of it and I'm making my way now to  a restaurant called Kozlovna   Oskol to get something to eat so here is the front they have a nice seating area outside as well all right let's go inside and have a look wow Kozel looks like a nice restaurant to be honest with you they got a nice big tv here as well wow this  is like a different part here to the restaurant so this is my big slivovice it's  nothing like what I usually get in Velka Lhota I'm gonna give it a try does that be okay I've ordered myself fried cheese and potatoes  and it cost 249 crowns and I got myself a beer okay the food has now arrived smashing  is here a potatoes so that is like   a cheese with a breadcrumbs coating  with also potatoes have a look and tatar sauce have a look oh wow juicy time to dig in all right the cheese fried cheese great place oh my this is a great place  to come to the fried cheese the um   breadcrumbs the cheese inside is actually melted because sometimes you can have a fried cheese and it's just the outside is melted and the inside  is still hot cheese but this one look at that   you can literally see that  this cheese is 100% melted so I'm gonna have some cheese  potato dip it in the sauce like that delicious absolutely delicious this is delicious all right Tomas here has  a really fascinating beer   I would like to him to explain to you what kind  of beer he has because I've never seen it before   so it's it's cut beer and it's half dark and half  light and when you drink it you kind of feel   both the beers wow and what it is called? Cut beer  have it in some I don't think they have  it in every pub in some pups only cheers bitter the food here really nice they serve big  portions the fried cheese it's delicious so this is where we're at now just have a little bit left delicious so you're enjoying this one is it the best fried cheese you had? do you think it's homemade or do you think  it's right you think it's homemade it is they okay Tomas what did you order  let's have a look okay I have   a Pikeperches is that fish it's fish that  looks delicious that looks really good and I have a sauce and the sauce  is made out of cream and pork   nice and that's like a pasta  yeah it's pasta is this like a bike pavement here yes

2021-09-14 17:19

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