Peak District National Park Derbyshire | UK Travel

Peak District National Park Derbyshire | UK Travel

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Today I am travelling without knowing about the destination This path will show me a new place today Every new journey teaches you something new And I am always on this quest I am very excited about this journey This fort is about 800-900 years old It was not very developed at that time After they developed, they began to plunder the world Earlier, all the attacks used to take place here Brother finished the meal Now we will ask him, how he feels about Pakistani food Hello Robert Now what do you think about Pakistani food spice level? It is absolutely amazing I know spicy Mexican food, but this is above my expectations We restrict our elders only to mosque and home Life is the name of the living and should be lived All old men are crazy about Pakistani food The majority of people here are 50+ of age We fed all of them, so they became very happy They came here to say Thank you to us for a delicious food Let's start UK Summer series from Peak District It comes under the most beautiful regions of England The nearest city to the Peak District is Derbyshire & Sheffield From London to Derbyshire the distance is about 150 miles Today Qasim Bhai is coming to pick me up from London Because I live in Milton Keynes and it is on M1 motorway The M1 motorway starts from London and you can go to Glasgow by following its route In Pakistan, the motorway names are (M1, M2, M3) inspired from UK Our car trunk is fully filled with stuff But Qasimbhai has accomplished a feat Qasim Bhai, What happened We forgot to bring Barbeque grills So, we are going from Chesterfield, going inside Sainsbury's to buy a Barbeque grill He really worked hard to prepare meat for Barbeque He forgot to bring the stove, but luckily Chesterfield city First, we were going towards Sheffield But we found this superstore on the main road we will buy some coals and a stove from here and then will start our journey again How much journey is left? 20 miles, it means we will reach there in 20-22 minutes First, we will go to Castleton We will see what can we do there Even the Qasim Bhai has not seen this place So, let's go and will see this place After leaving Chesterfield, the road enter into a beautiful ground Therefore, it was obligatory to take a drone view of this beautiful area We left in the morning and travelled for three hours now Qasim Bhai is saying that I have been awake since night. So, He said, "Let's drink coffee here and here we have found a very beautiful place. there is also a car in front of this beautiful Cafe in this car driver is sitting and waiting These Amazing Cafe add beauty to the England villages We have entered in the Peak District And our location Castleton will come in 10 minutes But at this time drinking coffee has become very important This Cafe is built at the beginning of a village Here the villagers keep most of their organic products Along with it, local handicrafts are also showcased Qasim Bhai ordered so many things without even asking me Cafe girl guides us about all the nearby locations The weather is cold today There was no rain all day. The temperature was between 12-15 degrees

But I am feeling 4-5 degrees cold, so, put on my jacket Look, a person behind me walking in a T-shirt But I did not compromise and immediately put on the jacket Cafe management told us that we cannot do Barbeque in this area we bought meat and chops Anyway, we will see any place where Barbeque is allowed So, let's go...No problem In the restaurant, we asked a girl where to go in Peak District the girl said that you must go to Castleton And this is the place we set out to see Basically, there are three locations The first one is this, The Devil's Arse, a cave There is also a Fort On the mountains behind me is a 1200-year-old fort Now only walls remain There are beautiful villages These classic villages are impressive things about the UK They have such a majestic environment we are enjoying it greatly, Let's start a walk This is a parking area with lots of facilities We parked the car and 8 pounds is the parking fee for a day Let's start the track The way to Castle of High Peak from the parking comes from a village This is a beautiful and historic village Today we have 2 locations, first is Peveril Castle It is located on the left side of the mountain and the second location is Peak Cavern First, we pass through there, then we will cross the bridge to the right side There is a ticket for 11.5 pounds to enter the Castle and the way comes straight from the office to Castle Booking Office is also used as a Sovereign shop For now, we didn't work as hard as we got to see the beautiful sights Amazing We can see cars in the parking below We thought it would take 20-25 minutes But now it will take hardly 10-12 minutes Now we enter the main lawn This was a small fort, not a residential but a military fort Some soldiers and commanders used to stay here because it is built on the peak Originally it was called the Castle of High Peak because you can see in all 4 directions by standing inside this tower So, it had a strategic importance at that time We often see this even in India & Pakistan Forts are usually built at defence places at the place from where it is easy to keep an eye on all directions Because at that time there were no binoculars or radar system This fort is around 8-9 hundred years old at that time it was middle age time here, and it was not developed When they developed, then they started robbing the world. There used to be attacks here Here most of the Vikings came from Norway and they raided This area has been under their control Because I can see so many people coming here by walk It has also started raining and our short stay here is perfect the main building tower is almost empty and broken There are broken walls, I did not go near them I was enjoying myself outside.

Let's see which is our next location in today's episode This is a village of Castleton There are streets where people live Everyone is looking at me strangely, why is there a rush here? This is an international issue that In tourist cities, residents face a few problems but here they take care of them No one is making noise A beautiful rock come in front of me Board installed here after a castle visit, we are going to explore Devil Arse But after going there, I found out that Today there is a semi-final match of England in the Euro cup That's why everyone has left early today A local man said that Hope Valley is nearby Also an old dam Immediately we diverted the car there. This place is located at a distance of 15 minutes [Music] The weather was cloudy and it was not raining anywhere Now it is raining lightly We have covered one location out of three One location ticket wasn't available and one was left due to rain I saw a place Dovedale near Derbyshire But one local told us there is a beautiful Derwent Valley The valley is beautiful and there are reservoirs Here is a sequence of amazing points with a very large parking A lot more people have moved on This is an interesting thing, I thought about a 25-mile But we found Derwent Valley at ten miles Its map is also visible here Let's see, we will go towards the reservoir side It has a beautiful lake. We crossed classy English arch bridges Another bad news, flying a drone is not allowed here Although I have seen many Instagram reels The dams here look very beautiful But they told us that we cannot fly a drone here If they have forbidden us, we have to obey them There are small reservoirs from which the water falls very slowly A very beautiful video would have been made here Let's see, I think this is a reservoir Let's go towards the track, there must be a lake behind This is the trail that leads to the East tower of the dam Hopefully, this is a half-mile distance from here In five to seven minutes we should find the tower Besides this, the forest is extremely beautiful and peaceful You can hear the voices of birds I have noticed this thing while roaming in England that there are not many mega projects They make projects on the city level I have seen so many small reservoirs here in this country they do not have mega projects like we have at Tarabela, Mangla They have small projects at the community level If you are travelling towards the countryside small reservoir comes after every 15-20 minutes This is a good thing as the management becomes easy Because mega project maintenance is also mega Qasim Bhai, the colour of the water looks weird Actually, This is a glacier water There are waterfalls of fresh water in Mountainous regions No, I have not seen fresh waterfalls here in the UK I have also seen the best area in the region I have not seen any freshwater lake there too Even in Scotland, I have seen the same colour of water I have seen Switzerland as well but Alhamdulillah Pakistan water is best I went to Yorkshire Dales There was a water reservoir and people were excitedly looking at the watercolour they were saying, look at the colour of the water I asked them, what is so special about it They tell me, you won't find such watercolours in the UK Then I told them, if you go to Dudipatsar you can see 100 water lakes like this You can easily see blue or green water colour there I think it is dirty due to the rain Drones cannot fly here, they have written it here We cannot fly drones and cannot make Barbeque here even reservoir water is not running Maybe we will do something at the motorway After the Hope Valley visit, we are looking for a place to make Barbeque with a good viewpoint that should be near the parking place So it's easy to set up Here we make our setup with an excellent view Right now we are having a mango party while the coals are being prepared Bhabhi cut Mangoes and oranges for us Meanwhile, our coals will also be ready. Seeing their appearance, I felt they are edible but they were coals, sorry The process of burning coals was so interesting They use a special match stick type of rock to burn Best flame is written on it I thought a motorcycle would stop and we would ask him for petrol to start the fire A lot of vehicles are passing by from which people saying Hello to us But they don't know that I will not give them anything because I am very hungry Look at this refrigerator, it had our all barbeque stuff We kept on charging in the car I will show it to you from the inside Water, sauces, Chocolate, Olives, we already ate Mangoes The real stuff is at the bottom, our barbeque meat There are so many camper vans standing on this road Here a separate place is allocated for them There were 8-10 cars ahead People came here in these vans These vans have a kitchen inside. I love to do this

InshaAllah we will do this soon There is a washroom, kitchen, sofa and bed in these vans There is a long queue of these cars These people will stay here at night and a beautiful valley in front of them Beautiful view, clouds coming. Barbeque also going on here And here these people are sitting and talking They came on a UK tour The gentleman from whom we asked for directions He is on a two-month tour I am going to try the first piece of Barbeque wow we have green mint wow...Amazing Kababs, so delicious

mince looking simple at first without many spices But, It has amazing taste, texture and aroma wow..and check the entire environment Other items are almost ready But I think they knew from my face that I was very hungry First, They gave me Kabab to eat Look, Chops are also ready SubhanaAllah, golden colour Chops with tamarind sauce Yoghurt sauce and Ketchup and a few other sauces I think the chilly sauce Besides this, we have buns and Naans Barbeque starts

2024-10-13 02:21

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