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good morning everyone it's day two here in  maragogi in the brazilian state of alagoas   and we're just about to do the main attraction  here which is a boat tour to some coral reefs right near the shore, but we haven't booked it in  advance. we went to the beach yesterday to make a   reservation and all the boat guys had already left  but a lady, a local that lives on the beach said   that all you need to do is arrive on the beach  early and there'll be loads of people that   will be willing to take you there, so that's what  we're going to do now. don't know how much it's   going to cost but i'll let you know soon. so  if you didn't watch yesterday's video this is the   beach right in front of the place we're staying  in the area of barra grande, really nice beach so that was really easy within a minute the guy already approached   us and he gave us a good price i  think. carol saw her online that   it would be 100 right? yeah but  that would be with a snorkeling gear included   oh okay i guess it's just the same price.  yeah if we get the snorkel gear because he   just said it's around twenty to twenty five here. so eighty plus twenty it's gonna be  

the same price. yeah i think we'll only get one  set of snorkels though, i still don't know if   i'm going to do it because i've got the cut on my  forehead so i shouldn't really go underwater but   we'll see. and now we're just waiting here,  i think they have to wait for enough people to   fill their speedboat and then we'll go. so Carol just got a coconut like yesterday. yeah nice and   cold. same price paying five reaiis again.  yeah this is a big one, bigger than yesterday

so it only took about 10 minutes to get out  here to the coral reef, as i mentioned it's   super popular here so there's boats everywhere  but it's a huge area so even though it's busy   there's loads of empty areas around  everywhere. i think we got about an hour here   so a good amount of time. water is  beautiful isn't it? beautiful color so carol got some snorkel here as well it was 20  right? yeah 20 reaiis, 20 reaiis that's pretty good yeah so it's really cool it's just a huge  area where you can stand up, i think it's   shallow the whole part isn't it? yeah, you can  see there's people all the way over there and   the boat guy said there's six different pools  so there's more pools down that way as well so the main reef is this here i don't know if  you can see on the gopro it's like a brown looking   rock right now, apparently it's 130 kilometers  long. so me and Carol decided to do something   that we've never done so far, a photo shoot. how  much is it? 100, yeah it's 50   per person. yeah we're gonna do it with this  guy here after he does it with that couple so we're now at the second and final stop, we're  not going to film much here because our last   video we filmed here this is caminho de moises. so  if you watched the last video you remember that  

during low tide we walked all the way from the  coast and there's usually a pathway here  . right now low tide was like two hours  ago so it's all underwater, but it's still   a pretty cool shallow pool. yeah i guess if  we knew that this was included in the boat tour   we wouldn't have gone walking but it was  nice walk either way because we could come   at the right time, like at the lowest tide it  looks better than this now that the tide is going up   so we did ask the guy if we could do the tour  without this part but there is no such tour. all   the tours do the the same thing. it's because the  majority of the people here aren't staying around   here, they're in other cities, other areas so they  just come here for the day and then go to the   two locations that we did on this tour. check this  guy out, we got the floating ice cream salesman

got all his ice cream in that floating box so we're in our rental car now, we're going to head  down the coast to a beach called praia patacho looks pretty nice. just to check  out some more beaches and different   areas while we're here in maragogi, and we gotta  drive 40 minutes now to a ferry terminal i think   we have to get on a ferry or something, that's  something different so we'll see how that goes so we're here at the ferry terminal now, gotta wait in this big queue i think the ferry already came once but then it filled up with all the cars and now we have to   wait for another one, hopefully we'll get on  the second one. really beautiful drive though, it   just looks more and more like the caribbean  around here, pretty much identical. so  

as we were driving up the coast there's just  so many deserted beaches with pretty much the   same colored water as maragogi. so  your just spoilt for beaches around here   and just billions of palm trees everywhere. alright after about 40 minutes i think it's our turn finally, yay.  

now i just need to drive into the ferry yeah  yeah look how small the ferry is, i thought it   was going to be around 20 cars or something but  i think it's six. this way go run over the guy all right here we go so it was 16 reaiis to cross   and i think it goes until midnight. pretty  nice river check this out, huge river so if your coming to this beach  patacho just keep in mind that   it's off-road during the last five minutes. looks amazing though so far check it out

this is like identical to the philippines, yeah so many coconut trees it looks like   philippines. and these off-road dirt roads it looked like we were coming to a beach  in the middle of nowhere, deserted beach   but then right at the end there's this beach  club here called sonhos do patacho, so you have a restaurant   area over there and the restaurant area where we  are at right now right on the beach. you can also   eat on the beach but the tide's coming in so the guy said it was better to come to this part  yeah to not drown. yeah and it was 10 reaiis per  person and that includes the parking and also   the pool. there's a pool over there  and you can just swim there if you want   but we're not gonna do that we're just gonna eat  here and then enjoy the beach. yeah i think it also  

includes the sun beds and the umbrellas. yeah  and there wi-fi as well. yeah just for  10 reaiis. that's cheap even for brazil i think? yeah  yeah it's a good price, yeah great price. cheers today we went for a shared dish for two  so all this was a hundred and ten reaiis and we got the grilled  fish, so we got four nice pieces there   got the mashed potato, some veggies not sure what  that is, it looks like yeah some sort of salad   tomatoes, cucumber, lettuce and the rice  as usual and then this coconut was 5 reaiis and this was also 5 reaiis. it's pretty much the  same price everywhere around here so far

and if we eat too much and get sleepy  we have the hammocks here. brazilian music. samba! samba or pagode? I think its pagode. pagode is a type of samba though right? or is it different?  they have the same roots yeah. yeah it's similar. Yeah you will hear a lot of pagode in brazil we've come a little bit further down the beach  from the beach club back there. i've never really  

been into music on the beach, i don't know why,  even my own music i usually don't listen to it   that much unless i'm walking or something. it's  hard to say if this beach is as nice as the ones   around maragogi because the sun's going down  and that always changes the color of the   water a lot so it doesn't look like that super  turquoise color but i think if the sun was vertically up it would look like that also. and the  guy was right, the beach is disappearing so they're   taking all the the chairs away now and the sunbeds, even here there's barely any beach anymore. the guy  

that we did the boat tour with he actually said  the beach where we're staying barra grande, he said   when he was little it was a huge wide beach. they  had little beach shacks and even houses   on the beach but now with the rising sea levels  it's removed around two-thirds of the   beach he said said, and now there's no longer any  beach shacks or anything and you probably saw   in the videos they've even had to build this concrete wall to block the ocean from coming in. so   yeah i guess the beach would have  been way bigger back in the day so you can probably see those boats out there,  those little colorful ones. so you can also do   boat trips from this place as well, pretty  much the same boat trip that we did today   minus the the moses pathway. because here has  the coral reef, as i mentioned earlier it's  

130 kilometers long so a lot of the towns and  cities on this coast have the boat trips to the   same coral reef. but over here it's cheaper it's 65  reaiis but i think you only go to the reefs   the boat tour we did had two different things  right, so that's why. all this coast is pretty   much like this i think, all the way up to Recife which is another city way way way up the coast   completely other state, so yeah it's  just non-stop beaches. deserted beaches so next to the parking lot we have these  little houses here, traditional houses   made out of mud so in the villages nearby we actually saw  houses still made like this. yeah not like   entirely but some parts, some of the walls are a  bit like this but just the minority of the houses   it's like a more simple way of living and  simple houses made like this. well it's for free  

i think as well right? you just grab this over  here, i don't know probably. i don't know yeah   i think it's supposed to be pretty  cool as well, it's super hot around here so we're coming to a spot for  the sunset but we're too late, the   ferry back took a bit too long and  it's this ruin of an old church i think it's called igreja de sao bento. so it is in complete ruins.  i think the sun went down here, but yeah i can't   really see anything right now and that's the  ocean over there. i think you can go inside   though so yeah we'll check it out. so there's some  information about the church, wow it's from 1643   didn't realize it would be that old, from a  community called sao bento so that's why it   has that name. so it's pretty cool, we got  here at night but the they have lights here  

on the floor, i thought we were coming to some deserted place but   it is a tourist attraction  got lights up there as well what's this the graveyard? yeah like a  cemetery yeah. yeah tiny little cemetery  

2021-10-31 08:25

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