Pangong Lake Ladakh - Pangong Lake to Leh via Chang La Pass | The Chronicles of Ladakh - Ep 43

Pangong Lake Ladakh - Pangong Lake to Leh via Chang La Pass | The Chronicles of Ladakh - Ep 43

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[Music] good morning everyone so we are on the banks of bangong Lake right now in in man Village we'll go back to to already I can't believe it and that is also the [Music] reason there is nothing that you'll be able to do in the [Music] day anyway we will just go to the lake we spend some time on Lake on the lake have some breakfast and then we'll move on this is the campsite pretty muches they can accommodate three people triple bedroom and that is the lake and yeah as you can see the amount of construction here and now you can see the amount of the number of campsites and the amount of construction happening here in this small village all right let's go to the [Music] lake [Music] [Music] this is the inside of the tent large spacious but [Music] missing phone mobile phate something here second problem [Music] and this is the bathroom from the inside so overall just an okay T campsite the spacious and Ka was okay but nothing too great view but that is the case from every campsite anyway this here is the dining hall nice hitting Arrangement kind of as I said was very average but anyway T campsite I mean for a night day if you just need a bed to crash for the night and [Music] all right now breakfast is done now it's time to move on to move on back to [Music] l blue Waves Camp cite as you just saw in the video it is located in man [Music] Village and next on our way back to City this is this small village of man pretty much in the middle of nowhere as you can seees guest houses we reached back the main road and then we started driving on our way back to [Music] City we stayed there for 5 six days we reached bangong Lake to is trip me this was the first time that we were going to cross J to drive back to City we reached vage and as you can see on the right hand side [Music] apparently this is popularly known as three idots point but and when we reached this spot we decided to check out this point as well so we once again turned right and started driving down to [Music] pangong you could bring your car or your bike all the way to the lake and then you have to walk down the remaining distance to the lake which is exactly what we did we parked our car at this spot and then [Music] this is [Music] bong broadest Point Lake kilm and without any doubt it is one of the most beautiful lakes in our [Music] country [Music] l [Music] justop Drive K covering a distance of about 50 km and we reached [Music] durbuk we just reached [Music] that's the one that goes [Music] toang we'll be continuing our journey back to Le the experience at pangong was good uh but other than that the beauty of the lake it Still Remains it was still beautiful it was still a pleasure to see it again I mean I've seen it so many times before but now let's go back next [Music] Saturday [Music] [Music] [Music] after an enjoyable drive we reached suuk it is another small lake at the foot of Chang laas but it is still a beautiful Lake even though small in size but uh definitely worth taking a [Music] break [Music] we had some and then we continued our journey but Lake actually completely Frozen even though this trip was in the month of June D Lake whereby we took a short break time spend and then we continued our journey to Jang laas [Music] unfortunately enjoyable te suddenly it turned into a bumpy ride that was very painful but still very adventurous stay with me you see with me if you see we need if [Music] you stay with me [Music] you see me if you [Music] want with me if you stay with me if you want [Music] it stay with me and [Music] F [Music] if you see with me if you want [Music] it we [Music] me [Music] finally after a very bumpy drive we reached the top of changla pass at an altitude of 17,682 Ft this pass was once considered as the third highest motorable road in the world but it is still a beautiful pass and an adventurous [Music] Drive [Music] we reached there we looked around and we just did not feel like stopping at the pass to just drive Contin and just started driving down on its other [Music] side because next weekend plan pangong Lake H or so we so we just continued our journey and then we took a small break at the other side of the [Music] bus [Music] I don't know and usually but uh I'm not [Music] sure so I didn't stop there and continue to saki CaRu and then l [Music] a [Music] [Music] n [Music] 3 [Music] n

2023-12-18 22:13

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