Palermo, Sicily, Italy

Palermo, Sicily, Italy

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Well, well, it just made it to Sicily home. From a first walk and then Palermo, Sicily at, the moment, it's. Definitely. Italian now. Really. Cool I was wish wish I was a little closer to a beach I could swim at, apparently. You can't do that here. Gotta hop on a bus and go 15-20. Minutes out of town for the closest. Swimmable Beach so. I guess we're looking for that tomorrow. Today. I guess we'll just enjoy the food in the beer and the sights. Of Palermo. Have. A look. Well. First impressions of Sicily is it's absolutely amazing, it's. A little hectic for the busy cars everywhere. Flying by you but. And, yet. I said that this is beautiful. Absolutely. Gorgeous. Jumping. Yo. I had. Read and heard so much about the beautiful Mediterranean, Sea, town of cefalu Sicily, so. I decided, to take the one hour train, journey East Sea. Saloon myself. Finally. Made at the cefalu quick. Train ride from Palermo but took less than an hour, I've. Got eight hours here to my train ride back beautiful. Place to spend the day off. Right. Over there, spend. The whole day right there. Okay. Well. Have. A look around. Cefalu, Cecily, it's, about one hour outside of Palermo. You. Got a beach. Umbrella and a beach chair and. A beer. I'm about to go for a swim in the Mediterranean, Sea. Go, for a nice swim in, the Mediterranean, Sea, Sea. Salut salut. Sorry, excuse me step abou Sicily. Always. Wanted to be in Sicily my whole life and Wow Here I am I is really cool the, water is amazing I mean. You can see right to the bottom beautiful beautiful, colors. The. Mountains look at the mountains. Right. On the sea edge. Sicily. Is a really cool place I think. Maybe my favorite part in Italy so far. Any. Just. Remember. You only live once, better. Get the Sicily. Waiting. To catch the 806, bus from Palermo, to mondello, Beach. It's, supposed to come right by here. Only. About euro. To two euros to get there maybe a twenty minute bus ride, my. First time. Trying to catch one new city buses we'll. See how it goes should, be here any minute. Yellow. Beach is supposed to be a nice beach a lot of bars. Good. Party atmosphere there. Comes a bus let's see what this is. Yeah. Yeah. So I think I've been standing at the wrong bus stop for the best, everyone. Think. I'm about one, or two blocks off. So. Headed headed to where I think I should be now and hopefully. Be on the bus soon. Well, I made it on the bus. Here, we go to Mandela. Walk. In the shoreline of Mondello, beats sicily. And. Heard, it was a crowded beach and they. Weren't lying. It's. The main beach I think of northern, Sicily. Beautiful. Beach I just, walk a little down the beach from where I was sitting I wish I would stayed over here something, crowded, waters much, prettier, pretty. Blue pretty green waters over. There it's a little bit more murky not. Sure why but. Geckos, trying to say earlier this is the the main beach. Where. The people that live in Palermo which is largest time consistently like to come and chill, out for the day a.

Lot. Of fun. Somebody sailing out there. Here. What do we call that air sailing. Without. The mountains, right, to the ocean. A. Lot. Of people staring at me like hey why is this guy have a stone in the water. What, do you do when you're in the water huh, take. Your phone with you. Headed. Back to my chair now. Time. For another beer, it's. Uh three euros, for a large beer here she's. Like a good deal to me. Mr.. Wallace's I swam. Like. A beginner. All over again, get. Him home a breath but ten seconds. Like. A paddleboards, down there front. Look. I'd be fun. I've. Got two more nights well tonight and then tomorrow night, and. Then I hop on a plane for, Amsterdam. Very. Excited about that, never, been Amsterdam, always, wanted to can, we go into the sci-fi festival. Thanks, for Craig Thank You Craig. Senator. Uh sight, trance festival, kind. Of like Ozora. Can't. Wait. I'm. Into sight trance now case, you can't tell I. Think. That's a jellyfish right there it's goof innit, luck. Trying. To get some cinematic shots here. Yessum. Something. Interesting the, waters which clearer, this way than their right mouth but also just I just forget out like, right about here the temperature, changes I don't know if you can see him from this far away I think, I got, lifeguards, to their dogs have. A look. I'm, not sure if you can see him trying. To get a little closer but. The other got dogs with life vest on, rescue. Dogs. Never. Seen a dog's, life guard. And. We're good, my. Spot. Walking. Around the catacombs, of Palermo, there's. Supposed to be an underground catacomb. Layer. Here, haven't. Found it yet. Well. I just found out that the catacombs, don't open until three o'clock I thought they closed at three o'clock that's why I got here now but. Currently they don't open til three this. Is actually my last day in Italy so. I don't know if I want hang around here all day waiting, I'm. To go head back into town and. Maybe. Later I'll catch a cab come, back up here and see him if you want, but, be a largest, tree in Europe is, that also here in Palermo I. Think. That's where I'll head to next. Reminds. You the largest tree in Europe so, here. We go. This, over here is the largest living tree in Europe. Pretty, cool. Distinguished. Honor. Largest. Tree in Europe. If. You google the name again. Provides, plenty of shade that's for sure. The, American, coffee experience. I'll get one later, see. I tell you how legit it is. Hmm. Go. Shake. October. Can I do. Argentinian. Dish all right it's, yoni eggs so I'm gonna. Go. Try.

2019-12-27 09:20

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It,s beautiful i am sciliano

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