Packrafting Trip through Lakes and Streams

Packrafting Trip through Lakes and Streams

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Well then, seems we're getting ready First time trying my new, home- made spray deck Pretty satisfied so far Haven't tried it yet though Hopefully it'll work Alright then, all packed and ready Let's go! Seems to be a shelter over there Looks kind of nice Right now I'm here Gonna' paddle through this part of lake Östjuten... Ö-stjuten... No idea how to pronounce it really Then continue through to lake Gölen Lake Hemtvaren, through the stream Pilån to lake Mellantvaren To lake Långtvaren and continue through to the stream called Gäddån To Gölstorpsfjärden... and so on. We'll see how far we'll go today It got so damn hot right now Seems like a nice place to live Good for them! This will be the first spot were I need to carry the raft A bit chilly There we go This it were to put it back in Comfortable to go WITH the stream Looks like there are beavers in the area All beaver-chewed trees Well this looks intriguing...

I wonder if this is beaver-made Maybe... Perhaps if I carry the raft over there I'm gonna' have to go check Somewhere over there should be fine That'll work Well... Let's see Gonna' try to get through These reeds As easy as pie A saying which by the way doesn't even make sense Pie isn't necessarily easy is it? Let's see... I must be in lake Hemtvaren now Keep going in that direction There's some kind of enormous mansion I've paddled 4,4 kilometers This is where the stream Pilån starts Which reaches lake Mellantvaren further down Packraft-limbo Exciting! Ready - Set- Limbo Smooth Let's see... If we can get through here Doesn't seem to be a problem Well then... Mushy! I wonder if I can push myself onwards Sometimes you don't feel all that smooth This is one of those times This is one of those times when you don't feel very smooth But...

I made it through at least To lake Mellantvaren It's about time to eat something Over there maybe... Seems like a perfect place to go ashore And make some food Right about here Looks like good spot to cook some food Today's lunch consists of meatballs and macaroni Macaroni's are boiling Let's fry some meatballs Poor looking, you think? Well, carrots Enhances the experience Onwards! Well then... Let's see... If I can go under this bridge Looks like there are... Some kind of debris It's probably fine Super-smooth! Entering lake Långtvaren Seems like it's time to enter the stream Gäddån And leave Långtvaren behind Spacious enough Kind of... Kind of.

No problem Sure is winding Looks like there's some kind of shelter With an outhouse I thinks it's time... To carry the raft Sure looks muddy Mmmmm... Well then... Let's see how smooth I am this time There we go Let's... ...Go A shelter Looks kinda new The placement's kinda boring though Here's a canoe carry sign anyhow This must be the right way I... ...Can't really figure out... Why I shouldn't paddle this part? Should work I'll give it a shot For some strange reason I thought to myself...

That there wouldn't be much mosquitoes at all Well, there really aren't that much mosquitoes Depends on what you compare it to However... There are more than I expected This forest Is kinda filled with marshes The creek is surrounded by them Just where the mosquitoes like... ...hatch Well then, we'll see how fast the creek flows up ahead And if there are lots of obstacles and stuff In that case I'll just climb out again Let's give it a shot Let's go Just checking... ...if everything is properly attached Which it is, of course Hey ho I sense some kind of problem with paddling through this Yeah... A little deeper than I expected But it's fine Hey ho Can I really get through here?...

Maaybe... Oh, kinda deep Feeling properly smooth again There we go Piece of cake Oh wow Scared away a fallow deer Disappeared with a splash Literally Stood right here when I arrived Well okay then Let's go A bench, a fireplace and an outhouse For people to enjoy A couple of cranes landed just up ahead And off they go again Could it be that I've finished Gäddån for now? Sure seems like it This bay is called Åviken And Gölstorpsfjärden is the name of the entire lake Perhaps I'll try to find a camp site somewhere around here About time to try and find... ...a nice camp site For tonight I've paddled almost 12 kilometers It's 7 PM So about time Sundown around 9:30 PM perhaps Could be nice to arrive at a fairly decent time though I spy with my little eye, some kind of shelter up there Which probably means that there's a fireplace as well Sure could use a fireplace tonight A few pieces of firewood in there This could come in handy I won't sleep in here though I'll sleep in my hammock instead, of course Somewhere around here Speaking of nothing... ...Crocs are the perfect packrafting-shoes In warm weather at least I'm a brand new Crocs-owner But, I kinda get it Hammock and tarp up and ready Time to start a fire And cook some food We'll see what... ...kind of dinner I'll make Dinner tonight will consist of Macaroni Diced bacon And...

Cream cheese But first Some candy I'll use the lid to fry the bacon And... Boil the macaroni in... The coffee pot Over the fire And some cream cheese Kinda yummy Time for morning coffee And while we're waiting for the coffee It's obviously time for Lingongrova With ham-cheese As you all know the coffee needs to be "Dark like the future" Fingers crossed that it is Well it sure is! The wind is picking up a little Remains to be seen if the wind will decrease It'll be kinda interesting with the packraft otherwise Since it's virtually immune to wind... The sun just came out The rain stopped And the wind decreased substantially That's my mark to continue on Okay then I wonder how smooth I'll be today Fairly smooth actually Suddenly it's hot and... Relatively windless A little bit of rain Probably won't be that bad Well, a gentle summer rain never hurt nobody Not even when you're out and about Perhaps it won't be all that gentle After all I may have to take action Pull this one up Tighten that one Actually, it's kinda nice with rain like this You're out and about You're prepared for it A gentle pre-summer rain I wonder when that'll change My idea of the weather that is A Wettex-rag is always a great idea to bring Regardless if you're gonna Use a tent, hammock, paddle or whatever it may be Wipe a tent dry Wipe water off a spray deck Or whatever Tip of the day Passing by lots of potentially nice camp sites But I need to paddle at least 10 kilometers further today The goal is about 15 kilometers Passing Nyckelkärrsudden and continuing east through lake Regnaren Passing the strait between Fårön and Nyckelkärrsudden With dark clouds but bright prospects for the future ahead Obviously What do you do When the rain has stopped, it's nice and warm and you've got the wind in your back Then it's time to have a snack And still keep on moving forward Oh man One can wonder what I've done To deserve this Must have done something right Resting and simultaneously moving slowly forward Kind of perfect Should be a passage way somewhere around here And probably a need to carry In order to get to lake Vagnaren So, now I am at Övre Häfla Bruk And today's lunch will consist of nothing less than noodles And chickpeas I should take some time to ensconse some culture while I'm here Arriving in lake Stöparen Gonna go round this little cape and head south again I will probably experience some heavy headwind since the windspeed is picking up It sure is a little more windy Headwind straight on Which generates slower speeds and more splashing water Well I've paddled a little more than 14 kilometers today It should be approximately 8 kilometers left overall If I can manage to paddle straight across this lake it'll be fine for today I managed to get across And paddled a total of 15 kilometers today Gonna check over here, looks like it could be the perfect place to camp And chill like there's no tomorrow I'm at Frängsättersön right now The sun came out just about when I arrived Lucky enough A small fireplace Nice views Doesn't get much better than this The hammock is up The sleeping pad is inflated I'll get to the rest of it later on Cause now its time... For some nuts and some chill Is it even fair to have it this good? Warm... kind of

Tonight's dinner is as lovely as Oriental Chicken Dark like the future Well then Time to go The wind's not terrible but it's there Feels kind of unnecessary that the wind is picking up And now... It's time to Set up the entire spray deck At least it's not raining The head wind makes it kind of slow though That part's done About 2 kilometers across Some sweet head winds Continuing this way Paddled 4 kilometers in an hour and seven minutes And about the same distance to go So... Not far now 5 kilometers down, can only mean one thing Snack time! Lucky me that my snack bag is this conveniently placed Cold cut sausage Some nuts This must be the hardest sausage packaging to open ever Poorly made specimen Time to go by Lövön go around a small cape Through Djursundet and finally cross Hunnsbackefjärden And then we're there I've paddled 6 kilometers, for an hour and 45 minutes Not much left Well then Had to resort to a kind of makeshift stowing Works though Almost stopped raining Probably starts soon enough Got to stay realistic Mosquitoes are eating my temples Sadly enough Rejmyre So, I'm supposed to walk along this road now...

Darn it... Rejmyre glassworks Rejmyre Inn Sure is tedious walking along this kind of road Kind of just wanna be done with it 2 kilometers left or something Sure would have been nice if I'd disembarked where I planned In that case I would have had to walk 2 kilometers less Well exercise is good for you Good for body and soul Well I don't know really And there's my car Damn that feels good All that remains is to remember where my car keys are Probably won't feel good at all to take off this jacket In case I hadn't worn it, I would have been just as wet The difference is that now I'm wet from the inside Instead Not very nice Time for a dry shirt Perhaps Let's go Time for a sandwich before I leave 4,5 kilometers of walking From where I disembarked to the car Let's go then

2021-08-21 10:27

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