Overlanding in the Canyons of Tabuk [Secret Location] Saudi Arabia

Overlanding in the Canyons of Tabuk [Secret Location] Saudi Arabia

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[Music] thank you [Music] okay go camping again okay well we're on our way to go to uh this western road restaurant and we're gonna get these burgers and it comes with the lettuce and tomatoes and onions and all the buns and everything it's all it comes in a kit so we're gonna give that a shot and we'll eat that later for dinner tonight here we go [Music] okay we got our uh uncooked six-piece uh burger set here at western road so we're gonna cook this for dinner tonight it's gonna be good let's get going [Music] okay well we just finished eating that rice roll sushi we just ate it in the car while we're driving but it was delicious so if you're ever into book hit that place up it's a good and uh i know it's knocked out as always in the back so we've got about hour and a half before we exit the road and go to our location so here we go [Music] now we're just stretching our legs here about halfway to the uh [Music] area where we're going to exit the road so [Music] [Music] so [Music] all right so 6 45 pm sun's uh hiding behind the mountains now and we've just started heading uh out into the desert towards the mountains so try to get out there as quick as we can before the sun goes down that way we can see where we're going [Music] all right well uh we'll get a little mixture of sand and a little mixture of rocks here so with these 33 inch to tires psi [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] okay well it's uh almost dark still driving to find our campsite i got it i got a location set on our gps already where i want to camp so i'm trying to make it there uh for full darkness so here we go [Music] okay well uh we finally reached the end of the trail and uh we're gonna set our camp up here so that uh in the morning we'll be able to wake up and then we'll be able to start our hike into the canyon so pretty good spot here and the weather is pretty good so we'll get these burgers going after we set up here we go [Music] all right well mommy's gonna get ready to start cooking dinner so we got this uh western road uh we got four burgers and two chicken as the package comes together everything's inside [Music] yeah inside you got your buns [Music] you got your angus beef burgers pretty good size [Music] you got your uh chicken breast you got your lettuce [Music] onions and tomatoes get your cheese all your condiments here and then your sauces so everything you need to uh have a little burger barbecue and be real good [Music] right [Music] [Music] [Music] oh all right well uh mommy finished cooking everything already so it's all set we're just going to put on our plates ourselves but as you can see everything right here just grab the box and go looks delicious [Music] all right that looks good [Music] time to leave now like going into our bathroom here we go [Music] all right well uh out here in the middle of this canyon and uh it's about 11 30 p.m so we had a good evening and we're excited to go to sleep so we can wake up and see what this place looks like in the morning since we haven't been able to see it's been pitch black but uh we'll see you guys in the morning well good morning we slept pretty good last night and uh nice to wake up and see this uh beautiful area behind us [Music] just uh hiked up here a little bit on this ridge but you can see behind me right there is our our camp set up and there's the canyon behind us so uh it's gonna be a good day today we're gonna do some hiking gonna hike deeper into the canyon and i hope you enjoy it so stay tuned [Music] all right well we just finished our coffee so now we're gonna start uh heading into this canyon start our hike see what we can find sun's uh coming up gonna be a warm one maybe about 30 degrees for the high today but uh still pretty good weather okay we're getting ready to start our hike so uh just gonna put some snacks in the bag got some uh cheese puffs some donuts some cookies some gummies for noah and uh get our water got a couple mres for lunch [Music] ready to go okay here we go [Music] my [Music] okay well we found this little cave we're gonna take a little rest down uh from the sun and as you can see right here for a long time people been using this for shade there's all these petroglyphs in here so take a look at that right here these little figures it's like drawings and animals [Music] nice place here get you out of the sun well it's 10 15 a.m so we're about 25 into our hike uh it's gonna be a sunny walk back but uh we're just enjoying this nice little cave here [Music] it went in my mouth [Music] she gave me [Music] okay hiking down this trail and uh this is the end of the road if you were to drive it as you can see this old bedouin pickup truck here and this truck actually still works i can tell still has decent tires on it and some items in the back somebody's using so somebody parked it here and they're venturing out down the trail on foot but real nice canyons here we're gonna stop in this area and eat lunch [Music] all right well uh we found a little shady spot here along this trail and this is the end of the trail here peanut butter and jelly [Music] this is chocolate pudding with protein let's see okay pretty delicious [Music] careful fortunately we don't have rice it is good in your eyes now i taste this one beverage based powder lemon lime looks like nuclear water [Music] of course buddy do it taste yummy extra yummy nuclear water some chunks but it's shaking [Music] you want to be a taste tester [Music] all right just finished our lunch so it's pretty delicious got a full belly now and we're ready to hike back so we've got another three and a half kilometers back to the campsite so here we go [Music] [Music] come now we just walk out [Music] [Music] all right well we made it back to the campsite so everything's still here and uh now we're just going to relax in the shade the yeah noah's just going to take a little a little shower cool them off gonna be nice hope he likes it good luck noah i'm ready to take your tower pretty good you like it just a quick shower there you go [Music] yeah so noah's just uh taking a nap so we're just uh sitting out here in the shade we're gonna watch a little movie here so just a nice relaxing afternoon [Music] hey come on [Music] [Applause] [Applause] uh [Music] okay well uh our friend here made it uh if you watch one of our older videos he's uh he's the guy with the horses our friend bendar right here so here he is just hang out relax finally make it he had to walk he actually uh took his car but he said he was gonna make it and he made it so he's a man of his work all right change of plans we were gonna camp here tonight but our friends gave us a visit so we're going to go back to their vehicle and then they're going to cook kapsa so and then after that we'll go back to the book instead of camp so it's gonna be old here we go [Music] [Music] okay well uh we made it back to our friend's car so it's pretty far they walked about two and a half hours to find us so pretty amazing i'm happy they found us because that would have been another two and a half hour walk back to the car but uh now it's going to be a cook cops of time so stay tuned picnic [Music] we cannot make anything it's so hard here is our cups for tonight i hope it's gonna be delicious [Music] the best cupcake we're gonna eat i'm sure [Music] wow all right well it's all made it's all ready to go so we're gonna eat now it's gonna be good looks delicious all right well uh we're getting in the car packing everything up going home now so it's been a fun adventure you guys just missed it there's about four or five camel spiders crawling all over us so pretty fun have you ever use these put it tight then put it back quarter turn on this i'm not gonna pull you hard yeah yeah we're just gonna go slow all right if you're watching this okay this is why you don't take your car out into the middle of the desert all right so anyway we made it to the top of the hill pretty easy safe and sound so here we go we gotta finish getting out of here oh that's what you got about 12. but it's been a fun adventure and uh we hope you enjoyed it until next time see you later and there's the world go in the car later [Music] okay oh it's loud

2021-05-13 08:57

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