Overlanding Australia (our new tiny home on wheels)

Overlanding Australia (our new tiny home on wheels)

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we're about to embark on a very Aussie Adventure  experiencing everything from white sand beaches   to kangaroos in the wild and even an Australian  delicacy and we're doing it all from this basic   4x4 with a rooftop 10 this setup is taking  us way outside of our comfort zone so you   know we're going to get up to some trouble  you ready to engage 4x4 I have a feeling we   don't meant to be driving up I was feeling  the same way ow ow how epic is this wo oh   Max doesn't know how to read tie charge I don't  think I'm going to pull up behind you into the   Dune here oh my god oh the lock dos are coming  not Frank welcome to your new home hey this way we're stripping it back pretty minimal we're  leaving all this why do we have all of this here's   what we're bringing for our three nights on Strate  Island recovery boards hopefully we don't need   those should probably drive back for them shovel  rooftop tent poles camping table camping chairs   battery Bank per tickets big fan full bag of hit  tea clothes beach umbrella bug zapper blankets   and pillows that's your two best mates no I should  say three back and Max okay I don't know how many   of you know this but aan and I used to live in  Australia shout out to the OG viewers and woolies   wool worse was our like local grocery shop so  whenever I go I just feel so nostalgic about   that time we have one of those Grandma cards  cuz we don't have a car let's go shopping at willly hello we're only really planning 2 days  living out of that car so we're going to try   and keep it real minimal as far as food  goes she thinks all food is called Apple   What's this called app Apple what's this can we  really do a trip without one of these we're in   Australia mate beans what are you guys doing  sorry bro we're having a pre-venture dance party that's my la like this chugs it in the car max do we need this yeah we  missed the F but the next one   isn't too far away it's 38  minute drive I'll see you there we have another half an hour to wait  for the ferry and it's about a half an hour   faery ride so we're going to make some  snacks for the road do you like snacks   mhm oh my feet are cooking it's warm whipping  up a Sandy classic PB and J got paper to I got   some PE on the Eco floor it's all right  I just wiped it up with the bread just   take your time with that spread a buddy  fies oh fies I think you'll like it Frank M you want some waah wa waah  what's that tiger tiger very good genius this one easy as we are on the Move headed  to stratty AKA North stradbrook Island   if you guys remember a few episodes ago we  went to Hawaii and rented a van and the guy   living on Maui said his girlfriend lives on  stratty and he can't wait to retire there   and I figured if someone who lives in Maui  wants to retire here it's got to be pretty epic other than the recommendation from  that guy in Hawaii I know nothing about   Strate and I love traveling that way I have  no expectations but the fairy ride over proved   that this is going to be worth it looks like  beautiful water maybe some snorkeling some surfing that foot nice okay yeah okay welcome to stratty y'all second   largest sand island in the world  so I'm assuming there's some nice beaches all right I'm excited are you excited  statford let's see what you got BR the one thing   I know for certain we'll be doing while we're here  is driving this 4x4 on some beaches which I'm so   excited about and it's the reason we went with  this rental company specifically we've attempted   this before when we lived in Van and it never  ended well it always ended great I mean aan always   loves the adventure of it but uh I'm looking  forward to like some quality Beach driving and   maybe even beach camping we're going to stop by  The Visitor Center now you have to get a permit to   do 4x4 driving and book some campgrounds Aon just  helped himself right onto the beach oh my gosh go   go go go go go oh my God yeah baby wow that is  so huh probably should have aired down I told you aan was definitely very very excited to see  the beach and the tracks so he just drove right   off onone we did not get stuck luckily but P.S how  epic is this we're going to be spending the next   couple of days driving right on this pristine  Beach what are the chances iman's going to   remember to let the tires down I was in the back  saying can we let our tires down should we let   our tires down he's going wo too excited way too  excited no it's surprising we're going to put the   tires down like a responsible camper all righty  so we have to air down to 18 PSI essentially when   you let the air out of the tire it becomes more  round and it better grabs the sand does it yeah   like more surface onto the sand and it more  surface on the sand apparently it prevents us   from getting Stu it just makes sense The Visitor  Center was closed at 4:00 but we were able to book   our permits online $ 60 Australian dollars you  ready to ride yeah baby just going to take a piss   bear back Beaver to P melon come ining you ready to engage 4 by for wo yeah baby look at this all right Max just went through a crazy crater  dude oh whoa you're just going for it yeah you   got it okay all right wa all right okay we did  it Max just dropped four feet yeah it was nuts   and I was driving behind I'm like I'm not doing  that so this is G here cool so you want to just   cut in here where whenever you want yeah che's  the vibe just depends which way the uh tent   flips out but I think we're good right I mean  it's pretty epic yeah that's amazing let's go   get our daughter yeah she can't wait to get out  hi Frankie hi babies we've lived in a van for 5   years done a lot of camping I've never had a  spot like this before wow look at this ranky   look at this your own private Little River  talking about epic unreal now the moment of   truth is what side does the tent flip  out off here are we doing the tent old   mate at the rental place did not show us  how to do this but I'm sure it's pretty straightforward I really never understood who  designed these tables get the neck involved it's got to be by the way oh you got to work in ladder too woohoo  I think it's easy as parents to question our   decisions sometimes and today as we were  driving it was a long travel day I thought   oh I hope Frankie's okay and she's so out of  routine and oh I'm getting get emotional we   were just swimming in the creek and  she was giggling so much and I love   how adventurous she is and how how much  she's loving this and that we're giving   you all these memories and experiences even  if she doesn't you know remember them I just   think it's it's forming a really adventurous  little kit and I love that try and fix our ladder got her baby oops oh my tree is in the  way don't sit up next to a tree that's what   I learned probably took 11 minutes maybe  longer tomorrow I think I'll race Max oh   thank you cheers to mount Franklin cheers  to you guys I love having adventures with   you too the best it's so fun cheers  tank cheers tanky I'm making your food oh yeah I noticed the last person who rented this  place left a lot of sand in the bed but   Max brought a solution for that while Frank  is having dinner we've got the tent bedroom   all set up it's warm here's what we're  working with Big Roy fan little mini   fan Roy be light as far as a rooftop tent  goes I would say pretty spacious as far   as two people sleeping with a baby but we do  have ocean views hey it's a bloody Aussie C out babe she ate the entire bowl of pasta not  a girl yeah she was so hungry it almost landed inose it is the most beautiful night it's a  full Moon the water temperature is incredible   the temperature is incredible and something  about being here in Australia just makes me   feel so incredibly alive a year ago our lives  looked so different we were up against so much   and I wish I could go back to that version  of me and let her know that I'd be standing   here right now but I think there's so much  Beauty and not knowing what the future holds   and embracing it anyways and charging ahead  and just leading with love and gratitude and   I'm feeling all the feels tonight and  what makes it all the more special for   me is being here with my daughter hands down  th% coolest gift on Earth where's Mrs mermaid a here is be's upstairs dealing with the monkey I hear  a lot of laughs coming from there so I take it   just not sleeping yet plus you see the the bands  the young kids are building now with like recess   lighting and heated floors and the time is not  even 8:00 you guys want to see something funny   go to bed what are you doing not b no I love you   good night Max I'll probably see  you in a bit I'm locking the door buddy good night we have coffee we have hot water we just don't  have a proper filter you think paper towel would   work we're just going to let that settle the old  nature press just back on I'll getting a little sty I don't know why people buy coffee filters  this is way better actually holds on really   well look at that that's a fresh cup man how  does everyone rate their sleep I'll go first   68 I'm actually so happy you weren't overly  dramatic about that the score mainly comes   from the location and the people were with  oh I actually would give minus 7 as well so   that's really good for you considering you an  extra screaming baby yeah I just had standand   in my bed that I was going to give mineus seven  as well but that's cuz I'm a mom I guess Legend   I'm just glad that it wasn't like horrendous mhm  I don't know if this is a selfish move too but I   did think as well I could park a bit further away  I was thinking you we might another Camp cuz like   you know no point all of us getting woken up by  it's true no it wouldn't even need to be that   far like I reckon just like that one over there  as you'll see coming up later in this episode we   get stranded oh oh my God not a bad place to  get stuck but I mean we weren't prepared for   it so resources are limited making the most of  it when I tell you I couldn't be more thrilled   to be talking about element with you and sharing  element with you and having an element out here   on day three with limited resources with thought  we brought enough element for our 2 months away   from Toronto but it turns out everyone we're  traveling with is like super obsessed as well   so we are rationing our elements this little bit  of water for aan and I needs to really hydrate   us and that's why I'm so excited to talk to you  about elements element is a zero sugar electrolyte   drink mix that was born from the growing body  of research that says that our Optimal Health   for sodium levels are two to three times our  government recomend recommendations being   hydrated is so much more than just drinking water  and when I learned this and started implementing   element into my daily routine especially when I'm  sweating so much whether it's traveling here in   Australia in this extreme heat or back home when  I do my hot yoga and pilates I can tell that I'm   hydrated because I don't have that fatigue or  cramping brain fog headaches that I used to have   when I was drinking just water alone I've Loved  how easy it is to travel with these stick packs   and each of them contains a meaningful dose of  electrolytes without all those dodgy ingredients   artificial flavors or sugars get a free element  sample pack today with any purchase when you use   our link drink element.com Amon and Beck the  sample pack has one of each flavor so you can   give them all a try the best part is if you try  it and don't like it for whatever reason element   will give you your money back no questions asked  and you can gift your element on to a salty friend   again you can get a free sample pack with any  purchase when you head to ARL link that is drink   LM nt.com ammen andc a big thank you to element  for sponsoring today's video all right it's that   time of day apparently there is a toilet it's  like a 4minute walk so you're coming with whoa   dude look at this thing bro he's climbing this  tree what the Frankie lies I have never seen such   a big lizard Frank pretty cool huh climbing  a tree but I still need to go to the toilet so very nice setup all right all right so we did kind of  mess things around a bit because aan made the   coffee I made the breakfast so we have on here  toast veite avocado with some plant-based feta   through it as well and lemon eggs sauerkraut  enjoy sir wow we're just waiting on it for   some beans as well dooke this is my first  veggie vegim my breakfast yeah cool bought yesterday what the combo works  though undeniable veite just makes it I've been in the ocean three times already  it's so hot and beautiful I think it's still   morning Frankie's down for her first nap  it feels like we're the only people on   this entire Island even some ways we are  once the tide comes up the only people who   are here are those who came in last night so  all morning there's been no one but the tide   is Shifting and I can see some cars coming  Max said he saw some people surfing on the   point which I think we're going to go  check out in a little bit oh there goes someone everyone's so cool stratty  Island for the win I'd retire here   okay man from Maui I get it let's go for this one thank you past me for buying  this watermelon little post   ocean post Snap for Frankie pre- surf for the boys sck Frankie do you like the watermelon Bubba  I don't know if we've really shown you but   the boys are very keen on these walkies it's a  bit of a throwback cuz when we first met Max he   was with Lee down in Baja and we spent like an  hour detour trying to find walkie-talkie so we   could all hang out and still be chatting while  we drove to the secret Beach hey uh what's your   temperature reading gu they so funo they don't  have a walkie right now I'll be quien okay you   excited that Max is going to be on yeah Max  you're a beauty ground control to Patty melon   ground control to Patty Patty melon saving  all right let's roll in Reverse in reverse wo yeah no good I'm afraid but I'm hoping if the  surf in the wind isn't good here on the other side   of the island it will be there's a surf right  now one lonely paddler where we at it now Main Beach marketing I have a feeling we're not meant to be driving  up I was feeling the same way uh yeah I got a   couple of Vibes of people going past and then  that guy was literally like turn around he he   said Well he kind of indicated yeah  to turn so this is the main surf be   it's kind of onore but this guy's grabbing one  oh the lifeguards are coming oh [ __ ] we might   be getting in trouble did it say no turning I  didn't see a sign did you n the good thing about   Australia is generally everyone's very relaxed I  could just see him rocking up hey mate no worries   but you're not supposed to be on this beage a  sweet eyes mate oh yeah sweet eyes mate pyel   what's the go yeah so we definitely missed the  sign there you lost mate yeah I'm looking for   the kangaroos you realize this is a beach this is  where the great WS are Frankie's favorite song is   on we are currently cruising the beach it's about  an hour drive four-wheel drive along this beach we   were on the North part of the island yesterday at  fenders Campground so now we're headed south and   we're going to be checking out a new camp area  the guys this morning said this is the spot so come on Patty melons where are you C barel  kangaroos finally we seen AO did you see   the kangar there goes oh you lost it  did you get that we're going to pull   Frank out of her car seat I think these are  kangaroos they're really small but ow ow ow   ow these things are really spiky ow what owar  these things are just everywhere boing boing boing boing boing Bo excuse me sir whenever the boys are setting up we're  tearing down Camp Frankie and I just   find something to do in nature  and this is the exact reason I   love being somewhere warm she's doesn't  need anything but nature to entertain herself it has been a lovely relaxing afternoon  here on stratty island really just slowing down   playing cards yeah it's been great just to not  have so much planned finally the tide has come   up significantly since we arrived we drove an hour  down this beach and now that the tide is all the   way up we actually can't get back I don't think  there's a way to get back we got enough food for tonight all right we got some extra dinner going  on here it's Sharky dinner as well so max is just   going to go out and see if the Sharkies were  hungry he's going for a little Sur wish me luck all right you got to give Max  some credit here he did not catch a   wave but holy he put a good effort in  yeah honestly how long was that pout   yeah that was a p workout and that  was only what 40 minutes maybe yeah   yeah not easy not easy I'll try again  in the morning then all right back to dinner Frank you wanted an ice latte dinner  tonight is it's like a bulgar quinoa base   with a Teriyaki mixed bed and some spicy  Sriracha egg mixed through yeah I actually R flying oh hello flying baby hello  flying baby I think it's another   8:00 p.m. bedtime for me maybe the two  boys and Frankie and give Mama a night off all right the girls are sleeping  I'm moving into my neighbors knock   knock he nice digs buddy is  this a good time to plug a o f that would po I mean if this is what  you want to say good night mate good night good morning sunshine was it  as good for you it was for me it was   incredible what a treat I didn't hear  her so I'm assuming they had a good one too hi she have a way better sleep yeah it was  a lot better Dad all right it's 6:00 a.m. we   actually got to get moving because otherwise we  could be stuck here for the day just saw a wave   crashed like basically all the way up the beach so  either we got the tide times wrong or we're we're   we're even too late a little bit of a different  pace this morning it's 6:00 a.m. but the tide  

windows are short and low tide was at 4:00 a.m.  meaning a 2hour on either side is when it's safe   to drive on the beach before high tide comes in so  we're risking it for the biscuit what do you think   of that idea yeah yeah so we're tearing down and  we're going to hit the beach it just looks so hot   are we sure it's low tide who are we trusting  on that one huh that water is right there you   excited babies are you flooring it maybe it's  better to for me to be in my own track I'm like   having a hard time yeah the water's coming up to  your tracks already oh oh babe you just na oh you   roll up your window is this a horrible idea oh my  gosh oh my gosh I think we cut up babe like we're   getting soaked over here bud remember if you need  toile up one of the tracks I don't know Max it   looks like we're running on a road here if you see  another turn off maybe head up yeah the water's   looking a bit not ACC it's it's Prett he keep  going I'll follow you to the next one who read the   tie chart this morning Max Max doesn't know how  to read tide charts I don't think this is not low time should I drive back I should  probably drive back for him right I know know I'm going to pull  up behind you into the Dune here oh my God whoa here we go we're good oh like we're  hanging out here for the day now I don't   know I've been in my lane for show in my zone  making moves let's go on my grind so hard make it hey go he's got the cooker we've got the  coffee he's got the fridge we've got the cutlery where do I go on past me like past  the hill see where those sticks is sticking   up left up here left left here now yeah  left here now up that's it Jesus Christ   baby you probably went left a little harder  than I intention but um otherwise you know sick   definitely worth the risk we got the whips side by  side oh boy all right let's have a morning now was   I looking forward to a cafe coffee and having  a shower yes but is this what it means to be   living the adventure heck yeah we have I think at  least six or seven hours just being posted up here   quite literally the only ones on the island  this time made a caca last night so we're   going to reuse that how was that made chocolate  oats there's one area I trust you in completely   Aman it's cooking cooking and I would have  said max I would have trusted you with tide   charts oh [ __ ] I knew the to shots I knew the  to shots I have another job for you yeah yeah hi over here hi is it hot all the coffee we got guys  it's worse than running out of water coffee of Champions coffee for Max Max  thank you long black long black for Beck Beck   Is Here Yeah Beck enjoy long black for Eman now  we're really camping see M see you days like today   just require a perspective shift because you're  ready to get up get going get back to town get   back to work luxuries you know then flip it on  its head you have an entire day of like rationing   your resources and entertaining your child in the  wilderness and like I love that I love it I just   had to switch my perspective again mostly it's  these darn freaking flies they're so massive and   they really love me and but we're in the process  of switching our perspective perspective shifted   baby just had an amazing ocean swim and I  came out to find aim and just being dad of   the year yet again making Frankie so happy here's  a big one it's coming Frank is the wall going to hold wow it didn't hold oh no  no oh there's another big one Frank to be honest the tide isn't even out but  we're just done so we're going to go for it rock   and roll let's rock and roll Max let's do it  we know at least the tide is going out this   time so we're going to be fine let's do it  how's that Z guy made you now PB and J not   that I ever had any J but in case you did  we made it we're all safe we're all happy   a little sunburned oh tripod in the face wow I  think Mama's due for a good night's sleep she   didn't even see a tripod coming real see  you Sunday we made it yeah Frankie uhoh

2025-03-13 08:52

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