Overland 4x4 Truck 2 Year Review + Isuzu NPS 75/155 + All Terrain Warrior Mods + Full Time traveller

Overland 4x4 Truck 2 Year Review + Isuzu NPS 75/155 + All Terrain Warrior Mods + Full Time traveller

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welcome back to nowhere bound touring  we're here at my family's avocado farm   as it's avocado picking time and it's a lockdown  so we're stuck yeah so i'm gonna give him a hand   and help our picking while we're here the reason  why we're here is obviously not avocado picking   but we're gonna do a review on our truck we've  had the truck for two years one year full time   on the road so i think that we're well and truly  qualified now so we're going to break it up into   three parts the first part i'm just going to  review all the standard isuzu stuff the good   things are bad things problems were found and  so on second part we're going to have a look at   the all-terrain warrior modifications the third  part is we're going to look at the modifications   that we did that we thought suited us at the  time and we'll let you know how they're gone   what we've had to change and what we  think of him so let's get on with it okay first thing we're going to look at and  this is in no particular order so i hope i   don't bore you to death but first thing is the  caster and camber on the truck when the truck   comes to australia standard it's not  really believe it or not i don't know why   it's not really set up for australia  roads with the camber off to the left   so the truck naturally will pull to the left all  terrain warrior did a cast and camber correction   i'll show you that in a second when we got  it but i wasn't happy with it i wasn't really   that happy with how the truck handled so i've  changed that a couple times since then and it's   almost good so needs a little bit more tweaking  but we're getting there i'll show you what i mean for those of you who might not be  aware the caster on camber affects   how the vehicle drives and handles on  the road so the the camber is how much   the wheels tip in from the top when you look at  them along the side and the caster is what they   call the kingpin angle it's the angle of the front  axle relevant to i suppose vertical if you like   and that affects how it steers and  how the truck centers or they both do so you should be able to see  just under the springs are some   caster correction wedges that have been slotted  in on top of the axle tube beneath the springs   so i've added an extra wedge to increase the  cast on the truck and help it self-center more   when you're driving so it's not so fidgety on the  road and that's helped the camber correction was   done via a shim on the outside of the  hub originally and i found that it was   not really right as well i went to a specialist  and it had excessive camber which promotes wear   on the tyres so we've gone ahead and removed  that and in the where the kingpin bearings sit   on the top and on the bottom of the hub there  is bearings so we've gone and put an adjustable   bearing locator in it so you can adjust that  camber and it also affects the caster bit as well   and it's adjustable you have to take it all apart  to adjust it but you can adjust it to suit what   you want so it is much much better with that  kit the camber issue on the truck is known to   isuzu and we approached them because i  heard it was a warranty issue which it is   so when we approached them they denied our  warranty because we had the super single wheel   conversion on the truck so i suppose you could  say it is a modification it does enhance the   problem so that's why they said bad luck we're  not giving you a warranty but we went ahead and   had it fixed anyway because i wasn't having it  the way it was and it cost about 700 to do the   complete job and it is much better like i said  so that's that done the next little issue is   that we had was a broken front cv we're not  sure when it actually broke we weren't doing   anything bad whatsoever so theoretically it  shouldn't have broken i don't know why it broke   probably broke one more four driving you could say  we had bigger wheels which puts more stress on it   but regardless isuzu replaced it under warranty  and we've had no more problems with that since   so that's good we're happy with that although  i'm not that happy with i don't know why it   broke in the first place so hopefully we don't  have any more problems with the cv nobody else   has heard of one breaking or problems with  it so we don't really know why it occurred   the amt and the auto we get lots of questions  about the automatic manual transmission we've   had no problems with it besides when we first got  the vehicle and started towing the van with the   truck at full weight we had overheating issues  an alarm comes up for overheating on some very   hot days it was about 40 something degrees and it  just kept on overheating so to solve that issue   we made our auto cooler since we've put that in  the truck does have an auto cooler by the way   it's it goes into the radiator but since we've  added our own auto cooler we've had no problems   whatsoever with the auto and  it hasn't overheated once   and we've driven in temperatures up to 49 in  the shade with the van and it still hasn't   overheated so that has solved the overheating  problem completely and we're happy with that while i'm here the fuel caps we have had no end of problems with  these fuel caps leaking i went and spoke to isuzu   about it and they gave us two brand new fuel caps  under warranty and i've put them on and they still   leak so i've got no idea why they're leaking we've  we've spoken to all terrain warriors about it   and they've checked tanks and some leak and some  don't so they have got a set of tanks with caps   that don't leak and they've offered to replace our  tanks for us which i greatly appreciate with tanks   and caps that don't leak so a big thank you to all  terrain warriors for that because i really don't   want to be driving around australia with leaking  fuel caps because that means dirt and water can   get into the fuel more importantly for me than  fuel leaking out so when we can get up to all   terrain warriors in queensland we'll replace the  tanks and the caps and that should be the end of   that a big thanks to all the viewers who helped  us try to solve the problem they had numerous   ideas about the tanks pressurizing and all sorts  of things like that that we looked at to try and   work out what the problem was so thank you very  much there's an example of the leaking fuel cap   leaks forever both sides runs down  the tank drips onto the ground   another known problem with this isuzu truck that  isuzu are aware of is the front doors they're not   adjustable so since they've put larger mirrors  on it for australian regulations the top of the   door flexes and bends in and out in the wind as  the wind's on the mirror and so on and normally   with a normal car you just adjust the door and  that'll be fixed but unfortunately with the truck   the doors are not adjustable so to get around the  non-adjustable door issue isuzu simply gives you   four new bolts per door these bolts don't have  a little shoulder on them to locate the door   so you put them in and you can adjust the door  in and out which solves the problem so that's a   super easy fix and it works just fine we've had no  more wind noise issues since we replaced the bolts the air intake on the truck  it looks like a snorkel   but it really isn't a snorkel at all it has  got holes all through it like swiss cheese   so if you intend on doing any water crossings  the minimum thing you need to do is seal up   the air intake i'll show you what i've done and  the reasons why obviously to stop water and dirt   some people may disagree with some of the things  i've done but that's up to you first of all this flexible boot on the single cab models it's  there and on the dual cab so if and when you   tilt the cab um it comes off the obviously the  fixed part of the air thing so that it can tilt   it doesn't seal at all around the rim so i've  gone ahead and stuck it all up with sicker flex   and so on and i'm fairly confident that no water  can get in there at the same time there's drain   holes on this side and around the other side of  the air intake that would let water in if you   did a deep river crossing so the seal around the  base of the air cleaner here is not waterproof so   i've sealed that up and i've sealed all the air  intake all the way back to the turbo with sealant   just to make 100 sure that there's no possible  leaks and water to enter i always use a high   temperature grease around the seal of the air  box just to make 100 sure that no water gets in   and on the bottom of the air box there is a drain  plug the idea of this is when you uh driving along   and you take your foot off the accelerator that  the back pressure in the air system will blow out   any dirt water or debris through the bottom  of this valve it's a one-way sort of valve   but as soon as you get any dirt or debris in  that valve it will not seal correctly and it   would allow water in to the air box so i always  seal that up completely so that there is no valve   the disadvantage with that is if it's pouring rain  and you've got more of a conventional type snorkel   head and water gets in you will get water in  your air box so if you have a hundred mil of rain   and you get 50 ml of water you know what i mean  in the bottom of your air box it could cause or it   would cause issues so you do need to be aware of  it and it's something that you need to check if it   has rained heavily so that's what i do the other  suggestion would be is to replace this whole thing   with a watertight real snorkel if you like which maybe one day we'll look at   the ics is standard seats in the truck we had  the driver's side one replaced for a suspension   seat when we purchase the truck it is not standard  in a dual cab but it is standard in a single cab   both the seats do a okay job at the best so  they're not the most comfortable seat in the   world if you're sitting in here for six hours  or more when you're driving you feel like it   is absolutely enough my recommendation is if  you can would be to get replacement seats the   reason why we didn't get replacement seats is that  unfortunately because of the design of the floor   and the height here the only seat that you can  fit in is the lowest profile suspension seat that   you can get which was about 50 millimeters  higher than this one and catherine's legs   couldn't reach the pedals with an extra 50  millimeters high if you're a shorter statute   person a replacement seat might not be an option  for you but if you're a little bit taller i would   definitely get replacement seats i believe they  also make one for the passenger side in the dual   cab now i'll get them if you can afford it  definitely while we're looking in the cab   the dash i've never had a dash map before but  in this vehicle the dash constantly reflects   straight on the windscreen and it always makes  it more difficult to view gone ahead and bought   a dash mat and unbelievably it's great you  get no refraction from it at all it's one of   the cheapest and best things that we've found you  can do good bang for buck get a dash mat next up   the all-terrain warrior mods to the truck  most important one of course is the suspension   am i happy with it yep for sure would i have it  without it no way standard these are rough as guts   and you definitely want to get the suspension  upgraded if you're looking to have it for an   overland truck we've got the airbags in  the front which i think are a good idea   but they do have some little problems those  airbags are not airbags like you might think   as a spring but they're just a airbag bump stop  since the suspension travel on the front is not   that high they put the airbag in there so you  don't have a bump stop and when you hit it you   get the harsh jarring through your body it's  more of a softer bump stop the only problem is   there's such a small capacity airbag if you have  any leaks they go flat really quickly and we're   constantly pumping them up but they must have  a leak somehow and they just constantly go flat   but anyway are they worth it i think so just need  to sort out the leaks next is the we've got the   radiator splash guard for the truck because the  radiator hangs down quite low under the front and   you'll see it on the standard truck it's prone to  sticks and stones and everything so we've got the   splash guard there's been no problems with airflow  or heating even towing the van fully loaded   so we haven't had any problems with that some  people suggested that it wasn't good and it   wouldn't work i've had any problems so i'm happy  with that i'll get that again same with the aircon   guard you'll see where the aircon hangs right down  prone to sticks and so on we've got a guard on   it we've had no problems with it you can see the  radiator splash guard in between the springs there   stops all debris dirt and sticks from getting  the radiator it would also stop a lot of   spinifex grass seeds if you're in the desert  although they would still get in there somehow   the air conditioning condenser guard does its job definitely i would purchase that again we  elected to get the atw full bar when we got   the truck we've had no problems with it although  we haven't run into anything so i can't say how   robust it is but it's all good none of the  lights have fallen off on the corrugations   they've got bracing under the light brackets  and so on which is great got their winch cradle   the winch is a 25 000 pound sherpa or an 11 ton  sherpa winch we've used them they're okay they   are connected to the truck electrical system  originally i thought that was a great idea   because they're 24 volt then half the current so  you don't have to worry about your cables as much   but now i since using them i think that the truck  electrical system and the batteries really can't   handle a winch and i would definitely get a 12  volt winch and connect it to my house batteries   or the canopy batteries instead of to the truck  electrical system that way you get a lot more   battery capacity and it will help your winch  when using the winch just on the truck electrical   system it often comes up with a low voltage alarm  and the winch starts to slow down sometime in the   future i have to get some larger batteries for  the truck they're not the biggest batteries so   we can modify and put some larger ones down there  which will help the winch the truck batteries are   a smaller battery they're about a 75 amp hour  where we could be fitting in about a 120 amp   hour if we modify the cradle a little bit so when  they do for replacement we'll definitely do that   also the rear winch is the same we've got a  11 ton or a 25 000 pound sherpa rear winch   we've used that believe it or not not  for the truck but to repair things on   the caravan straighten out bent caravan legs  and so on so that has been useful for that   and it also operates the rear wheel carrier up  and down the rear wheel carrier and the rear bar   has been great it's been no problems with them  we've had to modify the carrier to suit our new   thinner tyres by putting a spacer here and  so on but depending on what option you get   with all terrain warriors how the carrier is set  up when we purchase a truck we elected to also   get the all-terrain warrior roof rack with solar  panels and the front bar both of those have been   great we've had no problems with any of the roof  rack or the bar work at all they originally had a   little issue with the front with wind noise they  put a wind defector across the front of the bar   there to stop the wind noise so if you are  getting one make sure that you speak to them   about a wind deflector or ensure that they've  done testing with the bar if they've altered it   the rear tray the all terrain  warrior tray is a great tray it's suspension mounted so it's mounted  on springs so that the chassis can flex   independent of the rear tray which is great  because even though you've got those springs   it still flexes enough to bind up the doors on our  rear canopy if you're in an extreme situation the   doors are harder to open and they catch a bit but  apart from that the tray the construction is all   good it's all rhino coated or whatever you want  to call it to prevent rust underneath the steel it's their mounting kit it's a good option i think the front diff on  our truck has been replaced with the all-terrain   warrior auto biasing front diff  so essentially it's a mechanical   limited slip diff on the front that  locks up when it's got torque across it it definitely works you can feel it in  slippery conditions but if one wheel's   off the ground it will not drive the wheel  that is in contact with the ground the wheel   that is in the air will just spin it's one of  the design compromises with this sort of diff   but if both wheels have got some traction it's  great you can feel it trying to core its way   along the road or the track would we get the front  diff again if i had a choice well we didn't have a   choice when we purchased it there was no other  options but i believe there's a locking front   diff available now like an air locker  i always love my air lockers previously   and i would always get an air locker if i have  the choice so it's the same with this uh would   i get it again now if i could get an air locker if  i couldn't get an air locker yes i'll get it again   tires as you're most likely aware we have had  a fair few issues with tyres i'm not going to   go all into it here there's probably plenty  of information that we've put out about tyres   but basically my current understanding is the  tyres we've got for the truck are probably   the best that we can get at the moment to  suit our situation we've got a heavy truck   there's definitely no denying that it is within  all the specifications and weight limits of   the australian rule so there's no problems with  that but the problem is with the tyres we've found   that with 37-inch tyres if you have a heavy truck  they are just not robust enough to last they will   fail from my experience the tyres we've got now  hopefully will not fail they are a compromise they   are a truck tyre they're not going to perform  as well off-road they're not going to perform   as well in the sand and they have got a lower  ground clearance because they're a 35-inch tyre   but the main thing is that they're robust they  last and they don't fail every day so we're going   to give these tyres a good try good workout and  see how they go since these tyres are not quite   as aggressive and well suited to mud and clay  driving as previous tyres we've had to go to a   few different options a little bit out of the box  thinking to improve their ability we'll cover that   next week when i review all of our recovery  gear so check that out if you're interested   we have had a ton of questions about our tyres  of course one of them being how these new tyres   perform compared to the older 37 inch tyres  well i'm glad to say that they perform better   than i thought on the road they definitely perform  better they've got better braking and cornering as   you would expect they're definitely quieter as you  would expect on dirt roads they're better on rough   dirt roads they're better on very rough dirt roads  i can't really say yet i think they're going to be   a harsher tyre but saying that we had these truck  type tyres previously with steel rims and they   were a lot harsher from what i remember compared  to these ones with the alloy rims so i think the   alloy rims help a lot to do with the ride feel  and comfort compared to the old heavier steel rims   so from my current experience i would definitely  undergo alloy rims and maybe the toyo tyres are a   little bit different or they feel better compared  to the previous good ride tyres that we had so   in a bit of a round up or a sum up if you're  going to get truck tires i'll definitely go   this combination with the alloys and the toyos  they seem really good at the moment but of course   we'll let you know how they go okay just to  sort of quickly run through the mods that we did   if you're interested in the setup and  actual in detail of all the modifications   you'd be best to look at our previous video of the  truck setup i'm just going to touch on the things   that are good and bad and how we've gone with it  the canopy the canopy has been really good i'm   more than happy with it and i'm sure catherine is  too it suits our needs to a tee it's great we've   had no problems with it except it is starting to  wear a little bit some of the locks on the doors are wearing a little bit you get some plain  drawers now that we never had and also the locks   on the going doors themselves there is rods that  go into the front and they are starting to wear   a bit so there is a little bit of play there i'm  not sure what the solution is for that maybe we'll   have to put a metal insert into the hole to take  out some of that wear it must be where the door   rattles and wears on the pin it's just wearing  away the aluminium slightly if i did it again   i would probably put some sort of like i said a  steel insert in there to try and stop the wear   the canopy itself if we redid it for some reason  i would choose a slightly lighter construction   because we are pushing our top end gvm for the  truck so i would like to reduce weight wherever   i could if i did it again one of those things  would be to use lithium batteries instead of   lead acid batteries we currently have 420 agm  lead acid batteries at about 40 kilos each at   least so you're looking at 160 kilos worth of  batteries sitting in the back of the truck where   we could replace it with a lithium and it'll  be a third of the weight and half the size   something like that so we could  easily save 100 kilos there or more   worth of weight and i think the lithium would  perform better main thing would be the recharge   normally with the lead acid it takes a long time  to get them fully recharged so it will take all   day until they're 100 topped up whereas with the  lithium if you have enough solar and sun that   will be topped up you know i mean by 11 o'clock  like our van battery performs so that would be   my choice if i need to replace it or when i need  to replace them in you know six years time or so   when we initially designed the electrical system  and the batteries i made sure that that battery   size and all the equipment was compatible with a  lithium set up i'm simply going to replace those   with a similar size lithium setup and alter the  controllers to suit the charging requirements   and then we'll have a lithium set up which will be  fine we have used anadrive and victron controllers   for our solar stuff and they have performed  well there's been no problems with them the   only thing that i would change with our setup  and our layout is the fuses for the main fuses   they're tucked way back in the back here and  we have had a couple of those main fuses blow   and they're difficult to replace i'll have to  pull a fridge out to replace them i decided to   put those fuses there it was a decision um i  thought i wouldn't have to get to them often   so i thought i'd put them up the back out of  the way and that would be acceptable but really   the only time you get to fuses or you need to get  diffusers is when there's a problem and of course   when there's a problem you see the raining you're  stuck in a bog hole who knows it's never nice and   you never plan for it so i would definitely move  those down to the front with easy access i might   even still do that and rewire it so that i've got  good access to those larger fuses down the back   our water tanks that we've made 300 litres worth  of water stainless they're great we don't have   any problems with them we love them we fill we use  the tap hand washing all the time shower and so on   we always fill the van from these if  we go into town we'll top up these   come back and fill the van water so we don't  have to take the van to town if we're camping   out of town we can simply take the truck and  bring the water back to the van which is great   we found that we needed to add  insulation to the canopy doors   to stop the heat and stop the cold in winter  when we had the dogs in the back there would be   water condensing and dripping off  the doors and the roof everywhere   so we went ahead and just stuck insulation on it  and it's made it a lot better so where possible   i would fully insulate the roof and the doors  on a canopy just to stop condensation and heat   same with the insulation we put in the truck we  put the same thing under the truck floor to stop   heat and noise and that has worked well  that's just from clark rubber stuck it   on it stopped the noise a fair bit and a lot of  the heat this floor used to get quite hot here   um because obviously the air flow from the motor  all comes past here and it heats up the rear floor   you can see we even did it up the  rear wall to help with the sound   the truck steps we also modified those they  originally came a lot lower right down to here   and i was particularly concerned if you went  in dropped into a little washout or a hole you   don't have to go in very far before your step  will get bent and mugged and so on which would   then probably push it back into the battery or  into the fuse box and then you'd have all sorts   of trouble so what i did was i simply just  cut the bottom off moved it up re-welded it   it is a larger step particularly if you have young  or elderly people hop in the back it's a big first   step up but i think it's probably a worthwhile  sacrifice compared to getting the steps smashed   off and punched through your batteries every time  you go into more difficult four-wheel drive areas   so what things would we change with our setup  like i mentioned i would have made a slightly   lighter canopy or maybe a lighter trying  canopy combination so we had more weight or   cargo weight to play with the air conditioning  we would have air conditioning for our dogs   it's just too hot in the summer when we're  going across the nullarbor and it was 49 in   the shade it's probably about let's say what 54  53 54 degrees in the dog box on the other side   and that is just too hot do you know what i mean  it's too hot for animals to travel in australia   in summer unless they've got something else  unless they're super tough of course but anyway   i would suggest having air con or an air con  environment for any animals that you consider   traveling around australia with just to reduce  that stress off them because essentially we   couldn't travel when it was that hot we traveled  in the morning and stopped you know before lunch   just for the dog's sake because it was too hot so  i would look at changing that either ducting it   through into their cage or something like that  the rear steps on the truck they've been fine   we've tried to change them a few times  modify them and so on which we have done   welded and so on they're not quite right  i like the idea one day i'll change them   and modify them a little bit differently and  they'll be much better same with the stairs up to   the tent they're actually a little bit too narrow  to step both feet on the same rung together so you   can only put one on one and it becomes difficult  if they're a little bit wider you could put two   feet on one rung and that would make it easier  so maybe one day we'll look at changing that the last thing i'd like to alter or change  is something that i haven't mentioned before   but we have had a problem with it and i do  want to sort it out somehow and that is the   front cv boots on the front axle on this truck  they're super exposed to sticks particularly   they're a rubber boot they're only very thin and  they're in a dangerous position so i'd love to   make a guard around them or i will make a guard  or find a guard around them to stop that problem   on the mitsubishi trucks they come or  i think they come standard with a guard   around there or you can order it as an option so  i definitely want to do something like that around   those boots i'll show you them now and  you'll understand exactly what i mean so looking under the front of the truck  you can see these cv rubber boots here   they're just a thin rubber boot and they're super  prone to getting stick damage but to replace that   boot you have to take the whole hub off every  time including the brakes and everything else   to replace that which is a real pain so we've had  it happen once i don't want it to happen again   so i need to make some sort of guard  around here just to protect them   because simply drive along and there's a  stick poking up it'll just go through your   boot and that's it you need to pull your whole  wheel hub bearings everything off to replace   that and then put it all back together so there  goes a day or two of work and money just because   they've got no protection everything else is great  you know what i mean with the front end protection   especially with that splash guard like i said on  the radiator and intercooler there but those boots   are in a terribly exposed location that i don't  really think is good enough for an off-road truck so just as a wrap up about the truck and  everything i'm more than happy with the isuzu   truck as a whole i think it's a really good truck  i think it's good value for money compared to some   other vehicles that you can buy it's super  robust the drivetrain's good the body's good   generally it's a good thing there are some  things that need to be changed like some of   the things that we went through most of them are  relatively minor a major one being suspension you   don't buy the truck unless you do a suspension  upgrade if you're going to use it for touring   would i buy it again for sure would you buy it  again catherine yes i would it's a good truck   we like it it suits our needs perfectly it is  a little bit slower it is not the most powerful   truck that you can get if you want power you  can might as well go and buy a seven point   whatever six liter f truck and you'll have power  on tap this is not that sort of vehicle even   though i'd like it to be and here's our home  on the avocado farm for god knows how long   until lockdown lifts i guess next week we'll  be doing a full video on all the recovery   gear we carry for the truck so we hope to see  you next week for our recovery gear episode   so make sure you subscribe to get the reminder and  give us a thumbs up if you think we're doing okay you

2021-08-26 15:49

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