good morning so last video you saw us successfully cross the border from Kazakhstan to Kyrgyzstan and today we are in this city called Karakol which is like the gateway to all the hiking and trekking in this mountainous area there's also another kind of famous place in this area which is the Sunday Animal Market and we've never been to an animal market before but this is very very important for the local people here because of their nomadic culture so buying cattle and sheep and horse yeah trading and buying them and providing for the whole family is a huge part of the culture so we're here to see what a morning animal market is like I'm excited I can smell it already I can see all the action people bringing big trucks to take the animal back with them oh there's a cattle loose over there hello so this guy came and got a cow a little cow oh careful wow look at all these all these trucks we might end up with a cow today a cow or horse depends on the price to offer to our homestay family because they've been taking really good care of us just watch where you are walking cuz there's a lot of poo I was going to say watch where you're going there's a big hole this is madness I've never seen anything like this this is crazy wow I'm a bit overwhelmed me too because I don't know I don't know where to walk you know what I mean it's just animals people all mixed together yeah let's cut through the crowds yeah okay you see that lady over there she was FaceTiming with her husband and showing him the cow like maybe he couldn't make it so he's like what do you think of this cow should I get this one I wonder how much would the cow cost we have asked some of our local friends we've met and then they said for example a horse could be $2,000 a really really nice horse could be up to $10,000 USD so a cow would probably be like $500 to $1,000 I wonder it should be cheaper than a horse and there's like kids there's old people young people women children everyone here honestly it's also a square where people just gather and socialize yeah and just chat initially I thought we would stick out like a sore thumb you know what I mean because we're holding a camera and we don't look super local we look a little bit local but then I saw there's actually quite a few tourists walking around with cameras as well so I think they're used to it probably yeah hello hi how much would this be how much I think it's sold she has the money oh yeah you can see that she's counting money now it's in cash is this the price maybe no that's a number price wouldn't be shown cuz you have to bargain right right good point but it looks like it's a milking cow how are you he must be happy yeah he looks very happy he bought it I think he bought it he didn't sell it I think the lady sold it here with her husband and this is the horses section now I think but do you think these horses are for meat or to ride I don't know I think they buy it for different purposes see I wish we had a local with us so we know exactly how the transaction works I think coming to a market like this is of course not for everyone and it probably feels very heavy and serious because you see the animals you make eye contact and I felt that feeling just now when I made eye contact with a horse is that there is like a little bit of sadness and fear of course for the animals yeah because the reality is that eventually these animals will be consumed yeah or traded somehow wait don't yeah no no he's going to kick they're like don't don't go let's go that way then okay okay okay go this way yeah okay thank you thank you he just saved your life yeah I was going to walk but that one was a kicking horse yeah okay let's go to another section we're now in the sheep section you can hear it already right this boy is selling one right here a lot of the kids the younger boys are the ones who are carrying the sheep cuz I think it's easier to manage and I think sheep might be the more inexpensive kind of animal to buy here as well I want to know how much here 100,000 Som how much is that $1,200 USD I guess cuz this one is massive yeah is it even a sheep it's like between a sheep and a goat he looks like he's 12 he's so young he looks young can I pet name you have a name my name is loshay yeah you're loshay nyemot loshay my name is salor my name is Note nice to meet you how old are you how old are you oh 12 one two 12 12 wow one and two so young Thailand Thailand wow this one too wow hello he also looks really young how much to buy this one oh 110,000 Som that's almost the same price as the goat or the sheep that we looked at the big one remember yeah interesting $1200 oh $2,000 okay thank you byebye so how do you feel walking around this Market I feel neutral I mean like it's sad to see these animals but I know it's the way of life here it's part of the culture I feel the same as you I have this feeling though is that we in like Western countries we're so used to just going to the grocery store the supermarket to buy our meat and they're packaged in a foam plate with you know plastic wrap it's just like cut and sliced and everything and I think sometimes we take our food for granted we even may waste our food more easily but when you see how the food like what it actually looks like it's a sacrifice a life that makes me feel like I shouldn't waste my food and also I don't think eating meat is the problem I think whatever you eat even vegetables you appreciate it you like be grateful for it that's what nature provides that's the most important part is to be grateful for your food and don't waste food yeah no matter what diet you choose another reason why we wanted to come to this market and see for ourselves because tomorrow we got invited by the host family at the house we're staying because they are going to have a little celebration they're going to have a feast to celebrate their mom returning home from the hospital she had like a little surgery but everything went smoothly so she said that it is a reason to celebrate and part of their culture they invite all their family members over and then they sacrifice an animal to God and they enjoy the meal together so tomorrow we'll show you what a celebration is like at a local house in Kyrgyzstan I would love to have a garden like this have so many fruits I can smell it it smells so nice and the host family said we can pick we can pick the fruits to eat these are apricots right I think so I think it's all ripe I'll take this one that one's ripe I'm going to take this one this is so cool so beautiful and there's a sheep over there if you can hear the noise oh wow it's so sweet you already ate it mhm can't get any fresher than this you just take it off the tree and eat it it's so juicy it's so juicy look it's perfectly ripe they have more stuff over there apples but I don't think these are ready yet yeah these are still a bit green but what kind are these like currants they look like currants try it sour but it tastes like currants this is so neat they have so many fruits growing here and their summer is actually pretty short it's just 2-3 months so this is usually I guess like in the winter just covered with snow and then every year they will grow these fruits again I think there's even plums over there these plums look amazing everything is so sweet and so delicious just pick what you're going to eat pick what we need this is a Kyrgyz national dish something like bread but is similar to Kazakh's one so it's fried dough fried dough yeah bread dough we have something similar in Thailand too the bread dough that we fry but then we eat with like soy milk thank you oh nice and hot yes oh so hot careful yummy and it's like hollow inside is it sweet it's not sweet but do you eat this bread do you eat it with something sweet usually eat with this jam with butter butter yes and like Kyrgyz national oil with this very yummy so good more now we're just snacking I will give you thank you so much okay we're so lucky to be invited this morning to see how they prepare the local family is celebrating um like basically the mother of the family came home from the hospital safe and sound so today is like a little celebration with the family that everything is good right mom is healthy she healthy again but it's not a good day for the sheep but the sheep will be yeah but the sheep will be sacrificed in order to say thank you to God yeah exactly but it's something that you grew up seeing it is normal for you yes it's super normal I even seen not just sheep even a cow or a horse yes you see this for celebration of birth yes for birth as well so we have been seeing this is this your first time too it is my first time it's overwhelming the first time I can feel the respect that they're giving to the animal like everyone would pray and sit down it's like a quiet moment that everyone is here showing respecting no matter if you're old or young like kids are here as well and it's just part of their culture but yeah it's different and they're doing everything really fast now to kind of like butcher it first time trying sheep soup sheep broth it's very tasty and it's salty it's almost like a bone broth but it's perfect because now it's like a rainy day we get hot soup to start but I like how they clear the whole table clear off all the bread all the sweets all the cheese meat to bring the main you know the main course which is the Sheep thank you the head is staring at me now it's so weird to witness the process and now you have it on the table wow this is a lot so they gave you this piece for men so you can have healthy strong legs this one you dip in there you can or you can just take a spoon of soup after that's a good part they gave you a good piece of meat the leg's so tender this is the head fat it's full of collagen it's good but gamey yeah I'm trying to get over the fact that it's sheep I didn't know sheep meat was this lean so this one is called five fingers basically it's the noodles and the broth and the meat all together and then you use your all your fingers very good uncle is so cool you use all five fingers so this is considered heavy food like meat and carbs and it's because they live at a higher elevation so they need more energy and is it just energy or also keep you warm in the winter yeah we live at like a lower altitude we live at sea level basically when we're in Koh Samui so this would probably be very heavy for us there but here like gives us energy I'm getting used to it five fingers do you feel energized now I think food coma is going to cone but definitely I don't feel any like altitude sickness or anything cuz I think the salt helps too know wait a minute you're not using your five fingers you're using your fork it's a very huge pleasure to having you today when we have sheep thank you so much thank you so much for having us thank you when you all come with visit us in Thailand we'll cook you Thai food yeah thank you this is kalpak for showing appreciation to our guest now you are Kyrgyz he's saying that when you will drive the car do not take it off because people will think that you are a Kyrgyz so yeah they will appreciate you and accepting you everything will be okay it's very good on you yes it matches very good on you thank you that's beautiful now you're wife and husband Kyrgyz
2024-09-30 16:38