OUR FIRST DAY in CHINA (we could live here!)

OUR FIRST DAY in CHINA  (we could live here!)

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it's our first full day as a family in the  incredible city of Shanghai and we are ready to   see what this Mega city has to offer today we'll  show you what a five-star hotel in Shanghai is   all about we'll explore a beautifully restored  historic part of the city complete with a 400y   old traditional Chinese Garden then we'll head to  the tallest building I've ever been in so tall it   has its very own space station and of course  along the way we'll be ding diving into some   of the most amazing local food this city has  to offer let's go so we've just got checked   in to the shanga seamless check-in which is  exactly what you'd expect from a hotel of this   quality very very Grand Chinese style Hotel we've  actually been upgraded to a club room which is an   absolute result so I really want to show you  that now I've let Helen and Finley go upstairs   ahead of me so we'll follow up there in a sec  you've got to see this for you guys absolutely incredible all right I'm going to give you  a tour we're in the club room so we're up   high so it's a little bit more of an expensive  room but once you see it I'm sure you'll agree   probably worth it all right so let's have  a little look all right Finley's been in bed7 on the 34th 34th okay what is it chocolate  no way well they've got a chocolate and   Shanghai wow all right let's have a look at these  snacks this is what you get as a welcome in the   Shang look we've got the skyline all made out  in chocolate we've got a swan couple of other   the bits fruit platter what one look he can't  he can't resist anymore look at this one if   this hotel is expensive it is definitely worth  is it yeah all right I think Finley definitely   approves of the room absolutely stunning views  here guys this is one of the nicest hotel rooms   we've been in what you reckon H one of the  nicest hotels we've been in oh my God it's   a classic traditional five-star Chinese Hotel  very much like the shanga in Bangkok almost   identical but I've never been to the 29th floor  of the Shanghai in Bangkok I don't even know if   it has 29 floors this though look at these  views I don't eat chocolate just this top   there go on I eat the top go eat the circle  around it okay the things I do for my kid e my God solid chocolate M what's finy found a dragon oh look at this all right so this is the bathroom guys so   we've obviously got the family room  oh look at this cute little guy mom go show you Mom buddy then as we showed you  you got your double sink here so you little   stand up for the kids so you can get uh parents  and kids can do the teeth at the same time you   like your hotel hun just love it I can't wait  to just wander around it's on the river which   I love I love mix to water yeah I just can't  wait to just spend a couple of days here kids   bed that they've laid out for us which we've  messed up a little bit cuz finy got excited   that's all right though that's what it's there  for is it it's got some Lego play with good boy   all right then we've got a massive double bed  nice big TV but who wants to watch the TV when   you got swimming po yes you've got a swimming  pool but also you've got a view like this all   right so now we've seen the room let's go and  check out a 400y old Chinese Garden [Music]   so it's just the sort of classic souvenir  shops traditional dress shops and Food Shops   it's definitely definitely a tourist spot but  looks completely different from anywhere else   we've been in xianghai so far see H this is  where we differ because I was just about to   say and this is why it's good for the  viewers to watch this channel because   they get a feel for different perspectives  I was just about to say this is hell for me   this is like so touristy and Helen just  turned I absolutely love this don't you   want to see these parts of like Shanghai they  kept all the building it's very beautiful but   extremely touristy everyone trying to sell you  stuff it's very very busy it's been like Asia   it's just very beautiful I just appreciate  the buildings and all the nice authentic   Chinese like stuff there you go come on bud you  got to take it off first Bud all right so this is   the first spot guys dun shenan if I'm saying that  correctly I think this is the oldest shangan in Shanghai these are the shenan so I've got pork  and I think I got pork and prawn so finy can try   them so these are like fried bow buns and these  are a semi fermented dough in here which means   that they let the dough rise and then it ferments  for a few hours and then they make it topped with   spring onion and these ones have black sesame we  got some scallion oil noodles so just soy sauce   and fried scallion oil in L I think you like  then Finley has gone for the Old Shanghai pork   chop you like it it what do you tell me what  to do pick it up pick it up yeah but you got   to wait a while cuz I did it the other day and  when I did my first video and it exploded all   over me sced and then what about the chili you i'  put a bit of chili oil in if you want it you want [Music] B yeah do you remember say that  again it does taste a bit like rub and   that is because of the sourness of the Tarin  the tartness of Tamarind you can taste in the   Wier sauce does taste a bit like rubab you're  right he got a good palette what a palette my   boy's got what are you saying babe oh my God  I'm obsessed for this dough oh it's like the   most comforting dough and then it's like shallow  fried it's got so much flavor and then you just   it's got sou it's like half B bun half Jer  is it oh my God I love it that's por and that one it's the bong how good is it [Music] buddy you love [Music] it so what you just said no I said because  we live in bang we don't like the touristy places   but when we've only got a short time here we need  yeah I know and that's what I'm saying but we   differ slightly in what we like to do but that's  what that's just a normal couple and it's nice for   him to see like old it's really nice what blows me  away when I come to different Asian countries even   in bangco but like just like a chain restaurant  in England you could have PID me to go to a chain   restaurant in England but the chain restaurants  here in Asia are phenomenal and this place is no exception try and use your  CH it's good you like it bud these are different to the ones I had the other  day I did a video on my main Channel my food   channel so and if you don't know and you're  watching for the first time I do have a Food   Channel and um I tried some in a little local  backst Street Place which are really good but   these are different these are a bit thicker RI  fluffier um not sure which ones I like better   but these are top oh look at this whole piece of  prawn in these ones if I was being hyper critical   the pork chop was much better in the place I  went the other day with my friend Autumn who   actually also recommended this restaurant to us  so I'll put her details in the description box   below if you need a guide for Shanghai she  is your woman but yeah the back alley Uncle   noodles or something we went to the other day I  think the pork chop was better in there but it's   still decent in here cheap this whole meal came  from about 8 British pounds I don't know 121 so   can't go wrong right now we're full up I'm in  a better mood we'll go grab a coffee and then   we're going to walk around these Gardens let's  go so there's loads and loads of food in this   area like a mindboggling amount as you'd expect  and for us the good thing about just arriving in   China is the fact I've got nothing to reference  this stuff to so everything I'm eating is the   best thing I've ever eaten so these might not  even be the best but I've only eaten two types   so they're either the first or the second best  which is great all right this is getting wet wet wet this is this is going to be fun up the tower tonight we have picked the worst day in human  history to do an outdoor activity we've just   got our tickets just made it cuz uh 4:00 cut  off and it shuts at half hour so we only got   half an hour in there we made the ticket uh  Time by 1 minute here and we're going to have   a little walk around and I'm sure it's going to  be very very magical inside with all this rain [Music] [Music] all right so Helen was right it's undoubtedly very  very nice very very beautiful nice little place to   walk around it is touristy but it's mainly local  tourist so it doesn't feel as touristy I guess um   yeah nice place to walk around kill a few hours  um and very different to the central business   district part that we're staying in in Shanghai  but definitely come when it's not raining this   hard because we can't really do anything walk  around it is absolutely pouring down so we're   going to leave you here for a minute go back to  the hotel get cleaned up see in the next one well   we're not going anywhere just see you at the next  scene see you in the next scene all right real   quick I just want to take one minute of your time  to talk about the partner for today's video the   shangrilla pong located in the heart of shanghai's  business district this elegant five-star hotel   was the perfect base for our food Adventures as we  explored the vibrant streets of Shanghai we were   lucky enough to get upgraded to a club room and it  was Immaculate spacious comfortable and offering   breathtaking views of shanghai's stunning Skyline  it had everything we needed including a super   comfy massive bed for us and a really cute madeup  kids bed for Finley when I'm out filming it's   really important to me that my wife and son have a  place to unwind and shangra LA Hong went above and   beyond with an indoor pool sauna steam room and a  massive baking hot jacuzzi and let me tell you for   once breakfast was a standout one of the best  we've had with a perfect mix of local Shanghai   dishes and loads of Western options everyone was  happy if you're looking for exceptional service   and ultimate Comfort on your next Food adventure  to Shanghai the shanga pong is the place to be   all right now back to other me who's no doubt  eating some amazing Shanghai dumplings and giving   you an impeccable rundown all right so we've just  arrived at the Oriental Pearl Tower luckily for us   the rain has stopped so I think we are actually  going to get hasn't stopped but it's lessened I   think we are going to get a decent view the lady  at the ticket office which by the way is at gate   number one you got to go and get your tickets  if you haven't got them online at gate number   one and then come in they take your tickets at the  desk but she told us oh sorry sorry sorry she told   us always in the way she told us I will'll  get this out in a sec only go to the middle   one because you won't see anything from the top  today because the weather's so bad so we've just   got tickets to the middle one they were 20 20 R&B  200 R&B 200 you won so yeah what a city honestly   best sky or one of the best skylines I've  ever seen this is absolutely insane but   this is literally 5 minutes around the corner  from our hotel so even though it was raining we   got our little cheap umbrellas we bought off  someone in the street and uh yeah wasn't too   bad so think we picked a pretty good place to  stay so B what do you think of Shanghai so far   wow I'm really liking it I love a city with  the skyline and this has got the most amazing   Skyline I've ever seen and yeah and I love  the food it's very clean very organized but   there's arrows everywhere everyone knows  what they're doing mom yeah we just go to the all right we're just  about to get in the first lift [Music] [Music]   what number is it right I just went a bit queasy  there we got in the lift and the lady said after   55 seconds we're going to be 263 M high right so  we're this high and you can go 351 M but she said   you won't see anything insect pointless that's  the Space Capsule got a revolving restaurant   on 267 m not sure how good that is but oh my  God I don't need to be any higher than this guys I see get see some movies I see a  bathroom I see a bathroom through a window   right obviously the boy wants to go even  higher he wants to go to the space capsu   the views I don't think I'm doing this just  with the camera the views are inane this is   the most unbelievable Skyline I've ever seen  this is 360 you can see around the whole of   Shanghai it's just lit up like a Christmas tree  both sides of the river unbelievable I can only   imagine what this would look like on a clear  night no rain cuz this is [Music] unbelievable   all right so we only bought the tickets to  this floor but because the boy wants to go   up we're going to pay another 100 100 y each  another tener all right so this could be worth   it not only is there a space capsu there also  a space museum so fin is going to love this or into the time [Music] [Music] capure you know I actually feel like I'm  on a space station this is the maddest   place I think I've ever been in my life feel  I've just stepped into like a scene in Star Wars you're all about space ar oh my God  I'm such a space geek I should love it   but it also freaks me out like once I  start thinking about it I just get fre   you feel like we've just been teleported  into space yeah I feel like we're in like   a spaceship in space do you think are we  in space buddy a little glimpse into the   future of Shanghai look at this even  the toilets are like a space station I think it's the highest I've ever been  in a building obviously I've been in a   plane before um is this higher than the  M mahanon Tower in Bangkok I think so I'm   not sure that was high enough for me but  this is this is just like another world   everything in Shanghai is like another world  AB mindboggling before we were here now all   the way all right this is where I absolutely  lose the plot the glass bottom stand I don't   know what you call this thing but anyway  I can't even think straight but I have to   pretend that I'm not scared because Finley  has no fear oh this is a mad view down oh my God I can feel it moving imagine falling through this [Music] [Music] all right so I'll tell you what we thoroughly  enjoyed that wasn't the cheapest but if you   compare it to say London prices  where we've just come back from   very very reasonable we've sacked off the Chetan  food we're going to go for some Lano pulled beef   noodles right next to this big pole Tower so  um yeah we'll see how that goes we'll see you   there all right this is it guys so this is the  uh top one this is famous for hand pulled beef noodles hey right so again like earlier  this is actually a chain restaurant and   although this isn't technically Shanghai  Anese food you'll find these pulled lanel   noodles everywhere across the city so like  I said this is a chain restaurant and they   hand pulling noodles homemade chili oil  incredible all right so Helen ordered   this the other night this is our hour this is  just a spicy cucumber salad so I smashed you   salad with uh vinegar soy sauce chili oil and  peanuts then she's got a classic rimal which   is a Chinese hamburger and I've not had one like  this before I don't know if these are traditional   um but these have got like a flaky pastry look  at that as I said chain restaurant this is all   handmade I mean this is the equivalent guys of  like imagine babe when I say chain restaurant   it's like wagger MERS in London like the  quality of this compared to something like that is I love these on do you are that's a Lotus  mate Lotus route do you I have a little bite then oh these are my mashed potato noodles these  are my mashed potato noodles this is the first   for me what you reckon bud no yeah good oh look  and then the bolog yummy Boles with bolog with peanuts any good meat you like it bud is it oh my it good job your tie isn't it all   right so let's have a look at this so  it's actually look creamy mashed potato very very salty very very smooth mashed  potato we've got some minced beef in a a sweet bean sauce it's going to mix  it up oh look at the chili oil at the bottom every Brit's dream carb  on carb need a cutle of beers I   might add some more chili oil to  this let get a bit of everything you know what I'm a little bit surprised at  how many potato noodles I've eaten now I'm   not sure what to say about this the ultimate  ultimate ultimate Comfort noodle dish never   thought I'd say it guys mashed potato noodles  my new favorite we got a spicy Mala La skew as well it's not beef it's mutton it's a salty fatty mutton skure absolutely   smashed in Chetan peppercorns and salt  oh do you want to try that it's a lambc decent that is an absolute must I could eat 15 of  those Helen has just pulled out the best shout of   all time say that again reminds me of like a  shepherd's pie mixed into um bise it isn't it   it's really nice hand pulled shepherd's pie I  just got her to hook me up with a bit more of   this homemade chili on these noodles she put three  small Ladle FS on so I think she's trying to kill me that is everything I could literally  just eat Bowl after Bowl after bowl of   these noodles with a spicy Sesame chili oil  on top phenomenal I'm really getting that   that Mala like numbing heat from the  Chuan peppercorns now my whole mouth is tingling just waiting for finny to finish here  so I can drizzle more oil on his and eat that   you might be wondering why I haven't ordered the  signature beef noodle soup phenomenal but we had   that last night cuz we actually came here on our  first night we got it late and headed down and   we got beef noodles so I wanted to come back  and try the rest of the dishes so definitely   recommend the beef noodle soup with the chili oil  fantastic but these everything we've ordered again   I've got nothing really to compare it to I've had  this dish many times but overseas so got nothing   to compare it to really um not this dish I mean  the beef noodle suit but all in all again just   like from a chain restaurant this is mindblowing  thank you all right absolutely amazing first day   with the family I've been been out for a couple  of days eating but it's our first full day with   the family in Shanghai absolutely blown away by  this city have loved every minute of it if you   want to see us tackle Disneyland you can watch the  next video I'll link that down below um I think   that's it for today we're going to go back to  the hotel have a little sleep and we will see you

2024-12-11 14:06

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