Orlando Tourism. Feeding Giant Alligators! Explore Florida Theme Parks, Gatorland

Orlando Tourism. Feeding Giant Alligators! Explore Florida Theme Parks, Gatorland

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think you need two really Salme Hayek get up  you finally talked me into snake wrangling we're going to Gator Land, Gator Land, Gator Land, whoops I mean we're going  to Gator Land Gator, Land! Amy are you ready for this I'm so ready we made  it all the way to Fantastic Gator land! Gator land   now to enter you have to go through a Gator's  mouth very exciting this dates to the 1930s!   wow! I had no idea! the original day there is a  guy last named Godwin who opened up a gator pit   in his backyard. that's uh problematic and his  wife sold Gator souvenirs from their kitchen,   cuz Florida! so folks this is Gator Land not  too far are from um Orlando it's very um you   can see you got like it's speed limit 4.7 mph very  specific and I think in 1949 he switched it from   a gator pit in his backyard to an actual Park and  it's just been going ever since then. I've heard   that Gator Land actually while maybe the history  is a little bit problematic that they actually do   some good things for Gators and conservation  and education and they have a pretty good   reputation as far as I know. yeah they they save  a lot of gators people who have a gator in their   backyard and this and that the little Gator I  don't know if you guys saw this story it was   it was a viral kind of Internet story maybe six  months or a year ago about the gator with like   a half mouth... it's supposed to be here now  they're helping rehabilitate her and letting   her I've heard a few where they somebody's raising  a gator in their backyard and it gets confiscated   and then these guys care for it if you will  so yeah this is going to be a big Gator day   at Gator Land we'll show you other animals here  too I think um some flamingos and a petting they   got all kinds of stuff all right let's show them  the and right back there is speed limit is 4.7 mph  

it says there's a sign at the beginning that says  um parking 1949 cuz that's the year it opened and   then it says but free today and let's show you the  Gator Land sign up here that' be a good thumbnail   look better if if it's you let's get you in there  that's a nice thumbnail I would I would go to this   park. all right so Gator Land since 1949 that's  incredible snakes and Gators and all kinds of   stuff here all right stick around we have even  more coming up Gator Land Orlando Theme Park the   alligator capital of where the world the world and  that's why this is the world's greatest Adventure Adventure all right what else is cool this Gator  right up here the gator mouth oh this is awesome   yeah can we put this like at our house oh man we  should make one of these yeah this is stucco what   how do you make a gator mouth. I love that a lot  of this is Roadside Attraction tourist America   Circa 1950s you know 50s and 60s campy. yeah  all right! you want to get up there I want to see there she is is oh that is cool I love it Gatorland Florida hey there um mind if I record  this I'm just excited about it um what   pass gets me the best access to the most Gators   like do you want to be up close or do you want  to be like yeah well the park itself has over   3,000 Gators in it right on no matter what you'll  be close to it I want to see some Gators let's do   two adults then all right and then the only other  thing is if you want to do General Mission this   would be $7 more than your general admission you  get your train ride all day which is like a nature   ride goes through like the back section of our  Park you get to see some stuff you wouldn't see   the regular Trail and then you get your uh gugor  Trail which is like a bag of food to feed over   to the alligators and then meor looks like this  we would be stupid not to I don't know right so   is it mostly Florida residents or tourists that  come here depends on the time of year right the   time that you're coming right about now is a lot  of florid residence yeah snowbirds have left right   yeah snowb birds have now left and then everybody  like everything else is kind of like you know   summer cool awesome all right Amy I'm worried  we're not going to see any Gators oh my God   we're going to see all the Gators there's so many  Gators here that guy's he's like got something to   do never mind he's done I also like that this guy  is just maxing and relaxing between his buddies   that is cute they just want to be warm they're  they're like surprisingly cuddly every time   you see gators like you realize like no they're  just like cuddly boys they want to be warm and   snuggle with their friends and they are over there  somebody's somebody's fishing for Gators oh caught it hey Amy what do you call  an alligator that works at a courthouse a litigator all right so to give you a  look at what it's like when you're here   it's the feeding experience  AKA Jumperoo where they give   you a fishing pole and you just  put some bait on it and feed the Gators and there are an exorbitant amount of  gators here over 3,000 3,000 Gators these are the   3 to 5y olds and then each section has a different  age and size of Gator pretty cool got them Amy look at the size of this guy  that is a fat Gator like that is a   walk and breathing dinosaur if I've  ever seen one same made perfect by Evolution what why do they put the giant gator  next to the real Gators I love it   there's some big Gators  here these guys know how to party hey Adam turn around what  hey how do you have me and Gator do again all right you ready to get in there yeah get your head right over it  beautiful that makes me happy this place   is pretty fun I like it lots to do that  is cool that's a fun image that's a big Gator so Gator Land is a 110 acre theme  park with old Florida charm and it's now   celebrating 75 years in business it's known  for its 14 foot Gators live animal shows   and a screaming Gator zipline and on  top of that they've got a whole bunch   of delicious foods and snacks that  you can eat including Gator bites oh yeah all right at my [Music] camera with the goal of protecting  conserving and educating Gatorland Global a conser   ation group was formed in 2018 although  I'm not for live animal shows I believe   that Gator land does a pretty good job  protecting Gators throughout the State of Florida that is a fat Gator I've never  seen yeah no they don't get that big in my P yeah some of these boys some of these boys enormous now is a good time to remind you to click  that subscribe button Amy and I are traveling the   world and we have a lot of cool new videos in  fact for the past 2 months we've been posting   a new video every single day which include our  trips to Thailand Tokyo Costa Rica and all around   Florida so stick around for more fascinating  videos what's over here lead us show us more flamingos I think these are  babies up in the tree nope just fighting the Gators are Gator fight Gator fight oh he's puffing up  he's mad oh my goodness I've never seen that   before like a gator argument going on you  know who started that fight the instigator   these are CFA bars you cannot tell the scale  but they are absolutely enormous it's like   the size of a pig it looks like it should be  a guinea pig but this is the SI size of like   like a huge pig they are awesome they're  from South America they're invasive here   in Florida right now like we've got way too  many of these guys not supposed to live here   yeah and they can swim they can even hold  their breath for up to five minutes the   turkey vultures seem very interested in  them is this guy like not doing well no   probably because these guys are gross they  eat their own poop wow yeah look at this guy Amy do you know the story of Bone Crusher no Bone  Crusher Bone Crusher was an alligator that the   owner had he was over a th000 lbs what could  jump 7 feet in the air that's ridiculous and   the owner claimed he was the largest gator in  captivity in fact he offered people ,000 which   was a lot of money back in the 50s if they could  bring him a bigger Gator never was it claimed and   then when Bone Crusher passed away they brought  in Bone Crusher too like Bigfoot to who was even   bigger how cool is that that's crazy that's  just a great name if we ever get a gator which   I think we should Bone Crusher Bone Crusher  three is this the zip line you zip line over   the Gators yeah it doesn't look like it's open  today but I I want to zipline over the Gators   that's a scary zipline to know if something  goes wrong you're in the gator pitch I think so have you seen the Sharks yet bob cat by you what that said so what are we doing now we are in  a swamp we're in a swamp swamp walk and   this is like right up sh so this is legit  the back of the park and you just get to   walk through the swamp yeah it's exciting  and this is like kind of our dry season so   I'm sure there's a lot of footprints in this  Footprints big big [Music] Footprints it's   pretty though Florida has a lot of lush green  jungle that's for sure stay clear of snakes   and other Wildlife it's real swamps watch out  for the rattlesnakes could be I believe that you get so smiley in woods  and Forest I do I'm like I'm   so happy right now beautiful this girl  likes walking places so the trees are so pretty fun we just saw a kid though and he  he's coming out of the the nature walk yeah he   goes what is wrong with this park this is  the worst day ever you has promised to go   to Disney World he did not like it so some  things you can't just walk off apparently   honestly this is a great place though  it's fun I love it we found a snake a   real one yeah not just a show snake I mean  the thing is he's really small he ruined it hey Amy yeah did you know that this Gator  was in Indiana Jones in the Temple of Doom   wa that's what the sign says and I feel  like the sign wouldn't lie to us he's   a movie star yeah he's famous he was in  Orange County Choppers and the pet psychic   I wonder what is wonder what he predicted you  know he seems pretty trustworthy I so if you   come here in like August you got to be ready for  the heat right yeah that's something like people   are just like you got to be dressed for the heat  you can't be wearing your hoodie yeah no this is   an outdoor adventure in Florida they have some  stands going which I appreciate but um yeah it's all right let's do it is it [Music] safe all right folks so which photo do you like   more photo a or photo B go  ahead and leave a comment below look at this shirt folks Darth Gator I  absolutely love it you know what else I love I   love when you click that subscribe button because  it means you'll be seeing more of our videos   if you watch this far go ahead and smash that  subscribe all right I like that the exit says see   you later alligator well after a while crocodiles  [Music] what do you think think you need two   really s my high get up you finally talking snake  wrangling finally get to put on your show from   Dust Till Dawn style whoa so you know what's fun  about this place let's walk what you can you can   tell where people are from by how they're dressed  oh that's true yeah so the story is when you come   to a place like Gatorland you know it's going to  be hot but there's going going to be some people   wearing boots and like turtleneck sweaters socks  do you own socks I do not own socks cuz I live in   Florida so there's if you live in Florida you're  just not wearing as many layers and you can just   kind of tell somebody who's a tourist just by the  fact that they're like oh I should probably be   wearing six layers they're wearing like summer  clothes that you wear in New York or Michigan   or something this is what you wear in Florida  so local tip less clothes is better with wear   flipflops sundress whatever you're going to no you  don't want socks you're not wearing no that's it's   sundress yeah but no socks oh yeah yeah no tennis  shoes none of that all right so Amy and I have   been talking about an idea for a future video yeah  some alternative U things to do in Florida kind   of instead of going to the big places that you  think of in Florida like Disney and Universal even   um adventure Islands from Bush Gardens some of  those can be really expensive very very crowded   and quite hectic so kind of un covering for  you guys some things that are familyfriendly   vacation spots in the area that are a lot more  inexpensive and a little bit more accessible as   far as you know fewer people fewer crowds um  and you know just kind of talking about that   giving you guys some vacation ideas yeah because  a lot of people come to Florida or live in Florida   and as great as it is to say go to Universal  Studios or Disney I don't know the exact price   today but Disney can be a couple hundred doar a  person yeah you Fastpass you buy their food you   stay in the at the resort what was the dolphin  Swan Resort was like $600 $800 a night recently   right so you can easily spend a couple Grand  on a small family for a day in Disney World   so if you're in Tampa for spring break or you're  in Orlando for spring break you may not want to   spend all 10 days going to Disney World spending  the buku bucks so there really are a lot of   Alternatives and we're going to go through some of  those um now but we'll do a separate video where   we kind of list them out and go into greater  detail but obviously one is Gator Land yeah   Gatorland Gator Land is a reasonable price it's a  fun activity you're going to see some stuff I feel   like they're not harmful to animals I think they  they do a good job for what they are also one of   the biggest to me one of the biggest draws is it's  not overly crowded you're not spending your entire   day just waiting in line you're actually having  experiences instead of just an hour in line an   hour in line and hour in line for everything you  do sure so number two um what about the Ripley's   Museum the yeah R Ry Believe It or Not museum it's  good for young kids if you if maybe if you had   a childhood where you liked Ripley Believe it or  not I liked all the books as a kid it's fun to see   it's worth going to and it's probably under $50  to go there it's a much more economical day and   that's right on International Drive so if you're  staying in Orlando or Universal it's a 5minute   drive even if you're staying off off the park it's  probably even closer so um that's something you   can do you can check in kill an afternoon real  quick and then go to a fun lunch because there   are a lot of cool restaurants world's largest  McDonald's world's largest Chili's world's largest   Checkers places with game rooms and Adventures  and all sorts of theme restaurants Boston Lobster   Feast Boston Lobster Feast that should be its own  category as Boston Lobster Feast so what was the   Fun Spot that we hit so the Fun Spot literally Fun  Spot is the name of it the Fun Spot I was going to   say that one next I think that is such a fun spot  it's Apple name there is is um a gator exhibit   there's a lot of carnival rides some kind of fair  fun mini roller coasters that are good for older   kids that want a little bit of a thrill um there's  a really fun arcade and it's a great spot to get a   ton of fun things in for a variety of Ages but  again without the huge price tag and without   the lines that you're waiting in all day long  you're actually riding the rides you're actually   um able to get reasonably priced food and drink  and have a good time right what about St Augustine   oh okay yeah um St Augustine you'll hop on I4 East  it's a little over an hour away from Orlando you   can stop at the bies which we've done videos about  there um those bies in that area and it's a nice   place to take the family do a historic tour walk  around see a few things um there's some history   there oldest continually inhabited city in the  United States and it's fun you know one of our   new things that we have um in Tampa that I really  really love are our lagoons our man-made lagoons   man-made lagoons in Tampa these are really really  reasonably priced and they are so much fun for the   entire family they are absolutely beautiful they  will blow your mind um and they have not just the   Lagoon itself is like a giant swimming pool but  there's areas where you can kayak you can stand   up paddle board they have a food truck Park some  water slides and my absolute favorite is a giant   obstacle obstacle course that is so much fun  um this is definitely I think an alternative   instead of going to one of the really expensive  water parks that have a ton of lines and crowds   um going to one of the lagoons is a great option  a great swap you know if you so for people haven't   been there it's essentially a giant swimming pool  the size of a small Lake um they'll have little   beach areas they'll have loungers they'll usually  have a few food trucks and like Amy said some some   water slides and some obstacle courses and things  you really can't beat it it's a great time parents   that was five um do you have a number six um  number six check out some of our local Springs um   sometimes during the summer especially the beaches  can be really overwhelming or say during Spring   Break um when we have so many tourists here if you  are a local you can think oh man like I just don't   want to fight with the Spring Breakers to go to  clear water to go to St Pete Beach if you still   want to get out with the family i' highly suggest  checking out one of our local Springs yeah Lithia   Springs is a great example or heading up to um  like we watchi and uh three sisters um that area   Crystal River absolutely beautiful you can have  the chance to kayak or just jump in the spring   water um Lithia Springs for example has like a  um Beach kind of pool area next to the spring   where you can take your kids to swim and enjoy  all the same activities you would at the beach   but with much fewer crowds better parking way less  stress and probably more natural Wildlife you're   going to get to see more Gators and vanities and  um fish and tortoises and things like that um   plus a lot of hiking trails and just getting out  and kind of um experiencing nature a little more   I think we're on six yeah what about wik wa watchi  oh yeah of course do the mermaids yes wiky watchi   is a place that you can go a fun little town and  they have a place that you can watch mermaids   swimming and they've got people as full mermaids  swimming underwater and it's it's a blast yeah so   wik watchi is definitely a tourist attraction and  a place that you're going to want to stop if you   get the chance so to swap out maybe if you can't  quite swing a Disney trip but your kids still love   all things Disney I definitely suggest going to  Disney Springs Disney Springs um because that's   there's no entrance fee to get into Disney Springs  but you're still going to see a lot of characters   a lot of um Disney things Disney um branding  and so Disney Springs is a shopping area and   it's within the Disney confines right you can  pull your car up there's parking there and you   can go to some fancy restaurants I don't know  if they have the House of Blues there if that   one's in Universal CityWalk but there's a lot of  very cool theme restaurants there GRE Forest Cafe   or equivalent there's a big Lego Store there's a  lot of like just fun clothing stores they'll have   appearances of characters um um it's a fun place  I always like if somebody's in town and we just   want to go out to lunch I'll take them to Disney  Springs um and it's a fun way to get that Disney   experience without having to spend $500 on tickets  and theme park rides and everything you can just   go there you can have a little a little overpriced  lunch or dinner but you can get that Disney feel   for the day at Disney Springs and they've got a  lot of night life and attractions you can take   a water car a water taxi they've got a lot of  stuff going on there that is a lot of fun what   about Universal City walk I was going to say  that next likewise um Universal City Walk is to   Universal as Disney Springs is to Disney so it's  their equivalent and it's a really fun spot to go   um I believe unlike Disney Springs that has free  parking Universal City Walk is about $20 um to   park but you don't have to have tickets to the  theme park to get into City walk but you still   kind of get that theme park excitement and feel um  with a lot of bars restaurants and shopping yeah   so Universal Studios is split between two parks  Universal Studios and I believe it's Islands of   Adventure then in the center when you diverge  they've got a shopping and food area that's   the um Universal CityWalk that is also a place  particularly for older folks um like more adults   that's a great night life place they do have the  bubble gump uh Shrimp Company they do have the   NBA World they got a lot of stuff going on there  that you can partake of and I've spent numerous   evenings like 68 hours just going there and not  going to the theme parks or if you're going to   like the Halloween event or anything it's a  good place to hang out before and afterwards   they'll have a lot of little restaurants like  a bunch of little bars and places to hang out   and it's a lot of fun and you get that full  unversal Studios experience minus the rides   which for some of us that's a fun way to um have  an afternoon yeah absolutely you can go pick up   a trinket and you can go shop in the stores and  you can go um maybe get lunch they've got like a   m there and they got a sushi place and they you  you can get fancy food or you Universal Studios   fancy food or you can get um fast to go yeah and  it's a great place to go people watching for sure   yeah does that bring us to nine I think so I think  that's nine where are we going for nine um so you   mentioned Halloween and maybe this isn't year  round but I think a very smart swap is instead   of going to the big name brand brand um Universal  Studios um Halloween event yes which is expensive   yeah and tons of lines even if you get a lines  I don't mind the price I hate the lines even   if you get a fast pass in a single night you  probably won't get to see every single house   impossible because the lines are so long you'll  run out of time um instead you should check out   help me with the name H scream screamageddon  screamageddon screamageddon um is right outside   well in between um Tampa and Orlando so close it's  north of Tampa yeah um you can check out a really   really fun Halloween event they have five or six  huge houses some fun like Paintball Adventures and   ax throwing and all kinds of fun stuff um scary  characters walking around in scare zones some food   trucks and um it's a little less professional  than um which makes it more fun yes which does   make it more fun um you're going to have a lot  more encounters with the entertainers I would   say so Florida does Halloween big because we have  so much tourism Universal Studios converts six   to eight of their houses plus scare zones they've  got a big event that's a couple hundred plus you   can Fastpass it or the Fastpass costs more than  the event yeah um Disney does a not so scary   Halloween it's very pretty and fun and yeah so  that's nice um Bush Gardens does a huge event in   Tampa that Rivals all of them but scream again is  more reasonably priced it started off at like the   $15 Mark I think it's 253 30 it goes up every year  because the demand goes up so get there before it   goes too high um but it's at a zipline Adventure  it's out kind of in the boonies where like it's   it's in a farming Community if you will you park  in a muddy farm field definitely bring your off   spray and your mosquito spray and your um shoes  you can get dirty um but there are a total of   six houses available one of which is usually  like a hay ride with with zombies attacking   and then one for the last few years has been  like a prison that's been taken over by monsters   usually zombies and things there's um one that is  clowns and it's a big Warehouse you go through and   the prison usually you can wear a glow necklace  which means the actors can touch you which you   would never get away with that Universal but they  can kind of grab you and put you in a room um you   know interrogate you in the prison in a private  cell or whatever it's kind of fun it was a little   hands off during Co for obvious reasons but um  it's a lot of fun yeah I think they're getting   back it is it's my it's my favorite Halloween  event in Florida and the fact that it's fewer   lines and less expensive is just icing on the  cake there's a Texas Chainsaw Maser that you're   going through an old farmhouse type of thing and  people are running around with chainsaws and you   go through a maze there is an outdoor world that's  supposed to be kind of like you're in the swamp   and redneck people are attacking you and Voodoo  and giant crocodiles and all sorts of Florida   stuff going on Florida New Orleans type of stuff  um and then there's also it's an additional fee   they take you on a bus and give you paintballs and  you shoot zombies in the woods this is zombies are   attacking you you shoot them with your paintball  gun and that is a surprising amount of fun I would   almost like to be the Zombie so those are 10  fun things there's also a lot of other stuff   to do you can go go to the gamble Plantation down  South by uh Sarasota you can go to the Edison and   the Ford Museum Ford Museum their house their  grounds really beautiful there there's just a   ton of things Bush Gardens in Tampa is a more  reasonably priced alternative to Universal as   well as they've got um an adventure island type  of wet and wild park that's associated with it   and those ones if you're residents last I saw  the tickets were like $100 for a year pass right   much more economical I think it's like sometime  sometimes it's like $89 for a one time or 100   for the year pass they want you to come back  and buy food and pay for parking um we got we   got the year pass I've got the year pass twice  once to the water park and once to Bush Gardens   only went once each time but it was $10 more so  why are you not going to get it we need to make   a point to get those passes again and actually  use them because they do um Bush Gardens does   have a really fun um not just theme park but  um water park with some really um epic rides   really scary ones I feel like um water parks I've  seen a lot of people do water park videos where   they're going down the crazy slides and stuff I  think those will make good videos get your GoPro   and make it happen c yeah sounds good okay so um  there's a lot of things to do in Florida there's a   lot of places to visit so there's almost unlimited  Adventures on International Drive there's that eye   of Orlando which is a big ferris wheel that you  can do yeah there's a Titanic Museum last I saw   there's that swing thing where they like put you  face first and you think there's some there's um   reverse bunge there's bungees off of there  but there's a lot of Alternatives and don't   be afraid to go off the beaten path a little  bit in the Orlando area um you know a lot of   dinner theater yeah it's not just Disney and  Universal although those are obviously the two   big people come here for Disney and Universal  but don't be afraid to um whether you rent a   car or do a tankful drive down here if you're a  Florida local there's just so many things to do   and we should experience there swamp boat tours  zip lines so yeah we're we're going to refine   our list and do a little bit more research on the  exact pricing and everything maybe we'll put some   of that in overlays um but that's going to be a  separate video that we're going to give a lot of   details on but I hope you got an idea of some of  the fun adventures that you can do here in Florida

2024-05-12 01:29

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