ONTARIO + QUEBEC ROAD TRIP | Lake Temiskaming Tour | Travelling Foodie

ONTARIO + QUEBEC ROAD TRIP  | Lake Temiskaming Tour | Travelling Foodie

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hey guys so we made it to northeastern ontario  we're currently at north bay for our first stop   i'm here doing the lake temiskaming  tour the take temiskaming tour is   a cross province tourism initiative between  ontario and quebec and it features attractions   sites culinary stops restaurants all  along the lake temiskaming shores area   it's a great way to experience the region's  anglophone francophone and algonquin cultures hey everyone this is raymond from travelling  foodie and today i'm going on my first road trip   in 2021 and i'm here with patrick from feed my  phone hey hi guys and we're headed to northeastern   ontario right now we're on the road and it's three  and a half hours to our first stop in north bay   and we're doing the lake temiskaming shores tour  we made it on our first stop which is white owl   bistro in north bay and they're a locally owned  restaurant it's a feast on certified restaurant   locally sourced everything is within ontario  in produce and products so let's check it out   so patrick what are you getting well  this is a feast on certified restaurant   so i was talking with the server they  suggested us to order some local menu items   so i'm looking at the oven roasted beef  croissant here that uh sounds pretty interesting so this is the grass feed beef and  bison burger and it's pretty massive   and the bison is actually from bison du  nord which we're visiting later this trip we just passed by north cobalt and we're headed  to devil's rock to do some harvesting and hiking and we're doing a hike and harvesting tour  with jonathan from vers foret so uh i have   a small gift for you is a little basket of wild  product so i have cedar jelly that is good with cheese on a bread or like a piece of meat i  have cattail hearts that are good in salads and   fern syrup fern syrup are very good with blueberry  pancakes and other desserts so that's for you   guys it's the first time for me at devil's  rock but i do partnership with other people   in ontario and i do trips everywhere  on the territory territory do you know a little bit about the  wild mushroom and other edibles   in the forest all i know is like eating them i  don't know how to identify them from the forest   the cedar jelly you have in your basket  are this is cedar so you have small   cedar branch tips that we infuse with water  and we do a jelly with it and and fern fern is this is fern so uh with fern with the small uh  okay same thing we do a syrup with the branch and   it's sweet and you you use it with your desserts  oh so you actually use the branch not just the   leaves yeah i i i don't use the the sip i use the  branch and take the flavor from infusing the bench and you have a tree melody right there these are cantarelles these are very nice  mushrooms easy to identify yellow bright yellow so the hike is around 20 minutes but the ground is  very wet and slippery yes it was raining yesterday   so it takes longer for us as i'm afraid of  slipping and the camera falling like that what   you can harvest in ontario is similar to quebec  or there's big difference it's very quite similar   uh it's the difference is more uh more you  go south you we will have different species   but from around there it's very similar from  quebec or ontario side but if you go south   like montreal toronto regional tawa this there  is a different species there okay and is there   a limit like like do they allow you to just take  whatever yeah there are no uh no regulation okay   for mushroom picking okay okay so you don't need  a license like fishing yeah yeah that's what i was   thinking of you need a license to commercialize  them okay okay uh but you don't you don't have a   limit okay to our best mushroom okay  that's good to know there are some   limit in france like for a sep and stuff  like that but not uh not in canada okay so we're reaching the end i can see the the shortest hey guys so we've made it to the edge of devil's  rock and this is the view the cliff there it's   called devil's rock and the algonquin when they  made the canoe trip they they stop here and   uh do offering uh to uh protect them so devil's  rock is a very very nice place and we have a   nice view of the scammer black team is coming so  this is double rock like what we're standing on   yeah okay so there's two trails that you can  do one is the yellow one which is the easier   trail and the red one we did the yellow  one and it's supposed to be 20 minutes   pick a leaf and it's it's it tastes like  a peppermint like pink pink peppermint so   if you want to take one of these and just chew  on it you will we'll taste it the winter green so we're trying the winter  green winter green tea tea oh yeah you do taste like peppermint but there's a bitter aftertaste i  guess that's when you spit it out this one is a very nice looking   very nice color ursula and you have a slug that  really like likes it too this one is called   atomy size pixie duchess is crown tipped  carol mushroom so crown tipped mushroom   every small tip are like a small crown yeah  okay you have another mushroom that you always   find you often find this one on trails it's called  called tricia perinis it's a little polypore that   loves sandy soil it's it's very nice  and sometimes they are quite big yeah yeah if someone want to to know what a crib is just take a small bite and taste or just just  chew a small bite like um we're trying the urethra this one is a baby bullet it's emil excellent soup  glory flavor paste it's a it's an edible bullet   and when they're young like this they're  not mad so much infested so this one is   very nice but you have like one bite there so this  is a ballet you have pores they are very small   because it's only a button let's say it's a really  nice little mushroom and a good edible okay yeah there you have mushrooms that grow on wood  and you have free gills and they are getting   pinkish it's a all the old mushroom that grows in  in association with wood it's a it's an old one mega colibia ron manny so after hiking a  reward is a food crawl into miss coming   shores starting with lotocton they feature a  contemporary take on north american classics   as seen through an indigenous lens it'll be my  first time trying indigenous food so i'm excited so this is their most popular dish it's called  the burger and it's massive a true spring fries on the food industry and we have  the shrimp taco called bumpy lotion and here is the fry bread   we ordered all their popular dishes and  they're also known for their developed eggs oh hello patrick patrick nice to meet you  i'm remy raymond nice to meet you so we um   we paired up with a few local food producers  to pair our beers the different foods uh that   are produced locally uh we're looking at to  uh partnering with the chocolate martin to   pair our chocolate chaos obviously we have  a pale ale that we want to pair with the   homemade house-made kettle chips if you want so  uh different salts different flavors that we can   and take and mix with our locally produced  potatoes from the sembrino de gig uh right   across the lake so here's our amber ale so that's  the the third can that you see there that one we   want to pair with uh like a house made a cookie  or biscuit that we can do in-house cup beer   because in earlton is pretty popular so they  tied up with them to create this hospital yeah   hey guys so we're having dinner at dante's  tonight and they feature a lot of local   products and producers as well like toronto  cheese that we're visiting tomorrow as well   and they have a nice patio with a tiki bar  they're also open for indoor dining as well and   say hi patrick okay so we've been eating quite  a bit and we're gonna have food coma in time for   for sleeping tonight so we're doing the dante  stuff takeover tonight for dinner and zappy's   top takeover is actually what they offer for the  late times coming tours but the takeover changes   almost daily when they have the event and you  need to pre-book it so that they know the quantity   and the price changes so it's really something  special you can do that's unique basically tie   up with the local producers and local beers so our  first course is the fresh summer salad with local   heirloom tomato and basil and it's paired with the  mutants are revolting by flying monkey's brewery   so it's also topped with shades fluid that  you know cheese from from which we'll also   be visiting tomorrow so it's amazing to  see how chemists can blue shores area uses   a lot of local products around within the  area so this is the second course ontario   gorilla taco with antarctica stone fruit salsa  and it's paired with juicing from soda city   this is the grass-fed lamb slider from jim johnson  with the local fairies from rodriguez taiwan   paired with violets our blues and merit brewing  and now we're seeing some sunset forward fire this is the baison tenderloin  with baccarat raspberries   with local shiitake mushroom risotto  paired with nowhere from meredith building so these are campfires hey guys so we're checking in at the waterfront  inn in little skirts so we have a waterfront   view and it's going to be coming so this  is our room we have a nice washroom shower so we have a nice two-bedroom unit and we  actually have a nice view of the water but   it's already nighttime so i'll show it tomorrow  morning it's got beautiful views of lake tahoe hey guys so i'm so excited because i've been  eating a lot of the bison dishes in them is   coming shores and most and almost all of them  come from bison the north so we're now touring   the bison farm and will be checking out  their bisons he's a friendly one okay i   think we don't know he's new hello hi raymond  patrick you're both torontonians yes good   well and i know you're you guys are working we're  on a tight schedule you've got to eat all day yeah   we have a five course meal this morning to  start no no uh this is charles my son hello   bison tour because it's both a working bison  wrench we've been at this for 40 eight years   ranching bison so we're one of the oldest bison  ranches in canada it's a new practice of course   people have been raising cattle and hogs and  chicken and for 10 000 years i gather humans   but for bison it's a very recent experiment that  they actually are farmed commercially up until   the late 60s they were considered game fauna just  like moose so you could not own them privately you   could not do commerce and with bison and then they  were in a sense deregulated or given a twin status   both wildlife in the national parks and in state  parks in the us but also allowed to be ranched   commercially private in private hands so that's  what we we in in those early days and have been   working at it since then and now we have a large  bison ranch probably the largest one in eastern   canada 300 bison so and it's a meat and meat  production enterprise we produce animals for meat   we also added a tourism side to it  strong local promoters in the area   and so i see your products everywhere yeah it's  it is a long and it's nice to see experience like   from the producer all the way to the restaurant  yes yeah yeah we try hard it's it's it's like   missionary work though but it's hard it's a world  that demands consistency standardization and price   competition all those elements are always there to  limit that so for this to survive as a commercial   enterprise and it's a multi-generational my  father was with me in the early 70s on this   then i kept it on now my son and daughters are  taking ownership of the first generation yeah   we're hoping and in a few days we're going to have  the fourth generation so we're really bucking the   trend there we're going for stability long-term  ownership of the land and long-term stewardship   of the life but i'll show you when we  take people out in a wagon they're very   they appear menacing it's a very large  big animal but they're not aggressive   at all they're placid it's it's an ancient  bovine and so we can go right into the herd   with this wagon behind the tractor so  let's go take a look let's jump in there this is a messy shower okay guys so we're now riding a wagon and  we're going to be touring the bison farm are what's called hailage and so it's   it's silage is is a pale hay that's bailed wet  and then wrapped and it's collected and shipped   to recycling plants in southern  ontario break it up into ships people get to see them close and we explain  depending on what group we have on the wagon   30 35 people will adjust it yeah we'll do it  in french and we'll do it in english we'll do   if they're experienced farmers will talk  about the grass species in the field   if if they're young children of course who  concentrate on the calves and the mothers and   the milking and so on how they feed 20 times a  day these calves so it will make it interesting   and it's about an hour and a half tour we'll go  see the herd you'll see how close we can get there   and uh it's a very interesting animal there's  all kinds of history related to it of course   first nations indigenous relations to the bisons  all kinds of stories on that with the multiple   uses the made of the bison and his bones and  its height and its meat so there's all kinds of   stories there we usually bring an experiential kit  with us into the field which is some bison bones   bison ribs and of course some of the fur because  they shed winter coats every year and it can   be knit it can be woven so we show that we have  people touch and feel that in the skull and so on   part of that is fun and the wagon ride  itself is a lot of fun because it's   it's a wagon it's open air it's got a canvas  roof but it's it's open air and it shakes   and moves and we it's comfortable but it's  not over comfortable you've got plush seats   and so it's a nice feeling the kids  love it some of the mature kids hey guys so now we're up close with  the bisons and it's amazing to see there's 300 bisons here and over 640 acres of land and they're all pretty much hiding in  the forest as well so it's cool to see then we come back we shown the handling  facilities which is really a nice big part   of a bison operation handling the bison  is the tough part so we need to tag them   because we want to have we want  to have traceability in the herd   which cows are having calves or fertile which  aren't and of course in animal husbandry in the   modern world requires traceability but we work  at it really hard the regenerative aspect we're   going to be certified regenerative we're certified  animal welfare we're certified grass-fed these are   third-party certifications so when we say  grass-fed it is not not a kernel of corn and no   grains no oats and all grass which is a  real challenge so we have these pastures   that we do what's called rotational grazing we  move the animals from field to field the moving   bison is not as easy oh you got the helper the dog  yeah the dog well the dog actually is afraid of   the vice they used to perceive them as something  like probably either black bear or wolf so they   attack him a gift chop and here we'll have a  variety of bison souvenirs and look at the skulls hey guys so our next stop is in porn low  cheese and i love tornado cheese i've   had them before mostly at restaurants  or i bought them at grocery stores so   it's nice to see the actual facility  they've been here since 1940. we hiked double drops yesterday and  they also have a tree that's based on this is made locally peace yes cheese curds and butter tarts now  i'm trying the four year each cheddar with a battery part trying out our with the creaminess of the cheddar as well  as the sharp saltiness it's a good balance   and makes pretty a big thing actually so here we  go caramelized onion curds and we put all these   wild animals on our packaging um to remind people  that we're from northern ontario and our terroir   is very unique and we're part of a wilderness  region but also a lot of dairy farming here kurds yes that is going to be flavorful i'm going to be  trying the caramelized honey and cheese curds this one over here it's really unique we have some happy customers we found this really big field  of canola and it's so beautiful hey everyone so we're now here in the  quebec side and we're here at farm   nordv and they actually are a family run  farm and they specialize in strawberries   raspberries rhubarb and they also grow  some different sorts of vegetables okay but i'm going to show you a little bit  around do a small visit of the place maybe 15   minutes and we're going to taste a few things we  do always a different visit in every day because   we visit where we work today or if you come  next week we might be in somewhere else so   you see the real life in  real time so we can just pick fresh raspberries very tasty and sweet oh yeah we do transform every vegetable that are not sale  at the fresh market here so this is really simple   we have this is actually this is a salad that we  didn't sell and we do not want to lose it so we   wash it we dehydrate dehydrate and after that we  uh we do mix and right now avian is transforming   the garlic steak in the garlic escapes finishing  salt we do a lot of finishing something this is a   garlic scape finishing salt  so this on our fresh corn   with butter this is really really good purple  radishes finishing so uh the the juice because   we do sparkling juice with strawberry with  fubar and sometimes with uh raspberries   and it's also where we make the alcohol we have  everything after meal and when the strawberries   come from the field we freeze it in air but before  that we never pick up that yeah we never do that   by hand because it's really really really  long we do that with this machine we put the   washes strawberry right here and it goes we have  the the juice is coming through that and this is   what we transform and just for fun because this is  one of my favorite things to do when i come here   we're going to taste the the strawberry juice  but from the tank oh yes purple in the tank   there is always more pressure and it smells  more and that's just fun fresh strawberry juice it's in fact a strawberry wine fortify and age in  an oak barrel it's not sweet it's dry and it's uh   14 years old right now it's medellin  you will see it tastes like a dry fruit   and it's a little bit smoke and with the oak  taste we like to serve it with the campfire with   the with the smoke that you can smell while  you're drinking but i do not have campfire   one addition i have to make one day so we're  trying this strawberry fruit a turkey and they   do it differently from grape oil it's actually  fermented strawberries and they add alcohol   hey guys so we're here at le fromage our village  in quebec and they specialize in artisan cheeses   made from milk around the region and they are  actually very famous for their fresh cheese curds   and in the shop they're actually mostly available  on mondays for the fresh cheese girds but we still   hope we can try some of the cheese curds and maybe  get a tour of the facility hey guys so we're all   dressed up and we're gonna tour the cheese  production facility and let's check it out today it's our biggest day of the week okay   so we have a lot of order because our fresh curds  the summer is the biggest time of the year to sell   the the small bag so each uh box go to a different  grocery store they're here so everything is a   store so we have two of our delivery boys  so they are leaving with some boxes to go so here is uh the room that we deliver  the milk there is a guy from uh   park the truck outside of the cheese factory  put it in the the silhouette yeah it's outside still right there okay okay so this machine is the  uh pasteurizator so it's a hdst   so that pasteurize the meal continuously so we  start the button and the meal arrives and we   choose in which top we put it and it's almost  instantly so we put it in this room we do our we do orange skirts so this is where we do  the orange part so this is a one thousand   cup okay okay our lowest day so we do the cleaning  so this is why it's like that   each week this is the the mold that we use to do  the cheddar cheese so each week we are putting in   this stuff to uh wash it with certain product to  make sure that they are all clean so each week so   we do that friday because it's the lowest so they  will be in the water and the the stuff all night so this is our 5 000 litre so this is the top that we use to uh put the salt  in it so this is our special specialty cheese so   this one is so you can see the difference so  this one is was made on the 8th of june so   you can see that's the orange up here and this  one 29 so they are still white so they will be   pretty much orange before we sell it this is the  they are made the first of june so this is they   are right orange and this one was one tree july  so you see they are brand new so they are still no   rhyme at all kind of thing all kind of seasoning  of our cheese curd so this one is vegetable and   this is orange curd and i'm pretty sure we have oh  we have a lot of orange and this is barbecue one this room is used to cut we'll see the big move on  the other room but we use this room to cut the big   uh moo in small pieces this is the our  cheese that's called angelus it's a steel   so you see they are brand new they were made  monday yeah monday so they have no rhyme on it   in a few days takes about one week  and they will be white like that so it's a semi from cheese with ashes on it  so they were not they didn't put the ashes   yet but you look like that you  can see the black it's the ashes   and the whites grow on top of the  ashes and this is the paradise so this is all over cheddar so here we do six  month old cheddar and two years old cheddar   so you can see you have the date on the on the  mall so you can see in front of us that's not that   far and this is the older one so we store it like  that and we keep it for two years so depending   at two years we sell it so this one  is a cheddar with wet wine on it here is the we call it the grave the gravy  after a big day so they putting the small   pieces in the box which you  will have in your poutine but this is really fresh from today we're eating  fresh cheese curds it was only made today and it's   their most popular item that every day in the  summer they only make cheese curds and when you   leave it on the counter this is what that makes  so squeaky a semi-firm cheese with ashes on it is oh wow angela welcome so this is our historic site  that is really where the beginning of the local   economic development of the area started there's  different methods either the fur traders and   smaller canoes would come directly to the people  and they would trade or like here we were opposed   so the beaver fur has two types of fur  this is their waterproofing outer layer   this wasn't what we were looking for we were  looking for the winter fur like a dog or a cat   in the winter gets a winter herd the beaver  as well will get a winter fur it's very soft   it's called the duvet and we would take that or  we would make a felt for the gentleman's top hat   so the top hat was a symbol of your position  in society if you had a top hat you were   you had money and you were important the  higher it was the bigger it was the more   important and the richer you were and  the felt was made out of the beaver fur   also you can see other military hats would  also have been made out of the beaver   felt time so one on their back and another one  over top to go the fort temiscamine is part   of the ottawa river system it's an enlargement  of the river that becomes a lake and so if you   wanted to go you could float all the way down  to montreal and the st lawrence from here our   walk will be about a kilometer and a half so the  merchandise would come in the big piano du mess   which or otherwise known as the montreal canoe  it would be eight to ten men paddling for 25 days   from montreal to here stopping just  to sleep or if the weather was too   bad but we do have a local anishinaabe man who  makes canoes and he's repairing our canoes and   for example the algonquins they had just a  kind of piece of wood a kind of bow okay to   do the fire but uh yeah the voyager had flint from  europe and iron from europe it was far easier no as you can see i do have some flying   some spark yeah take a piece of this little thing  is uh how do you say in english carbonize it   the carbonized cotton to make charcoal you would  burn wood in a pile and you cover it so it has   only a tiny bit of oxygen so it half burns it's  already burnt but there's the coal is left kind   of like at the end of a fire you have a little  bit but you would have a lot more so we took   a piece of cotton we put it in a tin can that  was completely covered with just a little hole   and we burnt it on the fire so we could see smoke  coming out when it's finished carbonizing the   smoke will stop we let it cool down and this is  what we have so it's a charcoal a cotton charcoal yeah so you do a kind of a beard  uh who used to say that in english   oh like a little nest yeah like  a little nest of that stuff and you take your stone with your  carbonized coating yeah yeah so oh well did it go you have to get the the spark to  fall on the cotton so sometimes like you have lots   of sparks but they're not going where you want  them to go if it's very humid also the cotton   may not work we've been touching this one a lot  so who knows yes that depends sometimes it's not   really long but sometimes it can be like one or  two minutes but if you're good is 10 seconds okay you've got some good sparks it might oh good   so you can't really see but  it's it's starting to burn yes there you go and that's how you start the fire edge it could  be used as a needle for sewing right here oh okay   barton beaver muskrat and a  value would be given to them   and they could get credits or  they could trade right away   for items in this store the fabric and the  blankets were the most traded item they did try to   grow corn here they found it grew the best at the  north end of the lake but they did grow some corn it's believed that there was a young girl who  lived at the fort and her father was the chief   traitor and he brought or he ordered a  flute for her to try to keep her busy   so one day he presented her the flute and  she picked it up and she tried to play it   she wasn't very good so they said oh  go play somewhere else and so she went i hope you enjoyed this road trip of lake  tames coming tour it's such a great way to   explore ontario and quebec which stops do you  want to do let me know in the comments below   and if you like this kind of video be  sure to like and subscribe to my channel   and hit that bell button so  you don't miss new videos you

2021-09-01 09:54

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