On the Road with John. Escaping Reality. Bungle Bungles

On the Road with John. Escaping Reality. Bungle Bungles

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Can. A folks we're still up here in the Kimberley's we've come out to the beehives because, they took air honey away on the border so we thought it gets them all honey but I can't. Find anywhere where we're going to get honey from. Now. Folks here going welcome. To this episode, we. Are currently in the bangles, caravan, park it's not actually inside the bungle, bungles it's on a cattle, station just, outside of. The. National. Park where the bungles are located. We. Drove up here today from Lake, Argyle did. Anyone watch, that video. What. Wasn't that amazing, if you didn't see it I'll. Put a link for up here in the corner. Anyway. Today, is a fuel, management day. We. Need, to. Pay. Attention to what we're doing with the fuel, because. We, are traveling, into. The bungles, the the road into the bungles it's about 50 ish kilometers, going. In 50 kilometres coming back here at again there. Aren't any fuel stations, located, in there. We've. Then got about, 150. 200 kilometres, to, get from there down to Horse. Creek which is their next fuel stop so, we need to have enough fuel to be addict getting, around the bungles and then get the animals crew so. When. We left like our goal, then. Cannon. Ara we stopped in Cannon ara and got. Some fuel there and. Filled, the tank up and, then. When we got to do in doing station, we topped the tank up there because of this cheap it was a dollar, sixty one there dollar sixty one in Connemara. Because. When, we got to woman we would have to fill the tank up that's our last fuel. Before we get into, the bungles so. And. They were expensive they're about a dollar 85 or something so. I. Was, trying to limit the amount of fuel or would need to get in woman. When. We coming in to the caravan, park it's a bit of kilometer off the road but it is a bad Road it's not good, it's. Very corrugated. So it's a very slow trip in. The. Caravan park itself a. Bad. Place but it is run by the local station. So it's not fancy, caravan, park which you would expect in the cities basically. You can't agon do it. But. They've. Got a lot of space around here particularly, for. Non-powered. Sites lots of sites for that if, you want power and water they, are limited I, think there's about 25, and you, need the books and quite, a fair way in front if, you want to get one of them. Lots. Of amenity. Blocks around here they're all mostly. Transportable. And there. Are some that have been obviously, homemade, but yeah they're not there they do the job but, again. Not. Fancy but. It's there. They, have, got, a, nice, little camping. Pit which I believe, you are allowed to go into it looks like it's mostly for the organized. Camping, tools and things like that that. The. Lady did say that we were allowed, to come into that later on if we wanted to as well, great. Little caravan, park the. Other option is to leave your car in the 24, hour week caravan in the 24, hour parking spot out on the main highway and then come on in, trouble. Is it's. Out on the road, anything. Can have it to it you've got no idea. Whether. It's going to be there when you come back so quite, frankly I reckon, you're better off paying that the, 50. Bucks something the light come. Into here got. Everything you need any caravan it's nice and safe, anyway. Let's stop jibber jabbering and all. That get on the road and have a look what the fungals, are all about. Orgonites. We. Are off to the, bangles today. I've. Already. Lowered. My tire pressures, I take. Them down fifty pan at the back down to 28 all around. They. Told us when we came into like a yesterday that. It's. About a 53, kilometer, drive, in. But. The, road is not the greatest and, could take you about an hour half two hours to, get into it so. Dropping. The tire pressures, means, that, we. Hopefully. Not as bumpy a ride going in to be a bit more pushing out plus. Also helps to protect the tires as we because rather than being a rocker thing coming, up and gets a sharp Rock it'll. Tend to flex around the sharp rocks they hopefully won't do, any tires or anything. But. Oh, bangles. Has been one place that I wanted to go to for, a very long time so. It's. Taking one thing off of my to-do, list. We. Excited about that it's not a bad Caribbean, part this around you. Will. Set up set up by the king local. Station. In the area. Amazing. Place wasn't it. Yes. Set up by the local station, so somewhere along the line we'll end up going into. National. Park country, you.

Can't Do helicopter, rides out of here. Not. Cheap, that's. Probably about a 20 minute ride to get into the angles. On the helicopter, in the first place it's. Been 20 minutes we. Now. Starts, to corrugations. So. You're at the other end. Mabel. Down. 60s. A marble over marble, that's what that was another. The. Road in is just over 50 kilometers, most. Of the first part you will be traveling through a cattle station so. You're fine from time to time cattle. On the road, from. What I've been told the road is maintained, by the station, till, you get to the National, Park boundary, when the park looks after the road so, in our case the, road generally, improved. There. Are sections of the road that are good some. Sections are heavily corrugated. And depending. On the time of the year a number of water crossings. While. You don't have to be a four-wheel drive expert, it, is definately, four-wheel, drive country, only, this. Is why depending, on road conditions you, should allow between, one and a half and two hours to get into the front gate. There. Is a day pass fee you have to pay but. If you have the deep pool park pass you don't need to pay at all a 12-month. Pass costs. 92 dollars so. If you're going to go to a number of parks it'll, pay for itself pretty, quick they're. Available from the Depot website. There. Are two camping, areas but you need to be fully self-contained, there. Are no shops out here and no. Caravans, camper. Trailers at the absolute, most. A. Little. Bit about the bungles. They've. Been sitting here for about 350. Million years and while the local Aborigines, have known about him for the last 40,000, years they've. Only been known to the modern world since 1983. When. The Leyland brothers discovered them. Yeah. Okay, I'm, probably exaggerating. The Leyland's, bit just a little bit. Anyway. The, Beehive look comes from millions of years of wind, and rain eroding. Away at, the mix of cyanobacteria. And, iron, all in the limestone pillars, and, throw. In a bit of an earthquake activity, here. In there and voila, you, have the bungles. And. Where. Does the name bungles, come from well. Once, again nobody. Exactly, knows. There. Is a story about a cockroach, but. Turns out the name for that is not used by the local groups in this part of the Kimberley's. Well. The most common idea, is that there was a station around here that was called bungle, bungle, that. Name came, from the, white fellas, mispronunciation. Of the. Aboriginal, word bundle. Bundle for. A type of grass that grows in the area in clumps, or bundles. But. The local groups call it born. A Loulou it's. Pronounced, locally, with a B, followed. By short, food like the sound from book. So. It's. One. Walk trial lien and we're going to see two things on the one walk. Just. Like that yeah but we don't have to drive to another track night there's no mixed thing I. Thought, we would drive to a track to. Do the domes and then drive toward another practical. So. The first walk we're going to do is we're going to go in and see the domes. Parviz. A fairly well marked, out and while some are over rocky parts, others are in soft scene.

Reasonable. Walking ability is required, and generally, there isn't any real climbing, over rocks to be done until, you get to the cathedral but, I'll get to them. During. The wet season waterfalls. Fall into the circular, base. You. Know I wouldn't want to do this on a 40-degree, day sting. Cannot but it's quite nice here in shade, if. You are coming in make sure you bring plenty of water because. You're gonna need it it's pretty, warm in here. Told. You it was hot near. Rocky. I. Hope. The rest of it isn't around anywhere close. As. You enter the cathedral, gorge you, now have to start climbing over rocks but, they do have ladders to assist you in getting up. It. Takes a lot of water to wear a hole that big bead will rock. And this. Is, cathedral. Gorge. Well. This, looks like a good spot the sidon have lunch. Lucky. We brought some with us. Pull. Up a rock and let's have something to eat. Just. To give you an idea of how big this whirlpool, is. Well. That's it. Absolutely. Amazing, definitely. Worth coming out and having a look at. Unfortunately. That's all we've had time to do today so now. It's back to the car. As. You can see we're back at the caravan now wasn't. That, spectacular. Absolutely. Amazing, really. Worth going in. Just. Keep in mind the. Temperature, of the day and make sure you have plenty of drinking, water because. There's nothing you can get water from that's in there that. Definitely. Worth doing anyway. If you like that it thumbs up down the bottom down there consider, subscribing to, the channel but. Until next time happy. Travels. You.

2019-01-11 06:27

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