NORWAY TRAVEL DOCUMENTARY | The Grand Norwegian Road Trip |Vivid Tourism

NORWAY TRAVEL DOCUMENTARY | The Grand Norwegian Road Trip |Vivid Tourism

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foreign from Majestic fjords to thundering waterfalls  imposing Peaks to the nothingness of the Arctic   Norway is a temperamental Empress  reigning over enchanting landscapes   but even more so she is the home of big and small  and the playground of the adventurous 10 weeks   14 000 kilometers and countless Unforgettable  moments this is the grand Norwegian road trip our road trip through Norway started by leaving  the ferry in the poor town of christiansa   instead of lingering however we immediately  headed for the countryside our first destination   was kepling business the southernmost point of  Norway while to the South there is mostly water   a signpost indicated the large distances we would  have to conquer on our Northbound Journey but as   we were in no particular hurry we first embarked  on some rural gravel roads soaking in the sunshine following the coastline Westward we drove  through Rocky landscape into spursed with lakes   along the way we spotted the historic settlement   of Heller which is conveniently  sheltered by a large Rock overhang even though its roots date  back to the 12th century   the nearby city of starangir is much more modern   this is in no small part due to Rich offshore  oilfields that have powered the local development upon leaving the city the weather deteriorated   and we experienced the first  of many rainfalls in Norway despite having lost the warming Sunshine the  landscape along the road retained its Wonder   this was especially true for the scenery along  Lucifer while we had frequently encountered   villagers and holiday cabins earlier this road  gave us a first inkling of Norway's grandeur   our Alpine surroundings were dominated  by smooth Rock surfaces with bubbling   streams cutting their way  through the rugged terrain after evading the traffic on the road which  was made up by as many sheep as other cars   but he drove down 27 switchbacks towards the  Inland end of Lucifer this Fjord is known for   its steeply Rising walls that in some places  dropped down as far as one kilometer while we   marble at this Ice Age Remnant the low-hanging  clouds created a menacingly moody atmosphere early the next morning I set out on a popular hike   the trailer to hierarch leads across an Alpine  Plateau known for its turbulent weather swings   therefore it was no surprise when  I Came Upon large patches of snow because of my early start I had the  famous hirak Bolton all to myself the view from right here is said to be one  of the very best in all of Norway because   this Edge drops one thousand meters down into the  Fjord and the views are absolutely mesmerizing of   course today as you can see there's absolutely  nothing to see but rain and Fork are just part   of a regular Norway road trip so we have to  make the best of it and enjoy the views we get   I waited for more than one hour to  see if the clouds would disperse but   aside from a very short glimpse of the  fuel below my efforts were not rewarded one option to leave looser  button is on the Waterway   we decided to take the scenic Road  once more heading further west the   views didn't stop as was evident When We  Came Upon several marvelous waterfalls before long it was time to board our first ferry and while the weather certainly  remained unpredictable we scored   a jackpot with our campsite nestled  along the fjords Shoreline our view   was entirely unimpeded revealing the  Splendor of the Monumental Lucifer occasionally even the sun grounded  us a few moments of her time thank you another well-known hike in the area leads to  break a storm a rock Pulpit dangling precipitously   above the Fjord with the cliffs dropping down 600  meters the views are nothing short of Staggering however visitors should not expect any  type of wilderness feeling as the trail   is so popular that hikers wait in  line to have their pictures taken leaving lucifera behind we bait farewell to the  deep south of Norway and started our northward   journey not long into the trip we discovered  every introvert's dream cabin has massive roadside   waterfalls and drove through several heavy rain  showers we also Came Upon a number of Old Farm   buildings that date back to the 19th century when  life in Norway was significantly more strenuous under a narrow travel road which  overlooked a large Reservoir   with no one else inside we found yet  another magnificent Wilderness Camp true to the saying when it rains it pours the  weather showed zero inclination of improving   nonetheless we regularly found ourselves  on Scenic roads offering sweeping distance without a doubt and always Landscapes develop  a special appeal when clouded in rain and fog   powerful environmental mood swings befit the  creation of the country which was relentlessly   shaped by the skillful craftsmanship of  several ice ages although the glaciers of   old have long retreated snow fields in July are  a vivid reminder but this realm of icy Giants as we made our way through prehistoric  Landscapes we couldn't help but wonder how   awe-inspiring the scenery would look in sunshine those figments of our imagination quickly   dissolved when we encountered a flock of  sheep standing in the middle of the road yeah going for a short stroll through the Lush  Uber darling we marveled at the fast-moving   clouds dancing around the mountaintops  in this early the dominating element is   undoubtedly water with numerous streams  carving their way through the countryside   the one redeeming fact about the near constant  rain is that there's so much water around that   no matter which Mountainside you look at there  will be at least one waterfall or many cases 10   to 20 flowing down the mountainsides and that is  absolutely magical to look at a little further   north the road was suddenly covered in even more  water The Cheeky Rascal causing that vigorous   spray is langfussy with a height of 612 meters  this is one of the 25 highest waterfalls on Earth aside from its impressive size the  waterfall is also beautiful to look   at and above all easy to get to as the  access road runs directly along its base our further Journey brought us  to the shores of the hardangafior   which compared to other fuels is not quite  as steep as a result visitors will come upon   countless orchards in the area which indicates  that at least sometimes the sun must shine for now however the rain persevered  as we made our way up a Mountain   Road that teleported us straight back to Winter which has no surprise then that when you arrived  at a ski resort shortly after athletes from all   around Europe travel here to train during  the summer when most other resource close water is at its purest in the mountains  we took the opportunity to fill up our   water tank with 100 liters of refreshing goodness even though we had almost given up  on it the sun did make the occasional   appearance in the subsequent days AIDS  visits however were rather sporadic and   often lasted for only a couple of moments  needless to say that did not stop us from   exploring especially when there were  winding gravel roads to be discovered the area we soon found ourselves  in is called hardangarvita   Barren Mountain Plateau is characterized  by countless rivers lakes and waterfalls best way to experience this treeless plane  is on foot of course a number of hiking   trails cut through the open land however going  cross-country is equally accepted whereas we   still spotted some cabins on the outskirts of the  Villa soon after there was nothing but wilderness setting up camp in such wonderful  surroundings allowed us to take   in the Untamed Spirit of the environment the next day we continued North following  the shoreline of several Lakes before   ending up on an even higher plateau  the trail across URL and CLA is also   called snow rain translating to Snow  Road which is a rather fitting name encountering snow banks in Late  July is not uncommon at all   even more picturesque over with a frozen  legs which were just beginning to thaw Ed further down the road we came upon the borgun  staffiar here an 800 year old wooden Church   lending Norse mythology with  Christian beliefs this Dragon   adorned safe Church looked ominously fascinating   Steve churches were once common in Northwestern  Europe but today they are mostly found in Norway their General appearance differs widely but  all of them are constructed with a Timber   framing of vertically standing wooden planks most surviving safe churches date back to the  12th century during that period Scandinavia   went through a phase of religious transition as  the Norse paganism was replaced by Christianity not quite as old but equally fascinating  was this abandoned Farmhouse along the road   and today many Norwegian houses  have sodroofs which not only looks   aesthetically pleasing but also helps with  insulation and noise reduction every once in   a while these roofs turn into independent  biotobes with trees sprouting out of them instead of mono-dimensionally pushing  North our road trip through southern   Norway involved several Loops so we would  see as much of the country as possible   in consequence we regularly drove  several hundred kilometers in a day   but of course with views such as these we didn't  need much convincing to include frequent stops   especially mesmerizing was the Eastern  flank of yotunheiman National Park while the peaks in this area are not  quite as high as for the west but   then Plato delighted us with  its clear streams and Blue Lakes the road leading through this area  is designated as a National Tourist   road which marks it as one of  Norway's most beautiful routes gazing across the landscape  was truly A Feast for the eyes before exploring the highest mountains of Norway  we decided to proceed a little further north this morning we have set out on a hike  in doverville national park because it   is here that the last healthy population  of Musk Oxen in Europe can be found and   since we haven't seen them in five years  since our trip to Canada and Alaska we   are really hoping to catch a glimpse of them  again so fingers crossed as muskox intend to   prefer wet river valleys during summer  we needed to head deeper into the park although the weather showed itself from its best   side during our visit the local climate  is generally harsh and ever-changing to survive such unpredictable conditions animals   must be built tough and no animal is  better suited for that than the musk ox   cold temperature Specialists these Shaggy  creatures thrive in Arctic climates to cope with temperatures above 10 degrees Celsius   they can often be seen snuggling  up on the last remnants of snow when they aren't resting much of  their time is spent foraging for food interestingly all Norwegian  Musk Oxen are of greenlandic   descent as their ancestors were  introduced to dorfiel in 1947. arguably the animal's most important  adaptation is its ball which is highly   priced as it is extremely soft and  eight times warmer than sheep wool because we really enjoyed the  atmosphere we settled our big   backpacks and returned to the  park for an overnight stay sometime later we arrived at the same spot we had  forced at earlier and started to put up our tent soon after the sun had set  and darkness embraced us after hiking out again we soon found  ourselves heading into the home of giants the 29 highest peaks of Norway are all   located in yotenheim which makes the  national park an Eldorado for hikers it is just a couple minutes past seven in the  morning and temperatures are around freezing so   probably cold and I've started to climb towards  Norway's highest peak which is called galloping   and even though the climb is just around six  kilometers long it climbs up 1.4 kilometers   along the way so properly steep but luckily the  weather's playing along so this guy and it's sunny   so I'm hoping for some really nice views  on top of the mountain fingers crossed   whereas the first part of the trail was fairly  easy for yields of rock soon made my life harder ly natural Refreshments were readily available oh the trail is starting to get rather strenuous   as there are large snow fields that need to  be crossed and if they are rocky passages   such as in front of me they are usually covered  partially in snow or ice as well which makes it   rather difficult to walk on them so you gotta  be really careful but luckily the sun is still   Shining so the views are nice and I'm making good  progress so not too far to the summit alas the   higher I climbed the cloudier it got looking back  I saw a snow clad landscape of incredible beauty   the dark rocks offered a striking contrast  to the purity of The Perennial snow on my last push towards the summit  I was completely engulfed in the   clouds which required me to be even more careful this is it right here that's the highest point  of Norway the roof of the country so to speak and   usually there are magnificent panoramas in every  direction high mountain peaks all around but of   course today at the summit the weather isn't  really playing along and there's just clouds   and fog everywhere but on the plus side there's a  hut down here where you can buy hot beverages and   just warm up a little bit and I'll definitely  do that now before I'll head back down again   claiming the title of first at the summit  their day I had the entire hat to myself seeing all the other hikers on my  way down I was grateful for the   silence I had experienced on Norway's highest peak heading one Valley over we drove  along a stunningly blue glacial   stream into the awe-inspiring layer darling   much less well known in other parts of  Norway this Valley is still a Hidden Gem at the end of the road the pointy Mountain  provided us with a spectacular sight oh even more impressive however  was the Panorama from its Summit while the wind carried the  clouds over the mountaintops   the Deep Blue Lakes glistened in the sunshine amazingly one does not need to climb mountains  for spectacular views in this part of Norway   simply taking the road across  sonjifila is enough to gain an   understanding of the magnificence of the landscape   following so much time spent in the snow we were  ecstatic about the warmer temperatures along because it is fed by several glacial streams the  fjord's water is of an unexpected torquist color above the Fjord this old sanitarium provided  us with an interesting change of scenery with views such as these it is  no wonder that there are plans   to turn this spooky ruin into a luxurious Hotel a fuel behind we turned onto a minor Road  and followed the course of an alluring River investigating the origin of the turquoise  water which soon Came Upon one of the 28   Outlet places of yourstery largest  closure on the European mainland   because it is fairly easy to access this  particular closure is a favorite for guided   hikes as well as self-guided visits at its  base little rivulets have recently melted water   artfully engrave a pattern in the sediments before  flowing into the lushly colored Glacier Lake to the up the valley we encountered a juvenile  moose on the road initially it behaved rather   inquisitively not taking any chances  though it's sooner enough into the bushes as we also spotted numerous waterfalls  as well as holiday cabins with hard to   beat news because driving on narrow mountain roads   is not challenging enough the weather  decided to add in a Sprinkle of fog arguably the only place the view was even worse  was in this claustrophobically unlit tunnel   the nerve-wracking Drive was more  than worth it though as we ended up   in an imposing Valley surrounded  by mountains glaciers and sheep from there on the only option  was to continue on hook at the end of the trail the mighty  osterdale's praying flows down from the island glacier's surface is torn  apart by countless crevices   highlighting the strength of  the forces acting on the ice at the mouth of the closure massive icebergs are   drifting in the lagoon forming  Frozen ensembles of natural art thank you four kilometers Downstream  we set up camp next to the river   surrounded by glaciers and Charming  little hamlets the landscape composed   an image reminiscent of times when  life in Norway was much slower foreign the following morning we were  rather rudely woken by a herd   of cows that mistook our car for a scratching post although it might be hard to believe but our  next campsite was at least equally as glorious   Nestle along the shore of jalan's Fior the  site was perfectly suited to Simply relax once we left the area behind it was with a heavy   heart but we were already  eager to see what was next which is both the longest and deepest shore  of Norway we needed to board another Ferry   while mainly intended for vehicle transport  the stupendous views quickly turned this   into a Scenic Cruise on disembarking on the other  side we headed up a road that felt quite familiar   eleven days after we had driven up Ireland's  Villa for the first time we returned to   experience the mountain plateau and sunshine the  difference between both visits was remarkable   where before some of the Lakes had been entirely  Frozen it now seemed as if summer had finally   tightened its grip the remaining patches  of snow combined with a sparse vegetation   and the shimmering blue Lakes created  a landscape of hard to grasp Beauty down the road we Marvel at the  wonderful erlen's Fuel and then   continued to what is perhaps  Norway's most staggering inland characterized by its steeply Rising  walls and adorned with countless little   waterfalls nairobiore is the epitome of Norway to switch things up a bit we then  paid a visit to the city of Bergen   the coastal town is the second largest settlement  of Norway and well known as a former Trading Post   of the anziatic league to this day several of  the historic Contour buildings have survived while going for a stroll the one-time German  influence of the city was quite evident having spent almost two weeks  exploring the central south   of the country it was time  for us to slowly head north needless to say we continue to do  that on the smallest roads possible   once more the Mountain Trails leading across  the island were outstandingly scenic however   in this part of Norway even the larger highways  provide Travelers with breathtaking panoramas we arrived at the stunning order fed by several Outlet glaciers the large mountain  lake is of an extraordinary turquoise color just past the Lake the walls started to draw   closer providing us with one of  the best roadside views of Norway the scenery along that was equal mountains glaciers and waterfalls created a  spellbinding backdrop for the shimmering Lake every direction we looked at provided  us with a picture-perfect post-cut scene with one highlight chasing the next we soon  drove along a historic 19th Century Road today   the road is classified as a National Tourist  Road and oh boy it is deserving of that title   opinion Trails such as these are what a  grand Norwegian road trip is all about spending one last night surrounded by snow  we headed down towards the world famous the   next morning the 15 kilometer long Fjord is one  of Norway's most popular tourist destinations   looking upon the steeply rising walls and  countless waterfalls it is easy to imagine why   many visitors arrive via cruise ships as the  trip through the Fjord is a sightseeing spectacle fascinatingly The Fjord also boasts a rich culture  as several historic Farms can be visited nearby tourist Hospital only open during the summer months this Switchback  Mountain Road is an engineering masterpiece   a visitor platform provides Sublime  bird's eye view of the 11 narrow bands during the day the road gets rather busy so  frequent stops are necessary to pass one another however this moderate progress  poses no problem as the drive   down is an experienced best enjoyed and rushed after all the bustle of the previous day we were  delighted when we woke up to a soothingly tranquil   Lake the low-hanging clouds created a moody  atmosphere which beckoned us to take things slowly   as we sit there and enjoyed our morning coffee  the wafts of fog performed a hypnotic dance for us at least equally as enchanting as the  cloud belay was the thunderous martial dropping down more than 600  meters into the valley the water   was one of the highest and  most spectacular of Norway he snapped out of our reverie we  continue to drive deeper into the valley   shortly after we found ourselves heading  up a gravel road but if anything the views   got even more intriguing at least until  we headed into a spookily dark tunnel having safely made it to the other end  we proceeded on the remote Mountain trip compared to the well-trodden tourist  routes we barely encountered another   car which made the trail  extremely enjoyable foreign landscape is also the habitat of the tarmigan  a seasonally camouflaged bird belonging to the   Kraus family during winter they are flawlessly  white but in summer they transition towards a   brownish plumage while the tarmigan was rather  hard to spot the countless holiday cabins were not   sometimes described as a national  Obsession spending time in uhutto   is an integral part of the  Norwegian outdoor lifestyle   with more than 400 000 such cabins spread  around the country it often seems as if vast   part of Norway are inhabited when in fact most  of the buildings are solely used recreationally before finally heading to Northern Norway  we decided to throw in one last Loop after walking up a zigzag Trail I arrived  in a Mountaintop Viewpoint that offered a   breathtaking Panorama of the Fjord  as well as the surrounding Cliffs the intoxicating Vista was further enhanced  by wisps of cloud dancing around the peak   on a sunny day is this gazing at such staggering  Landscapes almost causes a sensory overload it is   hard to process how over time ice water and wind  have chiseled inlets of such stupendous grandeur carrying on we drove towards the coast  until arriving at the island of Runde   while the views of the coastline were undoubtedly  nice our reason to come here was another one   following a wonderful Trail we walked  above the Steep Cliffs until arriving   at the Northwestern end of the island  during summer are teeming with wildlife   thousands of seagulls and get its migrate here  to lay their eggs and to raise their young saying that most visitors come to spot a different  kind of bird clad in black and white plumage with   a brightly colored beak the Atlantic puffin is  the social media superstar in the world of birds they're adorable looks and friendly Behavior  make them a perfect subject for bird watching the breeding season puffins are out at Sea all day  and only return to their Burrows in the evening once they decided his time  thousands of birds take to the air one by one they start to  clumsily land near their nests   except they dry their wings which unlike  their Downy under plumage gets wet at sea subsequently they invest a considerable amount   of time in preening to keep  their plumage nice and tidy we spent more than two hours  watching these Birds go about   their business which they often did  only a few meters away right here when it was time to leave ruin the  behind we continued our journey   along the windy Coastline across  across many bridges in the process soon however the mountains were calling us again   we answered by heading to  the queen in North Island a couple kilometers into our hike we arrived at  the lovely hut which sits right beside a lake from there the path runs on towards the  formidable innatastorne leading steeply   upper Revan the trail is properly strenuous but  luckily the views are more than worth it just   below the summit some climbing is necessary so  carrying a massive backpack is not the best idea from the peak far-reaching views into three  different valleys invite visitors to linga   looking down the Hut was nothing more  than a little speck in the landscape four and a half weeks and five thousand kilometers   into our trip it was finally time  to leave Southern Norway behind after passing through the city of  Trondheim which is most famous for   its large Cathedral we started to head due north to drive to the north of Norway we have  decided to take the coastal route and as   it turns out that one is much slower than the  Inland option not only because it follows the   winding Coastline but much more so because there  are several Ferry Crossings and if you're a bit   unlucky such as we are right now you'll have  to wait one and a half hours until the next   ferry arrives but I mean with views such as  these there is very little to complain about   during the next days we spend a lot of time  driving on Scenic Coast roads looking out   for Animals such as Dolphins deer oremus and  boarding no less than eight vehicle Ferries we also passed the famous torkatu  a mountain with a hole in it   a model that staggering Peaks along the roadside ferry ride towards yaktvik was not only incredibly   scenic but also brought us across the  invisible line of the Arctic Circle a somewhat diminutive statue  along the shore marks this   magical boundary but Heralds  the land of the Midnight Sun Imagining the wonders of the road ahead we were  giddy with excitement and we surely weren't   disappointed shortly after leaving the ferry  we spotted several arms of the large svartisan   closure the Highlight however was this red fishing  vessel which slowly made its way through the inlet polar opposite to the Tranquil Fjord of  the day before waited for us at saltstrom   this small street is known to have one  of the strongest tidal currents in the   world resulting in turbulent vortexes  that rip the water's surface apart after a very short night we boarded  a ferry at 2 30 in the morning three hours later our cloud  cover destination came into sight the roughly 80 larger and smaller  islands of the lowfort and are known   for their extraordinary Mountain scenery  rising steeply from sea level the Peaks   over a stunning contrast the flat  vastness of the surrounding Waters due to the influence of the  Gulf Stream temperatures are   generally mild however the same  does not apply to the weather   more often than not rain and Fork will at least  partially hide the Majestic Summits from side aside from their peaks the little food  are also famous for their little villages   in the past those were mostly inhabited by  fishermen as the waters around the islands   are the world's richest cod fishing  crowns therefore visitors will come   upon many colorful horrible which is how  the seasonally used fishing hats are called the most well-known of audio food  and settlements is Rhino starting   in town a steam hiking trail leads  up to an exceptional Viewpoint it   provides a sweeping Panorama of the  village and the nearby mountains leaving the very busy town behind we drove across   several bridges that connect the  little islands with one another in an effort to escape the crowds we decided to  focus on minor side roads generally that strategy   worked well only the hike towards written was  equally overrun the reason for the Trail's   popularity is easy to understand though as it  provides a staggering view onto a large Beach of course the beach itself  is a popular destination as   well especially among overnight campers our time on Louisville and the weather  was generally erratic every now and then   the sun peaked through revealing the  incredible beauty of this island chain Most Fascinating to discover with a  countless sandy beaches as well as   the crystal clear water something most  people would not associate with Norway equally surprising where all  the wooden racks along the road   while empty in summer these scaffolds are used  to dry cod fish in late winter for that the   fish are tied together in pairs by their tail  fins and left out to dry for several months   this technique has been practiced on low  foot and for a thousand years as drying   the fish is a great preservation method a fact  the Vikings appreciated on their long Journeys stumbling upon another pristine Beach  we suddenly spotted some movement climbing between the Rocks a Eurasian  otter was patrolling its territory these otters are solitary animals and their  range often stretches for several kilometers   most of them live in fresh water but  to our luck some prefer the coastline   we couldn't believe our eyes when the Otto started  to wallow in the scent directly in front of us foreign this technique is likely used to remove parasites  from the fur and possibly to leave their scent   whatever the reason it was the most  adorable animal behavior we have ever seen once it was done with scent  bathing it went out to hunt the euro is not as perfectly  adapted to life in water   it is an excellent swimmer has wet to feed  and can close its ears and nostrils underwater when hunting it mostly preys on fish but  we'll also add the odd Crest sea into its diet incredibly our lucky animal  encounters didn't stop there   just 24 hours later we met a  distant relative of the Otto this quick-footed still it  was running circles around   us showing off his parkour skills in the process back on the road we drove along the lofford's main  Highway before turning off onto a smaller Trail following that road we crossed a fascinating Inlet  which during low tide reveals a large sand Bank thank you having explored much of the low Fortin   we left for another group  of islands called westerol whereas fishing is equally important for these   islands the terrain also supports  Agriculture and livestock farming coming upon a road conditions warning  sign made us all the more intrigued   the trail that followed was enjoyably bumpy while  also providing some wonderful Seaside views even   better we found a fantastic campsite which allowed  us to enjoy the beautiful scenery all by ourselves the next morning we continued  along the trail which offered us   one of only a few off-road experiences in Norway I'd be lying if I claim that this hiking trail  was anything but unpleasant but I hope that at   least at the summit The View will be nice  because the wind is pretty murderous and uh   I'm not sure why I'm doing this to myself  a day the weather took a turn for the worse   and even though we didn't know it yet it  wouldn't improve for another seven days   oblivious of what was to come I hiked to  the summit of Martin as wind and clouds   whipped across the peak The View occasionally  opened up feeling the rugged Coastline below luckily the waters off the coast were not too  turbulent yet it's for the island of senya not so luckily the weather was downright miserable   after nicknamed Norway and miniature zenya is  known for its variety of Landscapes including   including Jagged Peaks beaches fjords and  Highlands however during our free days on   the island we merely caught glimpses of that  beauty as one vicious rainstorm chased the next no matter where we drove rain  remained our constant companion this is certainly not the type of weather we had  hoped for when we planned this Norway trip but   at this point I'm doing many of these hiking  trails just out of spite because I think it's   better to still get out and experience the  nature with the weather and the conditions   that you have instead of just sitting around  in the car so yeah rainy hiking trails it is Trail we're on a different level  though leading straight through   a block the only thing saving High cuts from  the bottomless mud were slippery wooden planks oh my goodness the views from the summit were at least an  indicator of how impressive the scenery can be laughs of course they couldn't return to the   car in my mud-covered state so I  decided to go for a Trailside wash even though we would have loved  to see more of senya we left the   island behind to proceed to the far  north this time on rougher Waters when we arrived in termsu the  weather was still much the same back in nature We Came Upon a red  fox which was clearly on a prowl   whenever these foxes hunt mouse-like animals they  use their acute hearing to pinpoint the location   of their prey once located they will pounce  on the mouse often devouring it in a few bites celebrating the return of the sun we  marble that the Fjord Vistas along the road following days of rain and clouds it was exciting  to see the mountains in all their Glory again this also apply to Bluewater one of the  most intensely Blue Lakes in all of Norway fed by a glazel waterfall the color of the lake   is a Milky turquoise which is so  vivid that it almost looks unreal that evening we witnessed a delightful Sunset   over the Luna knobs a steep and  little explored mountain range the same mountains also offered as a marvelous  backdrop as we continued North the next day for the first time in a while  we found ourselves on the main   Highway of the country by this far  north the E6 is very picturesque of course we still explored as  many of the side roads as we could   which mostly meant driving along vast fjords  through mountainous Landscapes of incredible scale a Telltale sign that we had truly made it to the   North was that reindeer replaced  cheap as number one traffic hazard because of its low population density and the   expanse of its Wilderness the far  north immediately won our hearts so the sheer nothingness of the Arctic embraced us driving hundreds of kilometers each day  we explored Norway's most remote regions of course so much time spent in the  car also begs for regular breaks instead of heading directly to the North Cape we   decided to First pay a visit to  the northernmost town on Earth   with more than ten thousand inhabitants  hammerfest is a proper city that has recently   experienced strong economic growth because  of the construction of a large LNG terminal despite its Northerly location the mean annual  temperature is above freezing a direct effect   of the powerful Gulf Stream during summer  the sun does not set for almost three months   but in Winter it stays dark  for no less than 59 days of our favorite roads in the  north was to drive towards habusa the Tome of loneliness the scenic Road leads past   wonderful rugged outcrops in  an area that is rarely visited the most striking was the fact that such  a Barren Untamed landscape on a Road the surrounding scenery was breathtaking in  every regard changing from traumatic Ocean   Vistas to rumbling waterfalls  and perfectly reflecting Lakes at the end of the road we threw a glance at the   fishing Village before setting  up camp under a dramatic sky welcome by magnificent Sunshine the next  morning it was time for our final push North   once more we were blown away by the vastness of  the land as well as by the viciousness of the Wind and considered a far north to be boring  as there is barely any vegetation   but for us this infinite  emptiness was utterly alluring ironically the parking lot that  the norka was the opposite of empty   with countless over lending Vehicles  creating a campground atmosphere just a couple more meters and there we were at  the northernmost Road accessible point on Earth   a dream destination for any road trip fan standing above the cliffs we  looked out onto the open ocean   feeling as if we had made  it to the end of the world contrary to popular belief the North Cape  isn't the northernmost point of Europe   the reached at Geographic extremity you'll have to   walk eight kilometers across the  beautiful yet inhospitable Tantra thank you this is as far north as it gets at  least if you want to stay in Europe   because this little Peninsula marks its  northernmost point it even stretches one   kilometer further north than the North  Cape behind me and now there's just the   Waters of the Arctic and eventually the  North Pole but other than that this is it surrounded by many more seagulls than  people I took in the coastal landscape   Brewing how lucky are a dead  place on a day such as this but the Arctic weather is fit my way  back clouds started to roll in quickly   soon after I was swallowed by fog while the  wind whipped ferociously across the plain   to top it all off a heavy downpour followed whether swing such as this underline  the importance of always carrying   adequate clothing when exploring the outdoors seeking a sheltered Campsite in  such wide open land was easier   said than done especially as the  rain had clearly left some marks following morning the water level was even  higher but at least the sun came out of play as we couldn't possibly drive any  further north we started to head Esports   our goal was to explore as many of the remote  Arctic roads of the finmark as possible compared to the rest of Norway the fin Mark  is sparsely populated at best from time to   time we passed the house or little settlement but  mostly it was just us and the Untamed wilderness our opinion the finmark is an ideal  road trip destination as it provides   that intense feeling of Freedom that  is only experienced on the open road conditionally the terrain is  ever-changing and never loses its appear now it's standing in that  regard was the journey to Mayhem   leaving behind the coastline we headed Inland  crossing the water-rich tundra in the process   initially the countryside was predominantly  green with rivers cutting through Lush Meadows   but soon we climbed up onto a plateau and  was suddenly surrounded by a Stony desert   it was hard to rub our head around the  quick changes as one moment the landscape   appeared abounding in fertility whereas  the next it was alien and inhospitable of course some animals are perfectly  adapted to survive under such conditions reindeer are native to the far north preferring  Arctic climates and Tundra landscapes   technically however most reindeer and Norway  are domesticated while some wild herds still   exist in the South all of the animals in  the north are owned by reindeer herders reindeer husbandry has been practiced  for hundreds of years by the Sami people   and many go as far as calling it a way of life the summer the reindeer brought to Rich pastures  where they wander around freely during that time   they feed on lichen as well as leaves sedges  and grasses to gain strength for The Long Winter whereas in those other deer species only Bulls   Crow endless in reindeer it  is both males and females saying that the males antlers  are usually much larger recurring them annually the entrance of balls   increase in size over the years  often reaching a formidable state of course reindeer aren't the only  animals thriving in this habitat   the ever adaptable red fox can equally be  seen foraging or in this case scratching with the day drawing to an end our car started to   throw a perfect Shadow onto  the quickly passing Tundra just as the sun was about to set we  passed through the village of gambling   kilometers later we set up camp with inside of the  northernmost Lighthouse of the European mainland oh the next day we crossed a futuristic  looking bridge over the tanaelva   before the river discharges into  the town of Fjord it creates a   large unspoiled Delta that is  characterized by huge sandbags continuing North we headed towards  the settlement of bear level one of the many astonishing things about Norway is  that it always finds a way to surprise you because   we are here in the northeast of the country  in the Arctic no less and we have just come   Upon This Magnificent big sand beach something  you absolutely wouldn't expect in this part of   the country or in this part of the world really  and nonetheless here we are enjoying a pristine   Beach all by ourselves it's just incredible  the beach we had come upon left us Wonderstruck trolling across the soft sand we were reminisced  about exploring remote beaches in Australia   but never had we dreamed of  encountering such a side in Norway   moreover the water was fascinatingly clear  providing us with a sight not easily forgotten tear ourselves away we followed the cause of the  coastline and then embarked on a remote travel   track our destination was a little holiday  settlement at the literal end of the road   all alone surrounded only by the  wind and waves we found absolute   Bliss in the secluded Tranquility of this site having driven more than 2 000 kilometers in the  last five days we decided it was time for a break   luckily we found the perfect  campsite to Simply relax foreign Norway's easternmost town is the most point of Norway however can be  found on a small island just off the coast   instead of going over there with a boat  we were content with following the Gaze   of these two wooden figures  taking in the Island from afar the last part of the road offered  as an entirely New Perspective traveling through a moon landscape dominated by   razor sharp rocks we felt like  explorers of a different planet someone in the local community had an amazing  idea which is providing Beach visitors with   these types of trash bags and encouraging them  to pick up any type of fishing nets or plastic   bottles they may find and this is a great  opportunity to visit a beautiful place but   leave it even more beautiful and this sort of  initiative is definitely needed as the amount   of trash swept onto Norway's coastline  is staggering even though some of these   beaches look entirely pristine the negative  impact of the fishing industry is undeniable to do our part we spend the next hour walking  along the beach picking up any Trash we could find as a reward I decided to go for a skinny dip  in the freezing Waters of the Arctic foreign with a very heavy heart we  left this furthest North of   Norway which we had learned to appreciate so much unfortunately there were still roads in the  Northeast that beckoned us to be explored   passing through the town of yerkiness we  soon arrived at the external Frontier of   the Schengen area Beyond which lies Russia  in total the border between Russia and Norway   is 196 kilometers long but at several points no  more than a small stream separates both countries   the same applies to the krenza yak observe here  the Jakob self River discharges into the barrancy   forming the border between  both nations in the process it was interesting to contemplate how  arbitrary National borders seem when   the landscape on both sides of the  river is impossible to tell apart you get to investigate the sentiment further we  decided to embark on Norway's most remote Road   heading into uhu Pacific National Park our path  led us towards the hindmost corner of the country hitting the the last 20 kilometers of the road  were nothing more than a bumpy travel trail less than 100 meters from the  Russian border we set out on a hike the trail LED through calm forests  as well as treasurer's boglin meanwhile the scenery was incredibly peaceful five kilometers into the hike we  cross through the Border fence right now I am in Finland but if I only take a  couple of steps I'm back in Norway and that's   why this spot is really interesting it's not  about the sweeping views but more about the   symbolic value because this can right here marks  the free country border between Norway Finland   and Russia and while I can move freely between  Norway and Finland merely touching the fence   means crossing the border to Russia and that of  course is strictly prohibited without a permit   not bound by any such restraints  with a wood crows we spotted nearby previously focused on exploring the  northern Coastline it was now time   for us to head into the depths of the fin mark standing on the shore of a Placid  Lake with the sun in full display   the moment had finally come to bring out  our inflatable canoe for its maiden voyage once we had pumped it full of air we set it  in the water and ventured out onto the lake okay we did it General the Inland of the  fin Mark is dominated by low Downy   birch trees with the occasional  City offering some variation as the sun was about to set we drove through   an impressive Canyon and spotted  some shy Bull Moose on a clearing before leaving the fin mark behind  we decided to go on one more hike   which involved Crossing several small streams at the end of the trail we looked into the  depth of the Alta Canyon 400 meters below   the ever Restless Alta River has carved out no  less than the largest canyon of Northern Europe aside from its Landscaping prowess  the Alta Elba is also regarded as   one of the world's best rivers to catch salmon two weeks in the far north went by way too quickly  but now it was time for us to Drive South again along the way we headed on many gravel roads  taking in as much of the scenery as we could special surprise awaited us at gocha Brewer  yeah a roaring waterfall Thunders over the   ledge with unbridled strength creating  swirling clouds of mist in the process over the centuries the river has  cut a deep gorge into the landscape   ferocity of the water remains Untamed a little further south our path led  us into uh dividal National Park   but rarely visited Wilderness  Area bordering Sweden we found the region to be perfectly suited to   relax in the quiet of the forest as  well as the forage for wild berries the next day an almost forgotten full return  immediately causing Havoc along the road as   well as reeling our view of stating Norway's  National Mountain naturally that didn't stop   me from going out hiking although the trail was  not necessarily easy to follow oh my goodness little did I know what was waiting ahead there's a moose right there it's a female this doesn't have any of the antlers I think it's the closest I've ever been to a moose maybe 12 meters of distance  between me and the mouse trying to be as still as possible  not disturb it in any way amazingly this moose did not  seem to mind my presence at   all as it peacefully continued to feed nearby to retain their weight moves must consume up to 30   kilograms of plants each day which  they do by browsing for young shoots bewildering was how an animal of that  size can simply vanish behind some bushes shortly after I left the  forest and was welcomed by   a large waterfall dropping into an imposing Valley the resulting River Meander through the  landscape forming many interesting shapes the only way to safely cross  over the turbulent stream is   via swinging wooden bridge and runs  directly at the waterfall's crest sometime later a slightly smaller River  denied me such a luxurious way of Passage officially leaving Northern Norway behind we  continuously headed south while looking for   a campsite We Came Upon the green border with  Sweden before needing to cross a rocky Street supposedly there are plenty  of moves in the forests of   East and Norway which is why we  put up our Trail camps each night   however aside from ourselves looking  at the stars we never captured anything   well at least not at night one late evening we  stumbled Upon A Norway lemming close to our camp   this tiny rodent was no larger than  the plum but it surely had an appetite munching voraciously on every cross stalk in its  way it was surprisingly unafraid of our presence in the hopes of catching a glimpse  of the lemming at its nest we set up   our cameras but instead of a lemming  we captured a skittish little shrew that evening the sunset was wonderful to look at he was only surpassed by the night sky  and the faint climber of the Aurora   was summer break returned to the dance floor similar to Sweden east of Norway is characterized  by large woodlands and innumerable Lakes   every day we were on the hunt to  find another beautiful campsite   which more often than not meant that  we ended up on small Forest Trails sometimes that even required  a bit of track clearing 9 out of 10 times our efforts  totally paid off though towards the end of our trip we decided to  go on one more Big Adventure my goodness having settled our backpacks we waited for   the ferry that would take us  across the large lake famous one hour later we stepped off the boat and started  to head into the wild thank you have a good one passing through a marvelous carnivorous Forest we  were embraced by silence in an area visited by few before long we left the trees behind  and continued on an Alpine plateau   here things got rather busy as we  spotted one other human in the distance luckily we were all alone at the spot we had  chosen as our campsite for the next two nights foreign whereas it had been cloudy on the day we  walked in the sun came out on the second day taking things very slowly this was  one of our favorite days in Norway snuggle up in our tent we spent plenty of time  reading or simply marveling at the landscape especially striking was the  pond behind our tent which   had a row of trees reflect perfectly in the water thank you a core element of the Norwegian identity can be  described by a deep connection with nature and   that is no small part you to the elements the  right to roam which gives every Norwegian the   right to explore nature at their own liking and  that of course includes walking on hiking trails   or exploring across open country as well  as putting up a tent somewhere in nature   or picking wild berries and mushrooms yummy and I  think that this is one of the reasons why Norway   is always at the Forefront of Environmental  Protection because it is only by experiencing   nature and all of its Glory that you truly  understand the importance of protecting it in the evening we started a little  fire which only added to the ambience that night we left out the camera to shoot  a night laps this is what it captured oh the following morning was equally mesmerizing   a blanket of fork covered the valley below while  the sun was reflected enchantingly in the lake tearing ourselves away from the magic of this   place we set out on the trail as we  had a 17 kilometer walk ahead of us to our Delight we soon spotted  large groups of reindeer   additionally We Came Upon a European adder  and even saw Wolverine in the distance reunited with our vehicle we made our way through  the forests of Southeastern Norway while this   part of the country lacks the mind-boggling  grandchild it entices with its Stillness dominated by undulating woodlands and Serene Lakes   it is perfectly suited to  wind down after a long trip always pushing sound we slowly made  our way towards Norway's capital with a population of more than  one million ush law is by far the   largest city of the country as well  as the residents of the Royal Family   because it burned down several times in the  past wolshlo is lacking a conventional Old Town   only a couple historic buildings remain in a city   that otherwise seems rather modern  both in spirit and architecture adding one more highlight to our trip  we visited a stunning Lakeside sauna   that provides wonderful Vistas  through its large glass windows and then on our last day Norway beat us  farewell in a manner only fitting off this trip   after 10 weeks having driven 14 000 kilometers our  grand Norwegian road trip came to its conclusion   arriving on countless roads too Scenic to  comprehend we experienced all seasons of   Norway often within a single day Norway taught  us to look for beauty in the seemingly bleak   to appreciate the small things  as much as the monumental   and above all to enjoy the ride for every  road trip is a journey full of Wonders

2023-08-29 21:01

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