Northwood Skylines: Tourism National Park | Se1 Ep29

Northwood Skylines: Tourism National Park | Se1 Ep29

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hello guys and welcome back to another episode of  city skylines so today what we're going to work on   is that tourism industry i got some area over here  basically planned out for our tourism industry   and we can start working on that today um another  thing that i started working on was bringing the   uh an avenue pardon me an avenue this way  so we can basically bring it in to here   and go up the different hills and stuff like  that so we can start building different multi   layers and stuff like that i think that'll be a  really nice area to actually build stuff on so   we can kind of work with that and see how  that turns out another thing that i left   was this old factory here i'm not sure what to  do with it exactly just yet but i'm sure we can   figure out what we can do with it in a little bit  i kind of kind of leveled the terrain around it   so it's um basically the same level so let's  start with the avenue and then we'll start uh   working our way out we have a little bit of demand  for commercial and stuff too so that will help   all right so we need probably  a level three and that monorail   thing is going to be in the way so what i'm  gonna do is just use the movement mod to um grab that and bring it just out of the way a  little bit and then what we can do is use that   and we should bring this right down through here  and what we'll do is we'll kind of go like this so i'm going to turn off the   snapping so we can kind of get a better estimate  where we're going to be bringing this stuff   and i'm going to bring that probably around here  and then we'll bring it along the cliff side since um the factories on that side will be able  to kind of just bring it around this way and give it some space there so that  should be good i'm just going to fix   that so it's a little bit more natural so like that and then what we want to do is kind  of go up the hill and i'm going to go and go here   and then we're going to go this way   and then there's kind of like a direction thing  that we'll have to go branch off from here and then we'll go up to here and go that way and round hopefully this won't cause too much traffic  we might want to make another way when we   expand out this way a little bit more  um options for them to basically uh get to their places and stuff we might  be able to set some sort of transport   up as well to help kind of alleviate the  um traffic congestion along that side there   um we have a whole bunch of different types of uh transportation that we  can use so that won't be an   issue all right i'm actually gonna  smooth out that just a little bit that that should be good all  right so now that we got that done   i'm going to unpause the game and uh we got pretty  good stable money too so we might want to put down   a couple landmarks uh some of the money some  sometimes the money goes up and down that's   due to the industries so uh we'll be able to kind  of place some more landmarks and i think we'll be   gaining quite a bit of money now that we have um  that all settled but once we get the tourism in   here it will be a lot better so let's go do our  tourism thing we'll see what we can place down   i have some of these buildings here  the level one we got a couple of those   uh level three we got a tax office a couple  parks that we can place down opera house um   this actually does give a little bit of benefit  uh for what was it um airport and uh ship tourism   now we don't actually have any airports or  anything like that set up at the moment however uh that might actually look really good   around here somewhere uh we're we can kind of  turn this into like a national park type thing   looks like there's a sunken boat there as  well so we could put um maybe that right here   and what we could do is we  could bring a road up to there   uh what kind of road do we want we'll do this  kind of road i think and we'll just run that didn't want the straight one okay we'll run this like that and it's going to require electricity and uh water so we're gonna need to  get electric steam water up here   so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna bring that from  here and i'm just gonna connect that up to our um down a road so we can basically get  uh at least water down here and uh   oh yeah a couple other things that i did  was i put down we did level up her um   university so we got that huge massive building  in here for school engineering what this basically   does is helps with the uh power and water demand  a little bit so that's basically what that does   and we have the same amount for that so we  basically finally got the maximum level for   the university so uh the next university that we  build will be probably the next one in the list   and that will be when we get a little  bit more area that we can expand to so um   yeah we'll just focus on other things like tourism  and stuff like that so i'm gonna bring that uh   pipeline basically down this way so we can bring  it all the way down there and then i'll bring   this up to roughly around here and i'll just  kind of follow the road a little bit and that   should be all set up for still not setting up  for water okay now you should be set up for water come on there we go all right so water is  all set up and then we need electricity   so i'm gonna use actually can we  bring that right along there maybe or because i want all the tourism  and stuff in this area maybe   and then some over there or  leisure maybe over there so i'm just trying to think uh  there's not a lot of room on   this side to actually put the power lines but might be able to follow the road a little bit and do shorter intervals for placing these and then it won't just  disrupt the view of the actual   uh tourism industry any much so bring that over to here there we go and then what we can do is we can just  connect that up to our main city after we connect   just follow this particular road we'll cross over  here and we'll go over onto that side like that   that should give us power all the way down there  and then we might be able to use i don't know if   that's going to interrupt that bring that  like that and over here and connect that up   so now we should have power over  to that landmark which is perfect   so it's just a matter of putting down some roads  now so um i don't know if that's tourism who are   you you are a tourist yes all right so what  we do need is our basic utilities and services   for this particular area uh now that because  it's going to be mostly um commercial and tourism   figure we'll put tourism right on the coastline  here and then commercial can kind of go behind it   and then we can maybe put some residential or  something over there i'm not sure if i want yeah we'll do tourism in  here i think how big is our   other tourism industry i think it's just  a little section right here that is so i don't know um go with this section it's  out of the way we have more room to expand   might do that or we could do this area  instead i'm not sure what we're going to   do that's kind of the way that it's facing for the  factory that's kind of like the back side of it   might want to put some trees in here just to  kind of make it look less uh grungy but um i need to decide on a direction  so there's that pure on this side and we can always expand i guess on the other  side so we'll work on this side a instead and   we're gonna need some roads that we can  basically branch this off of so go this way   and then what we can do is we can kind  of bring our roads up to the factory   and then we'll bring our roads from here okay what is that that is a rundown house so i'm gonna bring that up to there  and then i'm gonna bring a road so will that work uh we might want to  turn that into a dirt road actually and just need to find where the dirt roads are  located i think it's under this one and   don't got light now but that's  okay we'll bring that to there and see if we can't see where that  house is i think the house uh   is facing that direction so what  we'll do is we'll bring that like that and then that kind of goes to the the  house itself i think that'll look really good   and then what we can do is go back to our roads  and then we will go and we'll put a side road   in here like that and bring that roughly to there  bring that around i that up to there so there's   less traffic going through here connect that up  and then we'll connect this up with that road   that should be good enough for basic tourism  industry and some commercial industry as well   i figure what we'll do is we'll put the commercial  this area is going to be probably occupied   so i'm not sure if i want to oh actually we can  turn this into like a nature reserve this little   factory here and maybe this house area too  so if we move back that um road here to their boat bulldoze these two things  right down down to there and   that leaves us all this area to work with then  we can turn this area into a nature reserve   i already have a nature reserve somewhere  around here i'm not sure where i put it   um where did i put that nature reserve  oh our zoo has burnt down again   fix that up actually no there was a tornado that  went through here isn't that uh i think when i was   basically leveling up the uh thing so that's  probably where all this damage is from   uh we can fix that right now uh we'll go to the  paths and then we'll just fix this up fix that up   and that and this one right here and that should  be good yeah so basically there's a tornado that   went right through here and then stopped at our  city zoo which was kind of them all right so where   was that i think that nature reserve that i put in  here was right over here it's nothing too big it's   a level three we are getting a little bit of money  from it uh about 900 or so dollars which is pretty   good but uh we could always turn one into here and  that will help with the tourism as well so i um let's see what can we do we'll start with  zoning and we'll zone this area up to here uh for commercial tourism and then we'll  go back here and then we'll select   oh no not that uh we want yeah no that  that is what we want we want this area to be our nature reserve so we'll need to put  some trees and stuff down i think that will help   kind of spice up the area a little  bit more and we're going to want to go   and grab uh was it nature that zoo oh we could put  an amusement park in there too we haven't put a   built-in amusement park now uh should we go with  amusement park or should we go with nature reserve   it's kind of like a rundown place so i'm thinking  like an overgrown uh kind of um factory area that   would look pretty cool so we would probably  want to go with the nature reserve for that   uh we'll go with nature reserve i guess  then and then we'll put the path off to   there that'll be our main entrance and then we  can put another side entrance or something over   over here i guess then people can  go through here and go to that road   guess that would work uh we've  got the power lines there so that   won't work for getting the power lines  in the way but i could do um these paths here so i think that connects up to  here and then we can kind of bring that around like that bring it this way and connect that up like that and then what we  could do is we can bring this through here   and we'll place down another  side key connect that up to there and then we should have um some other  things that we can put in so we have some   uh for our camping grounds just a couple  different camping grounds camping site one so you put that right there that should work   and how many spots so visitor capacity  is 90 on that one this is 120. put one right there uh this is visitor capacity 60  and that is 60 as well so we put one right there   right there maybe one right over here   and then we got some lookout points so  viewing deck put that right there why not   and we'll put um another viewing deck right here  just so they can look at that interesting building   and put one right there too i guess there would  be like information on those little viewing deck   things and then you can get information about  the different buildings and stuff like that i   don't know just imagine that it's kind of what  it's for uh we can also put some tents down um put uh let's see some campground  stuff over here for some tents   maybe some tents over on this side as well kind  of just spice it up a little bit that should be   good for now and then what we can do is i think  somewhere or was it over here i have a little uh   garden thing set up so i can basically use  the move it mod to select that copy it and   then we can basically place it down in our  nature reserve and stuff like that so i'll   just kind of place some of this down decorate the  area a little bit make it a little more uh full   and it'll look a lot better than just the  basic stuff that we have set up right there so   all right so one of the things that i just  realized was um if we zone all this uh basically   to um tourism then we won't be able to put some  other stuff in so we'll probably put some offices   we do have some demand for offices and stuff so we  can put some stuff like that right along here and   maybe along here as well and we'll fill that in  to about here i guess and then what we can do oh   uh we should probably do it stuff so let me just  uh pause the game and then we'll go to our zoning and then we'll select offices and we'll set that  to it and then some it stuff can be built in this   area and then for tourism what we can do is we  can fill in that other area right along here   with uh some tourism stuff we'll remove  that one so it doesn't get invasive   and we can put some parks in  that are tourism-based so maybe that's a little bit big we can do a beach  thing here uh maybe another one over here   and maybe a skatepark right there that  should help with tourism a little bit   uh this is a fishing pier uh we could fit that in right there but we're going to need a road to it so i'm just going to place down uh this uh one-way road that can basically  get from there to there and that will allow some access it's just a  small road but it'll do just fine for what   they need to get in there and we can actually  bring this a little bit out and we can lower it just a slight and i think that will be good for   the little fishing pier thing there  all right uh we're also going to need   water in this area so we're going to need to  get that all set up bring that all the way down here like that and we probably want to go bring that  connect that part down so now all that has uh   electricity and water so that's good uh other  things that we're gonna need is services so   things like police station  uh this seems to be covered   not sure oh no the roads aren't covered okay  so uh we could put any police station right here and probably want a fire  station as well so put one right um there and probably like a small  clinic or something like that as well   so i'm not sure if we can fit one right  there and crematory can go right there and uh probably need a postal  service as well i think that's under i can't remember where that's under transportation  postal service there we go and we'll put that   right there and then what we can do is uh we got  the parks all set up so all we need is to fill   this in and some more commercial and industry  area can pop up in this area here for tourism and i think that will be good for today uh we  can work on transportation next episode and um   start filling up this area up here and stuff  like that but um i think that looks really   good once it's fully upgraded and stuff  like that look really good we got this   little nature reserve thing right going on in  here so that will look really good when it's   um all part of the build and stuff like  that and i think that abandoned building   actually fits in really nicely with the nature  reserve it wouldn't look the same with the um   amusement park and plus we would have had to turn  probably this entire area into the music park   um nature reserves generally take up a little less  space so yeah i think i think this will look a lot   better than if we were to put a uh amusement park  there we could still put an amusement park maybe   over over here or something when we expand  that way i think that will be good but i will   definitely continue that next episode if you're  new to my channel don't forget to subscribe   comment down below rate the video and i'll see  you guys next time thanks for watching peace you

2021-11-12 07:01

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