Nightly News Broadcast (Full) - May 26, 2018 | NBC Nightly News

Nightly News Broadcast (Full) - May 26, 2018 | NBC Nightly News

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Tonight, the secret summit between North Korea's Kim jong-eun and South Korea's, president, and the latest on the dramatic attempt to salvage a meeting between Kim, and president. Trump an American. Held for two years by Venezuela, is freed by the regime, and heads home the, white house hails the move the. Growing threat from a big storm, already being felt in parts of the south we'll tell you about the biggest concerns, this holiday weekend, the brawl that broke out on an American, Airlines flight to Miami after a flight attendant, denied, a man more, beer another, passenger, getting, it all on his phone, and a hidden struggle that interferes, with life for, many new college, students we're. Really talking about people who were suffering from a serious. And potentially deadly. Disease that. Our society, is not doing enough about and the innovative way one University. Is dealing, with. This. Is NBC, Nightly News with, Jose, diaz-balart. Good. Evening we begin tonight with the surprise, news of a secret meeting between North, and South Korea the, leaders of those countries met face to face again at the demilitarized. Zone separating north. And, south a big, part of their discussion, today reviving. The possibility, of a summit between president, Trump and kim jeong-hoon a meeting, the president, canceled just two days ago but is now talking, about again, NBC's. Janice Maggie fryer is in Seoul with the very latest. The. Surprise meeting took place on the North Korean, side of the Demilitarized Zone Kim, jong-un playing host to South Korean, president, moon je for. Two hours they had frank discussions. About boosting ties and, salvaging. Talks with, President, Trump. Their. First summit last month took, weeks to prepare this. One came together overnight, it, isn't clear whether it was moon, or Kim, who asked for it both. Were blindsided. By president, Trump's letter that. Canceled, the June sit-down because, of what he called North Korea's, open, hostility. Those, sources told NBC, News the, president, was actually afraid that Kim, would, cancel first if, in fact diplomacy really. Does fall, through. The United States is going to be increasingly. Isolated in, its approach towards North Korea, three days of head-spinning, diplomacy, followed, this summer was off I've decided to terminate the plan summit and then maybe back on. Today. The White House says an advanced team will go to Singapore. Just in case, amid. The uncertainty north, korea has struck, an oddly, reasonable. Tone saying. It remains open to talks at any time, the. Regime also claims it destroyed, a nuclear, test site. Blowing. Up tunnels used to build its nuclear, arsenal, refusing. To let any inspectors. Verify, that today's. Snap, meeting, and the warmth between Korean, leaders showed. Their willingness to keep the momentum here, with, or without president. Trump. North. Korea's, state media reports. This morning that, Kim jong-un and moon jaein agreed, to me to gain frequently. And soon, perhaps as early as June 1st, they also apparently, discussed, trust, in the United States moon, is expected, to reveal more of what was said later today Jose, Janice Maki Freyr in Seoul thank you very much less than three weeks after those three Americans, were released by North Korea the, white house is hailing the release of another American tonight, this time by the regime, in Venezuela.

White, House correspondent, Kelly O'Donnell has that story a, rush. To freedom today from, an airfield in Venezuela, as an, American Mormon missionary, headed. For a long awaited flight home accompanied. By senator, bob Corker, who helped broker the release of joshua, holt and his wife tummy, the, hurried, exit, ends two, years of anguish the, Holts were held in a notorious, venezuelan. Prison, where, thousands, of political prisoners are kept, behind bars, a riot, erupted there two weeks ago and hold, begged for help on cell, phone video they're trying to break in. The. 26, year old Utah man went, to Venezuela in 2016. To get married, he, and his wife were, accused, of stockpiling. Weapons at, her family, home and, incarcerated. Without trial hold. Said he was innocent I need your help to get me out of this place in Utah, supporters, rallied to, raise awareness hold. Smother Lori that's been really hard it's been tough and. You. Know he's he's. Only 26, years old he. Hasn't left his life relations. With Venezuela socialist. Government, are deeply, strained the, u.s. imposed sanctions and labeled, the re-election, last week of president Maduro illegitimate. Maduro. Responded, expelling, two american diplomats, Secretary. Of State Mike Pompeo, Thursday. We have an American there that we desperately want to get back Joshua. Holt and. So, know that we are engaged as chairman, of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, corker. Went to Caracas, and met, Maduro yesterday. Today. President, Trump was first to announce the breakthrough, with tweets calling. Halt an American. Hostage who, will be landing. In DC this evening and be in the White House with his family. Holt's. Mother called the release a miracle, family. And lawmakers who helped to secure his freedom are invited, here to the White House tonight NBC. News communicated. With whole fight xed, and he, said his trip home is an unreal, experience. He also said he has nothing against the people of Venezuela and will continue to pray for those held, unjustly for. Political, reasons, Jose, Kelly O'Donnell at the White House thank you very much in. The South 20. Million people are under flood watches tonight, as subtropical. Storm Alberto, gains. Strength and builds, a great deal of rain this, could become a big problem for people along the Gulf Coast from Florida, to Louisiana. Dave, price is tracking it all and has the forecast day Jose, this is the first named, storm of, the season and of course the season doesn't officially begin. Until June, 1st this, is what we're looking at there it is sitting just 95, miles to the north of the western tip of Cuba winds, sustained, right now it's just about 40 miles per hour movement, to the north at about 13, miles per hour wind. Speeds and forward, speed probably, going to pick up in the next little while it's going to take a jog towards Florida and then it's going to switch to the north and to the west before. Finally, making landfall around 1:00 p.m. with wind sustained, at 65, miles per hour just, west of Panama City what are the big concerns, over the next 48 to 72, hours, well soaking, rain right through Florida, the storm then gained strength, four, to eight inches of rain or more could, be hitting the Gulf states that, along with high surf and a rip current risk as well and that, of course is, if, it doesn't stall then, we're talking about more rain okay Dave price thank you very much, actor Morgan Freeman has, issued a strong new denial, after, reported allegations of sexual harassment, at the same time one big corporation. That featured Freeman in its television, advertising, says, it has stopped using those commercials, we, get more tonight from NBC's Steve, Patterson. Good, busy living or get. Busy dying for, decades he personified, the voice of reason I'm considered, a bit of a storyteller, myself, now oscar-winning. Actor Morgan Freeman using. That same voice to craft a series of rebukes, in apologies, after reported. Sexual harassment, accusations from. At least eight women on film sets during, interviews and at his own production company, Freeman. Now defiant. Saying I am devastated that 80 years of my life is at risk of being undermined, I am someone who feels a need to try to make women and men feel appreciated. And at ease around me but I also want to be clear I did not create unsafe, work environments, I did, not assault women the CNN report details what accusers say is a pattern, of inappropriate. Behavior, allegations. From two named and six, unnamed, women ranged, from unwanted, touching to, public comments, about women's clothing or bodies. All, spurred, by the CNN, reporters, own encounter, with, Freeman right when I walked into the room he began to make sexually, suggestive comments, to me now more video has surfaced including. A 2015 comment, Freeman made to an Entertainment. Tonight correspondent. It kind of dressed us halfway between your new union. And. You sit down right across from me and you cross, your legs NBC, News has not verified, these allegations, but they are already damaging, the 80 year old actor's career visa.

Releasing, A statement saying, the credit card company will, be suspending, our marketing, in which the actor is featured, Freeman. Defined for his wise on-screen. Roles. Now facing scrutiny for, his off-screen, behavior, Steve, Patterson NBC. News Hollywood. The. Results, are official, tonight in Ireland, where voters have overwhelmingly. Repealed, the country's strict ban on abortion, it was a bitterly contested referendum. That divided. The mostly Catholic, nation the government says it will now amend, the law to allow abortions, in the first twelve weeks of pregnancy. NBC's, Luci Cavanaugh reports, from Dublin. The. Moment, campaigners, in Ireland, knew they, made history votes. Proposal. 429,000. 981. In. The end it was a landslide, more, than 66, percent, overturning, the country's controversial. Abortion, ban, the. Stakes so high thousands. Of Irish expats from around the world returned to the Emerald Isle to cast their ballots, the, 8th amendment gave, an equal right to life to both mother and unborn child. Effectively. Banning all abortions, except, when a mother's life is at risk despite. Their loss anti-abortion. Groups vowed to fight, on I think it's a sad day in. The last three decades Ireland, has legalized contraception. Divorce and same-sex marriage. This, vote marks a dramatic, shift in what was once described, as the most catholic country in the world, the, ban forced thousands, of women to travel abroad for legal abortions, women. Like Siobhan Donohue, she was looking forward to the birth of her third child when, a scan at 20 weeks revealed, a severe, fetal abnormality. There, was no chance her baby would survive we had two horrible options we, could continue and torture. Ourselves with continuing. The pregnancy or, we could travel shorten. How long we had to deal with the horribleness leaving, home to have an abortion left, her emotionally, scarred a traumatic. Experience, that she hopes other Irish, women won't have to repeat I often, feel I do this in memory of my baby but. That what we went through and his. Brief existence will not have been for nothing that, would have made a difference do, you see calf loves NBC, News Dublin. Back, in the United States the eruption, of the Kilauea, volcano, on the Island of Hawaii shows. No sign of stopping, lava. Continuing, to wipe out everything in its path but far, away from the destruction, zone the tourism, industry is suffering too and now fighting to bring profits, back to paradise NBC's. Miguel Almaguer. Has the story. It's. One of the most destructive, eruption.

Since Kilauea, started, bubbling again, 35. Years ago and while, there's no doubt the ongoing, disaster is devastating. Communities in, this area it's. Also impacting. The entire islands. Number one industry, tourism. The biggest hit came right after early, Mays eruption. The cancellations, were island-wide, from, the highest, luxury, hotel, down, to the smallest, bed-and-breakfast. The, Hoskins, family from Ohio was worried, but came anyway. We weren't sure what to do honestly we were like well you know why not from weren't from around here so we really didn't know now, resorts, hotels even, restaurants, and airlines are offering deals. And reassurance. Desperately. Trying to lure back sightseers. The, islands, Visitors Bureau stressing. Almost. Everything. Is open, for business this. Is truly I slid into a very very small section. Of our island in fact just about 1%, of the land here is impacted. By the eruption, the island, the largest, in the state is more than four thousand, square miles Hawaii. Volcanoes National, Park, is one of the islands most popular, tourist destinations. With, more than 2 million visitors last year alone but, now after this eruption businesses. Across the Big Island are taking, a hit, almost. 100. Miles away it's, having, ripple effects on the islands west side the Kona Coast clear. Skies there. But. This Hilton, Resort is feeling, the pinch naturally. There have been cancellations. That have come through obviously a lot of people around the world of a concern about what's going on captain, Zodiac, boat tour owner Linda zibolski, says profits. And jobs, are also, at. We have employees employees. Who have families, and they depend on us one, reassuring. Sign a major cruise liner that stops service to port here we'll be back next week, a small, bit of hope even, as there's no end in sight for the eruption. Gal, Almaguer, NBC, News Pahoa. Hawaii. Still. Had tonight the scary scene in the air as flight attendants, try to deal with them unruly, passenger, and a mid-air, fight breaks up also. The hidden problem, faced by many college, students, and how, one university is taking the lead in offering help. We. Are back with a problem that is underreported among, college, students depression. It's often triggered by a transition. To a new stage of life and the pressures that come with it turns, out though many colleges, just don't have the resources to deal with it effectively our, medical, correspondent dr. John Torres went, to one well-known school that's taking the lead in addressing this problem. Janet. Came to UCLA, with dreams of becoming a scientist, but an underlying, depression triggered. By the challenges, of college left. Her unable to enjoy, life just, feels like kind of dead inside in, a way you know just like you not care about things that you, know you love one. In every 10 college students struggles with a disorder so common, experts, now have a name for it college depression. We're, really talking about people who are suffering from a serious and. Potentially deadly, disease that our society, is not doing enough about which, is why UCLA, has designed an innovative, approach to fight, depression on campus, we're, offering, all students, at UCLA, the opportunity, to get screened, for depression and, if, we find that they have evidence of depression, we, offer all of them treatment an anonymous. Online survey, for incoming freshmen helps find those at-risk, toff, and you feel that others would be better off if, you were dead this, academic year over, 3700, students took the screening, it identified, 282. Who were severely, depressed. 734. With signs of moderate depression and, 607. Who were mildly depressed more. Than 1,600. Students in all those, with severe, symptoms, are offered immediate, professional help, but many universities, can't keep up with the growing number of students who need mental health services nationwide. The numbers of students with depression can overwhelm, any system, what's, the answer well, the answer has to be that, we do something more than just rely, on the trained experts, so there's a second, part of the equation called, the resilience, peer network UCLA. Has trained more than 350. Student coaches in tools proven, to reduce depression, like, talk therapy, and meditation. Simply. Remaining, aware of your breath flowing in and out. They, provide, something else to support. From someone going through the same college experience, you, can relate to that person there's, no power place it's just two students. Back. On track at school for Jenna things are looking, up you're gonna have to accept the falls you're gonna accept the failures and, then you just get up laugh it off and try it again. Dr.. Daughters when a child goes to college a parent can feel disconnected what can we do to make sure our daughter.

Or Son are doing okay so the best thing a parent can do is keep in touch with your kids if you notice anything worrisome, simply ask them about it and above, all listen, to what they have to say this is not the time for a mom or dad lecture, and we've all been guilty of that dr., John taught us thank you very much when, we come back remembering, a man who walked on the moon and then became a painter, of another world. The. Flight attendants, on an American, Airlines flight to Miami, are being hailed tonight for their calm handling. Of an unruly, passenger. Who, wouldn't take no for an answer when he demanded more, beer and led to a tense confrontation, and a mid-air, brawl all, caught, on video we, get more from NBC's Maya at Rodriguez. Angle. In the skies onboard an American, Airlines flight all, apparently. Over, a beer. Cell. Phone video capturing a flight attendant, speaking to passenger, Jason Felix as flight, 1293. Headed from st. Croix to Miami on Wednesday. Felix becoming agitated as, he is told no, more alcohol. That's. When the situation escalated. According. To the criminal complaint as, passengers. Told Felix to calm down he threatened to kill another, passenger, a law enforcement officer, in the Virgin Islands and a fight broke out between the, two. Several. Passengers jumping, in attempting. To break it up. In. A statement American, Airlines said they asked law enforcement, officers to meet the flight because, of a disruptive, passenger. Miami-dade. Police boarded, the plane when, it landed handing. Felix over to the FBI he. Now faces federal charges for, interfering. With a flight crew. Maya. Rodriguez, NBC, News Miami. Alan. Bean did something only 12 people have ever done the former astronaut, and Navy test pilot was, the fourth man to set foot on the moon back in 1969, during the Apollo 12 mission he, made a second, mission to space in 1975. Commanding, a flight to the Skylab. Space station after, retiring. From NASA being, embarked on a new career as a painter, drawing inspiration, from his, days as an astronaut Alan, bean died today in Houston, he, was 86. Years old, when. We come back a trailblazing, educator, and her newest role in guiding young, lines. Finally. Tonight we meet a remarkable. Woman who rose up in higher education to, lead some of this country's most prestigious, institutions, Smith. College, and Brown University. Now, as, NBC's, Dave Gura reports, she's gone home to Texas and finds. Herself once, again leading the way. 72. Year-old Ruth Simmons is just getting started, again. This. Is her first year running Prairie View am a historically, black University, in Texas working, with dr. Simmons has been an absolute experience if the truth has been something that every student's been saying she's sure but she gets around. Simmons. Expected, to be retired, by now after a career at some of this country's best-known, universities. In 2001. She became the first african-american to, lead an Ivy League school at, Brown University, what made you reconsider, retirement. Guilt. I thought, about. The. Younger me teachers. Helping, me in. Effect sending me off to college and I thought it was sensible. For me in a sense to repay. That in, my hometown. Her parents were, sharecroppers who.

Moved Their 12 kids to Houston, when Simmons, was 7, this is Clarence her, older brother Clarence went, to Prairie View he pushed her to take the job here on an interim, basis he's a fine, young man the. Students, convinced, her to stay our, students, have immense, talent, immense. Capacity the, only difference between them, and, students. Who have, lots. Of resources is. Resources. She's, also recruiting, faculty and, traveling, across the country, to explain why prayer review is so important, you can go to an Ivy League college and, you can come to Prairie View it's all valid, and there's. Good work to be done everywhere. When. Simmons was a teenager, a historically, black University, changed, her life 55. Years later it, happened again David. Gura NBC, News Prairie, View Texas and that's. NBC, Nightly News for this Saturday, tomorrow on nightly news team, spirit, and how it is being used to save the home of a beloved league, of women on. Jose Diaz Villar reporting from New York thank you for the privilege of your time good. Night. Hey. NBC, News viewers, thanks, for checking out our YouTube, channel subscribe. By clicking on, that button down here and click, on any of the videos over here to, watch the latest interviews, show highlights, and digital, exclusives, thanks. For watching.

2018-06-01 03:16

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13:42-16:44 NBC Nightly News Medical Correspondent, Dr. John Torres, reports on the UCLA Depression Grand Challenge’s (DGC) unique efforts to deliver better and faster mental health services to the student body. Learn more about the UCLA Depression Grand Challenge:

Please post as soon as possible, not like 3 days later..... I was looking for this yesterday...

13:42-16:44 NBC Nightly News Medical Correspondent, Dr. John Torres, reports on the UCLA Depression Grand Challenge’s (DGC) unique efforts to deliver better and faster mental health services to the student body. Learn more about the UCLA Depression Grand Challenge: #ThinkGrand

Yes. i would love it even if that is 3 years old news after everybody died because they couldn't hear the news regarding the war. Think about the definition of news.

You don't like 3 day old news? :)

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