NBC Nightly News Broadcast (Full) - March 16th, 2020 | NBC Nightly News

NBC Nightly News Broadcast (Full) - March 16th, 2020 | NBC Nightly News

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Breaking, news tonight millions, of Americans, ordered a shelter in place as the corona virus, pandemic spreads. The drastic, new measures in the San Francisco area residents. Told to stay in their homes and avoid contact, for the next three weeks, these. Measures, will, be disruptive. To day-to-day, life but there, is no need, to panic, major shut down several states and cities closing, restaurants, bars gyms, and movie theaters the new guidelines, tonight from the White House avoid, gatherings. Of 10 or more president. Trump's new warning that the virus is not under control after. Repeatedly, saying it was the, stock market plunging, the worst single day drop in history as the president. Acknowledges, we could be headed for a recession, and how long he says this new reality put, last also. Tonight's drive-through, test sites opening, in new states but, the frustration, mounting, one man unconscious, in the ICU after. It took three days to get a positive result the. Devastating, impact of businesses, big and small Airlines, slashing, flights and the chaos at grocery, stores what, they're now doing about those empty, shelves the, surge in school closings, over 30 million children out, of the classroom, lines of cars waiting for grab and go meals for kids and social. Distancing, why it's so important, even for young people who don't feel, sick. As NBC Nightly. News with, Lester, Holt. Good. Evening I hope you and your family are staying well in the midst of this crisis, we all face tonight, officials, in the San Francisco Bay Area are, imposing, the most extreme, anti, coronavirus. Measures we've seen in this country it's a shelter-in-place, order seven. Million people told to stay at home and away from others for the next three weeks it, comes as the federal government, called on all of us to limit gatherings, to ten people, bars. And restaurants, ordered closed in many places and another. Eye watering plunge, on Wall Street today there. Is so much to get to with our team Miguel Almaguer, starts, us off. Tonight. The San Francisco, Bay Area just hours, away from the unprecedented, order. Seven, million people told, to go home and stay home for three weeks starting. At midnight the, move aimed at bringing bustling, city streets to a virtual, standstill and closing, nearly all businesses. The most dramatic and drastic step. In the country, these. Measures, will, be disruptive. To day-to-day, life but. There is no need, to panic while, the president, said a nationwide quarantine. Is not under consideration, for now he, did urge Americans, to stay away from groups, larger. Than 10 people the. Matter way you look this, is something it's an invisible enemy the, president, predicting, the virus could spread through, summer at Subway's, city stations, and iconic venues, more, are keeping their distance the White House with this new warning, the, reason, we're taking these strong and bold steps, is because, we know there is virus, spread before. You develop symptoms as, a growing number of cities including, New York and LA ban restaurants, and bars from seating customers, delivery. Service, and drive throughs are becoming, the only options, theaters. Gyms in a long list of several major retailers are.

Shuttered, While brands like Starbucks, are only, open for pickups. One. Fine dining restaurant, in Seattle now delivering. Burgers, is about feeding. A city that is hungry. With. Fear driving, some to hoard food many, grocery, stores are operating, on modified, hours, allowing, older, shoppers, in at earlier times but. In California. The governor, says anyone, 65. Or older should, self isolate, at home for, thousands, getting, home was the problem, at O'Hare International. Massive. Crowds trickled. Through enhanced, screenings, for the coronavirus. I. Definitely. Felt unsafe, if the. Government's, telling me to stay in groups, of less than 50 and keep social distancing. I, ate, that was the opposite I school, districts, in cities big and small closed down a dozen hotels and casinos on, the Las Vegas Strip are set to go dark as a symbol, of America, is now closed on Liberty, Island, Lisa Merck a nurse in Colorado, is recovering. From the virus I started, getting really sweaty, and then I felt, like I kind of wanted to collapse and, I remember, like having this almost, this burning sensation, you, know when you take a deep breath tonight. Americans, in unchartered, territory, changing, the way we gather in the cities we live in the. Legal order in the San Francisco Bay Area to go home and stay home does not impact, essential, businesses, like grocery, stores the public can still go outside and go to essential, services but. This was a major, move by a big city it's likely the first but not the last Lester. Had got everybody's, attention Miguel. Almaguer, in California, thanks president. Trump acknowledging, today the virus is not under, control any place in the world NBC's, Jeff Bennett is at the White House with more on that the, Trump administration ramping. Up its response, to the corona virus as Americans. Brace for the outbreaks, full fury President. Trump tonight releasing, new guidelines, for all Americans. To follow over the next 15, days each, and every one. Of us has a critical, role to play in. Stopping the spread and transmission, of the virus they. Include, closing, schools and affected areas avoiding. Discretionary, travel, avoiding. Groups of 10 or more P people and working, from home when possible no, matter who you are please. Stay home new. Procedures, now in effect at the White House to a normally. Packed White House press briefing room sparse, today a new, seating arrangement, leaving every other seat open, I'm glad to see that you're practicing, social. Distancing. That's experiments, the president's, comments his most direct, appeal, yet for Americans, to take the virus seriously. The new guidelines, an answer, to calls from state officials for a stronger, federal response. I want, federal, guidance this. Is a national, pandemic, and there. Are no national rules, the. President, tonight also addressing, rumors that his administration, may soon impose a countrywide, quarantine. Like, the ones in Italy and Spain are you considering, instituting. A nationwide lockdown, a nationwide, quarantine. At this point not nationwide. But well. There's some point you, know some places, in our nation that are not, very affected. At all but we may we, may look at certain areas certain, certain. Hotspots. As they call them we'll be looking at that but at, this moment no we're not and. President Trump said the coronavirus, crisis, could last through July or August and. When asked if the u.s. is headed toward a recession, he said it may be Lester. All right Jeff thanks also, tonight the administration, insists, it is dramatically, increasing, testing, capabilities. Across the country but some leading ER, doctors, warned the delay may already have dire consequences, here's. Tom Costello from. Connecticut, to Colorado, Ohio to, Alabama, roughly, a dozen, states are now offering, drive-through, kovat 19 testing, some, people confused, by special requirements, for testing like an appointment, or a doctor's, note at Christiana.

Care Hospital, in Delaware, they tested, 536. People in just four hours one. In one side of the nose and one in the other side and we put it inside the tube and closed it off and we send it with their individual information the White House says 2,000. Labs will have the ability to conduct tests, by sometime today, processing. Nearly two million, tests, by the end of the week each. Test could take hours or days to process, but, across much of the country frustration, at the lack of tests, and slow results, a Virginia. Man who returned from a trip to New York is now unconscious, on a ventilator and in, ICU, it took, three days to get a positive test, result. Mass. General emergency. Physician, Clayton Dalton says the, delays will almost certainly have dire, consequences I. Do think that these are the failures will result in more, people getting sick and more, people dying, than, otherwise, that happens hospitals, across the country are now setting up triage, tents to, screen patients outside, of the ER New. York Governor Cuomo calling for the Army Corps of Engineers to, set up medical tents the, White House says facilities, dedicated to treating kovin 19 patients are already, under consideration, in, hardest, hit States the White House promises, more Drive and walkthrough testing, sites this week able, to screen up to 4,000, people per day I want it to be clear to everybody this is just another tool for states, and local. Public health systems, and healthcare systems to use it's, not replacing testing, that it goes on in a doctor's office or in a hospital in the San Francisco area google, has set up a pilot program, to help identify people at highest risk and direct, them to a local testing, site many, of us can get this virus and it. Could be mild, or even no symptoms at all but they can actually still give it to a friend or a loved one and for them their their lungs meanwhile, a vaccine. Clinical, trial with 40, people began, today in Seattle, though, researchers, caution it could take up to 18 months before a vaccine is approved and widely, available. Here. In the Washington, DC area more, than a hundred cases already and Maryland's, governor urgently, looking for six thousand, hospital beds in the event of a surge in patients, lustrum yeah there's a lot to take in here Tom thanks very much and we want to turn out of a deepening impact on business, wherever you live companies, large and small shutting. Down or scaling back in the critical, effort to contain this virus, did. Tierra's, reports. Tonight. An unprecedented. Shutdown already, a gut-punch, two workers coast to coast from California. To Illinois, to New York I don't, know financially. How I'm going to. Pay. My bills this, is where the virus is spreading so. We. Had a responsibility, to the public in, many states including Ohio no, more dining, customers, at bars and restaurants, only takeout, and delivery orders.

You, Have to send out yo and call, everybody, and say eh as of tonight nine o'clock you know sign up for an employment we're all done here indefinitely. That's, scary many gyms and movie theaters will also, close today. In Teaneck, New Jersey where, the mayor had urged some 40,000. Residents to, self quarantine police, officers, went door to door telling, shop owners about the new restrictions, have. You ever seen anything like this before never. In my life I'm a grandfather. Doug. Policy, and Frank Pinto, owned this restaurant in, Newark, business, has dried up no, takeout orders here they'll be forced to shut down entirely. Does, this feel like the new normal, that's. Crazy. I hope. Not I hope, it's not any more money um, you, know it's like a nightmare it doesn't end that, nightmare, may just be beginning for, the airlines United, is cutting routes by 50% for. Two months, just look at deserted Reagan Airport this morning the, industry, already talking, to the federal government, about a bailout, if no action is taken by the government to shore up the system it is possible that an airline could go under, today. Another, TSA, officer, tested, positive, for covin 19 in Atlanta, part, of the International, Terminal was shut down this, afternoon for cleaning Western. Gabe Gutierrez here, in New York thank you on Wall Street the worst day since, 1987. The Dow losing, almost 3,000. Points even, after the Fed cut interest, rates to near zero, let's bring in senior business correspondent. Stephanie ruhle Stephanie, what should people know about this stunning drop Lester. As the economic, impact, of the efforts, to combat coronavirus. Sink in today, we saw the single, biggest point, drop in the Dow ever, out. Of the gate this morning markets. Tanked then late in the afternoon when, president, Trump's press conference, went on the selling accelerated. Effectively. Eliminating. Almost all of the gains made in the Dow since, he took office now. Usually when the Fed cuts rates markets go up but, that is not why they cut rates the, rate cut now is about making sure the system keeps working that businesses, large and small are able to borrow money the, rate cuts will help many businesses, stay afloat but, what they won't do is put more money in the tip jar for a whole lot of individual, workers Lester, all right Stephanie ruhle thank you we'll be back in 60, seconds with the nation's grocery, stores trying to cope with soaring, demand and the, country schools the big switch to online learning, but what becomes of a lifeline, they provide for those who need meals. The. Coronavirus, now has many parts of Europe on lockdown as, the world passes, a grim milestone, with a number of cases and deaths outside. China now outnumbering. Those inside, the country where it began our, Richard Engel is in London, tonight. Life, on lockdown, across. Europe in Italy people can, go outside and, did today to buy groceries, standing. Three feet apart. But security forces are deployed questioning. And doling. Out heavy fines for, those out for non-essential. Reasons. Italians. Are finding, strength singing, from their balconies the. Italian Air Force last week streamed, the colors of the national flag to, a recording, of Pavarotti's. Nessun, Dorma. With. Its emotional, crescendo. Vignette, oh I will. Win. Germany. Sealed its borders today as did, Canada, with US citizens exempt, for now and all. Of Spain, is on partial, lockdown some. Exercising. To keep their spirits up in France, cafes, and restaurants are. All shut, many, Americans trying, to get home it's. Really stressful honestly, I really just want to go home and self-quarantine. And, be with my family the World Health Organization, today caution, it still, doesn't know how, widespread the, pandemic already, is and urged, more, testing, we cannot, stop, this pandemic, if we, don't know who is infected. In. South, Korea, which, has been way ahead of the US and testing aggressive. Screening and quarantine. Appear. To be effective with, recorded, cases going, down here. In the UK there is a shortage, as in the u.s. of ventilators. And like, in World War two big, industries, are being asked to adapt with companies, including, Rolls Royce being, tasked with producing, medical, equipment, for the nation lester, richard engel with a view from overseas, thank you and across this country grocery.

Stores Are trying to reinsure reassure, consumers, there is enough food and essential, supplies even, as long lines of shoppers leave empty, shelves in their wake here's, Kerry Sanders with that. This. Morning lines. Outside a grocery store in Central Florida with anxious shoppers. For gays this, has been the picture, of America, showed, up today and it's just chaos there's, a huge line to get toilet paper. In Houston today reassurance. From a major grocery store chain, h-e-b its. Distribution, centers. Well stocked and running over time to meet demand, collectively. The nation's largest grocery, chains reassuring. Shoppers, tonight America. Is not running out of food as we're still gonna be able to feed people because, we, have these 1,300, trucks. A day plus. More coming, so there will be food there's, not a reason to stock up just, come back tomorrow in. Maryland, today trucks, loaded with supplies headed, to a slammed, Costco. The same in Florida, pinched. Public, stores getting resupply. In. California. The north gate Gonzalez market, one of many shoppers, now opening, early just, for older shoppers 65, and up we're, gonna have exclusive. For seniors. And tonight. At an Aldi, there is, enough, toilet paper. How do you feel about finding, toilet paper, pretty. Good about that at, a time when coronavirus. Has put so many people out of work grocers. Say they're now hiring thousands. Of employees to meet the unusual, demand, Lester, well that's some good news all right Kerry thank you America's. Schools are also grinding, to a halt nearly every state has closed some or all of their schools impacting. Some 30 million children more than half, the nation students, many, of whom rely on schools, for their meals is RAM, Alice. Across. The country long lines at America's, schools offering, unprecedented. Relief during the shutdown this, does help to have a little food for, the most vulnerable children it's, a lifeline. School. Is not just a place of learning it's also where many are fed. School. Is now packaging, food for, grab-and-go this morning we are serving ten thousand, meals to our families concerns. About coronavirus. Have led to school shutdowns, in almost every, state as, well as the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico it's, potentially, devastating for. Nearly 30 million kids who get free or reduced, cost oranges, they gave enough for the whole week for. Five days in, Miami, rather, but still consumer, thank God I was off the day and, was able to come on in and get them stuff in the e-book but the rest of the week I'm alone in. New York City the nation's largest school, district, with more than a million students. Its. Breakfast, and lunch for kids we need what's, the hardest part about being out of school no offense. But. Many parents, are worried about learning. We're just trying to find a lot of creative ways to keep the kids engaged New, York City is starting online classes, next week and planning. To distribute about. 300,000. Laptops, to, students in need unfortunately. On Sunday, I have to do something which is really gonna take away the chance for kids to get educated as well as they might have been how many, a. Steep, learning curve, for everyone, not, knowing how long the shutdown, will last. Rehema. Ellis NBC, News New York, all right we'll take a short break up next our medical correspondent helps, separate facts from fear I. Want. To bring in our medical correspondent dr. John, Torres with a key question, John there's been this generational. Call for young healthy, people to stay home out, of the public why is it so important, for them to, socially, distance themselves Lester.

This Is a virus that's more contagious, and fatal than, the flu so it's a no-brainer that if you're sick you should stay home to limit the spread of coronavirus. But if you're healthy while staying home can save lives too and as you can see this video is showing how just a little bit of separation can stop a fire from spreading this, is also how we can stop the virus by, social, distancing, and with, the new disease everyone, is at risk of infection if you stay home in an isolated, environment you decrease your risk of getting the virus and transmitting. It to people in your community especially, those most vulnerable what. We do today, will, determine how bad this outbreak is in the coming weeks we are all depending, on each other dr. John thank you and up next isolated. But not forgotten thanks to the kindness of strangers. Finally. In these uncertain times one, thing is certain, Americans. Always find, a way to help each other here's, Kevin Tibbles. One. Nation hunkered, down but. Not without friends among, strangers. Chicago's. Volunteer, my block my hood my city, has, already delivered more than 170. Donated. Senior care packages, more, on the way coronavirus. Doesn't care what side of the city you live on right if you need help we're gonna be there to help you and for, kids going without good, old peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, another lunch items, free, at Excelsior, Minnesota's. 318. Cafe, as they say on Facebook kids. Should never be hungry, even story time when Duncan showed, his teacher his new picture read online buy, frozen star, Josh GAD why. So, we can all have a little fun together the tree was so happy she could, hardly speak in. Times like these we may be isolated, but no one should, be alone. Kevin. Tibbles NBC. News Chicago, there, are so many good people in this country I want to share more of those stories that's nightly, news for this Monday I'm Lester, Holt thank you for watching please take care of yourself and each other, hey. NBC, News viewers, thanks, for checking out our YouTube channel, subscribe. By clicking on, that button down here and, click, on any of the videos over here to watch the latest interviews, show highlights, and digital, exclusives, thanks. For watching.

2020-03-25 15:02

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